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<br /> , • (c) Rp Gppi;c�h#o Ixua Md togulatton3,ino!udfng,withaut Ilmitmlon,fho Anndcnnn wllh OIsn4111110o Act.A2 U.9 C SoWlan t2�0� o�coq (ar�d a!I ��
<br /> ° �tatlons promulgatod IikFCUnH�er)nnd a0 zunirtg artd buil6np la�vn and regul�iiona rclating to tho Propany by vlrtua of cu�y Iod�r�1.alnto or rTwr�lclp�l �__
<br /> -• ��thetlry��iih�uri-,.E:�13n o�r Ih�Pretp^,rty.proacMty ero cnd ch�ll b�obsorvod ond cony�llod with I��nil nii!orini rocpntta.nnd all riqhta.I;consos, �-
<br /> pam�tto.end ooni0catas ot oaupancy pnctudirtg lwt not Il�tcd to zanlnp v.vinncan,cpaclai oxcepllonn Im noncarJorrrdnq ucon,and Iinai tnsper�tlon �
<br /> _� ���1.t;��;,r;;t F�.-�iµ��ty�'s�jx:tiiF:irti�l.�i�iti�i 3�v m.��t-ttsl to th�n'ef:+r.d e�teep�ncy nl tl�rt Prn�mmrty.psr;^Mly�ra�r�d .".ti�ii tx� �b;zircd, �
<br /> -- _ -- prvsen.ro and wir�ro rrw�aiur.ror�n;,
<br /> �� � L (d►GtatRnr i�t�tho rt�M artd is duty nutRorited So oxacuto and po�ortn 110 OWlgallonn undor Ihia Oeod ot truct nnd thoso ac:lona do not nnd chaU not
<br /> n oant::Cl W►Ih itto p78vl�iansof My cintuto,rcgut�tton,ordlnanco,rulo of intiv,coniracl or olhor agroomant which tmy bo bindinp on Grnntor nt nny tlrro. f
<br /> I ,
<br /> (o)�ta rietton o�proCeCdng tsor thratt 6�portartg or Iirceatanod�riddi nigVH�naterially allect Ih�Ptoperly.a��d
<br /> ,. �, (t�Gramor Aas rto�vlataed and shall not vfolato any etnhrto,regulatlon,ordinanco,NIO O}IIIL11,eoniract or othor ngroarrani(tnr!uding,but not Iqnited to, �
<br /> ' thosa gavemng Hazardous Mr+tonala)�Mtch mt�ht m3lurialty nTtocl tho P�ropoAy or Lender'8 rfghto or Intorco�in iho Proporty p+�tsuaM t�ihls Ocod of �_,
<br /> - �nra.
<br /> . ' �r--� � PitT06i OL�EOS OF TAU4r.Qramor rtspmscma and warcr�me that thero aro no prio►daads ot trust attacting nny�ut of tho Property oxcept as set farih
<br /> n.M� � �f S�t1e B att8ched to mts Oo�d of Trust,whfch Qrantor ugreos to p3 end portorm in a tlmoly mannor. If thoro ero any prior daads of irust ihcn
<br /> .�_-�'F s (�e�aes to pay ali emoutrta awed,and pertorm all ohltgallona requl�undur such daeda af truat and tho tndob!ednoss soeured thoreby and funher
<br /> cge�thst a defauil mt6e►ariy prEor cteed of trust shalt be e doh.tult undar ihis Raed of Trust end shall enlHto Lender to ail rights end remedios eonlninod
<br /> ' ' , , heYein a in ihe Obilgatbns to whkA l.ond�sr would bo oMiriad in tho avem ot any other dotauN.
<br /> �, 1fiANSFEitS OF lf{E PROPERTY OR�ENEFlCIA6 lNTHRE8T8 IN GqANT08�OR BORROWHRS. In 1ha evorrt oi a sate,wnvnyanee,loase,
<br /> � ooriRacl tot deed or transfor to any porson of ali ot ony parl of tAo real propeAy desui6ed In Sohodute A,or any imerest therein,or of ali or any henetidal
<br /> ; Interest in 8o�rer ar(iraNOr(tt Borrav,rer or QaaMOr Is rtot a naturat psrnan or porsons tr.A�s a corporation,lirrdted Iiability corr�+any.par'►nership.mrst.or
<br /> . al�et Iegal¢rRiry),Londor m�y.at[ts optfon dadaro tho outstandtng prlrtdp�!balanco of the ObOgatiana plus aoaued tMerest thereon IrmnecDateiy dua and
<br /> „ payahle. At Lendefs teq¢ee:t.[itantor or Banower,ns tRe caso rtriy be,shail tumtsh a oort+�Aete staiement seriing toMh aIi of hs stoekhoiders.members,or
<br /> 1 .� parit�ers.as appropiate.mid CS�oxtarrt of thetr reapoGNe ownorsMp irrtamsta. I
<br /> �• g� qggiti►�ii�ly'GF C',S7f5. In oonstEaraHon at tAa OD::gatl�,trhkh aro tceurcd by ihls Oeed of Trust,Oramo►absolmary assigns to Lende�all
<br /> " ' Qrar�to�a estato,ri�t,titte,irrterest,cl3(m end derrend now owned or horeaher eoqulred fn elI exiating and luture teases of the Property pneludtng �
<br /> • �:, reneMra�s and suhteases,ell�ee mems for ur,e and aocupancy of Me Property(all such leases and egreemems vrhather written or ora1,are
<br /> � he�farred to es ihe'L,easas�,erai allguaranl.bs ot lescees'peAormanoa under the tsasea,together wlth ihs imme�8ate and oorninuing right to "I
