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<br /> 03�24�9l38D ��a°�Q�a� D�ED OF YI3ll�T P�ge 8 i.at�
<br /> .., L��w i�o 7a3�92 ��� (Coretin�e�f) - - - --
<br /> . e-s�'_' � _..-._.
<br /> by IMS Doed of Tru31,pfl In euch arder as Lendor mey detorm7no. Yhe entaAng upOn and taking po�e�ton N Iho P�opony,tho eoltcction
<br /> p}ouoA rents,tsaues and profb,end the uppl►catlon thersot oha9 rtot oure ar wahra any datautt or notico of dntnult undor ihls Dood ot Trust �+�_._,
<br /> or Inv�il0at0 any aat dons��tha eoltectlon recetQt artdrrtppp�katlan o!rents,�is3ues ar pro'flW,Trusteo argt4ends�shan bauont�ft d to
<br /> possesslon ot Iha Property �:�=~==-'
<br /> _.____.__ __ � expreisa every dpht provlded tor tn tha Nota or the Related Documanta ar by law upon 1he axurtence of any event ot detaull,including lhe F,,�
<br /> . _..— a}�ut[D G'4CIC1:'�IRO('74r+r+fii E=_mi .
<br /> �{ r (b) Comrtrence nn e�tton M toreciose tht�Doed of Yrust es e modaage,appoint s rscelvor or spociflcaay onlorc�eny of the covonanb � -
<br /> hera�l:and {_
<br /> .r��O� (o) Detivnr to Trustee a wdlten 6eclnraUan ot detault and demand for sate artd e�vdnen notice ot detault and etscron to cause Trustor's _ __
<br /> �'�` Interost In lhe Properh+to ba so1d,which noitce Trustee ehatl Cauya to bo duSy fi!ed la rcacord In the esD�olo�iate oNlcos ot tho Counry In _
<br /> . _. ._ W�dC�1t(tBPto{i0ny/i9�4iiatosidi�� '�.:.�.
<br /> (d) Wlth respeCt to etl or any part ot the Per9onal PropeAy.l.endar shal Aave eJl th3 H�fits and remedlas o!a secursd party urtder the ��"_
<br /> NeOraska tJntiam CommerdeF Code. ° -
<br /> ForeCto9¢�by Povtel O!�e.It Lendar electa to toreclose by e:ce�ctse of!h3 Power of Seta heretn contalnqd,Londer shatl nodty Tnistee and
<br /> ghall deposp w�tM Trustee thls Deed of Trust and the Note and suah recelpts and evldance of e�endltures mnde artd seflured by thls Dsed of —
<br /> " Tru3!asTtustee mayrequtre.
<br /> �� (a)Upon ree:elpt o!suah noUco hom Lender,Tnutee shall cause to be recordsd,publlshed and dativorod to Tnistor suoh Nottae of Oefault
<br /> anA NfottCe o!Salo as then requlrod by Isw 8nd by thls Deed of Ttust. TtustOe shall�wltAoul demand on T�ustor,after such tlm0 es maY _
<br /> , � then b0 roquind by bw nnd atbr raaadttlon o!such Id�Uoa of Datauti and afqr NoUca ot SaN haWn9 b�n eNen as raquired Ey law,sell
<br /> tho pro�riy at the tlme and ptace o!acle Ilxed by It In such Notloa of 3at�. e��as Q Whote.or In sepsrate tots or parcels a►tems as
<br /> R Trustev sha1�deem e�ed�,erd,en9 in suos►a�Gsr ss ft rtrsy drt�re�les,9t Re3+1�o etu�on to tho hlghe3t blddBr for cash In IawO�l rt�oney ot
<br /> � the Untted State3 payabte at the tlme of sa1e. Trustee shall dalhrer to sueh purc�ser or purchesers therecf Rs Sood and sutBcteM deed or
<br /> � or�ahatl b�o cortcplus�Iv�e p oof ot the truthtu n�thereaf. Any person�Irdud�lnp�urfthout�limltatlan�hu�.stor.Tn�stee,orLender�m&y
<br /> _ .. � Purahese at such sela. L"
<br /> � �. (p) As may be permltted by Inw,after deduotln�eit costs,tees and exPe�es of Ynistee and of thts Ttust,Enctuding costs of evldence ot -
<br /> d U e t n c o n n e c tl o n w l t h s a l e,Trustee shall e ppy the ProcesQs of sate to payneet�of in eI►sums e�ended under the terms of tAls Deed ot =
<br />' Tnist�x under the tenns of Me Note�ot tAen repald,Includlrtg but not Il m l to d to aecrue d I n t e r e s t a n d l a t e c h e r g e s, m)8 1 1 o H►e r s u m s then
<br /> seCUred herebri�d ([tf�the rem&Ind��H a�y�to the person or perset�s(epatry enttUed theroto.
