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<br /> .•� g 03�2M18f�4! ��ED ��Y�1�SY Posa 7 ::=-
<br /> - - ���No 763�92 . �'�-' '�� (�6ttl�tusdj ��`������� ��,,
<br /> � ' ——��_ - , —�-��—�-- � - ' _
<br /> � ;� Teuetae. T�usteo shaH meei�il quellflcnttans requtred fa TNStM und�app�rabb taw. In addiUOn to tha rN�hts and romedta�cst forih abova, _
<br /> w►th rospoct to a41 er any pad at the Propedy,the T�ustee shsl)h&ve th9 MBht ta torectose by nottoe and 8ale,end Wnder uhail have th9 ripht to
<br /> o � foraclo�e by Jud�lal tareclosure,ln�ithor casa!n accordence with and to tho tuG extonl provtdud by appllcabto Invi. _
<br /> �£'�x;r
<br /> Succtssflr Tn�stee. 6endar,at Lende��optlon,may hom Nme to timo eApofnt a euccessor Trustee to any Trustee a�pdnted hereunder by an
<br /> _ _ -� irctrnn,�nt�v�+d=�+o��Ar.knn+r.,t�nsd bvt.endar and recorded In the oiP.ce o}tho rGCOtdat o}HAU.County,Nabrna��a Ths inahumont ah�!J __
<br /> :onffitn,ln addittcn to all olher maUe�s�equlred by state law,4Ae names ot me or►gma��enaer, �rusmv,a���:+�++.+,»� =':-4^-•^•!�.=o'!�'
<br /> �-'���4� comyutsr ay3tom retorencey where thts Qead oi Tnqt le recorded,and the rtame and address af the successor ttustoe.�nd the InatrumeM shall _
<br /> ` bo oxecuted and acknowtedged by ail tho baneticlartes undar tho Dsed o}Trust or thelr suxesso�s In Interest. The suocessa truste0.without
<br />��=—�� convayanco ot the Prope�,sh91!succeed to al�the t�ile,power,and dutles coniened upan the Trustee In this Deed of Trusf and by app�leabla
<br />_�=�°°',.-� !:.v. Tls��te^.wlt!re for sL utitutlen af fiut�sheU govem to!he exClusl0:1 of eq Othet provlslons for 8ubstituflon.
<br /> ' NOTICES Yp TRUSTOA AND OTFI�R PARTIES. My notice undsr this Deed of Trust sAeli be In wdting, may be sent by tetetaoslmfto(unt�s -.
<br /> �=..• otherw(se reyulred by iaw).and ehatl be eRecUre when ectualry detivemd,or when daposited wtth p notlonatry recopnimd ovemight cotartar.ot.Ii
<br /> rnalted,shatt be deemed efisctive whee depaslleG(n t�a United Statw rtwil flrct Cla�.c�tlf!_d ar reat�tered m&II,posk+ge prepaid,dintated to the . _
<br /> -:�I#= addresses sAown noar the beginning of this Deed at Tnut. Any pa A y may chanQe ib eddress tor notices under thts Oeed of Trust by 9��9�a��
<br />",.< :• ;-, wr[tten noUce to tha other parties,spactyin9 thal thfl purgose of ihe naUce ts to chanpe the pa�t�ls address. All coples ot noNces of forectosure from
<br />-�-y�,;;;`.' the haldbr rA any lten wdlch has pdortiy over thb Deed o4 Tnist shall be sent to Lender's address,as shown near the bepinninp a!ihts Oeed o}Tiu51. -
<br />-_:i;�:.�•i Foc rtolloe purpose9,Trustor ayrees to kesp i.endt�r and Tastoe Intormed at ell ttmes of Trustai's curtoni address.
<br /> ,-?' '•
<br /> _ �
<br /> =� ' MISCE'LLAt�[EOUS PROYISIONS.The lotlourirg miscellaneous provistor�s are a pe�t ot this Oesd of Trusx
<br />•'`�.s•'� .
<br />``���? IUnendmente.TTrb Qeed ot Trust,together wiih any Refated O�uaienta,constitutss iho oMtro uttdctstand�np end a�reement at the parttes as
<br /> =^-�.,�°�'� to the mattsrs sat torth in this Deed of Tn�t. No alteraUan of or amendment to this Deed of Tnist shall be oNeoilve unless gtven In writlng und _
<br /> �;�:;:.,� signed by the partyr or parUes soughl to be chsryed or bwnd by ths elterallon or amendment.
