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` . . . .t:�r, � <br /> " !/ , � -. :d:�.. �'�ij��- t <br /> ' `,.''<: . `,' c <br /> .�. _ .. . . ,_ . . � �• ,. <br /> , � _ <br /> . . �,. . .,. .. n �. - -- <br /> . ,,..:..-: -:,,., . . _ <br /> , .. . .. <br /> , . <br /> _.._ .__—_----•--- . .... . �- <br /> �, ---__.-___--_ .___-__----.-- - .-. . .. ......._. .. . - •- -----.�.---•----._ ._.�.�.:. .� <br /> ��� ����� �: <br /> • , - <br /> � 11. Cor.demnatlon. �An p�ocoods ol cnyou°✓ard o�pnymant o►clolm fo�domapos,tJlroct or Consoquont/d In cannocNon with ony �_ <br /> caRdcmnoNon or othnr taking o!tho�iu�t Prapor�y,or ony part thoropl,oltAer tompworiN o�pormancnsry,oi lnr convoyonco In/inu ol o�In <br /> , ontic�put/on o/ccndvmnaflon,oro horofiy asslDnod to o�d aholi tro pold to Bonvficloiy. Tiustor w/ll!do nnd prasocuto.In pood/al�h ond wltb �. <br /> duo dil!�/cnco,/ts clolm Jor pny sucA oward o�paymont,ond wlll coaso tho aomo to Do coflactod and polai►o Bonellclnry,ond should e�Jnll to = <br /> do so, 7iu9tor/riorocob/y outhorlros ond em�owoia Bvnollc%ry,!�tho namo of Tiustor or othoiwlao,to Ido,prosocuto,sot(!a o�aompron�lao E' <br /> � ony such elolm ond to�o/loet,rocolvo/aend retaln tho procaed9./I the Tiust Pro erty Is obandonvd by lrustar,oi o/toi notico bY -- <br /> '� Qonollcln►y to Tiustor thot tho condpmnoro�9ora to moko on owo�d oi ao»!o a claPm loi dnmo�os, �/G9t0!IOI/3 10/09pORfJ f0 BOlIBJICIOIY - <br /> wlfhln fh/�ly(30J dn ys o/to�tAo dnto aveAnaNea!s ma!/nd,Bono7lclory Is authodrod to calloct and apnly fho piacood.9!n tAo inanno�!ndlcotod �. <br /> ° .�, hereln. The proaaeds ol eny eward or clelm int y,elror deduetlnq e!I ieasonaDfe costa ond oxpunsos,incJud;ng attomays'loas,wh/ch mo y � <br /> havo baon fnee�d b y EaneficJary/n the collocGon tAoreol,at tho soJe dlacrotJon o/8ono/iclory,Qo iclnoscd ta liusto�oppUa�d to��stoiativn _ <br /> o/thp riust P�oport y,o�appllod fo Ihopaynscnt o1 Mo Obllgatlona.t/nlass Bonoliclary ond Tiustor othoiwlso agroo�n wdtlna,eny auch = <br /> � eppllcotfon oI proceods to tAe Note o►Guara�ry,as eppflcablo,shull not extond oi postpono tho duo�uto ol on y iugulm Instn�lmonta caHVd ' <br /> � lor thoroundo�oi ehenge tAe emount ot eny such lnatol/ments. <br /> , . „ � 12 �nviionmant�/Re��esarrtst/ont ond W�ntntica;lRde�»ntlloa8am,/mrpeodan�ad Ti�dnp. Tiusto�ropmsonts end vrananta rhnr,except " <br /> ua d/sc/o9od!n w�lttng to BBnel/tlary ond oxcopt rvhem Tivsfor hna obtafnod tho ropulslto focel,atoto,ond/oi 18doiof permlta nnd opprovofs, , <br /> �"'"" Tiustor doas not end will aot genetate no►hare f�ite possasslon any hn:ordoua or toxic wostes,chemlaels or other aubatancos,tho • <br /> �/encrrotlon or passesslon of whlch e�e�a orerarod by loaol,stoto ond/or anvlionmanPallnws,ard/nnnces,dacroes,io8u/at/aas ond seetutes <br /> �----�• /horo/nolter Environmonts/Wsstos'1. 7rwtorNrthorioprosonts ond wnnents that/t!s npt prosent/�thnruD ent al eny environmental <br /> � Inqu/ry,Iftlgallon,adminlstrative proceadmg or Mrear thomof 6y o povommontal outhorlty,end thnt Tiusta s�ell prompdy notlly Beneficlary <br /> �� of same il an oI the/oregoing does occw. Tiuttor ol;a roproscnta and wononta m SonnJlclory thot it!