. _ . .. � .A,rh'�'r� ..
<br /> iYV� "
<br /> ,
<br /> - ..-iaaW�. i��t. � , .. � .. .. .. .. .. .r ' � .. �,i'�� . .
<br /> ,
<br /> '. . . �. � . y�.p�_.1- ' _. - �r �-�� . i .
<br /> LL .. .. .
<br /> .�arL� " . .• �. � . .. . -. . _.
<br /> . n -� c. ,. ;. .
<br /> � . �
<br /> :� . .. .. . � �_.. :'.
<br /> . . . . .� �. . .' . . . �
<br /> .: .
<br /> .. �i — .�_.__��...""......._.__.1�.`__.... �.._.. �� ����Q�(� ��r��.
<br /> , .. � • �o ea9;:�:esx�cs�o�FE�3�L��l3L k��10i�58.Cirontor shail Dran��utcty �ovida Lortd�r e�ith cn(tton nottea of eny nati�l ar �;�'
<br /> 91. L��iBgAY3 R��a3iY
<br /> thrc3tenad nclton,suit,ar othot proaseeflrtg nihcttrig the Rf�fty. Cdr•ntor herehy ctp�olnta Lcndct as .a sttomoyin lact to camrmnoo,Intorvcno In,end t��
<br /> � - - - �d�u�3+��r�3,estY3,ca c�tt:�E�1�I-�-'-'--�r�3 etsd tQ e�ttprr�i�m�n��1'��m°f�ntravaroy�orinining lhnroto. Londcr ahJl not bo ilako to l
<br /> QrMtor for any actlo�,�rar,mistaka,a sslon cr dcl_a�+portntn�p to Na sot!onn duccdbod In thta p�x+gtQAh or any darr��a roaulting thoroirom i�So6ung
<br /> _=_�= cntst�:'nao itmo'sr�wm a+wani Lcndoi�7in7�i'ai.;��i�.o a......�:o�°«��.�-°'!H 4ttla nan�nmed�In Ito nwn nartn �-.
<br /> __ f,s�
<br /> I
<br /> � . °� �Z�g����1, Lond�r ahell nut essun�e a ba reapontibio lor tho performanao of any of�mrAOr'o obHgationa wlih roupcct ta tho Proporty�mder f �-_-
<br /> ' eny d.tcur�tnnoas. Glrantor ehall ImmodatoFr provide Lendnr wM wrltten notfee ot and�ncemrtliy and hotd Lnndcr and ita shatoholdora,e8roetore,ot1oore,
<br /> - - er�,toy.:�s cn�c�;.nt�h:.rnt-aa hem en e!^7ms,���e.thabpt�a(�dndudintt6but ot tlrNt°d o�thoso Ir�va�in$�H ar�dous Matcrlatcj=�araMeoiteupan �-`- `
<br /> a
<br />. _ , •; otAu tepa�P�ngs(curtutatMaN..Gaims 1 W g ��Y t 8, ,._�
<br /> i n n r�u e s t e t t e n d e r.s h ffi I h t r e l e g a t o a u n x ei t o detend tendot(m�m�h Galrro�end pay ihe e tt o m eY s�'f��eg�o,,�d..S°e 8��..�CO�M�n.�.+��Q ,.
<br /> wnneetinn thertstvlth. In tho citemamo,�naer se�i ce e►rtmac �o a�rwiu���o....��:�.�-_-••- -_,.... ---.. _._..�.. �
<br /> f V
<br /> �� l� � odlgaUan to tndemtity Londet wder thia paragrapti shall sutvivosha tem�ln on,ro!easo o►lorsdosuro of this Deud at Ttust. l
<br /> •��%=�; 13 TAXES I,I�D A88E88lUENTB. t�mmor ahafl pay ail saxofl ertd euessrtnMa relating to Propotty whon due and imrtndlato(y provide Londer avid3neo ;;
<br /> �,�,.,,a„y�- • a} ot sama. Upon the re�uest e!usnder.C�rantor ehall deposit wNN Lertdor uacfi ntiMh one-twelhh ft/12)of the estimated annuzJ insu�anco �
<br /> ., �m taxe$snd assessrtierrto pESrtetntrtg to the Property. So laig as th3re Is no dateuit.theFS arrouMa sheli 6e appilod to tha payrmm nf taxes.
