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"..; .. �l:;::it�a.• .. .• ;:��� E , � : <br /> .,.'..�. •.;,� <br /> � _ s� . � . :.,�, <br /> ,.;� , .. . .. <br /> i ��x..-��� ;/ , .. � , n.. . � .. .,7� " ��.�. <br /> .. . .M�rr�t.��. . . ., � � ., ' .. ,.,__�_,_�_�._.._ �._ <br /> • ,. <br />• .,,� ,�,�:. . .. ,,:,,:,,,n1..,a,,.a.�,��.-..,.�,� ,s:,, --"�:_- - ---_–_----- _`. <br /> ,. .. _ .... .� ..,-.._ �,•,• ._._._._ --- – <br /> _ � . -- _—.._... .. . <br /> _ __ ---- -- <br /> , - ,. .;�,W--- -- - __.�_...__..�_.______-_.. _ __„-a,,,�. <br /> .. i h �- <br /> ' ,a� � c- <br /> t.. :� p$ncipal amcunt o4 tho Indebtedrtasa securci�by thi3 Oced oi Trus�,2oSlnc�.�iing eumo ndvAnced to proteCt ths securiiy oi this OQed ot � �.s <br /> � Ttust,oxceed tho ortginat pAnclpal amcunt ai�tcd horein,or 3 1 •���o uu ,whichover Is graater. � __ <br /> ° +`� 1fd.Alllscetlan�sua Provlalons. r <br /> (e)�orrwwer tdot jtot�ased.Extenston of the Nmo for paymen4 or modltiscs�Uon oi�mo►tlzc�Non oi the aum�aecured by thta � -- <br /> � �-��� Oead oi Trust grantsd by L�rtder to any suxessor in Interest ot Borrowor shatl not operato to re'�aase,In any manner. the 1lab0!- � _ <br /> u ty of tho orlginal Borrotivor end Borrowor'a euccesoors In intsrest.Lortdaz shati not bo requi►�d w commence proceedinga � <br />.:.,.:�: _ egstnst such successor or retuse to eztend dme for payment or othenMse modlry amoRizatton of the sums secured by thia � <br /> _- ''� Daed oi Truet bY�easan ai any demando made by!he origina!Bomawer and Barrowero auccsssors in tnte�est M__�__._�__ <br /> (b)L9�i�i8P'O PE3:;J�F3.WItt103tt L'J[CL'�Rg At01t��tllry 9T any omer pertsoniitiflin iar um ynqutv��i vi n�ry wi�ydu�n���c+an�..��.- ----- <br /> -?��'•'~ tiore�d,and without affecttng the Ilen or charfle of this pae�oi Trust upan any po�lon of t9ie Propsr4y iiot than or therotatore <br />. �.� any person soeliabte(if)exteed the maturity or elted o�yliof the tortns ot any each ob IgeUons!(/f)grantt other indu genoeaB(iv) — <br /> � _,.� releaso or reconvey,or cause to be reteased or reoorneyed at arry ttme e!Lenders optton any parcel,portton or ali ot the <br /> :..:---- properiy,(v)take or retease any other or eddidonal eecudry for any obttgatlon hereln mendoned,ar(vf)make campasittdns or <br /> other artangementa with debtors In reiation thereto. <br /> °'`��==`� (c)Forbearanco by Lende�Not v Wafver.My forhearanr,�by Lertdarin exerctsing any rtght or remedy hereunder,o�oth- <br /> :"�x�ri ervvisa afforded by applicabte law,shail noi be a waiver of or preciude tfie exerdse of any ouch r(ght or remsdy.The praaure- ° <br />'._.,s;,��� ment of insurence ar t�e paymant ot taxes or other ttens or charges by Lender shail not be a waiver or l.enders right to acoeier- <br />`-�:��-'• ate 4?f�matudty of tfio indabtedness secured by this Oeed of Trust <br />`'"'�"� (tl)�ueceasors and Assige�&3�und;Joint and 8evera!l.iabllity: Captions.The covenaMs and agreemerns heretn con- <br /> •= � �_ <br />__-�,..,;� tal�ieei shaii bired,and tl1e dgh2s ha�our►dar sflai!lnur�fo.*_'s=rs����+��sssaro end esslgns oI t,ender artd T�ustor.Aq <br /> oovenants and agreements of Teoator ehaq be Jolnt artd sevar�L The capUona and headtngs af the paragrapha of thla Oeed o7 <br /> ---- Trust are for convenience onty and are not to 6e used to interpret or deflne the provistons hereof. <br />–"V=� (o)Reques!fo?Nottcea.The partles heraby requeat that a copy of any noQce ot detault hareunder and e copy of any�otice <br />__���-�� of sate hereunder 6a maUad to e�ch PertY 4o th�s Deed of Trust at the edc2rass set taAh abovo in tlr,�manner prescribed by . <br /> a.pplicabte taw.Except for eny other nottce required undar eppiicabie law to be 8�en in anather manner,any notice provlded tor <br />-��M:� in this Dead of Trusc shail be given by maDing such notice by cerdfled mait addressed to the other parNes,at the eeddress set <br />-�����+� fa�th abava.Any noUce provided for in thls Qeed ot Trust sh�n be