<br /> < (e)Ti�stee may tn the manrtsr provtdad by law postpoae sato ot elt or aoy poetlon o t t he Prop e r t y. J_« �___-_� -
<br /> ' Remndles Hot E]�du�lve. Trustee and Lender,and each of Nem�shatl be e�ltted io e�paymeni c����::����8,-�..���•;..�•...•...._.. _
<br />_. ,';:� or obllpeHO�s secured by th(s Deed of 3rust and to exercMe e�I�iyhls and powers urtder thb Deed ot Trw^t,under the Note,undsr en yedn�ess
<br /> Retated Documsnb,or under amr oti�er e�resment a anY lawa nox►or t�ereotter In toroe:notwlihstanding.sortee or eA of such InGebt
<br /> No w������.r?�mt may eow or haeaRer be othe�wi3e socured.whether by mortpage,deed of trust,P�ed9e,Ilen,
<br /> essignmerit or otheiwlsa. Nelther the acooPL�noe ot thts Oeed ot Trust rtor Its entorament,wnemer by cow�aciii�i w�+�-•ua�t ia!!��es a!
<br /> cow
<br /> � - -•"�-r,.� . seia ar otner poweis conintnad in thts 9sed ot Trust.shetl prejudk�or tn any �n d that�Trustee artd Lander,ana e�ach ot them.s�hall be
<br /> ' enton;e any►other securlty now or hereafter held by'1Yustes a Len��r.N'_etrrJ ayree
<br /> ' `- � enUUed to eniorce fh!s Oeed ot Tn�st artd any other seaudty now a hereafter held by Lender or Tnutse In such order end m�a i��d to ba
<br /> :=;�7.-��'~. ; e[ther ot them may In thetr ebsolute dlscreHon determtne. No�emedY contertsd upan or roserved to Tnulee ar Lender,
<br /> �� ' exctuslve o}arry other remedy tn thts Oec+d of Tnist a by law provtdea or Pe+mttte4�bul each shall be cumulative and shell De In addttion to
<br /> ''' every other remed�r�tven In thls Oeed o4 Y�!s�o�now or horeaftBr�dstfrt�at taw or In equlty or by statute. Every power or remedy ytvan by ihe
<br />'�`' � .�� Note or ar►y of the Related Doaume�to TNStee or lsnder or to whtah�04 Urem may be a'3x�wise enUtled. may be e�ce�sed�
<br />��'': '"'`"':` '' concurrentty or tndependenny.trom tlme to lime and es otten 8s may 4a daomed ea�adient by Tntstae ar,Lender.and elther of them may
<br />�,r•� pursus tnconslstent remedtes. Noihing In ihts Daed of Trust shall be construed as pro!►tbftlr�g Lender irom seoki��g a deftclenoy IudgmeM _
<br />�.��•-*: ayainst the Tnista to the eodent such ectlon is permftted by law.
<br />- � Reqaeet Fot Nollee. Tn�tor,on behtilt o7 Ycu�tor and Lender.hersby re9uests that a eoPY�h o this Qaed of uTm�st. A COpr of any NoUcs
<br />-�y_",�„�.,�`�,•: of Sab under thfs Desd ot Tnut be maEle9 4a'ihem at the addres:�es set torlh In th9 Post para9raP .