<br /> :h�� Aytplti�bte Lew. fits Deed of Yrue!hasbeen delivered to Lende7 arld ac�epted by Lendor In the St�te of Hebrn�ke. Thta DaeO o4 Yruet
<br />_ _�_ a�atl•6e qov�med Dr+end conat�ued M�ord�na wttA the(aws oY trye SU►ts of Nebradm.
<br /> ;�� i�ption FfaadlnIIe. Ceptloo headhgs In Ws Oeasf of Trust ere tor aonvsnienoe purposes onty end are not to 0e used to Interpret or de9nn tho
<br /> proNslons of tAts Ceed of Tnut
<br /> _.•;�� Uma�d by o�etor h�o benottt otro.ender in any awa�hr;�+�u►ouiir e w��en e�o�so°nt¢o�ae�any ot►�interess m estete�n me Proper�y at a�
<br />�: :��o
<br /> Ms�iqple parttes. AII oDIlyaUons af Trusta urt0e�thts Deed of T►ust ahe11 De�drrt an0 savera�,anca eul references io Trustar sheli mear�oa�:-C�n�M
<br /> --�= every Tnistor.Thts mesns that each of the persons stpntnp below Is respo�ibte for dl oblipaUons in this Deed otThist.
<br /> Sevetebiliry. If a courf of competent juASdtadan t1nd9 any provision of thts Deed of Truat to be Irrva►ld or unenTorceabia w to 4►ty pe�son ar
<br /> ° ciraur.w�'�,s�.ct Rssd��s8 sso!r�r iAst oro415lsr+4nwsue!or unanforceable as to anY otAat Perso�O*clrCUmslances. If h�sibM�anp.
<br /> -- such offending provlsion sheli be dcemed to be modifled to be within the Ilmits of eniorceebflity or vaitdity;hov�ever.H ttf�artenarnQ provision ..
<br /> qd
<br /> - eannol be so modieed,it sheli be strlcken and eU.dther proiAsions oi this De�d of Trust in ail other cespects shaU remaln vattd and entaaa►b��.
<br /> gucees�ora ad Asat�. Subject to the timitatlons stated in this Deed W Trust on iransfer of Tn�stors inte�es1.thls Deed of Trusl ahnN bu
<br /> ��'� Dindinp upon artd Inure to the beneAt of iha partl�,thair sua�ssors and ass3gns. If ownership af the Roperly becomss vsststl in a poraon,;�..
<br /> other than TNSta, Lender, w►maut nonoa to rri�stor, may deat wiM Tnistors 8t�s wflA referience to th���esd of Trust and�thp ,
<br /> • Indebtedness by way of torbearanoe or ext��loq without releasing Trustor irom 1A9 obllpaHons Ot t�ts De�d of TNSt or Ilab�ty under thp
<br /> Indebtedrtess. • '. ' •
<br /> _ Ttms!s ot Uw Eseen�x.Tte►a ts of U�e essenae in the,perfamanoe o11Ns Deed ot Tntst. .:;``
<br /> - - Wdva►s and Ca►aents. Lendc�shali rat bo deomed to have�+�aived anY�IpMs urtder thla Q¢ad of Trust(or und�tha Ftetabd Doeumaat�) ,
<br /> unless such wffivar Is tn wdttng and signb!by Lender. No deiey or omission on ttw part of Lender In oxercisinp Qny tlaM shaU op�ato an a
<br /> � weiver of�uch ripht ar ary other d�ht. A weJver by any paAy of a pmvtston o}lhls•Oqed of Tnist BheN not constihrto a wdver pt or pnJud�s tria
<br /> -_� party's Apht oth�rwise to demand striet comp�ance with that proviston or arry olher ptoviston. No p�tor walver by lender,nor anY cource ot•
<br /> de�ltnq beiwaen Lender and Tnistor, s4at1 cans�thite a walver of er►y of 4snde�'s ti9hLs or arty ot Tnistots obAp4ttor�s as to any 4ulure
<br /> transactlons. Whenev�r oonsent by Lend�r(s requl�d ln this Oeed o4 Tn�st,th9 qrAntlnp ot such cons6M Ey Lendetln amr Insttnoe Mea noi.�.
<br /> � constitute contlnulrp consent to subse4yert�instances where such conse�is requimd. �
<br /> yy�y�t pf�ad aempt�qR,Tn�stor h�e�bY reieesses and waivo.s a►1 dghb and beneflt8 ot the homestaad axempUon Iaws o}thn StIIta af..
<br />__._� Nabraska es to ati Indebtedcess secured by thls Qesd of Tn�t. � .
<br /> TERMS.
<br /> -�-- TRU3TOR: .
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