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nif:� �. <br /> / � - '`.•r' . . " <br /> � �. . <br /> ♦ ...��..r�.%���i . I <br /> r� O <br /> ' ..V.���.•- •+1MdMn...���el�...f .. " .. . ' ..-._�_..._'____'��_'___�� <br /> .��� <br /> • .. __._��.�.._._._ ........ ... . .._ . ...�..__��_�......�. __ _ _. . _.. .. . ... .. . .. ..... <br /> _._....��.�_".��.� ___'.___.. �. <br /> f- ----__.... • <br /> _� Q3-24-1899 ��...���(1�3 C��D��4R��Y �a�e� °' � <br /> Loan�la 56�39� (��iiizue�i) �; <br /> �_ <br /> � ._ �-� - ___._. -�-� f�_ <br /> T�s Rea1 Rr�peri�l or [#�ed���.aa ta�ar��rte�y k�sc�m t�618 EBl6T ASl�RON�li�1�fD I�LAt�D�M� 88Q01. C°.� <br /> 1Yu�lot pro:ordy ass'Qna to t�nder(also krtmwn ca Bene.°.atary tn tRs Qaed at Yn[sf)flll af Trustofe dpht,litto,and interast In nnd to up pro;ont and � <br /> Mure lea3as o!ih�PrapeAy and aq Rsnb[rom Ehe Prap�My. In udd:Uon,Trust4r attint9 l.cndCr n UNfarm Commf�rctui Ccde s�cudty intereslln lhe <br /> YC <br /> - ltonts artd the Pe�scReJ Properry de9nad beto:v. <br /> 9�IHITtOkB. The falawirtg words ch�il have the la!awing maaningy whQn usud In lhis Oaed ot Trust. Terms not othcnM�e daflnad in ih!s Deod at <br /> � . Tru�Ch.;�h9v�ttf�rt[_:n.rt�3 nlUiDu'._Eto ��Xh t9m°3 In fk0 Un�tgrm Cpmrr�^re!at GOd�• AI�mtcmnc�s to delter nmounfe sha0 m?�n amounts In <br /> " ,�:� t��l monay ot Ihe United States otAmer�a. �^ <br /> ..- � . �M!. TI!s wnt�'Eenase!s�l'�+!rw_ FI� Pdrtts Bsnk,!�ne�r!o�nr_!}sd e'•_'!3tr,. ffv2 Pe�nt�!4�r.!r r,�e h min►rrA!e����3s�Q�'tn � ' <br /> �':�. � tAiS 088d o!Trust <br /> ��..`,. E;. <br />-,,, � OeM o!Teus1. The words'Qaed of TNSC'mean thts Daed o!Trust among Ynrstor.lender.and Trustee,and Includes v�itRout timltnUpn ell _ <br /> � � � essignment an8 eeeurlly Inta:est praut�ons re'aun8 fo the Personat Rropa�t ond Renb. � _-- <br /> `' . - ; ..,,;�. Yfi�a w�d"(ivasnnfan°Res►ans and tndudm w�:�oul limilatton any and af1 gusnuders,suraUOS.ana accomnadpUon pnftttrs�n _ <br /> i,t connec8on wtth the tndebtodn�s. <br /> . ..; y ImprpyRrtionts. Tho word'9mprowmsnl� meav�s and tnNudns wiihout timitatlon all e�d54ng nnd futuro Impro�remants,building+;siruciura9, _ <br /> mabUe homas affDred on the Rsal Prop��fa�ttes�addHons,rc3pl�monta and other construction on the Reaf Property. - <br /> J .. <br /> ' ;�. lMebtedness. The word lndebtadness irt¢ans en prinaiAN and►ntorost payable urtdor the Note and uny umounts eo�ended a adva�roed by <br /> 4, Lend�to dlsct�4tge oGl,gaUor�o!Tru�taar e�er�es tncum;rJ by TrwMoe or Lendc+r to enfor�e o4Ngattosis o?Trustor unQer Ws Qeed of Trust, <br /> toQether w[th ir�tarast on suCh are�ounLs u R��In tAts Qe�d ot Tnmf. SpectP�eaNy.wtthou!limita�an.this Daed of Tnat secures,in add'lton <br /> -- to ths tmounb spedAad tn ths Not�,a�lulwe tmaunb Lend�tn Hs dsaaUon mey tan to T�usta.Mpethib Q�^��n0'i�lii� <br /> In no event aha8 such fiiture advinoos(e�cciudt inte�est)ex0eed in the aggreaate 548.6QOA0. rne _ <br /> ahail eao$ ���uxed et eny One B�Lna Sis�6D.