<br />=�3-�-�Lw.� ot e breach of a provtsla� ot thls Oesd of Tnst ahaS!noi coratitute a watver fl!or
<br /> -- W�Iver, OeCtlon of RNnedles. A waiv�Br�y anY W�Y
<br /> =„�*,;;� prejudke the paryfs�19Ma ot�e�e t0 dentend strkt compltance wtth tt�at provtSlon or any other provfsloe: �lectlon by Lender to pur�ue any
<br />_,�;-��� romedy provlded In M1s 0oed of Tn�st.the Note,ln any Retated Oocument.w provtded by law shall not exclude pu�su�oF.any other remedy. -
<br />�a,,,,y�;�� and an electlon to meke expandltures or b ffike acUon to perMrm an obllgaUon of Trustor under thts Oeed af'ttust aftor ialluoa oi T�to -
<br /> __���� pertortn shaA not erteat lsnders rtght to.declare a defautt and to exerctse anY���remedl0s. -
<br />=`�_� �np�y�:R�ptpensas. 1�Lender irqtlttttes any sult or aallon to entorca any ot tt►e terms of thls DeedwhTY��w^�.o Q��y�urt a�Ctlon�
<br /> `--����� recover suoh sum as ttur court maY a�)udpe reasonable fls attomeys tees at trltl and on any appeel•
<br /> -�' Invotved.an reason4blu oxDanseg�nou�ed by Lender whloh In lendePs opinfon ere nocessaryl at any 8me tor the protecctton of!ts Interest or Ma
<br /> �"''t. BMo�m�M pt tts�ighb shelt becomo a part of the Inde4tedness paya�7e on deman�and shall besr Interest Qt ths Note rete from Mo date o? -
<br />_��=�� e�enQtture until repatd. Expensas covered by thls parrtQraPh Inctude,wlthout Umllaflon.howevet subJect to eny IImKa under appltcable Iaw. --
<br />_�:�,��a Lertde�'s attomeye'fees whett�ot not tNere IS a laws�nndu�d��0 etto�rt►eYB��f�nt c�oll peallyon senrioes�tho�oast�o�f ea�rchl p recaryrds�
<br /> vecat0 qny autama t t o s t ay or tn junctlon).e P p e a t s Y �Pate Post-��dD
<br /> =-r�-s_'u���� obtelnln�U9e t�ePats�ndudlns foredoaure reporfs)�surveyas'rePoRs�eAAretget tec�s,�tte insuranca.and fees fo�the lYustee�t o t he e o c tent
<br /> _'�`''""'- � pertNdad by appDcabta taw.Tntsta etso wi(1 pay emr coud cos�,�n addttlon to a9 other sums provided by law.
<br />-��:-'�'�•
<br />- . ,�-_ p���1 p}Ttuste0. Trustee shell have�II of the dghls and dutles of Lender es sot lath In thfs seetlon.
<br /> ;j-�.,,,,..,,,,
<br />--,-.-n.r.- Pa1YERS M!D OBI.ttUTtONB OF TRU87FE Tha followln0 Prov�stor�s relaUng to the Povrers and obI!paUOns of Tn�stae ar�o.0�ot thts Oesd o
<br />- .:^;;: ; Trust .
<br />- . ;..;� Pa�era ot Trttatee. tn a��tlon to nl�powere of Tn�stee artsing as a mzdh�r af law�'in�5Yee shall have.tho Pourer to tako tM1e loUOwfng actlons
<br /> wlth re,p'eot to the Prop�r upon tho wdden request o1 LonOer and Trustor. (o)Jdn io praparlrtg artd flUny a mep a Plat of the Rea1 Property.
<br />� , �du oj jotin In aey s�uboldln�a on ar othe ag�ment a�e��s D�d n r�i o�ir�e�u�ite e�t of�ena«�u�th�eed of Trust. ��oPe�M.
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