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<br /> 3. Appilcettan oP Puyments. A!I pAyment� recoived by Qie Lender under the Note or this Security ��=-
<br /> � Instncsnent ehnll ha applted by the t,ender to tho Noto or MortQago in such order of uppltca9ion as the Lender muy `'`
<br /> dctcrmino. �
<br /> 4. II.lens. Trustae el�all peomptly dlsci�aego ong+llen tlhtch has prlorIty aver this Security'Instrument unlctss ��_
<br /> 7lruator:(e)egrcaa tn wdUng to!he payment oP the obligation aeaured 6y the lien in a manner accepteble to l.endcr;(b) �,
<br />-' _ _- -�' .�. a ti�.� .�_n__a_. �_w_...a�_..t»_._«�...�....w�..Pd. Ibn ih IPOA nrnce.edinws vathich(n lho LenJe�a �-��
<br /> I:IIIItCbia ftt aiwn�man�uv uv��w��vi YY{VNW upoum���•.�....0.....w..E...... , v.!� .
<br /> ,:,,..-»���° opinion a�crntc to pravent tha enforcemcnt of the Iten;or(c)secures nom the holder of tho Uen an agrcement sa�isfactory �;::
<br /> . - �''�� la Latder sut�rdinnttng tho lien to this Security instrumenG If Lender determines that any pnrt of the Property is subject l':;=.
<br /> � ' ta a Iicn tivi�ich may attnin prloriry over thia Secur(ty Instmanont, Lender may g3ve Trustor a notice ldent(fying the lien. �_T
<br /> '!'wstoe at�aN satistjr tho licn or tako onu ar moro af the octlons set forth above wltl�in 10 days of the giving of notice. ;
<br /> 1 S. H�ur�or Property Ineurnnce. Truatar shall keep the improvements now axisting at heroatler erected
<br /> i,��; on tho Propariy insurod egAinat loas by liro�hnuuds ineluded within the term"extended covere�c"and any other hezards,
<br /> including ftoods or flaadina�for which Lender requires inau�ance. This insurance shall be maintained in the amounts and
<br /> .fur Il�o pertada thAt Lender requiros. The insurance carrler providing the insurance shafl be chosen by Trustor aubject to ,
<br /> �t Lender'a approval whicl�shali not be unreasonably wit��held. If Trusior foits to maintain covemge descrihed above�Lender —
<br /> „ m�y�at Lendet°s oplion,obtaln coverngo to pratect L�ndePe rl�t►ta i�i the Properiy in accarBanx�;rith�r�graph 7. �-
<br />, ° � All Insurnnca oliott+a nnd renewals ah3P1 tt�ucceptuble to[.ender and shall includo a standard mortgage clausa.
<br /> p
<br /> � l.snder et►atl bavo the elght to hold the policies and renewals. If Lender reyuires�Truator shaN promptly give to Lender ali 6:.
<br /> ` recaipia of pald premiume and renowel notices. In the avont of loss,Trustor shall give prompt notica to the tnsurance
<br /> � � cartfer and I.ender. Lettder may mnka proof of loss ii not made prompUy by Trustor. =
<br /> Unleas Lender end Truetar otherwisa agroe in wdttng,tnsurance proceeds shall be epplied eo reswration or�epatr a
<br /> � , otthe Property demaged�if the aatomtton or repair is economlcnlly feeu+tble and Lender's seaurtty is not IessEned. If the
<br />--� �estnratlon or repalr is not eeanamicnily feasible or Lenders security would be lessened,the insurance proceeds may.at
<br /> y ,� tha optto�� of Ute I.ender,bo npplfcd to tlto sutns eecu►ed by this Security Mstroment,whether or not then due,with any -
<br /> _ " .,,. � ° c�cca�p.:�ts�uazw. if T:u�t�a�sd�o i�se�-°tlf.at d�aai s��es'�ti+.ltitt 3R�layA a notico from l.ender that ihe
<br /> � ° •� insurance c�rrter hns ot�ered to eettlo e claim�then Lender may collect the insurAnce pmceeds. l,ertder may uso die
<br /> � prceeed�to repatr at rettoro the Property or to pay suma eecured by this Security Inst�ument,whether or not then clue.�The
<br /> - � 30•day petlod wilt baQin whon tho nottce ia giv¢n. �
<br /> :,y..:
<br />�,:-y sr-•,:�3.
<br />�===• .•• Unlosa Lcndor�Tntstar end Borrower otherwisa agree in writ(ng,any application of proceeds.to principat ahal!noi
<br /> "'""''' rxtend or postpotto tho duQ duto of the monlhly paymenb referred to in paragrephs 1 and 2 or change the amouat of the
<br />�"'�"'���� s roixtite. If under nm m h 21 tho Pro en is n utred b Lender,Truato�s d ht to any insurance olicles and proceeds
<br />�=�..-�,. p Y P � p P Y �9 Y � P
<br /> - , _ rciWtln4 ftam dantago to Uto propsrty prior to tha aaquisitlon ahalt pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this
<br />����,;�:
<br /> 6ecurity Inatrumcnt Immcdintoly prlar to tha ucquisttion.
