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,;'3•::`-ar . . . . ..-.< <���.5'� �.. ..,...�,..t.t� . . , <br /> ,..}..- . ' .. .;•Y� �af.1':, .. • ••Y` • . <br /> ' <br /> � <br /> q�• '1 � <br /> �1. . . � <br /> ,�* <br /> � .�` . . � .. . .. . <br /> � ^ ::Jt��.!"I�.��.�:. „ - � ..D • � .. �wYfW�iVy�c.��'_ :. <br /> , .� . . <br /> . . <br /> -.. . ,�} . <br /> +,�y+S.+�.'�^� ...��1P�'' �-�� . � <br /> �'".`�. <br /> , <br /> • <br /> .:F,�.++Qkl+riir:��''"";•- , . _ ... �_._—�_. - <br /> ,. . , <br /> , _.n.._____r._..:..__...__. _ .. <br /> ���,�a: _.�._..__.._._........ ...:.....�__�__._._..... ..__- .._ ... �,�, <br /> .•--�._._ -- <br /> ���� � �9������ � <br /> . .�. . . <br /> S. Heu►rd or Prope�y Insuranse. Borrower ahNl kcep tho impraveraents now eainting or heYeafter erected on the ��= <br /> � • property insureQ aBafnst loas by tire, haztuds insluded aithin the term"extended coverage" and�ny ot�er hazards, inciuding =` <br /> •� ,�� tlooda or tlooding,for wbich Leador requires inaurtutce. Thisln�urartce shall ba mnintained in the amoux�ta and for the periods ��` <br /> thpt Lender requlres. The insurt�eca carrler pmviding the inaurnnce shull be choson by Borrower subJect to Lender's appmval <br /> r.+h3ch shnll not ae unte��!son�bly wtthheld. if Borrower fails w meintt►in covernBe descrlbed ubove. I,EUder may, at Lender's ;u- <br /> -. s�, � �� option.obtaia caverage to protett Lender's dghts in the Propc�ty in xccordauce witt�psuagraph 7. <br /> }•. A11 iasuranw policiea nnd renew�ls ahell be ecceptable to Lender nnd shaU iuclude a staadard morigage clause. Leader = <br /> shall have the right to hald the golicies and c+enewals.If Lender requires,Borrower ahaq prompdy�ive to Lender all teceipts of - <br /> �, ;'�,`;;� paid preudums aud renewal aotices.In the event of loss.�orrower shull gtve prompt notice to the iasurance carder and Lender. _ <br /> .� . Lender msy maice proof of toss if not made prompdy by Borrower. _ <br /> ,.� Unless Lender and 8orrower otherwise agrce in wrlttn�.Insurence proc�eeds ehall be upplied to restoratton or repair of the , _ <br /> , � ;�.,= Property damaged.if the mstaration or repair is ecuaomically teasibie and LRnder's security is not lesseaed.If the restoration or <br /> repair is not econoTaically fea�ible or Lender's securlty would be lessened.the insurance proceeda st�aU be applied to the sums <br /> . s�cuced by tLis Securlty Iasuuucent. whether or not thon duo,wlth any e�ccess p�id to 8orruwer. It Botrower abandons the <br /> �' Pmgerty,or daea not answes within 30 days a nodce from Lender that ths insurance carrier has offered to settle a claim.then <br />�'=:�+.� Lsnder may collect We insnrance proceeds. Leader may use the proceeds to repair or restore the Prope►ty or to pay sums — <br /> ::�M M secured by this�ecurIty lnstrument,whetlter or aot thea due.'�e 30{!ay perlod wUl begin when the nodce is given. <br /> -�f��•;��t; Unless I.ender and Borrower othenufse agree in rrcidng, sni' $PF13eation of proceeds w princtpal ahall nat eatead or �_ <br />,•.,...i_� <br /> _____n _ pastpone the due date of thc monthly paymenta referred to fa paragrapha 1 and 2 or chenge the amount of the payraeata. If <br /> J���` � under paragraph 21 the Property Is accluired by Lender,Bortower's dght to any insurauce policies and proceeds resulcing from <br /> -_�� damage to the Property prior to ehe acquisition shaU pass to I.ender to the extent of the sums secured by this Secudty instrument ._ <br /> ;,-:.- immediately prior to the acxluialtion. <br /> °._:�,�''�:� 6, pocupancy� 8recservatton, Meintenance aad Protectioa of the Propezty; Borrower's Loan Alepllcation; <br /> =_':--: -.� I.aaseaolds.Borrower shall aa:upy,establ[sh.and use the Property as Aorrower's priacigal residence witbin sixty days�4ter the <br /> :�:�;�.,� w�ecution of this Security Insuument aud shall continue to oc�upy the Pmperty as Borro�ver's principal rrsidence for at 4�asc aae <br /> �.