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<br />'`��'"'if 2a. Fvanta of Dafeutt.Eaeh of tl�a/ol.'arAng oceunvncos sAal!eonst/tute on ovQnt oi do/ouU haou»dei fhvrolnaltor sn Evunt ol Qelou/t 1:
<br /> ..-r..•�..�� —
<br /> (o)qay o�novnt pUVnblo und�s tho OD'igallona sccu�od by tAts Oeed ol Tivat!s nnt pa�d whGn duo,oftoi plvinp oflnct to en y epplicetrlo
<br /> ,-.-•�r.;��� Amco perJOd thero/n, �
<br /> , 1 ..
<br /> • � ,�a� fbl Trustor l�oMorovise In d�lnult undor Mo terms ol tho Ohllpations.
<br /> , '.��� fcl Tivator/o1ls to oDsarva oi po�farm ony of fho covannnta,ogroamnats,a condidons In Mls Onod ol Tius►,
<br />-"`-- --- fdJ A�y reprosenmtlon or wenaaty ine/uding,but not/fmited to,oa y warrant y ol tldo msdo 6y Tinstar In thls Deed o/Tiust Is Ialse or
<br /> c=��� � matQ�la!!y m/sload/n�a 4
<br /> _ _ � (e) Trusto�setls or conveys tAo Trust Pioparly,o�eny part the�oof,or eny lnterost Iheraln,or/s divostttd ol�ts tPdo,a�anylnterost `
<br /> thereln,/n any meane�o�we y,whefAe�voluntedl y or Involuntadly,witAout the p�lor written consnnt o/Benellc/ary.
<br /> �
<br /> �* � .ZB. Aetolsf�Uan of OaD�Fcracfoa¢% f!�on Ms occurrance oI enV Event of Oofoult, or ony tlmo thereafter nntfl such Event of DQfault!s
<br /> cured to tlte saHslaction o/Benef�elary,8eneficlary may,at!ts opilan,decls�e all OD1iga0ons seenred herebylmmed/etely due and peYa6le
<br />- �.,�� end the snme shap Coar lnteiast nt tAo dsloult�ate,tl an,set torth!n the Note or tho doloulr iore,ll eny,set Iorth!n rho most�ocenf
<br />� �j � otrl!fl at/on covered bV the Guaranty,or otAervds�et the X/ghost rate pemrltted bylaw,and,intrspective o1 whether Bene/icfory exQnlses
<br /> ��#� � sald opNon,lt may,et ita optlon andln ldsole dlscretlon,wRhout any furthor notiee ordemaad to or upo»Tiusto�do ono ormore of
<br /> ; ir ef�j � f�iB/OIIOWI/18:
<br />==_s�r�
<br /> �'3;�sz.�� !aJ Bem�lJelary may unte�upon,takepossessio»of,manage ond operete the fiustPiopeity or any part thorsof,•make repalrs and
<br /> -'-'�° alterattons ead da any ecta wA/cA Bmeficlary daems propai to pmtect the aecurlry thvreol,end elther w1tA o�without teking
<br />°-•y�+�� possossJon,!n/ts own name,aue loro�otheiv+lso col/ect and recefve rents,lssues and prolits,Jnclud/ng tAase past due ead unpe/d,and
<br /> - - app/�r Me seme,Inss cosfe and expenses ot oparation and collection,lncluding reaaonabie oaomeys lees ond Beneftciary s cosf�, upon
<br /> `--_=__--- the Ob1JgaUons secured hereb y eadln such order es Bttneflclnry moy determine. flpon roquest of 8er+eflclory, Tnrsror srall asscmble nnd _
<br /> -- sAa!!rnake evallable m Benorciery any of tlse Trust Prope�ty�wAicA has besn removod.71?e entedng uRon ead taking passession of M.e
<br /> Tnrst PmFerry,the collscGcra of anyrents,issues and proNts,snd tl�e app/icetlon rhemof as efo�asald,shall not care or weiva en y
<br /> delaolt rharerafore o�diereafter aaurcNrtg,oraHect sn�eoUca of dafoult ornodce ot selo hemunder or Invelidete eny ecf done pu�susn!
