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<br /> g. }fnzurd aP f�copY�ty 1nsu�unce.Bortower shall keep the improvement� naw existin� or hemutter erected on the
<br /> Property insured a�alnst I�ss by fire. hnrards inclLded within�he tcm� "r;�te�d�!ruvecape' and nny other hn�nrds, including v� _-
<br /> tloods or floceding. for which Lender reqaiires insumnce. This jnsurnnee shull be muintaitted in the umounts und for the pariads � -
<br /> thnt Lxnder requires.The insurance carder providin�the insurunce shull be rhosen by�3ormwer tiubject tu I.ender's appravu! �
<br /> which shall not be unrea.�onAbly w�tnneia,ii narrowec iuifa t:.�:.:dzs»6�cnvernee descti6ed ubove. l.ender mav. ut ixnder's � �
<br /> apiion.ubtain covera�e ta pmiect i.ender'srignu in tne rcu��eny in accorduncc wiii�µ��u�i:�pt►7. �"=
<br /> All insurance policies und renewnis shull be acceptuble to Lender nnd shnfl include u stundard martgage clause. Lender
<br /> �hall have the right to hoid the policdes arLd rene�vnls.If LeRder requires,Barrowcr shuil promptly give to L.ender all receiptato�f �
<br /> paid premiums und renowal natices. In thc event of loss.Bonower shall give prompt natice to the insurance currier and L.en
<br /> Lender may make pranf of loss jf not made promptly by Borrower.
<br /> Unless[.ender and Ilorrower oiherw iu agroe in writin�.insurance proceeds shall be upplied to n.�storatton or repair of the
<br /> Property damaged.it the resw�u:iu��a��'•=°^^^:�'•=��;foxihln a�ut I endef•s secur�ty is aot lessened.[f the restaratlan or �__
<br /> .,�,,,,. _.......
<br /> repair is not ernnamtcully feaslble or Lender's secudry would be lessene�.the insw�u►ce prar.eeds shal�be applied co sha sums
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument. whetder or not then due, with any exoess paid to Borm�er. If Borrower abandons the
<br /> Pcoperty.or does not answer within 30 days a notice fmm Lender that the insurance c�rrier has offered to settle a cl�im.then
<br /> I.enc(ei may collect the insurance praceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to r�epair or restore the Property or to pay sums
<br /> secured by this Security instrument.whetlur dr not then due.The 30-day period will begin when the rtotice is given.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any appl[cadon of procceds to princiPal sl►all rtot e�Rend ar
<br /> postpone the due date of the rteonthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 arzd 2 or change the umount of the paymcnts• If -
<br /> under paragraph 21 the Property is acquired by Lender.Borrower's dght to any insurance poucies and p�s resulting from
<br /> damage w the Property prior to the acqui sidon shall pass to Lender to the extent of the surtu�curd by this Secudry Instiument _
<br /> immecliately prior to the acquisltiun. ItcuUon;I.easeholds.
<br /> 6.Occupancy,Preservatton,N,ininteneace and Protection of the Property;Borrowe�''s Loan APF
<br /> Borrower shap occupy.establish,and use the Property as Barrower's principal residence within sixty days after the execution of
<br /> this Security Insuument and shall continue to aocupy the I'roperty as Borrower's principal resideaoe for ut least one year after
<br /> the date of occupancy,unless I.ender ottieawise agrees in writing, which cansent shall not be unreasonably w[thheld.or unlesV
<br /> eatenuating circumstances exist which are beyond Borcower's conmol. Borrower shall not desuoy. damsSe or unpair the
<br /> property. allow the F'roperty ta deiertorate, or commit waste on the Property. Borroa+er shall be ia default if any forfeiture
<br /> action or p�ing.whether civil or criminal,is begun that in Lender's good faith judgment c wld result in farfeiwre of the
<br /> property or ottterwise materially impair the lien created by tius Securicy Insiiw�a�it i,.Lcnttcr's�xssrir;iaserest.E�rtnwer!�+y �
<br /> cure such a default and reinstate.as provided in paragraph 18.by causing the action or proceeding to be dlsmissed wiW a ruling
<br /> that, in Lender's good faith determination. prectudes forfeiture of the Borrower's interest in the Properiy or other material
<br /> impaicmer�t of the lien created by this Saurity Inst�ument or I.ender's security interest. Borrower shall also be ii►defawlt if _
<br /> Borrower,during the loan applicat�on prooess,gav�materialiy false or inacuuate information or statements to I.ender(o1r fai(ed
<br /> to provide Lender with any materiai information)in connection with the loan evidenced by the Nate.including,but not limited
<br /> w,repiesentat[ons concerntng Borrower's occ.upancy of the Property as a p�incipal residence.If thts Security Instrument is on a
<br /> leasehotd, Borrower sha{I camply vrith ell the provisions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee dtle ta the Property, the
<br /> leasshold and the fee title shafl not merge unless Y.ender agrees to the merger in writing.
<br /> 7.ProEectton of Lender's Rights en the Property If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agceemenu oontained in
<br /> this Security Insaucnent,or there is a legal pror.eeding that may signfficandy affect Lender's rights in the Property(such as a
<br /> pmoeeding in bankruptcy.pmbate. for eoudemnation or forfeiture or to enfaroe laws or regolations).then Lender may do and
<br /> pay fdr whatc.wer is necessary tu pmt�t the valuo of the Froperty aud Lender's rlg6ts in the Pcoperty i+eader's actions may
<br /> include.pa}rtng any sums secured by a lien which has priority.over this Security Insu'ument, appearin8 i�►court► .paY�B
<br /> reasonable attomeys'feES and enter�ag oa the Property to make repairs•Althoagh I.ender mt►y take action under this paregraph
<br /> 7.Lender doas not have to do so.
<br /> Any amounts cdisbursed by Lender under tUis paragaph 7 shall beoome additional debt of Borrower secured by this
<br /> Secwity Insuument. Unless BoTC�ower and Leader agrce co other ternos of paymen�these emow�ts shall bear interest from the
<br /> date of disbursement at the Note rate snd shall 1�e paYable. with interest.upon notice from Lender to Borrower raquesting
<br /> payment.
<br /> 8.Mortgage L�raace.If Lender ralwre�mortgage insurance as a oondidon of malcing tlte loan securad by this Seauity
<br /> Instniment, Bon+ower shall pay the pnemiu.m�:required ta maintain the mortgage insurance in effecc. If, for any reason,ttae
<br /> mortgage insuraz►ce ooverage required by L,ender lapses or ceases Eo be in effea.Borcower shall pay the premiums requi�ed to
<br /> obtain coverage substantially equivalent to ttie mortgage ins�rance previously in effect,at a oast snbstantially��bval��thf •'
<br /> cost to Borrower of the mortgage insuranc�pneviously in effect.from an altemate martgage inswer aPP Y
<br /> substaatially equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not available,Borrower shall pay'to Lender each month a sum equal to
<br /> one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insuranc�e premium being Paid by Borrower when t6e inswance ooverage lapsed ar oeasad to
<br /> be in effect.I.ender will accept,use and retain thesa payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mort�e insuranae• Loss re�rve ,
<br /> Fom�3028 9/90
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