<br /> � � ���Ms ar�d�nsuranoa ns requ(rad on the Propsriy In the evem oi d�tc�uft,Londer sha11 hsvo tho dgfi�at ita soio option,to appy the tunds Eo Mid to ; _
<br /> p3Y anY taxes m aga!nat tho Obll�.toru.My hmds applied may,at Len�sr's option.bo applled In rovo►ee ordor ot the duc+data thoreof.
<br /> ; U, INgpEC110N AF PROPEFITY.BOOKB,RECeR08 IIND REPO�IYS. Qremor sh3fi e11ew Lcndar or hs�a to oxerrine snd Mspoet the Pmpc�rry _
<br /> { artd exert�iyna.inspeW and rt�ooPaes of C�rantara hoo►cs arad reeads pertaining to the Prooerly from tfine to UR1B. Qf$111Gi 6h811 pf0Y1d0 8fi}I fl851518ltC0
<br /> �� w�mpis�te(n r�dl respeds.eQrento��r sc�hali�te�oe al stence af�lbodete�be�ne�Ir te�rest n fta b�oeol��d��rd�s�partatnang tog he�Prope"'rtey'. A�6�ron ry.
<br /> t;rantnr shaliteport,in a fam sedsV�ctory to Ler�dar.suaA Infam�atian as Lendarmay ast regar�ng Qranta�s finar►ofal oone�tlon or the Property.'Fhe
<br /> . .. �• in�rom�atton n mish�ed by ratKat°o$i e�r s netl�0o°u-�ua aca��a���4n�ss��an�d��Gre tcf`r Ii'isayder�r�e�atsmay desl�'ata. a1 .
<br /> � �e�E�fOPPF�.CERitFICATEB. Wnhin ton(10)�ys afler amr r+�est bY t�andar.(itantor ahell delhr�r to lender.or ony irrtended vanste�ee of I.Andefs
<br /> dgMs wlth respect to dair►La���tensea s�et�ofts ar o�amt ��wt�h�eospect to�e Obti�gaU�and I�t so�the n�ure of shuch d�a(rret�de�ensssbec�t-0Hs a =
<br /> • Grantor Possesa�s enY tha!Lender may meke to tho irrtendad tranaferee witA reapeet to these mettem In
<br />. , oour+terdairre. QraMor wtil bo aoneluakety bound by arry rePre�on
<br /> tha evetrt thart�irar►tc►fails to provtde the re4uested staterrerR N a tinely mannar.
<br /> ; �� . .• �ry p�a ot ttie Ob1l�onbe in clefault unde►tlds Deed at Tnastartd Ure Trustee s pawer shell beoome operativo In the ever�t that Qrentor.8orrower a
<br />;,.�.�,;,,,;'. (c�taita to PaY�Y��on to tsndmwhen due; a corensnt to Lender oor�teU�ed in th�a Doad ot Tntst a any other present u(uture
<br />" • , (b) falls to pertartn anf►O�ifBaRion or breadies anY M►a�ntY
<br /> �h.�a:: t, �c�a loses or dan'�a9es ihe PropertY In arry tnaterleii respect a sub3ects the Property to sekure.OO�Ifl6Cdit01L Ot OOttdSlrAStion: --
<br /> _ .•; - ay sas'�ta rs�,.'�.�te�r ort�n�±ltnt?tta Uabllily uRderesn quatentY to lender; for ine benvn'i ei ua.-°�r,�ta Fa;
<br /> A`:s`. .; e �es.beaomas legeUyr tnoorrpatern,is cissoNed or terrtiins�d.beoon+es tnseNaM.matcea en aatig�men►
<br /> '�-n:,�...-��Ph. �Rs as they heoorte due.files a pettdon under tirv federal5ankuytay lawc.has an imroluMery PeUtlon in ban{wptay filed tn wht�Qrar�r,8orrawer _
<br />_` •,•'•",� � try ts non�ad,or h88 propetly tekBn under w(q or�00855 0!o0urt;
<br />'-��.<`��", ora 9�� �rtY.11�e Pos�slon.lranspattNon.or use of whioh.Is IIIe�a1: -
<br /> —_ �:,� lfl allara�yoods to be usod.transparted or stored on the
<br /> _=��~�..`'�''.� , ���11owe any pgAy othertlmn(irantat or Barowor to assurr�e or undartel�e enY Cblig�dlon without tha wrttten oats�t►t of Lender;or
<br />-- .td.v:.YS]y
<br /> - rr..;��.� (h)causes tsnder to daem ftselt tnsecure e�e to a�igNikant decilns tn the valuo o}tho PropeAy:a H Lender.in gad teith,tar atry teaaon. vea
<br />;:�R:'s.::,:+.�•_ t�tffi th9 PfO8P8C40�pByR�Bi1161 pBI�OtI11a11081A�TIp8IfE1d.