<br /> �- ---° to any auch r.atfto.11loKrlth�tandlnpBene/lelary s coni nuance In paxsef.asi�n or ieeefptandapp/IcaUon o/rents Issuss otprorts .
<br /> Beneflc/ary ahaU ba entltled to exe�cfs@ every dght provlded lor/n this Oesd of Trtat or b y faw apnn a after the occu�rence o/en Event
<br /> � of Defeult,lac/ud/n9 the�fpht to exerclse dra pawer of sale.Any of the ar.Uars ialemed to fn th/s Sectlon may be taken by Benefi�/dry et
<br /> _ _ such Uma es Beaelic/ary may detemdna wfthovt iegard to ihe edeqaacy of sny secu�ity�o�Mn Obllgstlons secu�ed hcn40y.
<br />"`�5_F�:ZC4.:�i�
<br />==� (b1 BeneTclary shal/,w/thoyt rega�d to the edeQuoey o1 any seendty/or the Ob/Igadons seaured hereby,ba endtled to the oppo!ntment
<br /> oj a roce/ver bY any conn Aaving Ja�sditdon,wJthout natice,to teke possosslon o%protec4 ertd manaAe the Tiust PPaperty ond operote
<br /> =�°:� Me same and coJlsct the rents,lssues aed profits therelrom.
<br /> (c/ Benefl lery may b�ingeny actlonlis any coart ol eompetent Juifsdlctlon to/oradose thls Deed ol Tiust or enforce any of¢he
<br /> --- eorenants henwl. .
<br /> - !d/ 8enefJclury may eleer to causA tAa Tiust Propeny oi e+ny pan thereof to tre sMAunder the power ol Sde,aant in such even4
<br /> Beneflclary or Tiustee SAal/81ve SueA no8ce of default and not/ce oJsala to eBCA party to thls Deed o!Tiast dy m5�7 et the eddress set
<br /> fo�th here/n and any otlreraodce�wNeAmay6e then ropvlred by/aw:Th&�eelter,upon the expiiadon ofSUCA rlma snd Me giving of
<br /> suah rtotice oI sale as may then bareQuimd Uy Iaw,Tirrstea,at the ame and p/acespecf/Ied by the natleo ol safe,ahal!sel!sucA Tiust
<br /> Propeny,a any part theroof sp ecNred byBeneTrelary at pubUa auctlan to the hf8hest bfJde�for cash In lewfuf money of d�ClnheO
<br /> , $r�tes a3simerrw.t3yvn�-a�i vf��a.zt ot iSta LfC�s 3ttmt::�l!�.•tltt Fmr��is tha fdlatvks$nr�l:�!e ths cncs� .
<br /> -�---- esrpefrses of exercfsing Phe pawer o/sale snd ot the sale,!nalvd�ng but not Ilmlted ro, rrusree s Rees of not mona tfian s50D.Q0 plus
<br /> — onefial!ol one parcenr�ofthe gross sale Adce,and reasonable ettornsys'tees, fAl to dra Obligatlons,end fiiFl rhe excess,fl any,to the
<br /> — pereon or persons/ega7lp.e�+tlUed thueso.
<br /> All tosts a�►d expenses Ir�curad 2�y QefioBcPtiry ip en/oa/ng any dght unde�thls Deed o/Tn�st,!nclu�ng�vltOrout JimiteUon,abshact or 6de
<br /> ���=� fees,appralsal frres,premle►na lor tltle Jmulrartoe attomeys'/ees and coan coats,ahallbe end eonatftutetQb/lgetlona secured honeby.
