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<br /> T � .� 19.TPAl19YCP UP(I➢C{°WI�2FPiy 6P i1 AftlFfli�Ii1I PGIO�PC:+I I(1 I$OYIYIiYCP.If uN ur uuy pnrt of thc Pmprrty o�uny intcrc.r•t in it
<br /> '� is�ald or trunwfcrrcd(or if u E�neticla!lntere4t!n!L►.r.Y+LVrr iu sotd or transfcrrcd mid B�ttrawcr is not u mdurut per�on)withaut
<br /> L.atdcr'� priitt writtcn canscnt, Lcrtdcr rot;ry, nt itn aption, rcyuirc imnicdintc pc�ymcnt in fu►1 uf a!1 sums sccured by thix __
<br /> v���,,� Security Instrumcnt.wo�ccvcr,this option slwtl nut bQ cxerciscd by l.rnder if cxcnise ic;prohibiteai by fcdcrcl Inev us of the dutc
<br /> of thts Sca�rity Instmntent. �
<br /> �-" I[I ntuln��;rnrrl�._�•M.c�nt{nn �.,�vk�r rhnll uivF.Flnrmw��tu+tii•���f c�ccicmti�.m. Thc n.�Acc shall �rovidc a perimi of not ei�
<br />'.s,�a�`�; + less t6an 3Q duyr from the date the noti:�c is dvtiverc�!ar muilcd within �vhich Bnrn+wer must pay ull sums sccurcd by thiti � -
<br /> ;°� Sccurlty Instrument.If Borruwcr fails tu pay thot;o sumx prior ta the expirution of'thls periad, I.endcr muy invukc uny remcdles
<br /> �rtn[tted b;th!§S-_£!!l�lY�tt�ll!ift+.�.!!!Y!�i�.tt!!I�Rlf?I1�Y lIMIC"OT�£f!?Lt1�1 pA RflttO\YCi. �y,
<br />' `"''"' 18. Borrowee's Rtqht to RelnstRia. IP B,�rnov;er mects certain candttions, Bormwer shull huve the rfght to huve �
<br />�-'-,�� enforcement of thi�3ecudty Insuument discontlnucd at any t[me priar tu dic carlier ufl (u)S duys(or such other periad t�s
<br /> upplicable laa may sperify for reinstatRanPnt) bofore snle uf the Pmperty pursuant to uny po�vcr of aute cantnined in thix �
<br /> =-- .."-.'„+�s,� Securlty lastrnment;or(b)entry of a ju�;i��nt enfurcing this S�cudty lnstrument.Those cundido�s are that Borrower.(n)pay.^.
<br /> ��''� ��'� Lertder all sums which thcn would be du�undar thi, Se�udty lnsuumcnt and the Note us if nu acceteration hnd uccurn�J;(b) p
<br />_;,`��`.:.�: eures any default of uny other rnvenant�or ugreemoncs; (e)pmy6 tut ea�enses incurred in eniurcing ini.r�ecuriiy insttumrni, `
<br /> '•'°�--=�- irtcluding,but not limited to,reasonable�uttarneys'fees:artd(d)tnkes such uction u�l�nder may reasonabiy reyuire to ussure
<br /> �-"�a.=�'�°° ehat the lien oF this 5ecurity Instrument. Len�or'sri�ht�in the Property and Borrower's oblibatinn to pay the sums stxured by
<br />:=:�,�;, this Secudry Instrument shall continuz unchanged. Upan reinstatement by Barrower, this Security Instn►ment and the
<br /> -=- ° obligations secured hereby shall mmmin fully effective as jf no acceleration had occurred.However,this right tv minswte sh�ll
<br /> '° not apply in the case of accelerntion undrr puragcaph I?.
<br /> =-�„=�� 14. Salc aY Idot�; Clnang�of E.o�tt Sstroicer. The Note or a partlal interest in the Note (togetker wl9h this Secur�ty ,
<br /> ---1�r�� Insm�meny may be sold one or�nore tim�withaut prior rtotice to Boao�ver. A ssile may result in a change in the entiry(known
<br /> ns the"Loan Servicer")that collects monthly paymantrs due under the Note nnd this Securiry Ynuniment. There also may be one
<br /> -'�'x,_,.�� or more changes of the Loan Servicer uncclated to n sAle of the Note.If d�ere is a cLange of the Loan Servicer.Borro�ver will be
<br /> '°" given writt�en rtot�ce of the change in accordance with paru�caph t4 ubove and applicable la�v. '11ie rtadce w311 state the nttme and
<br />,;�.,,=��� addcess of the ne�v Loan 5ervicer and the address ta which payments should be mnde. The notice wiU also contein any other
<br /> '�=�x� information c�aquired by applicable Iaw.