�D• . <br /> _ �� Lend�TPte woPd 1:ender'means FIv+B PotrtlsBstd4 tis suocessots and assipns. -- <br /> @inta. The arord'Ho2e'cax�ts tM lttote deteA Mareh 2b�t499�fn ttEO prirtctpsl er►�met o!546,800 OS rrom rnuco►to tAndar, dti, <br /> • tapetPiOr�xith au r�newets.m�.,nEto�a,�no�fioaEOrb,reflnanctnQs,ctna s�st;fuitons tar the Noia The maturiry date of thts Oeed at'nust is Apru <br />- � ?2,2029. <br /> Perao�l E'�r,perqi. The wards 'Persor�l pro��m�an a9 s9�dAmen9.fiMures.end oV►er aiUct�s a4�r�onat pro�ly rtow a hereafter <br /> s � arned by Tr�star�an�!oaw a hereafter a�ihci�ed ar at[bce�to tAa Rea1 Praperty;toyofher with a9 acr�tans.Parb,end addit[ons to.�9 <br />�.: �.. rep�aoemer►�mP,artd�➢st�slitutlons ta. enY ot 6ucfi pm�erly;and ta�sthe►with NI Proceeds pnolu{�lr�wlthouf Rmiffitlon en fnsuranoe <br />_ • prooeeds and mfunds d!�rmlums)Yram arrysn►e a other dfra�posWon of the Prope�ty. <br /> .�. . :. :d � PlOpe1ly.ThB wetd'P�opertll'meens caeecUlrelY tAe Ree!PtopeAy end tt1B Pe�son81 Pr�j. <br /> �: `� .�'� : , iiNl PropMy.The wards TdeN�'ape�hr��P�Y.Intetests end dghb desa(bed abovo in ttsa'Conveyence and QrenP sectton. <br />_ - ReiateA powmenb. The words Rekted Documer�mean and inetude wtthout Umitation ep promt�ory notes. aedit agreements,loan <br /> 'T`''�%N':'``�c' a9reeme�s.ernfronmor�t agreemenls,9��es,�h��ms.mmrtgag�s.tleerls at tr�►.and an otner�nstrumerds,epresma�s artd ° <br />;:� •�`�. � doarmar►1�,wAether now a heresEer eXstlng,e�c�acuted in connec@on with the indebtedness. <br />�`��;��,�• ti�nt�. Tho word'Rer�mae�eA P�ent enA Adure rents,�eugnues.[ncome,tssues,myftft�s.9rofrls.and otRer bartafi�a��Ivcd from tRa � <br />���� �h <br />-� m,�.�no�roro��'me8ns Five Pd�ds Benk 8rtd BnY substltute or suooe3sor tr�. <br />�zj ,-. <br /> '�'�-�- '�f� Trlt�fOt'rho wtrd'frustOf mBSr�s B�rU+z{7 ai�tcartons 8nd BntlUes exsCUflng ttds�ed af Tnst,tndu�tLq r�3tttout IimtiuUon etl Tn�stau named <br /> _z�- above. <br /> `-����` Tfi!$DEEE�OF 7itUST� INOL�4���i�1�t�4Dfl£ASSIWBJitEHT laF F�EE7�IT8 AND T!f SEWiitTY INTERESi l�l 1TE RE�T'��AND PEJiSOMAt <br /> -- -"�—"'T`�°� PROPERTY.IS GIYQi170 SEq.� (t)PAY/UENT OF Tt�INDID7EDl�SS At� �PERfORMAlitCE OF�4aY Af�R1L 09.IQAT[ONS CJF <br /> °'�-"^='',�:�f T6iU9T0A UNOEJi 71E MO'IE,ilE RBJ►7H!OOC4IM�ITB.At�THI8 D�OF TRLSf. TtdB OEED OF TR1fST t8 tiIYEN A1iD ACCEFTFD <br />�_"��_. • 0!i�t£FOLL OYVINO 4FR�AS: <br /> _.�: r�{���„�.j'. <br /> Y�- ��! , <br /> �` �"'__,�;�, pAr1�NT ANp pEpFpitYqNC�,Fxcept a�ottae�wEse provided tn tNs 08�ot i'eus1,T�stor rAaU pay to Lendar mll emounffi seeur2d by tt�ReeG <br />- ---.--. .. aM41uf3 as they become due.and ahe9 etric9y and In 8 8me1y manner perfam eUi o4 Tnisto�s obBSallons under ths AiolB,tMS Qaed of Tntst,artd tM <br /> _.�._ _�— �.R�{itted OtfCUmerds. <br /> ���'' �OSSESSION/ItiD MAIMTFJi�10E OF T�P4i0P8iTY. Trustar aqrees that Ytustors P�5asslan and use ot the Prop�iy st►hll Oe 9ovemed by <br />'�a; iha tolowirg Drovisicnx - <br /> --�°- P�8pd tilo. UnHi ths oo�rienCe den Evont oi Defeui�Ttustae may (a)rert�ain trt passessfon itnd control 04 the ProRedY. ��us�, <br /> ,,,�•,��_�: operate or mara�Ure P�OP�Y.and fo)co�ad an)RenTs irom the Prope�l!►• <br /> --�=�FL�i__s . <br /> _��� aupl b t�AMnt�in. '�t vnh�ma!�ln fAe ProQeAy In tenr�dabl�con�ttan and Pm�Y Pe�4am eM repatrs.rePlaoements,ertd n nanoe = <br />�=�::r� IIe0�8tY R�ASBIVB� <br />—�'�"'�`'� Hwrdow&bat�.'