. . . � .1,� `i � - ���M .
<br /> ..il' � _ . 1�`:, .'.1�, .. � ..�. .�� ,' ' -
<br /> ^f!y�/! �.[�, /. : '..:tl�t}�' � � _ 'l,f.,
<br /> ,;�,. • ,i , �;�!;•": " I'4ii�•:�` . � � n
<br /> � • -.,;:`:... _ ,. ,':;i:. � ^:w3AM-
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<br /> . n .+�iwwF'rAq+wY�'A�'rw�av,•r,. - . . . r � - . --'.- .... .._�__...................__`.._�.....___..._ .
<br /> : . . ......_..-.._..-.. ..,-.. � .._._._.__........_. ....___."___�._......"—_'.._.. _. _ _
<br /> . �
<br /> f+�t.
<br /> �
<br /> • ' ^ -°-------
<br /> �- ...'_ -- - °--fu_c
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<br /> - �� ��° ������
<br /> � . ��lLL
<br /> ...��:,
<br /> 10. Condemnatlen. 'Che procceda of nny award or clnim for dumoges,disect or consequential�in connc3cZlon .,��;-_'
<br /> , ' wlth any condemnatton or other t4hing of nny part of U�e PmpErty,or for convaysncs in lieu of candemnation�nro ht�eby ;Y-F_
<br /> ,,. assigned and shall be pafd to Lender. Usnder i� nutlioriud to collect end apply the Qroceeds,at its optian,eitl�Rr to �'—
<br /> - restaeacton or repair af the Property or tothe sums secured by this Sc�urity lnstrument�v�hether or not then duo. ���-`�N:
<br /> _ �.
<br /> __ __ �_ ._._,.:__ _........dinatlna nf�VMECdS l0 pCI11Q;�1aI{S�1CII �
<br /> Unless l.ender.TN8�6i�Al1A HOROWB�OttlClwisv dgioo u� N���a.B+.«y -rr^--• -
<br /> not extend or{saslpona the due dute of the montl�ly payments roferred to in pamgrophs 1 a�d 2 or chango tl�a nmaunt of [—=�
<br /> �� t,
<br /> .,,,,,�._a�' such paymen�s. `�'
<br /> �:�'
<br /> 'i• D 1. Trustor Nut Released;Forbeae�ance�y 4snder Not a Waiver. Extensio��of Qie time for paumsnt or s:
<br /> ' '''�r" modiffcation of amortizedon of the sums secured by thia Security Instrument granted by Lendar shall not operato to seleese
<br /> .� .. by Lend'er tn excrciBsing any igbt ao bemedy hall not�be is v i v er of or tpreclude th ie xercise of a n ym 81 t oAre nady�a�ce —
<br /> ,ti;,, �
<br /> ,.::�:: ."• ---
<br /> y'�s.":; r' —
<br /> �;�f ^ IZ. Successors and �lasig�es Bon�d; Joint and 5evcrat LiabU[ty; Co-slQmere. The covenpttts an � _.
<br /> � � '�i agreements of d�is Security Instrument shall bind and benetit the successors and assigns of l.,ender and Tn�star,subject to
<br /> the pmvisions of}�arageap fi 1 7• 'I ti u s t a�'9 e o v e n e��l a a n d u g r e e m e n t s s h all be joint ettd sevorc►1. The 7'rustor.t+��ces lhat
<br /> Lender an�tho 8arrower may ag�ee to axtend,modify,forbear or meke�ny eccommodatlans wltn re8ard to th�t°rm°°�' __
<br /> "-;���:; , the Nate w3thout Trusw�'s wnsen� �
<br /> �:i;.?;,. , �_•-..
<br /> ��* 13. L.o�n Charges. If the loan secared by thia Security Instrument is subject W a law which set�m�x[mum
<br /> Ioan charges�end that law is finally tnterpreted so that the interest or other loan charges cu�lected or to ba callacted in �
<br /> '.� ' connectton with the loan excad the permitted limita, then: (a)anY such loan charge shell be recluced by tlta amount
<br /> neu�sary to reduce tho charge to the permitted limit;and(b)any sums already cotiected tYom Horrower wh(cir exceeded
<br /> ,_ pem�itted limlts wtU be reti�nde�to Borrower.
<br /> ;� 14. NotEeas. Any nottce w'I'nrstor provided for in this Securlly Instmment shall bo gtvan by dplivaring it or
<br /> ,�„_:����- - _ ���=�g�_�y�_��a;l nntess aQnitceblm law[equires use of unot�er method. The notico shall be ditpcted to the
<br /> .���° � Froperty Addnss or any otl�er address'frustor designated by notine to Lendor. Any notice co i.ender shuii�s�i��s�'f nr'.,i
<br /> ,�.._,; , noilce to Ta�stor..Any notice
<br />�,;�"�;X',�� class mait to I.ende�s address atated heretn or any other sddress Lendee designates by
<br /> �:+:�+,���-:�.� }xovided for in thts Secur�ty lnsuument shall be deemed to havo been gtven to Trustor or Lendsr when givon�as provided
<br />-:�„��;�� in this parag�apfi.