<br /> � eotlsct end reoeNe sll of itnrsnro,tnoort�e,reaetpts revanues,tssues,profits and other inaoma ot any nature now or he►eafto r du a(i n duding a n Inoome af �
<br /> .. ct
<br /> �. . � any natum oorryng�o durp�g any eederrption perlod)under 1Re Leases or ftam or e!lsing out ot t(�e Prope�y InducP,ng rrintmum rants,add' onai renta,
<br /> . peroertage rerrts, patidng or eamnon erea meirRenanoe annfi'butlons,tax end tnsuranoa oortMbutians,defldency rehis,liquldatod damages foilowing
<br /> � doi�t��eny lessa,eIl prooc�eds payable ar�der arry poiiay ot tnsuranoo oovedrtg lors ot rems resumng ham uMenaMaDflfry eaus�d�y destruction or
<br /> .. , . dazreg�to thg 8p�xooeeds peYeQle 8s a fesuit of&lessee'a exe[d3Et of en optton to purc�tase iho Rroperty ell ptoGeeds cefi►ed trom tho
<br /> � tesninatton or re�n yof erry Lsase in e bankr�ptcy ar other tnsohrcn�r ng end a11prooeeds from eny r(ghts and c�ahris of any Idnd which Qrantor
<br /> • ,;>;' , r�a harea�(nst anylessee under the Leasos ot any 000upertts of the�(sIi of the al�ove ero hereaftet wAeelfvety refenad to as ifie'R�Ms). 'ft8s
<br /> � uremTs�to the rlgM,paxer arM aulho�ty gNan io the Lender to aolfect end apWy Me Tier�s. Thte asslgmneM is teoorAsd in aaoordanos with
<br /> smte law;the I�n aeatod by thts essi�ment fa irttendad ro Ee spacifle,petfected,snd dpate u�son ths�eoording of thia DOad of Trust,atl as
<br /> '� „ z �by appOeable saate taw es arnendsd irom�Orre to tUre. As tong es ther�>ts�o defautt under lhe O�iigations or this Qeed ot Trust,Lender grarrta
<br /> �rantor a tavoe�bie Qoerise to cdlset ell Rerrts 1rom the Leases when due end to use suoh prooeeda fn arerttofe bt�sinesa�per�flo�s. Haxaver,lander I
<br /> = , rt�ayr at any ti►ne reqidre C�entor to deposit a11 RarRa Irrto en aoowrrt meintatned by<iranta or Lender at Lsndee'e inslNutlon. Upon Qera�,n i�rna pay�am
<br /> .•..: .�����F ot.or m ttte petfom�We af�enY oi uro C�iiar'a.ta�wi ii�t ai�tr��'i,��i3n3�oao�,'ii t.S iho�A'�id!C`Y.!kl�Q.S!!_[!-°^�.!'•!?�?�+!?�1�!�+�e�ato tP�A
<br /> Properiy an temts and tor e periad of tirte that lender dderrm propet l�ender trey poceed Yo oollect�receNe eli Rar►ts hom 1Rs property.and Wnder �
<br />.�i. - ":.; . shaU ha�re tuii power to�aiterations �.repa�rs or roptaoemerrts to the rry as LeMer may daom ptaper. LertQer eppty all Rsnts In
<br /> lsr�dats sda dsaellw�to psyrt�ent of t�s ObOgattons or to the paymetit of the o�t�s�h ahe�eUa►s�ronovat�a,rep�hs�r�r�mg artd a� .-
<br /> ,��;,;,p��•.. •�'J. �s�to tatdngarai re�possesr�n otlhe Rtoperiy perio�lly and th0 andoper�stbn ot the Propeny. Lon�'maY�p 1he
<br /> .,�..��,..- insunad�may anY mxea�d�arges.etair��essessrt�ema e n d�a e r I f e n s v A�l fimsy eeaue. The ou�ae�rd eosl ot t h e s e
<br /> .�......:.:.,rs- aatons may bep�d(rom Aie perRS�,irod.and�Y ur�id emourRs shall be addad m the ptndpel of U�e Ob4g�olona. Tt�e amounts,taguher wtUe
<br /> --_ �:.�.',p_ olher aos�.s h e l l b e m i�p a r t ottne G b t i g��+s Eeaued b y Uds Dead of TrusL
<br />:-:c�,�;.Tg.:!,,•�Or .
<br /> '=:,r,y::'.;�' B: U8E Ald��tAlNTENAkCE OF PRt�£L�Y�. Ciremor d�all tata�e11 aei.'ons an��la�erry reDatrs raeeded to mair�in fie Fr�e�j in goc�d aond�n.
<br /> an
<br /> .;r�� �,.:?,.. .. Grar�tor shaB not aoamit or�errtft etry waste to be oomritted with respe�t ta the Property. faratrtor shaU use U�e sofeiY►n eampNanca wiAt
<br /> Ue
<br /> T.. . epplkable!aw end Msuranoa A'�ides. C�ramor�isail not rtrakes�r akere�lona.ad�ions arirr�o�r�mente to ihe Properry lartder's pdor writien
<br /> � -_,-'�K.�:e . e�,seru,w�rho�rt urrittr�g u�a�en eneraL'ans,edt5uons and+rtpro+rem�nts rrad�to the P(apeny shau be su�jocc to uie mronaa►�maren belang►ns ,
<br /> ._°---4•. to Lende�.8haH not be rer►nv+ed landePs prlot twrfttett oortser►1.end sh&ll be rriade et titerrta's soia v�n59.
<br /> ,.-�''�`:=-.r^"; 7. LOS.S OR OAiIAGE Qtatltot shell�eat the etltlre rsic ot eiry f0.ss.U18f1,destruatton or datn9gD(qtmulffiN�y'L+oss oip�n�')toUte PropoAy�A►anY
<br /> _
<br />