(he temis�rdaus waats,'Taardous�ub�tnce."disPosst.�'tetease,"and'threetened reiease'aa used In thb = <br /> --�--��-- Deed of 7tuu.aha11 havs tfle same meeninys es set farEh tn ths Comp�tw�nsive Emtonme�al Response.Compensatton.and Urbary Act nf — <br />',,�.�,:°Y;� . artiended�48 US.C.Sec6on 96D��et se4•l'CERqJ►9.tAe SsQerJund Miendmerds end ReautAo�mBon Ad of 1986.Pub.L Na <br /> —,'�.:•:. gg.sgg(SIIRJ►7.iM himrdous IV1�SeAeb'Y�nsparta9on AG.49 U.S.C.3ection 18pt,et seq.,the Resouroe ConsewaUon end Reoovary Ad. <br /> 42 U.3.C.Sectlon seq..a ott�a appicabb state a Federai taws.rWas,ar reputaflons adopted pursuent to arq ot tho taepdnp. The <br />�'�-.ay tsrms'riaaudous weste�'an�D`hau�dous substanoe'shall uiso inctude,wtthout Ortdtatlon,peLro{eum artd petroieum by-pr�rrlu�i9 a erry kec�lton <br />- -_��-� � therecf artd�sbestos. Tn�tar represams and werrartts ta�LSndaP tiia� (a)Du�tn�tAe poriod ot Trusta's owne�ship ot ihn�'raporty.there hes <br /> �-_ro�",�'i4;_ besn na nse.ponereflon�manuEadure.dorrage,�sent;'disPosal.release or threaten��ai�e ot&ny haratdous wastB w substflr�oo by arty <br /> _ : .�__ pas9n on.unQor.about ar trom tAe Rroperly,(b)Tnstor has ao knowiedga of.or�eason!o be0eve that thare hes been.exoept as prev[ausy <br />--_" � �sctasod ta and eoknawte�jed bY Lende*dn xrriUng. (q eeY use,99ne�tton.manutacdae,sta�o.treatrnenl.d�a1� thrsatened <br />_ : , telsase ot ertY haa�rdous wasta orsubstanrce on.under.e6out ar frcm tRo ProPah bY e�Y prfor owne�s or oocupants of the Property or(ii)anY <br /> . � ectuat or threatened GtipaUon or daims o? 8nY icind by esty Reison reiaiEng to such maite�s;and (e)F�ccqs!as prew.ouslY dLci�ed to end <br />�. • e�+tttouAsdg[id by Lsnder En wrifing� (1 neift�gr YtuslaP naT 8ny tentutt.eor�tr&da egor.l cu other authorl�d tuor mf tttc+Proptirly sh811 u59� _ <br />_' - _��----- <br /> _._ . . ,. ���' .+.��—__r�_--- �' c,,= <br /> ,:.-' . ° ,., a •_:�: . . •' " <br /> ._,.�e'� " • .� i • - e .._*.. - �;��'1�` i.� - <br /> �" � .. <br /> z' .., ��._-----...--------�--�------------------ ----------- - -------�-------- --- ' . T��. ..c-�... -t_`'�:.:4!''lt.�.- . < . t +�rica-a.r...-'�..i - <br /> .-�--T-.—�-�.--T -r__ --____.--_—.._--:._ __ . . ._ _ _ - . . - _.� �,.�...� _ <br /> !w .� �-� :- .�...�-.: .-. ��... _ . . , <br /> � T � . p; ' �� " , , 1, .. ' ���i •, � . -.1 . � . � .. . :'T L. , _ <br /> o n � ' ..� .. � .• . , .. ., . ^ , .. . ° � . . . f:Y�rir•:. <br /> � � . - o . , ' '. ._.. <br />. ., •. ' .. u ., U ' u - ;. . �. . .� , • ' , . _V „ �`�y� <br /> • , - . � _ _ . .y: . .. _..i .::,;.;..-__ <br /> .. . . � . . 1T'A.:.: <br />� � • . � ,. �.� ,;` ;.�,, q. ' . . �.. . ,. . <br /> . '• , .. - . . e .�.i. �y,_.'ryY::'.'-i � :.2. .'.`ii.:;.`.. <br /> . � . .J:s�'*'..a:l'a.:, ".i,��:s�' . .. <br /> ' � � � _ .� ' o „ .. _E�l:'"�. `� .y•'` . .i�J�i��'_''��.r'a,�!� 1�ri���. <br /> �_�i:ia�•«4� `.'{,',C�Y:' _ <br /> 'lL .�-!,S' ' ..�_ }�. <br /> • . f .. ` .. .. . .i ..- .:�7TI��M .Fr.� �°���'�� ..f�:. <br /> - .t. ..f.�. <br /> � " � .. ., . ' '•ti " _ _�•. . ..�... ._''..�3;�;n , yrc�P'�••;tf,•r_� . <br />