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�i .. !l::: � . . � .. .. . , . ; . <br /> � . ��..>4 _ . . .. .• <br /> ` M1� v <br /> � <br /> ' "�'�"'.: � � O ' . '.'iry�S� -. <br /> ' n UyYq�i4�. . ." ' l� �, . � . . <br /> . '. ' . <br /> �� � <br /> _ . ., "".��._.�........""'"_.__._.._...._._...-_ <br /> _.:' __�r�._._.....�-^--.___._,--�._...._"" '" `"-. <br /> _:�_...._"_ _..__._._.--�.._.r ._--- G�'."_ <br /> .� - �I �ti��'. <br /> , 'pro��d�°)In canne�Uon v�Uh condomnatlon op other ao��fn endD rea�CU 8 in Ite owne name anl c�lon o p ac'ed ngs,c�►d shail oiso E� �_ <br /> L c n d o r a hal!Do antlticd c+t ita aptton to commenca,ppp P �v._ <br /> bo antitled co m�s�o ony c�mpromiso or eottlomont In conrtectlon wlth such t�k ing or d�mego.i n t h o o v u n t a n y�o di o n ot the Pro po r l y Is �"'� <br /> so takan or darTSap��,L.anda4 ahnit havo lh9 apllon In Ita eolo nnd nb�otuto discrotton,to opply oll such procoeds, efter dedueung � �,,Y,. <br /> - thorotrom c�ll coste nnd oxp9nsos Incurrad by It tn connactton valtitorusuch d ducUons to tPso r�sto et on�of U o Pioperiy Po�ouch con• � _- <br /> ordor aa Londnr moy to eppty nt!ouch Procc3ads,e <br /> c <br />- dlUans es tsndor mAy determine.Any eppifcation oi Procaeds to Irtdobtcdness sha�l not oxtend or postpono the due dato oi nny pny- � r.•--� <br /> mont�undnr tho Noto,or curo pny dofault thoreunde�r or ho�o�u^For.n^��nApaUR hereunder or�N senv act fsetaken or tegal proceeding �;;�_. <br /> _ --- �.M°ertrsrmanGe i�ia..wo�. �%p...�` -- <br /> � commeneed wfitch metesieNy af(octs Lender'a intere�t in the PropflRy�Lendur mary in its ovvn diacretEon,but without ob�igatlon to do so, = <br /> u �,j..� and wY.hout rtoHco to ar 6emand upon Truator ond v�ithout releasirtg Trustor from any abligetlon,do eny ect whicl�7�ustor has egreud !., <br /> �ut fatted to do end may atso do any other act It doems nscessery to protoct tho securiry hereot.Trusror shat�. Immedietely upon �;-�- <br /> a demertd tho�vtor by Lendar,pay to Landor atl costs aod expsnses IncuRed and suma expended by Lender In�Ch ehaiWbe dded to - <br /> �� ' �^ c;se by Lender otthe for�going tlgMa,topother with interest thsreon et the defaUlt reto provlded in tha P1ote, -_- <br /> � the tndebtedness secured heroby.LendOr shaD not incur ec►y�lablllry becouse of anylhing it may do ar omit to do hereunder. _ <br /> L 9. Haxardoua Materiala.T►ustor shatl keep the Property in wmpilance �IH'�all applicable laws,ordinancres and reguiadons G <br />_ � �' relatlng to induat�al hygtene or environmental protectlon(cottecdvely reterred to herein as'Environmentat Lawa7.Trustor sheti keep <br /> the Properly free from aQ substences deomed to be heasrdoua or toxta under any�nvironmentel�a�as(cotlecUvely referred to herein <br /> ° as"Hazardous Matedals").Tnistor hereby werrenta and represents to Lender that there ere no Hazardous Mate�iais on ar under the <br /> .- _-- _ �����y 5�,�-a�;n;,-��r�tc�indernnily and hold hartnlesa I.c3nder,its directore.ofHcere,emptoyees and agenta,and any suoc�s- <br /> - tt <br /> �';.�.�� • sors to Lendets IMerest.irom and against any and all claims,damages,losses and Ite�tliues edsing in conrtecdon w(4t►the pres;enco. <br />�''��:_ �:.• . uae,disposal or transpoR i eny Hezardoua Matedais an,under,from or about the Properry.THE FOR�OOIN(3 WARRANTIE3 AND <br />�,�. <br /> REPRESENTAI'109VS. A' TRUSTOR'S d�L1t3ATtONS PUR8UANT TQ THE FOREGOIN�INDEMNITY. SHALL SUitVIV <br />�;;,;, : RECONVEYfWCE OF DEED OF TRUST. <br /> ::•'; 10.Asslgarr►ant t Rente.TruaWr horeby assigns to Lender,and grenb Lender a secudty�nterest in,att prese�t,fuWro and <br /> � after adsing ree�ts,issu and proflts of tho Property;provided that Trustor shall,un81 the oocurrence af an EveM of Defaut�h�reunder. � <br />=-;..�',>�;.P.� have the dght to coDt�ct nd retain sucb re�s,issues end proftts as they beooms due and payable.Upon the oaurrence of an Event ot <br />�� �• Qafauit,Lendar mey,et er In person or by agent,with ar without btingirtg eny ection or proc:eed��9�or by a rec:eiver appointed by� <br /> ;;:: <br /> ,�,�,���;;�. court and wtthout regard w the adequacy of its secu�ity.enter upon ana talce possession of the Proporty.or enY PaR these°i,tn its o►vn <br /> ,,..:.t ;. <br /> .�,,,.