<br />-V.T_..,�c�.l�
<br />-`�..,�;;,;;,...�g,� ti7."ipIQFtT'8 OF L�NDER ON OEFAULT.if th9re is a detault ut�der this Oeed of Ttusl,Lor�der shsll be enUtled to exetdse one or rrore of 1he ta��wing �
<br />:1�.:_;•�.���� rari�eiAea without rtoflee or demand(exoeEst es�tred tsY tawl� �,;:
<br /> . (o)to dadare the Obilg�lons�tm,,pn�ad�tateql due and payabieln p�:
<br /> ,-+'•�rvia.� ��tO00�Bf'�i u100111818i1�l1$v�•��+..0118YUt1�1M1Y�I�lOU�(850f1�118t0�0�8��fG0888i —
<br /> _�-��;:�J (o) to requlre/�C.i�ra�nta to d��el�M.�e�r.and make available u Lenisr efii Pe�onel P�P�Y or Chatte.s oonaUt►Nng the Praperyr at a Pi�me�ea�a�iY
<br /> -___.�vm�:4.if ��p��t0�ifd�l��YI�fV"OI�
<br /> -�.�,-� (d��to erter upon and mite P��o}1ha Prope►yl�aPP�Y��B�a obtaiNng ffie eppotntrtieirt of e reoatver ar�d.af I.,snder'e opbn,to
<br /> ;>� eppoirn a reoeivsr whhout bond wittiait ftrst mrin�ng suit an ttre Ob�l�s and wtthout oiherw'�rs meeUrtg any steRutory aon�itbns re8u�R8
<br /> teoeive�s,ft bein8 Ir�tKid�d that Lender eha�have tNs oonuaewei�igM to eppoiM a reoefirer,
<br /> �'°°-- -- (0)to ertp(oy a mena�n8 e9an1 ot tho Property and let the samo.eilher in Tru�teo s own narne.�����a end e nses,on a000r,tnt ot
<br /> —__= reoetve the rertt$.�noaroes.issue�and proftta of the Property and eppty the sam3.eiter pa�RnaM .
<br /> - the Obilgatlons:.
<br />------ ps ty;�of,�«p�na�o��f�e�m��der w pmto�t the 6eaid►Y of this Oeed ot Ttist or to aua anY detauft ot►�er then
<br /> -- - — l9)to 4aedo�o thts Deed of Tnut judolail�►or nonju�eia9�r andto e9reu the ea�e of the properiy thro{►�ezetdse of ttre p�ver of eate aa reteronoed tn
<br /> 20 heraot in e0000rrt�nce wilA�ppllcahle law:
<br /> - --_ )to set�oft War►to�'s Obt�tlons against�.'�Y arrourAe anrad eirartta�Lender ir�oEudiaB.brt not Qmtted to.rtnntos�insuumente,azM depos(t
<br /> - -.° a000ur►ttmalrteinedwithlenderararrycurtent►9exlatinBor tUlireffiflliateo Lsnder.and
<br /> - --...-- (iI to exere3so ali oth��¢RS avnilableto Larder wdar eaY aRher w�lten egeemant or ePpUce6le Iaw.