�;:_ <br /> year aRer the date of axupanry.unless Leader otherwIse agrce.a in wcidng.wh[ch oonsent ahaU aot be aaaneasonably�vi e , <br /> '�"—�' or unless extenuatIng circ�msta�toes e.�ist which are beyond Borrower's wntrol.Bornnwer shaU aot deS2�oy, demage or impair <br /> -��n�,�, the Pcoperty.allow the FropeRy to deteriorate.or commit watite on she Property.Borrower shall be ln default if any forfeiwre <br /> _ ��.���� aci€pB tsr gr�g�:•l�sEt�s41 or�?l.�1_+?g�m thAt 1n I.ettder's good feith�udement could tesult in forfeiLt�e of the , __ <br />�:`�<�� PropertY or otheivvise asaterially imPair the lien cmated by thi�Securlty Iasuument or Le�nder's securlry interest.Borrower may <br /> ---__= cure such a deYault and providod in paraBrePh 18,by causiag the action or pmcceding to b�diamissed wtth a niling <br /> -----= that� in L,ender's good fatth deteraoinadon� precludes forfeiwte of the Borrower's interest in the Propetty or other material <br /> - - --`�= i:npairm�at of the liea created by this Securlty Ipst�uiient or L,eudeY's se�urity intaest. Bon»t�er aEall also be la deY�ult if . <br /> '=`�`�..�� Borrower.dudnB the loan appucution process,6ave materlally false or inaxurate inforntadan or statements to Lender(oi failed <br /> �_";� to pmvide Iender with any materla]�ipform�ioa)in conaection wlth tLe loan evideaced by the Note,including,bu�n*at yimiud <br /> .-__== ta,representations conceming Br►rl�ow�r's eccugancy of the Property as a prIncipal residence.If this Sa^�dry Insuu�ant is on a <br />: -=°- leas�hold. Bomower shall oomply with all the ps�vIsions ot the lease. If Borrower acquires fee Bde to the Psoperty. the <br /> '.—� lebsehold and the fee title shall aot merge unless l.ender ag�ees w the aaerger in wrlting. <br /> _ --- — 7.Pe+utection of I.ender's Rights in the Froperty.If�oaower fails to perform the oovenants and a�reemeats cx�ttained in <br /> -- this Sewrity Insttumeat.or there�S a legal pioceeding diat maY siBsificantly affect Leader's dghts la the Pmpeny(sach as a <br /> __— pmccediag in bankruptcy,probatc.for oondeamadon or forfdtun or to enfora lawa or regulations),theu I.ander may do and <br /> '• pay for ahatever is necsssary to pmtect the value of the Pmp�rty aad Lender's rights in the Property. Leader's actions may <br /> ----- iuclude paying aay suais saured by a lien whtch has priority over this Security Insavment. aPPeariag in court, PaY�B _ <br /> .��,_.c�� ceasanable auomeys'fees and enterIng on the Property to make repairs.Although LetWer may take nctlan uader this paragraph <br /> =�';'�:� 7,Lencl�c dces not have w do so. <br /> �_�-_� Any amounts disbu�sed by Leader uader this paragre�h 7 shall become additton�l debt of Boszower secured by this <br /> _..uj---:�� �,uriry Insavment.Udess Boxrower and I.ender a�ree to aher temas of payment.these amounts shall bear interest from the <br /> - - `. . ' Q&LC 8I GISOUIS..R�i�l Yti E7LS:1'Ifsi2 tSsE EII�:��3'it�fayr'aSa'.�CTi�i�litCiU°�L� !!!�`�,J3! IIl�C2 f!K!�i nnrUt tn Rrn'n1WPl t'¢�I,UCS[�AOu _ <br /> t _ <br /> ��$.Mortgage Inswance.If Leader requirod mortgage insurance as a condiflon of making the loaa saured by tttis 5eat[ty <br /> _ Insavment, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maiatain the mortgage insurmice in effec�. If,for aay reason, the <br /> �• mortgage insurance coverage required by 1.eader la�ses or ceases to be in e�fea,Barrower sba11 pay the premiums required to <br /> ' obtain coverege substavndaUy equivalent to the mortgage insuraace p�+evlovety ia effect,at a cost substaaddiy equivaleat to the <br /> cost to Borrower of i�mortgage insurance previousiy ia e�Ct.from a7i altemate awrtgage insuier app�ved by l.euder. If <br /> —= — substantially equivalent mortga��e iasutance eoverage is not available.Bormwer shall pay to Lender each mQnth a sum equat to <br /> ��� ono-twelfth of the yearly rnortgage insurance prem[um being paid by Bornower when tl�e.insuraace coverage lapsed or ceased to <br /> -- ---= be in effect.Lead�ar�vill aocept, use aad retain these paymenta as a loss reserve in lleu of mortg�e iasurauce. Loss reserve <br /> – <br />