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<br /> „ pay�nenta may no longer be reguired�at the option o8 Lender.lf mortguge lnsurance covQra88(ln thc sunount and for the pedod �_
<br /> jn
<br /> thut Leader requlrea)provide3 by axi fnsurer approved by Lender nRain becomea uvoilable nnd is obtuined.Borrower ah pay -�
<br />-"��'*.wa�� the premiup�s requtred to matntalit mortgege insurnnce in effect.or to provide a tass reservo,until the requirement fmr mortgage
<br /> lneumuce eada in ns�ordanr�e�•�ith nny wdtten agreemeat lsetween Borrower nnd l.ender or npplicnbie luw. __
<br /> -�• 9.Inspectlan. Lender o:tts agent�nay mnke reasonubie entrles upon and lus�scdo►�a of ci�e Propcatiy. H.�nder eha11�ive ,_'-_
<br /> �,.L.�� .�
<br /> •-� Borrowernodce at the,time of or prior to on iASpection spscifylnB reasonable cause for the inspection.
<br /> 10.Condemnmtiom.The proceEds of aay awsrd or claim for dnnwges, dir�t or consequendal,itr wnnection with any
<br />�'�`'� � candemnadon or other takiag of any part of the Property.or for conveyance in Heu of condamnatton.ai+e hereby assi�aed and
<br /> ��, . .
<br />=`-°'.,.=�- aha11 be paid to L,enQer.
<br /> `�� . Lx t6e eveat of a wtal taking of We Proporty,the proceeds ahall be applied to the aums secured by thts Securtty Inattument,
<br /> ';-,Y� whether ar not then due, with eny excess paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial whiag of ihe Propeny in which the fair ._
<br /> market value of We Property imtttediately before the teking is equal to or greater thaa the a�tount of the swna secuted by this
<br />^_ :`^.,.� ,. gecurity Insttument imm.ediately before the taking,ualess Borroaer and Lender otherwise egme in writing.the eums secured by
<br /> . ��.��. ' ttnis Secutity lnsuument shali be refluced by the amount of the pmceeda mutdplied by the fallow�ng fractlon: <a) We totnl
<br />:-"_•:__;�f azaouat of she suma secured Immediately before the taldng.divided by(b)the faie market value of the Progerty iminediately
<br /> --�--� 1 before the taking.Any balence shall be paid to Bosrower. In the event of a partta!taking of tha Propeny in wmich the fair
<br />�-.�--;-��
<br />_,,���;
<br /> _ �•� market vnlue of the Prop�rtrty Immediately before the taking is less than the ataount of the suma secured immediatelY be ore e
<br /> -�-r.�::,�
<br /> -��=e.,�`�' taking, unl�ss�osrower and I.ender atheruvlse agcee in wdting or unless applicable law otke:wise provida�the proc�eds sh
<br /> -�F^'`� be applied to the sums securai by t6is Security Iasawnent whether or aot the aums are then due.
<br /> -..„�:^�
<br /> If the Property is abaudoned by Borrower.or if,after aotice by Lender to Bormwer that the condeffinor offers to mske an
<br /> -=--=- award or settle a claim for datuages, Borrowes fails to respond�°L+endex�� 3a�+ys p er the dat�the noor o tha isums
<br /> �—'"'• N I,render ls authorizad to cdtlect and apply the proceeds,at its option,either to restoration or re air of the Pmperty
<br />::�.�_��;��
<br />°-;��..,��� secured by thls 5e�urity Insuumeat,ahether or not thea due. ��on of roceeds to prinelpal shaU not extead or
<br /> - Unless L,ender aad Borrower otherwise agce�tn wcltinB, �Y ePP P
<br />__::�°_:.,;;�'� Postpone the due dete of the mouthly payments ieferred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or cheage the amount of such payments.
<br /> __ __.� 11.Borrowe�Na3 Release�l;Forbearance By Leader Not a Wuiver.Exteusion of the tlma far payment or modification
<br />