�,:�;� name or in tha name of the Truatc;e,and do any acta w1►tch it deems necessary or desirebte to preserve the value, ma:icetab ry or <br />`:t,,t'�.�. <br /> rentebility of the Property,o�any part thereot or Interest therein,or to irtcrease tha Income therefrom or protect the secudty hereot and, - <br /> �;,�,,,y,�,. ° wlth or w(thout taktng possession oi the PropeAy,sue for or otherwise coilect the rents,issues end protita ihereof.including thae past <br />��"��� due and unpaid,by notitying tenants to make papnents to Lender.Lender may apply rents,issues and proftta,less cvsts and expens- <br /> -s�::y�;,�', es oi opereUo�and coltectton inciudirsg attomey's eny indebtedness secured hereby,ail in such order as Lender may deter- <br /> s�-����s� mfne.The eritedng upon and taking po�sesslon of the Properry, the coltectlon oi such rents,IssAeA^nd�p�e.���nSe�1�ch <br />�:«T�:�=:,"-:"- <br /> .;.,,•,,••_x•� ihereo(as atoresa[d shall no!cure or waive any defiautt or nolica ui detauii tssrsussdsx as!���U�a-_..- <br />�s;:.' :.�: - daf�uft or pucsuant to such rtoUce ot dela�!It and. notwiths4anding the contlnuance In possesslon of the property or tha coilectlon, — <br />��' recelpt and applicaUon ot rents,issues or proRb,Trustee and Lertder sha0 be entitled t�exerdse every d8ht provtdett for[n any ot the - <br />- �-;•��,tr�i Loan insUuments c,r by Iaw upon occurrence of any Event of Dafault,includtng wlthout limflatian the right to exerctse tha power ot sale. � <br />�;,,�„�,�� Furthe� under en9 assignment oftleauses a d ren��grecorded ae9ainst�hetProPerty.�Lender,Trusteye and�the receiver shett be 1 abie Go <br />-- remed Y <br /> �•". ��,._�� acoount oniyforthose rents actuaily receiv e d. <br /> 11.Everts of DefaulL Th�following shall constltute an Event ot Default under this Deed of Trus� <br />-`"�'�," (a)Fa►lure to pay any fnsffiIlment of pdrtc!pa1 or interest or any other sum secured hereby when dua; <br /> :_,z.�_,,. ;., <br />,�l,y -�--: (b)A breach of or defauit under any provlsion contalned(n the Note.this Deed of Trust,eny of the Laan Instrumenb,ar any <br /> �`_�:.�?.-• other lien or encumbrance upon the Property: <br />-���,�_� (c) A writ of execu8on or at�chmFSr�ot any simitar process shail be entered egainst Trusbor whtch shall become a Ilen on <br /> -----����--- thePropertyorarryportlonthereotortnb�resttherein; _. <br /> ___--- (d)There shaA be fiied by or against Trustor or Borrower an actlon under any present or fuWre fen�H����Vi �T <br />----- tew or regutatlon relating to bankruptcy,insotverscY or other reifei for debtors:or 4t�are ahaii be appo. Y <br /> -- tiquidator of Trustor or 6orrower or of all or any part ot the PropcaAy,or the rents,iseuas or proflbs ihereoi,or Tnistor or Borrower <br /> � �f� shall make e�ry general assiBnmeM for the benefit af creditors: <br />� -- (e)Tho sale,��o��� p��n canse t ot enderi Provided that TrusUor ehail be permtt _ <br />-��' property,etther voluntadly or Involuntedly. -- <br />�=�� ted to execute a Iease of the Propsrty Nat does noY contain an opHon to purchase and the temn of wi�ch does not axceed one - <br /> _°�e�e,� year, <br /> ° (�Abandonmerrt of tho Propedy:or <br />�_�_______ (g)If Tn�stor ts not an indtvidual,the issuanoe,sale,transter,assfgnment, comieyance or encumbrance of mnre than(if�e <br /> corporat[on)e tote�oi parcent of ita issued and outstanding sta�c.a(ii a partr�ership)a totel oi Pe� <br /> --.:� r erceM of tha Umtted Itabi►ity wmpa- <br /> " '� ceM oi partnership interests.or(ff e limfted Itabi{ity campany)a total ot P <br /> =''`' rry tntereats or voUrtg dghts dudng the pericd lhts Dead af Truat remairs�s a lien or th�propertY• _ <br />�YS.�� <br /> --�-�` 12.Remedtes;AcceleraUon Upon�lautt In the event of any EveM of Qetault lender may,wNhout not(ce eiceePt aa cequired <br />""m"""a'��'� by law,dedare aQ Indebtedness secured h9r�DY m be due and payabte and the same shali thereupon bec:ome due and payabte with- <br /> _-_�-.��,,� <br /> ==�-:r��:�� � out any presenUrto�,demand,protsst or naZioe oi any kind.Thereafter lender may: <br /> '' -' :='�' , {a)Oema�d that Trustee exercise ihe POWER OF SALE grented herein,and Trusteo shatl thor+eafter cau�Yrustor e�►ter- _ <br /> yrl���,��� � �aq tn thp property to be eotd and the proceads to tse dlsMbuted,an in the mart�er provided tn the Nebraska Tn�at I?esds Ac� <br />