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<br /> _ U�mn cc�rclpi of pay�nenl of the price bld. Trustee shall�lrftvor to the purchaser Trustce'R dced rnnveyinf�tha
<br /> Feoperty. Th�recltaE�in the Trustec+'n deed r;hnll be �rt�nn fi�cle evidenc�of the t�th oP ths stutement5 mndo tteecei��.P,��
<br /> 'fru�tee�hnQ appiy ti��praceeds of t�:enie in the Eoiiocvin�mvder.�a)to nii costn artd exixmsex uP cacni�InF;ii�e�wcr�i9�
<br /> sAle,attd the rule,irtiluding the payment oP the Tru�tee's fees uctsu�lly tncurred,not tu exceed `� � ,
<br /> of thc principul umount of the ranie ut thc ttme ef the�leclnrntEon o!clefault,nnd reasonable uttorn���s ac permltted C.� �
<br /> -; - ....,._ e!e
<br /> D,Y E[llij(b�IO iiU Sflia-li 3 Rt�idll�il u�iiii3:Mii+il�q :._.cz:::::.'—::'c;:;:::i:� «»� :+.':.::.'.c: - :�:'.;:�1_r._n+:�s i dt�ii,Y�=�iitt�+av c� ''.-:
<br /> (t. -- ° q `
<br /> 22. �dccanveyance. Upon payment of ull sums secured by this Secudty Instrument. Lender shall request Trustee to 1�
<br /> reconvey the Property und sh�tll sumettd�r this Secudty Instmmcnt and all iiu[c�cvtdenciny debt serurai by ihis SSC;urity �
<br /> tnstrumQnt.o Trustce. Trustec Fhall ceconvey the Property without wurranty und wIthout charge to the person or persons Ie�ally
<br /> entitled ta it.Such persan or per�ons shuq pay uny recordatlon casts.
<br /> 23. Subst(tute Trustee.L,�nder. at its option. may from time to ti►ne remove'!'iustee a►►d appoint A suocessor tntstee to --
<br /> :��y Tiwt�Ap�wf�ited hereunder by an instrument rccardcd ir�thc county in which this Securit�Instnsn►eni is r�or�ed.Without --
<br /> �C�L��1�.. �1.� �.��.�Lwt1 �.����J�_ _If�L_�Sa�_ __ �...7 J�_.'_ '__C'--_J.. _w�_. L___•'
<br /> WI�Y�.�tfJtMS v�Mti��vr�����ww���+w�� MMVNrr V�� • oY�vw��v W���M1��Mr�r�nv� wW YYNM W�uvttW YfIV�� �fYJ\W�KiVftt
<br /> und by appiicable luw.
<br /> 24. ReqttQS!Por Notices.Borrower�+equests that coples of the Rotices of default end sale be sent ta Borrower's uddres�
<br /> which is the Pmperty Address. �
<br /> TS. Riders to th�s Secnrity Ynstrumen� If one or more riders are exetuted by Borrower and r�ecorded togethsr with this
<br />, Securlry Insuument,the rnvenants and agreements of eacd such rider shall be incorporated into and shall aruend sutd supplement
<br /> the rnvenants and agreements of this Security Instroment as if the rider(s)were a part of this Security Instrument.
<br /> (Check appliraote box(es)1 -
<br /> ' �Adjustable Rate Rider C'ondominium itider ❑ l�l F�un61y Etider
<br /> 0 Gradnatecl Payment Rider �Placuied Unit Deeelopment Rider ❑Biweekly Pnyment Rider
<br /> C]Balloon Rtder �Rate ImpTOVement Rider ❑Sacond Home Rider �
<br /> �V.A.Rider Other(s)[specifyJ —
<br /> BY SIGIVING BBLOW,Borrower accepts and agrecs to the tem�s and covenan4s aqntained in this 5ecurity Inst�ument and
<br /> �a�s;r's�o�sx�!r;�rt�•�et ss�s�!:Litf:it.
<br /> Witnesses:
<br /> . ���
<br /> � -Qormwer
<br /> ' D�BRA L JEFF S
<br /> :. �`' (Seai)
<br /> •Borrower
<br /> JERRY D JEFF R����� � .
<br />`- .
<br /> _ _. (�y) � (Se'.a�) —
<br /> •8omower . ' -8orro�war:�•.:� •
<br />� . . �
<br />� STATE OF NEBRASKM . Couniy ss:
<br />� 1hc foregoing inshumem was aaknowledged before me this day of HALL• � .
<br /> 1bTH 64:�1RCM 1999 .:�':,"
<br />�� by d���d�ftf��l4a-�BP�����;��t�E aNO Huse�NO. �sa� ,�sy,thedA*��fomaiit;_ T
<br /> _ . (3RAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA =
<br />_-, Nfy Commiss.on Expims• � � .
<br /> � � ' ` Notuy Public
<br /> � 6E1lERUitbiAR7•St�teol lkDr8s�4 . .
<br /> GAR1f A.KISEN . ',�•
<br /> i i�hi:o��A Jdh 9.i000 . .
<br /> "a .
<br /> � .
<br /> �
<br /> ; '
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<br /> � . . � Page 8 ot 8 • 'F,4f'!U SDZS 8180
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