<br /> 20. Hazardous Substaaces.Borrower sball na.t canse or pernut the presence,use,disposal.storage.or release of siny
<br /> � Hazardous Substanaes on or in the Praperty. Borrowcr sh:r! not do, nor allow anyone else to do. a�rything affec6ng the
<br /> ---- Prope�ty that is in violadon of any Environmentnl Law. 'Y'ite pr�ling hvo scntences shall not apply to the presence,use, or
<br /> storage on the Propecty of small quan4ities af H:�rdous Substances that nre generally recognized to be appropriate to normal
<br />- - residenrial uses and to maintenance of the Froperty.
<br /> -- = Borrower shalt prompily give Lernder�mtten notice of�►y investigation,claim, demand,la�vsuit or other action by any
<br /> , gurastuncata:ur rcgulatar;�;eacy oz priYSLt pan!y iQy^lyi�ihv p�,�r�r arul any Ha�arxlnuc�bstsnce or Environntental law
<br /> - of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Bormwer lrarns, or is notified by any goveminemal or regulatory uuthority.tt�at
<br /> -._;�� any i+emovel or other remediation of azry Hazs+rda��s Subsuuace affecting tiie�nperty is neoessary, Borrower shall promptly take
<br /> � aU necessary remedia!actions ia aabrdaace with Envira�mental Law.
<br /> _ _ _ ;4s ys�!!n this par�*a�,h 20, "4T�vandous Suh�t�ices"are those substanc�definal as Wxic or hazardo�substaaces by
<br /> � Environmemal Law and the followir�g substatces: gasoline, kerosene. other ftammable or toxic petroleum products. coxjc
<br /> :.,,� pesticides and herbicides,votatile soh�ents.materiale containing asbestos or fomm�stt(dehyde,and radioactive materials.As used in
<br /> this paragraph 20. "Envi�+nnmental Ga�v" means federnl laavs and laws of the jurisdiciion where the Propet4y is located that
<br /> �- relate to heatth.safety or environmenrtnl protecrion.
<br /> NON-UN�ORM COVENAIVTS.Borrower and Lender furth�r covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> --- 21.Acxeieratton;Remedtes.Lemder sh�d9�[ve not[ce to Horrower prlor to ucceler�ian folloavilag Borrower's breadf
<br /> of any coven3nt or agreement in ttets Security Ir��n�tent (bnt aot prior to aocelerntIon um�r�paragraph 19 u�esg
<br /> a�ppllcn6le law provides other�s�ise).T9ie�ifce sh�t➢specifq: (a)the defaWt;(b)t6e adiqn required to cam the detauAh
<br /> (c)a date, not less than 30 days fram the dtit�tEt�aotice ts given to Borrower,by w6irL the detault must bP aued;and
<br /> (dy that failare to cure ihe defanl!�on or beta�re t�date specitied in the noHce may r�sult in aooelerat[on o�the sums
<br /> secured by this S�curity Imtrument and sate of t&a Property.T6e notEce s6all itnrthe� 3�oan Borrower of the right to
<br /> " reiastate after aooeleration and tha right to Isring•u oourt adfon w assert the nan�e�dsteace oi a detault or oqv other
<br /> defensc ot Borrower W aocelerallon aad sale. i?t�e defaWt is aot cured on o�before the date specifled[n We motioe,
<br /> Lender.at Its opiton,ma�Y re�ui�e immed[ut¢paqrneM in fiill oi ell sams secw+ed by ttds Securtty Iachvment withoirt
<br /> -`,:� !'urtiarr demand and may invoke ihR pmaer of sat�s end any other i+emedIes permitsed b�+applicable Iaw.I.��er shatl6e �
<br /> enSUed to eoll�t all expenscs tuaua�ci 6i�eursair�the e�edIes pmvidedl W tLis parsgraph 21,including,but aot limtted
<br /> to,reasonable attocaeys'fees and crosts of HtEe evidenoe.
<br /> It the power of sate fs inva8�tai,Trustee shuT4 rsoord s notIce ao1 default in each county i� w6icb any part of tR��:�
<br /> Property is tocuted and sha{l mm�i ooples oP s�ch a�toe in the mann�r pr�;cribed by appl(cahla iaw to Borrower and to
<br /> the other peisong prescribed by ts�pltca62e laev.�er t��iruss t+eqnir¢d by applicable law,Tru.��ee slmll g[ve�publtc nottce
<br /> of sate to t6e persc►as and in th�mtutner prescrih�b�ap{n�ficable Iaw.Tn�stee,without demand on Borrozv�r,s6a11 sell ,
<br /> -� the Froper4y at public auction to tttP tt2gttest htdd�at the time and place and urtder the t�ms des�greated in dOaP uotice of
<br /> sale in oae or more paroels an��in any order Trustce determi�.�mAy postpome s�e oS all or aury pamel oT the
<br /> - Properly by public announcennrtgt at the Ume an�pfaoe of any pr�ou�ly sch�duied sale. I,r��er or its designee may..:.•, -
<br /> - pvrchase the Peopaty at any sad�. �
<br /> .,_ ,
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