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<br /> •• a�a�,�s� ���@ or �tus�r �����f'�:� ��8� -
<br /> �. 6oa� eao T���a �CoMln�ed) --
<br /> -T-..-.� -�
<br /> �._— �--=� _- - .
<br /> Qenernto,manut¢cturo,nloe�,trsat,dl,pase ot,or ro'att�e QnY ha�a►�oa3�tngto or substnnce on,under,a�out or hon iRa PropoAy nnd (ii)nny '"
<br /> oucA nctlYry shatl be condu.tt�a!In complt�rrct�wltt�all eppltu�bts toderat,state,and locai imv�,roflutnuons und ordinnrtcca,inctuding wtthout `_
<br /> t�mlt�9on those taus,rc3 gulnttqn9,nnd atdtnancas dascrlbs�d abava. Trustor uuthar3�s Londn�and ib eponb ta entor upon lho Praporty to ..��r��=
<br /> r
<br /> mnke s�eh Inspectlons nnd tosts,flt Trustofs e�enso.ao Len�ter mny daem approprtn to lo d�tarm in� e o m p l i a n c o o t t h o R r o p a r t y e A tR!�
<br /> ' Coctlon o!the Qead ot Trust. Any Insp�Uons ar tesb made by Lender s�atl be lor LAnders purpases onfy and sh�lf not�e0nstrued to creats _.,'�`
<br /> nny ra:.pan^.,Ibl:lty or Ilabi5ly an tho part af lendst to Tntster ar to eny othcr��rcon. Yho ropresontatiorts end wnRantlea conttinad Mratn qro
<br /> ba;,ed 9n Trusta�s Qua Q�UQance In tnvesUQatir�tha Prope�Yl►la neFardou3 vrasta unfl fl�r,udaw setL�artc:�• Tn!ster ls�mby {e)rde?ses and �__r_-�
<br /> .:.; W�1uK any t,dias dalms ngelnst Lender lor lndsmnit�r or eoMAbuUon tn ths event Tnista boeom�Aabta ta ctesrtup a other eosts undar any �----
<br /> - ---� - such laws,e�+d (D)c.�eos to ln@amntty artd �Gd narmtess LSadei w�'dr.�t�r�►�d����!^-lms. Ic�es,Pnbllitles,damages�P�aitlss.and _
<br /> :,�;;,:�:�, exponaes wN¢h Wnd�r r�any dtreclry a Indlre�Uy susttln a B� ►osu:Un�tram a Dresc!►of lhl3 secUOn o!th9 Ceod ef�rrust OT Q9 8
<br /> ,.. ,.u�1>� consequence a!ony�e,g�neraHoa,�anutaeiuro,ota�a.�sposU.retKSe or thnaattmd r�t�oso of n her�►Eous waste a subalance on ths
<br /> pr�, ifre provislans ot Ws cectton of lhe Oeed af Tntst,Inchtdirt�flx4 o�!.'galtcn to Irtdemnt�y,slaaat!saMve tho payment o!t4�o r_
<br /> lad�bt,.^dn�nnd ihe°al�leclton ortd rc�v�j�04 thg t�:rt ai ti�ts�e�af Tru3i an�sSVZfI nai be�Y�.ta�by Lea�r's acr��tUt�or�W e��y ._
<br /> ; tnterest to the PropeTty.whather by tcreelasure or otRerwiss. _
<br /> Nul�unce�W�ate.Tn�stor shau nn!ca�se�oonduct or pe�Y tny nutsance nar commtt,�ertNt,ar sutter enp strtAytn9 af or v�asto on a to Usa �
<br /> prcpert�►cr any pat!on a!Qho Preperly. IM1f,thot�t pmlii�ths p9nerelity�7t the foreq4tng. rusta wYl no!�srA+�.as grant to any olh9r pEA!►the —
<br /> _ rtpht to remova.anY Qn�rber.rtdnerats(inclttdtrt��ll urad gss�,soH,6ravel or rock producls wAhout ttie pder N�'.�n ecn:ent o!l�snda.
<br /> . Renaval 04 Improyerefents. Yn�stor shAti aot demot�sh or roma�e any Improvements t►om ihe Real Pro�1y�'t'3�au1 tt�pda�+�'��n�^�M —
<br /> ot Leader. As s condition to ttes removal o!any tmproveme�.tundsr mmy requtre Tnutor to maka erm.r�msr�s FattsfsclorY to lenda to _
<br />- reptaoe such Imgrovaments with Impravoments of at Ieast equal viUuo. --'
<br /> �.: � I.endnr'a RIQht ta Ente►. Lende�and ib sge�b and representa6vag may enter u�on tho R�J Property at eA�oasonsbte timas to attend to
<br /> Len�'S intd�ts artd to Ir�p�xl ths Prcperly tet ParPtfses otTrtrstor's comA'.iarw�witt�tM temts and contlitlons o!tR�s Deed ot Tct�t. ,
<br /> , �, Con►Wlan�s a�fYd Qo�temmerttai Re4��Trustor st�sl!promAUY comDb wM aIi tav+a.ordtnancas,ead re9u'aUonR naw or herenftec ln
<br /> eHecL of all gouumme�al eutAOr[Hes ep¢lkabfe to th9 use a ooet�ar�cy ot the PropertY• Ttustor may eeate54 in good tafth any such�aw, _.