�not�nb/nct to any�udpment,decree, . <br /> order or cltatln»relat/ng to o►arJslag orit of r�vloJot/on ol lccal,atam or lado�al onv/ronmentel laws or iogulndona. Tivatoi shell also provlde <br /> BeneNclary when opplicab/e wlth eopfe�ola//appiopNnte onvlronmontof po►mit8 end epprovala. <br /> Y! <br /> Tnrstor warmnta and iepn�sents that tRare eie not eow,no►�o the Tiustar's knowledgB aJto�ioasonabla Mvastlgatlon hnva thure ouR�beon <br /> . j EnvlronmenteJ Wastes stored,deRosltod,doamd, ieoycler/or dispasod o/o»,unde�,or at the first P�opmtY (�noludlpg tonka or othar _ <br /> �„ fac//i►les tAereon contolning auch matoilebl. whlch motanels or contained matedn/s,!/known to ba presBnt on tho propvrly o�pmnent In ao118 <br /> o�ground wetei wov/d repalre clean up,remove% or other iemed/al oer/on under envlronmenre!lawa. <br /> � � Tiusto�willlndemnfly and hold Aaimless 8enelklary its 8uccesso�s,assfgna,nmployees,sgents,parent,aK!/letoa end aubsldlado$,and eaoh <br /> ol them,liom an y and all c/alms,suits.OemBgas, /laDil/des end expanses adaing out o/or/n coaneadon with en y alleged oi sctuol pallutlon <br /> � oi contaminoUan ol tha graund,water o�a1� a/,on or near the Tiust P�operty. <br /> �J��''�' �� Benefltfary mey et eny Ume hlre the sts�vkes oian env/ronmenta/consuldag snd/or tesdng compan y to Inspect the Tiust Pn arry wlth tha <br /> ,F_, ,.� vk <br /> � cosis tAemof ro trs ehurgad ro 7�uslor_ Tiusso�ahall not iely on such lnspecdon nor shell Tiustoi be reIlovod thereb y of cen ucting!ta own <br /> envlmnmuntai audit or taking sueA othertte�o,t as ero neeessary to comply w/th enviro»mentel laws Bnd regalaUons. <br />- '��� .• t9. 7mato�Not Relsis�d fxten�slon of 1he dme tor payment or mod'�icodon ol ony ai»ort/ratlon ol Ma Obllgedons grented by Rona�klary to <br /> = W�� any successo�in interest ot Tiusto�shall not operate f�rolease,ln an y manner,the liabf/iry of Trusto►and Tiristor'a auccessas rn rht�8st. <br /> Ber.e�ciary ahall nor Ae requbed to eommence proeeedings egafnst suah successo�or reluse to extend tlme foi payment or otherniso modify <br /> •'_�'� amaKi:Ailon ol tha Oh�i�ar/aas by reason of eny demand made by Tiusto�and Tiustar's succasaors!n Ir►terest. <br /> -=��t•.f_ frl AddtUonsl Cover.�afs.lrt additlon ro an y other cavenants of Tius[or made in any other agreement liqtrument or documen� Trustor <br />_ ahatl comply wiM tha covenanta set fo�th in any Rider attached and made a part ol thls Deed of Tivst. <br /> '`�`� f8. Selx�iNofteas�a Within tenlfOl dayaefterdamand,riustor�Rall fumJsh to Bene/!clarya sch�dufe, certiAed to Dy Tiusfo�.setting <br /> '�!'�;; lo�th aAle�ses ol the Twst Prcperty,o�my ponlon the�eol,lndudJng Jn each casa,the name ol tAe tenants or occtrpants,9 desc�lpttan of <br />°"-'1�;'_.�� the spaee orcwpled by svch tenant o�oacupan4 the rental peyaDle lor such apace,and sueh other/nlosmadon aad documants wltA rospeet <br /> m sucn leases and renancits es 8enamciery inay reasonabiy iap�rasi. ` <br />-=��� f� Co�of Tiusta�rJtA R�rp�t ro Leues.�thout tho p�lo�wrltten corrsent ol Benellclary.Tiusto►sAa!/aor,•dlieetty or lndirectty, <br /> ____ _ wlth iespect ro any Iease of apaco!n[he Tiust Pf�vpenry,w eny portlon thereo&wAether such leasela now os herea4ter!n e�cisteaca: <br /> -"-- (a/Accept or pem+lt eny pnpaymen4�Jscount or advanee peyment of ient hareunder/n excesa ot one month, , <br /> ''�"°-� fbJ CanceJ o�te�minate Ne aame, arae�ept eny cance//allon,teiminaGon o�swrender rherea9,eF,�ermlt any event to oacu�Nt4trr7+wnuld <br /> -- <br />