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<br /> AJpnn rccclp� at �nyment of ttio price�ld, 'lY�stee shait dejiver to th� pwchaser Tnsstae's deed conveying the —
<br /> izro�;iy. '�`1t0 rr:ltals Sa�tl�o 7'eusteQ's dced ahall �o prlmo Pncie evddence nY the 4nrt1�oY thc �tatemea�e rnnde t w�f =_--
<br /> '1'ru±►tca xhell apply the proCeeds of th�eal�la tho eollowla� order:(a)to eU eosts aud�ns�s of exe+�ng�e�
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<br /> �►nwunt ut!hA nute�t tha tlm�of the dccicuatlnn of detault,aud reason�ble nttorneys' ¢ee9 ns pe.-�SiQici�mY 1��+:tb�to s�i �
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<br /> �E. ketonvcyancc. Upan payrc�
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<br /> Inntrum+:nt w'i'rustca.Tcustco sl�all c�convey the Property
<br /> en1lticd to it.Such person or pereone ahatl pay nnY rerordndon caste. �t a��sor��to
<br /> 93. SuiihiUu4e'Pe�:�t�'a•L.ender. nt its option, may fro�dme to time r�nove TcusteE and appo
<br /> �uy Tcaetcu appninted hereundrr by an iaeteument recorded ia the cAUaty in which thia Security Instrument is rccorded.Q/ithout
<br /> cunvoywn:o ot thv Properiy,tho successor taustee shall succezd to all tbe dtle.power and duties conferred ugon Trustee 1�ereia
<br /> s�td by upp1lcablo law.
<br /> i�. !1equtst for Notlece. 8or[owet requesta tttat coPies of the aoticea of defuult ead sale be sent to Barra��er's�
<br /> wtitcll ie Rho f�raperty Address.
<br /> 2b.Itldsn to t6fs l5ecurlt�Instrument. If one or more dders are executed bYrated into and sAall amend aad s�upplement
<br /> �rurity Instrument,tho zoecnants end agreements af each sucb dder shali be iacorpo __
<br /> �h�covcnanis and agr�cmcnw,o�thie 5crurzsy Iasa�aaent�if�he dder(s)were a part of chis Se�urtcy Insaumenc. �,.'.
<br /> (Chak oppllcabte boa(�s)j ;�;;�,:
<br /> AdJustublo Raie Rider Condominium Ride2 1-4 Family Rider �
<br /> ... (irt�luated Payntient Rid�r I�innned lJnit Developraent Ettder S�nd3Home Rider�i�r
<br /> pallc�on ttldzr Rate Improve�ent Rider
<br /> V.A.Rldcr Other(s)[sgecifyl "
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