<br /> ord;nanco,or�gutaLon ared wlthhoid complfsnce dur[r�g eny pnoosedtng.tnt�uding epProprtate aPPeab.so lor�g as��������°rt�
<br /> . ° fn wr[tirg pdor to doing so and so lor�g as.in lsnders sda opinion,L.enderY��Mer��i p��n�ere��Jea�►grdized. Lonaar msy requtre
<br /> YNStor to Post adaRuste so�uritf►or s surotq Eond�r6asOnQbt11 satl�[ctorY
<br /> � � p�y to Ftoteel.fiistar q9rea�netther to ebundon rtor teave�trmttandad tlte ProPertY•T�$����o�a�In add��on(�o thnse ecb
<br /> � ' ; sc�t iorlt►above[n this sect€on.which trom tAe cf�ardeter and usa ot the P�o�e�ly are rsesonakty oecesser7l�(�az2 ertd p�v9 the Prape�ty.
<br /> . p�p�q g�_ppp�MT gy LpppER. Lender may,a!ils opUOn.daelaro tmmedfatehr due and payabte etl sucr�3 sacured 0y thls Oeed of Trust
<br /> upon the sale ar 6ansfe►.wlihout the lendeta Odor wrltten consenl.ot aU a enY Part ot the Real ProPeAY.or er�►tnterest tn the Reaf ProP�Y. A
<br /> "saia a trcnsisr means tha corneltanco W Real Praparql a�Y��d.til{�or inte�,i theretn;whether lepat.betieAc�al ar equEtabte:whefher volu�y►
<br /> - ..�', ' ar tnvotuntary;whether by ouuhipht seie.doed.it�sffillment saia contr+�et.land contra�.co�act tar deed�leesehdd ir�terest w[th e term�reatar tlun
<br />_ ��3�y¢a�s,tease-opflon co�ract.a by sa►9.essqnment�a f�ot any baneficiai irderest In or toe�ry tand trust hddir�y ritlo to!he Reat
<br />- _.� .•�u• p�o„or�g ar by anr other r�tRod ot con+rsyarae o4 Rea1 P�opeAy trite�s3. tt am/Trustor is a capaaUon,PNneiat�°r����;Y
<br />;."`��'.'�'i' transter eRSO lndudee atry CAt�ge[n ownBe3Np 01 mOtA lTwn zw�nty-ii�e Perw�1m�}6i a�e v�v�o-ir���Cl�
<br />-.,. ,.� �pmpatry tnteresls.as th9 case may be.of 7Yttstor. HOwever.tf�optlOn shall nai b�exe�dsed by Lertde�tt suCA mterdsa is Proh�tted by tedent •
<br /> �?:::.�.
<br /> �. taw or by[NebTSSkr►law.
<br />-�""_��� T Q I�L E S M i D U E t i B.Th e f o A c/u t n g p r o v i s t o re�e t�t i r g t o t t w t�o e s a n�8 e n s o n t h e P r o p e r l y a u e a p a►t of Ws Oeed of Trust
<br />�z;�� p�n�x+L Trustor sMl1 paY�n due(and in at everds pbr to de9n4uencYl e4 fexes.sPe�3W�zes•a�ssrt�eMs.ohu0�Onctu6np wat�
<br /> �"'•���^ a n d r.s w e r).fl m a s e n d i m p o s[8ons te�ted a p n irat or on aoc�nt of the Propatiy.tnd sheY pay whe� due m'�oteDms toc vrMc dons on a tar
<br />�T.-.�••q� seMCes rotrol�r�d or tr�ateAel flrtdshed to tP�e Properb. T�ator Sha1 metet��dAa P r a p e r t Y t ro e o f a 1�e n s fi a�v l n y P f�Y�a r e R�t 0 t t 1 s
<br />�xY�-=,.•� t tor the Oen ot t�and assessmerds no1 d�o and exoep t es a t h e i w k'.,e proNded In thb Oeed
<br /> ::-�,�F.�.R�— tntere�!ot Lan�a�under ttUS Oeed ot T�cat.eocaeP
<br /> ";,�u�,�;p� 0lTtust.