<br /> =•-,�,".,��:
<br />�:,�;;_P>.;� A3, Gm+erning I.sw;3everab[lity. This Securlty Insuument shall be govemed by federul ltttv.•And the taw —
<br /> ._���'M1:""� of the jut3sdictton in whtch the Pro�eriy is located. in the avent that sny peov(sIon or ciause of this Security at►�'xaument or
<br /> the Nois conflicts with applicabie taw�such wn�lict sbail not affect other provlsione of this Securtty Instturrtent a the
<br /> -r4�-.�-=� Note which can be given effect without the cor.flicttng provisfon. Ta thts end the provistons of thfa SecudtH�nstrument
<br />-�%n�M�k_-,h��' ' .end the Nou ara decland to bs severable. ��
<br /> ...-:,,,� 16. Truator's Copy. Truswr shaN be given ona conformed copy of this Security Insuu�ant, end. if •
<br /> ____..�___ �p��by tho'�'rustor.a copy of theNote.
<br /> =------� 17. Trnnsfer ot the Property or w&nettcta0 Interest in Trn�tor. If all ar uny part of the Pnoperiy or anY
<br /> ��� tntetest fn it i�aold ot trnnsfemd (cr if a bene8ciel tnterest in 7htstor is sotd or transfem;d end Teuston Js not a natural
<br /> -���� person)witliotat L:enders ptior written wnseait,Lend¢r may,at its option,requtre immedtate payment in�NII of all sums
<br /> �=-�`�� secut+ed by this Secudty Insm+ment However.thta op3nton shati not bts exercised by l�endee if exercisA.is probibite� by
<br /> --- -- � federai law as of the date of ti�is Secudty►Instn�ment
<br /> ��_^��.:�� If Lw►der exorctses this option,Lender shall give Boirower ahd Trustor natice oi acreleraqan,�.The notica shatl �
<br />�-°:���— provide a pertod of not less than 30 daya flrom the dato the nottce is deliveced or maited�vtthtn whiah�Boaower and/or
<br />.�"`�- 'Itustor must pay a!1 sums secured by this Security Inswmen� If these sums are not paid pdar to the�expiretion of this
<br /> �,,:>�` f�
<br /> �`�'�=s --'"= nder me i voke an remedies rmttted by thta Securiry Insuument wtthout N�ther notip�ar demend on
<br /> T=:�::-�,.1r-- Pertod.4� Y P Y �
<br /> - -?�:z:.� Borrower or 7'ruator. _
<br /> _ .. -����a.:.:_:
<br /> ' �`?�: 18. Trustor'a Right to Reinstata IF'1'ruaWr meets cerc�in condiQons�7lrustor shaii hAVa the r�ght to have _
<br /> _ .:.��,. :;� � enforcement of this Securtty Instrununt disconttnued at ar�y cime pdor to the earifer of:(a)S days(or suaf�alher period es —
<br /> :., :�_, urauant to an otve�Qf galo con�t►ined(n this
<br /> -_.,,.,„• appt�cnble taw muy speCifjr for reinste4ement)beforo sale of the Pmperty p Y P
<br /> ` � : Securlty lnstrument;or(b)entry of a judgment enforctnE thia S�curity Inst�ument� Thosa conditifln��to��a�:ta�p���m9
<br />- �r..c;�-;;; : i. , . .. _
<br /> ,, �, , are pald to �.ender whEch then would be�Que under this 3ecudty�Instcument as�d the No4e ns if no asxeter�ttiou had r
<br /> — '�-L`'r��`�-` pecutred;(b)arqr defauft oS'any athcr+s�venat►+ts or agreements is cured: and(cy all expenses ina�r�d in enForctng this
<br /> � :�°,ix�:,:� :...:�} . _
<br /> . ,,;.�.;:.:- Secudty Instrument,including,but not limited to.reasonable attomeys'fees are paid. Upon reinstatement,this Seeurity
<br /> _ .�'�-____�� tnswmettt and the obti�ations secured hereby shaU raeuin tLlly ett'ective as if no acceieration h�d occucsed. No�vevet, �
<br /> �T�� , � ��a I this rtght to reinstate shall not apply in the case of accetemtion urtaer paragrepa i%• _.
<br /> . j �_
<br /> 19. Sale ot Note;ChAnge o!troaa Servicer. The Note or e panial interest in tha idnte(rogether with ihis p�_
<br /> �' I Secudty lnshument)may bo sold one or more timas without prtor notice to T�ustor. A salo may tesult tn a change tn the __
<br /> ' � enttty(kttown es the"Losn Servlcer'�that coilects monthly payments due uader tho Note and this Security inswment.
<br /> 'Chete also mey be one or more changes of the Loar+Servicer unretated to a sale of the Note. If there is n cnange of d�e V
<br /> Lvnn Servicer,Bormtiver and Trustor wiit be given written notice of the ch�nge in accordnnco wtih paregrnpfi 14 ubove �
<br /> J artd appltcnblo IaFV. 'I1�e nodee wili state the name and addr�ess of the new Loan Servicer and the eddress to c+erhich `
<br />- payments slioutd be made. The notice wili atso contatn any other information required by epplicablo law.
<br /> �
<br /> � _
<br />