<br /> �='°�"�`�•� L,az�der�e�ars wrnuteQNe and may be exerciced together.sep�r�el�l.end in eny order. In the everrt that Lendor insUUttea an aotian se�k�ihe
<br /> o�airy of the Prapwty way of a prejud�nerrt�en'�edy tn an sdion egatnst Qremor,Cirantot wahroa the Posdng of any bond whkh
<br />-,� 01hQMII3o bB tBQuifed. Lender� B deSlp(168 maY piuehasa the Property at e�r aete. Prooeeds of erry Trustea s aafe he►euntier ohaii be
<br />.!```';'��`°�'-�� flrst.to the oosta and e�ensea of exend�tAe powe►oT eala end of the aele.inoluang the payrt��of ttw Trusiee's fees actualty tpwrted end noi to
<br />_`Y- ;:-:f�,''4�{� exoeed the arrnunt Whbh may b�provida�or In thta Dsed of Teust.se��to paymem o!tho 06Ugations seaured hetsby.third,to 1h4.qaY�rn ot+y��ry-�•-
<br /> �= �� ,.: Oi811 t�18f80=„�Y
<br /> ��`i�F�;?�:°;��t�,� truat deads�mn�t�9E!�gas.os o�or lionhotders,artd ths balanae��18n11�to tho percor►orperso�lega{ly enUtted thereto. The propertll 9 P�►!
<br /> ��°,.;;:::�.c�:" , 6 o s o l d t n o n e p a i m l�o r t n�u e h p a r o e l s.trenresr or ard�a3 Lender En 11s¢Wa eYsuoUUn may e�set�end ane a rtare exerdees of tha power herefn geav�tod
<br /> :i f"" ���'�� ` shait not exdn9utsh or e�aust Us P�er�������°���or the ob2tg�lons are paid fn f u A.
<br /> _-. , .,,_;-�_
<br /> "-'<��`' ..:`,-_;: 10. ZA!l3�E'8 E1S�RCiSE eF PCiNEEi OF B�LF ON D�AULt: It l,e�r eloas to�eit c3rantar's tmerost tn th3 ProAenY bY exe�cise W ttr9 Poin►sr o __
<br />"'l:r l^��t:4a�:'-�c �here�n aomeinod.lt+nsler shatl nollty Ttustee in tho manrar tt�►roqutred by lev,►• .�,;,.�
<br /> .`�'r��,�,:�`� - UPon ceceip!of suoh notioo ot Ler�der end et tha�reeiton o}L�ndar.Tru�se shalt�se to 6o recorded�P�bllched and dsiivered suoh noUoea of dafauit
<br /> - et�d noUoes of cele as trey then be requtced by 18v�and0y Ude Qsed of Ttu�t.Tntstea eh�ll.onry�i cho drection of Lartdar and�Mthout�mand on arantor,
<br /> . . . .;�,,� aftet sudf Uma as may then be�equI�ed by law end eilF�reoor�Uon o!suoh no�ae o4 doteutt end eftor notloe ot eale hn been glven Ha requtred by law.
<br /> U �
<br /> ._ . � _ saH the Pro�y at the Uma and ot�o o'd sale ttxad bY It i��t°�4t�e�f ht��iest b�Eddor tof�eash�In I i mor o�y otifie Uni oo Stat��,at�r t'.n�e ct
<br /> - --��'�i1 emeaen�ard tn sueh ocoier as[t m+y d otem irp,�prb�.,.m,�am.r��mn eure�ar,er or ouretiasem t�ereot tts good and erit asea or ck�eds
<br /> - 88(9.ot 88 CB181wit�e t[H7 u18n o°'°y"°°'`q�••• ••••�------•-- -- �
<br /> _�-"��+'���-� �aperty so sofd.but r+tthout anY�ovet�ant a�nr�urar�ty.express or�mpifsd. 71ie reaitale in such deetl ot�rry rtsnero vr ia�cs sr�r�os
<br /> :�'"^� • '� °6"��°8� f- of 9�a tMl�tulness Q�ersot. My p�son�ndud�9.without 1'udtatlon,tirerrtar.Trustee or Lender.may purdiaro st wuh salo.Trusu►o ma�r
<br /> . aand�shro proo
<br /> _ __ . , -. in tiie manner RrovEdad bY la'�+Po�pona se!e ot ell or arry Portlon ofiho Property. .
<br /> ., , 1g R�11EgT FOA PtOitCE8: C3rartor�equesta t►�at a ooPY°f�y°0�0e of d�feun°nd a aapy of eny nmloe of eala herourtder be malisd to each porson
<br /> ; wh�ts a PenY hereto at the address ot suoh peason set brt�hereNet tt[e satr�tima end in tha eamo rtcinr►or requtred ea ihougfi e separate request theroof '
<br /> ..�, had be�t►t fitad by eaah sttoh peteon.
<br /> . � , � � 5 _.
<br /> P NEppTC Rn.1Z97 Papa9d8
<br />