<br /> - �� ?7. Dutles of Tirutes.Tiusto►agre8s thet:
<br /> /e/ The duties and obNgaGOns o/Tiustee shal!ba deto�mined soleJy by the express piovlslona of Mis a'eed ot Tnrs�snd 7rtrsteeshall not
<br /> - be llab/e excepr/or Me perliormance of such dutles end abUgatlons as are speol!leslly set forth hereln,snd no lmplled aape»an�or
<br /> obl/gallong ahat/be/mpoaed upon Tiustee
<br /> 5
<br />"---- - fbJ No DrovTston o/thls DeQd ol rnrsr shal!iequ/re Tivstes to expend or ilsk its own funds,or oU+envlso iaear cny�rwanclsl o�pat/ea iA
<br /> the per7bmrance of eny o!fts dudethemunder,or In d�e exercJse ol any of ks rigAts or paviere,
<br /> � !c1 Tiustee may consult vi![h touruef oflts own chooslng and the edvice of such cQansel shffiI ba frd/8nd eomplote eutho�izadon and
<br /> . protecdonln the respeatoP:ony aetlon roken or sultered bylt hereunder fn good/alds anrl repance themon,and
<br /> fdJ Trustee shallnat be Nab/e/er any aetlo»takdn by ft!n goad/aIM arrd�asonably be/leved by!t ro be authodred o�wlth/n!n
<br /> — disuetion or d8hta or powens coMerre�d�vpbn Jt b y th/s Osed ol Tiust.
<br /> 28. Ssewlty AD�e�mn+t�nd flntnrr f�ni bT.k��'+d+o date of/ts roeord/ng,thls Oeed ol Truse ahal!constitirfo a sacudty ag�sementead
<br /> -- I/xtore 11Gng.y»de�the provlslons of theNe4��Unitorm Comrrrerefal Code wJth respect to those Nxtu�,4 tJescribed in the preamA'er Ae�eof
<br /> es constitutJnB a part of tha Trust Properfy.tdg�ther wlth all other properry o1 Troato�eitAei simila�or dlss/m!!ar ro tho ss�ne,rtowor
<br /> helealterloeeted at o�on the 7Yust Prope�sf+.FQ�thls purpase,Me lollowlnp Informauon fs set IoKh:
<br /> (a1 Name endAdd�ess ot Debtor/fi�{stor. . (bl Narne end Addi�ess of Saeured Party/{lenerc/ary:
<br /> _ _ _ �3cott H pfuetze & Rareati L PEuetae Nozwest l�a�rik Nebraska, N�:c.ional '
<br /> -...
<br /> � Asaociati�on '
<br /> 3510 Parklane, Apt il 747 N. Surlinatoa Ave.
<br /> — Hastinga. NE 68901 Hastings, N8 68907.
<br /> tcl Uebtofs 5oelelSucurftyNurnber/feden/Ta�yayerl.D.Number 357384356
<br /> (d/7Als document covers gooda whicAere or am to beeomo Axtu�es.
<br /> le17'he name o/tAe�ecord owne�of the Trust Oioperty is tlte Debior?rtrstor descilbetl ebove. ,
<br /> _ �g, fut�ro Advances.BenefieJary,at BeneAclary's opHon,pdor to lull iaconveynnes of tAe Tiust I?iopsrty by Tiustee to Tiustor,may make
<br /> /uture advanees to 7rustor.Such futuresdvancea,wIM+interest the�on,aha//be secured by t/ds Desd of Tivat.At ao t/me shall thepdneipn!
<br /> � amonnt of the 0.9dgetlons seeur+ed by tMs Daed of Tias4 nat lne/nding sums edvanced ro protect the securiry,exeeed the total sum oi ,
<br /> -_—--- S +ao�pee_oe • �
<br /> =___-�! Nothing herein contn/ned ahall fmply enyvbligatlon on the part o/tho BeneBclary to maka any euch addltlona!eGvanses. • �'
<br /> ---_— Advances of�sbur3ements ms�e Uy Benaflcfery to pmtett tRe secudry,unde�tlre temrs Ae�eof,whi/n discmdonary,sha/J aot Da dtemed to
<br /> - be optlnnal edvances.
<br /> -=
<br />