<br />�.�_.--!r.•��
<br />��',:`�_�, 6. Occupanoy� PraervatioM, MaMtcmnce and Proteclton ot tho Pruperty= Tn�stor'a l.oan
<br /> ���,r•�= Appite�ttun{Leiiehnlda Tn�sior ehall occupy�estabtish,and uso the PropeKy as�'rustors residence and ahalt canttnue to
<br />=���:�� occupy tho Prapeny as Truetot'a prtnctpal rosldence for at least one year after the date of accupancy,unless �.ender
<br />_--��-�-� otlurtyise egreee in writing,wl�ich cottsent nhall not be unreasonably withheld�or unless extenunting circumstaaces exist
<br />-�'='°'��; whkl�ue boym►J Trusto�'a wntrol. Trustor shaN not destroy, damage or impair the Pmperty� allow Qtie Froperty to
<br />�;�� �leterinrets,ce canintt wtato on tho Property. 'ihtstor ahall 6o in defauft if any forfetture ection ar�.pra�ceeding,whether
<br /> � - "�� civll ar crt�ninal� ie bagun that tn Lendet'e good Pnith Judgment could result in forfeiture of the Ptoperty or athenvise
<br /> �-�"'�� m�tcrttl!y Impatr Uio licn crcatcd by this�ecurit�Inswment or Lende�'s sccurlty interest. Tmstor may cure such a default
<br />-�'`��� � end reinatcte� ��ptavideA in paronrapb 18� by causing U�e action or pmceedtng to be dismtssed wtth a rultng that,in
<br /> - - --= �.cndc�'� guod fabb dctctmtnatton. prccludes forfo[turo of thv Trustoc'B (nterest in the Property or othcr materia!
<br /> ��"^'�?��;:-� Gnpohmem uf ihe Iter crcated by tlits Security Instrument or Lende�°s secur[ty interest. Trustor ehaQ also be in default if
<br /> ;'�::.. 'tiru�tat,dudn�tlto lorn epplioniton proceaa.gave mater(dly fals$ot tnaccurate informatIon with respect ro this Security
<br />'�`�'�""'�� Insttument,euch a�fulso raprecenlnttona conccrning TrusloYs eccupancy of tho Property es a rostdenco.
<br />'Yf��,�IW^
<br />���`�-'x•"`•- 9. Nrottclbn of Leeder'� [tt�hto tn tAe Property. !f Truswr faits to perform the covenants and
<br /> ' � � agrcemenf�coidalucd tn tbfs Securdty Insirument.or thero Is a Icgal proceeding that may significanUy eflf'ect Lenders dghts
<br /> � �� I�i ttte Pi��rtty(auch �� • pr�cecdtng tn lrankruptcy,probate. for condemnation or forfeituro or to enforce laws or
<br /> �� ��eQul#tl�ttiy),If��n Ixttdcr ntny do and pny for whttever ta neceasary to protect lhe value of the Pmperty nnd I.enders rights -
<br /> ,..,�• In Ihs('��xny. l,crtders actlonm m�y includo paying eny auma secured by x Iten which hss priority over this Security
<br /> _ � � iF�N�utiKnt,Mtspe�tfnY tn cautQ,poytn$rcasantble pttorneys'fixa and entering on tho Propert�t to mvke repnina. Aithoagh
<br />-_-, �,. ,� l.tadet�nry take actlon uncict thte pnrograph 7.L�ndcr does not havo ro do so.
<br />� . � � . . �� _.
<br />- � /1ny Kntnuntn dlshuntcd by l.cndcr undcr this paragraph 7 ahnll become addtttonet debt secured by thi9 security -
<br /> ' ��` ..�. e...+.�.....,.. ��„�.,.�i,.h,,,n,.,r,,,,���,,.�,n���4,�,r,�,,,a of mvmen�th�ee emownta she�l bear interest trom the data
<br /> _- . -- --•-�-- -- -. .
<br /> - � . �f�l.sbin�suncal at �ho N�ilo mto aicl shnli bo pny�bie,with interest� upon noltco ftom Lendcr to Ttustor requesting =
<br /> � � �myuicut.
<br /> !!, Motl�ge Itt�ur�ttc�. l.�ndor Ita�aol rcqulred mortgago insurance ss s condition of making tha loan
<br /> ��cufed by th{a ticcu►Uy I�sinime;�t.
<br /> : � 9, InA�KCllne. l�cttder Qr Itn�gcnt mdy mako reasottnblo cntrlcs upon end inepectlons of tl�o Property.
<br />- � t.smfer ehell glvo 7'rtnttur u�►tica at tlto lbtto oPor ptlop tonn Inspectlon epecifying raasannble cgusa fot!!�o inspecNon.
<br />� I
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<br /> �
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