effedMe upon mallinp in the mannar destgnate�horein. ii <br /> Tn�stor ls more Nfln orte person,aotice sent to tfia address set tortfi above shall be notice to alt such Raarsons. <br />�'�� (fl ti�spectton.Lender may make or causo to be made reaeonebte e�ries upon end(nspections ot the PropeRy,provided <br /> - – that lsnder shall give Tnrstor notice pdor ta any such InspeaUon specifytnp reasonable c:suse therefor reistod to lendefs fnter- <br /> ---- –— est in the P�opedy. <br /> �V~� (g)Reconvayance.Upon payment of ait sums secuted by lhis Deed of Tn�st,Lender ai�ail request Trustee to reconvey the <br /> ""'�'�' Properly and shali surrender thts Deed of Tnist and ai! nates evidendng indebtedness secured by this Qeed oi Trust W <br /> Trustee. Trustee shail reconvey the Property,wfthout wartaMy and without charge to tho Rerson or persons iegally enUUed <br /> lherets.Trustor sha0 pay a�l costa of reoordaUon,ff eny. <br />— (h)Peraonai Property;Security Agreement As additlonal secuNty for the psyment oi the Note,TrusUor her�eby grants <br /> ° iaar�der cmder�ro idi�irosM,Li�s4�s�-s�s Ccnsssx�d3!�ads s�dly 4�tar�►In aU fi�Ruros.equtpment,srtd othar personai proPenY <br /> - used in oonnecUon wtth the real esmte or(nrtprov�ments to�aEed thereon,and not otherw[se dedared or deemed to b�a part ot <br /> ` ----- the taat esmte securecl hereby.Thfis insbument sheU be construed es a Secudty Agreement under said Code,an�the Lender <br /> sqail have aU the�ights and remedies oi a secured parly under sa[d Code[n additlon to the dgMs and remedies c�e�ted undor <br /> and ac�rded the Lender pursuant to thls Qc3ed of Trusk provtded thet Lsnders dghts and remedies under thls para�raph shati <br /> be aimutaUve with,and In no way e Iimitatfon on,l.enders dghts and remedies under any other securlty egreement signed by <br /> Bo�r or Tastor. <br /> ({�U�rs and Hneumbrances.Tmator hereby warrants end represema that there is no defauft undar the provisions of any <br /> moRgage,deed of trust,lease or parchese cor�act desaibing alf or arry�saR ot the Pmperiy,or other conUsct,tnsfcuument or <br /> agreement constltuting e tten or encumbrance against a11 or any part ai tl1e Property(colfecflvely.'Uons�.exlsUng as of tho <br /> te^�dfscosue oi'�i ens end encumbryences pero�vided for P�ere ni Trus��shatl t me►y parfotm atl o TrustoPs o gationa, <br /> covenants.repreaentatton&and warranUes under any end eil e�sting and future Lfens,shalt promptiy forward to Lendet ooDIes <br /> of al!notices ot defautt seirt in oonnectton wlth any artd ap extsdn�or tWure Uens,and shail not without Lendefs ptbr e•:e8ten <br /> conserrt tn c w manner modify{he provisbns of ar allaw any tulure advanoes under erry exlsUng or tuture liens. <br /> payme�o��p Pand ntere�t��lns�p�r�e�ds,Cobndemnationpa'r�e nd re ts andrproflis,ishali�ba�oppli by <br /> i�ender to the euiounffi due and nw[ng fra�Trustor and Borrower In s�ch order as Lender tn it9 sc�e discre8on deems desir- <br /> . �ble. <br /> {k)Sevarability�.lf any provlsto�ot this Oeed of Truat cAnfli�a with eppitcabte law mr.IS dedared Invaltd or othe�wisa unen- <br /> -- eftxt bwSUiout tl�e curNticUrtg p�vl�nhand to this�end tha�ro�tona of Ws Oaed oi�T�sas2 and the Note a dectared t be��vn <br /> erable. <br /> the�t e persort(s�tltose te�rtes as usedg/nh�ts Deed of Teust sha be�Udeichangeabte and when the Tn�st.or and 9ortowdr are <br /> (m)Goveminp Lew.ThIs Oeed ot Trust shatt be govemed by fha taws af tha Stete oi Nebraske. <br /> ---�_� T�a�c:!�s�.eat�.tt�ts�e9�;��Tru�t a�aNhe date wrttten above. . <br /> ___ __— ..... //�J ' L /w <br /> ._--__- �`/�!:���%�f7� .�_ ■� A �a� �ce T�usLor <br /> �`-�"°'�a Melvin E. Olsten, Husband •�� uv�u��■y �.`r������� �,.� <br /> '`-:<�_ _ <br /> .�,.--w,;�;: <br />;:,�4;�ar'.'.�'�._ Trustor Tn�Lor <br />-`�A�o�'� "' <br /> - i 7 <br />-'�1i•�,•;;i��'�� . �. <br />_�.�I:'�'.;:«� <br />._�`?4�0.��'�� <br /> ,��,.r._,' 2 <br />�:.Y��yS;: !',: . <br />.. ,.r,a..rr�� . <br /> � <br />