<br />_,_.������ pi�t Tp Gpnt�t. Trt�stor may vdthhWd payment at enN�4 e�e�.a ctalm in eonrtaCUon with s good taith dtspute ovrrr t�e o0ll�on•
<br />�;_;�� M pay.so tong as Lenders interest tn the Pcopedy Is not jeopardtad if a(ten r�s�or ts t�18d as a ce�dt ot nonpayrtwrrt.'iti�s'For shU witNn
<br />_-:,�„__, fifteen(tb)days after ihe Ibn ertses ar.if a lien b fited.withN�(15)days atD3►T�ustor has rtoUoB of Ufa filing,secure th9 dlsoharpe o?tAs
<br />---_-�-,,.� Pen,a�if remuested by Lendor.depostt with Lender cash a a s�iicton1 ca�pvrstv surety bond a other s e c u r t t y�siadaY t0 Londer tn an
<br />�°,.��� amount surtirJe�to discharpe t11e Oen ptus eny�end altoema'B'40es o�othar eharyes fhat co�d aoaua as a resutt at e taredosuco ot SIIIa
<br /> f,t�^� under the Iien. In aey coatest.Tnstor shall detead[ise3t end Lt�rtsiEt end 51�11 sa�tY�Y e��fudG�nt betore w�torq�ent epatnst Uw
<br /> _ ptoRerry.Tnesta shali nartefl Lsnder es an add�fonal obli�ee tender anY surel�l bond itcnlsl+ad In the co�est proose�n�n.
<br /> -_—_-- E1AOassee a!FaYmenL Tiustor shae upon demend turnish to lertder satis�ctap evldc+noe o!payment ot the�ces or tsseasmenb and stW
<br /> .�,___--� authatm ttie aDD�P+�a g�menffit oter�al to de�ver to tsnder at arey Ume a wrttten Watame�et Ure taiaes and osse�s apat!a!the
<br />—��_� ptopery.
<br /> - -- NotiGe�4t Con�huctbn. Trustc�shaU no�ty�,ender at Ieast fitteen(1�days batoro ang wak Is cammenoe�.a�nY servioes ere turt�sAad.ar anY
<br />�� materlals are suppited ta tt+o Properly.B enY meehentc�s�an,mata�blmsn`s Ren,at otlie►Een ooutd ba assa�ted on aaount of tAe wak.
<br /> �vioes.or mat�tats.Tru�Stor wil upon�equest cf Lender Mn1sh to Lender advanoa ess�aaaoa�Sat�aY ta Lender thnt'ih�tor ctn and wAi
<br />�;,� pay the cost ot such Empmvemerds.
<br /> y-,�-� PROPk�iTY QANIAGE!?iSilA1ANCE. The followtrty Provislons rd3HnD to insufing the PrePeAY ete a P�ot tKsOeed u�Ttt6L
<br /> —�-� Wtntemnos mt tnbaa�r�ce. Tn�stor shaA Procure and awintain paUcles ot f�ra irt;urence wi@�standtrd ex0.�ded cover�0e artdasomsnLs on a
<br /> _ -�.�� teptaC6ment LBSLs f`Ot Ih6 tuE in5tueb18 Y81ue COVe�iny efl ImprOVertlBtds ot1 ti�a Fieal F�r�Such Otls9r A9rStd�tYeDiFly i tKanos�a 1.end�9r
<br /> ��Y -- coinsurance ciause.and wlt�a a sffindard mcrtgaQee dnusein tnvor of Lender.togetAer
<br />°�—=z may reosortabN ro4� Patides shal be w�n in taRn,a�nounts.covaw9es and basls reeson�bt�►aooePtshie ta LandD�&nd Bsued by a
<br /> zA=��:��.�� comPa�ry or companies roesonaEN eceePtahfe to lender.Tnsta.upon re4uest of lsnder.vrt8 deNver to Lander ho*.n tlme Qo dime lhe PWcims
<br />=c..::.z::�.�� a oertiflcabs of insmor�ce�tn tam sa�staetory to t�ender.d�ctuding s��datio�fhat c�vareyes vn7 aot ba canoeted a dl�eu�,ished wit�out at _
<br /> teast ten(tOD daYs'prtar wittbn noUoe to lender. Each Insu�ance Po�cY atso sha�Irwiuda¢n endasement pra�A�tg that r.acr6ra9e(n tavar oi
<br /> oU ��p�q�y is tacabd[n an acos
<br />- Lentfet w77 v�2+t be Im�In at►y wey bY amr ac1.cmksfon or detat�of Tntstor or arry ethHr pa�scn.
<br /> . m�afntsln�Fede al Flood Instvat�0e fa tt���ndyel�elar�co of�tt�B toan.aP t�m�d�1�m�P�9►Qmtts�undor�i�N&t'Or.a1 F1aod
<br /> _ ._�. _. . _ _.r _ : 1�`.�s -
<br /> _� �� . „ . .:' _ : T�
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