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If all or aay part of the PropertY os any Interest in it �?:='' <br /> E,.::_ <br /> is sald ur tranofcrrcd(or if a beaeflcial interest ia Bormwer is sold or transferred aad Bormwer is not a natural persoa)without - �, <br /> l.endcr'Rlneteum ntttHowevBern�this opclon hyali noc be exercised by�Lend�er i�f e e cise�ls prohibited by federel law as�of the date � '- <br /> Securlty <br /> � of this�ecurity lnstrument. <br /> IP Lender exetelsee tbis option,Lender shall give Borrower notice af accsleration.The aotice sheU provide a perlod of aot � <br /> less than 30 days from tlie date the notice is deliverrtl or mailed within which Borrower must pay all 6ums secused by thls _ <br /> Security Instrument.If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the explration of this period. I.ender may invoke any mmediea `�-- <br /> `��'� � permltted by Wis Securlry lnstr�ment without f�rther notice or demand on Bonower. f- <br /> " •'==� 18. BOTfOWCr�B Rlght to Retnstate. If Banower meeta certain condidoas, Borrower shaU have tbe rigt►t to have <br /> "�...:. enfarcement of thie Securlty Instrumeat d iscont inu e d a t any t i m e p ri o r t o t h e e a r l i e r o f: (a) 5 da ys(or a�ch other perlad es �__.- <br /> -�"�"a"`°'�"" applicablo law may specify for reinstateutent) before sale of the Propeny pursuant to any power of �le wntained in this _ <br /> � Security Instnunent;ar(b)entry of a Judgcneat enforcing this Security Instrnment.Those coadidoas are thec Bomower:(a)pays <br /> o ' Lender all awas whteh then would be due under thie Security Instrument aad the Note as if no acceleratfon had occurred:(b) ._. <br /> �, cures any default of any oWRr coveaante or a�memeats; (c) pays s11 expenses iacurced in enforcing thie Security�re o��� <br /> including,but not 1lmited to,reasonable attame�rs' fees;and(d)takes such action as I.ender may reasonebly req <br /> ' . 6, . �� that the llen of thls Secusity Inatrument,Lender s rights in n re�a�emen t b� Borrowerb�t�his Security Ins Buument�a d the <br /> this Sec:uriry Instrument eh�ll contlaue unchu►ged Upo Y <br /> oblipadone serured hereby sha11 retaain tblly effeotive.s�f no acceleration had occurred.However,this dght w reinstate shall — <br /> aot apply ia the case oY acceleration under paragcaph 17. <br />- 19. Sale of Note; Chnnge of Loan Servicer. The Note or a partial intereat in the Note (wgether with this Secucity <br /> � � Instruntent)may bG sold one or more times without prior notice to Bonower. A sale may resuit in a change iu the entlty(known <br /> � ps the°Loaa Seevicer")that coltects monthly payments due under the Note snd this Securiry Instrumont- 'l�en also may be one Q <br />�'r.::�.`"+,?�.; � Q <br /> or more chabges of ttte Loan Servicer unrelated co a sale of the Note.If there is a change of the I.oan Servlcer�Borrower will bs <br /> r givea wtitten nodce of the change in ac.cordence w+ith paragraph 14 above and applicable law. 1be nodc�wfil state the nazae aad <br /> �''���x addreas of the new L.oan Servlcer and tbe address co whlch payments should be made.The nodce will also contain any ather _ <br /> infur:natIon rcquired by epplicable law. <br /> �'�"� 20.Hawrdoua Substaaces. Borrower ehell not cause or pesmit the presence,use,dispcsal,storage,or rc��e�o��e <br /> '�•�- � � Hezardoua Substances un or in the PropenY• Borrower s1�a11 not do. ttor allow anyone else tm do, anythlnS <br />-:_:'.�j%t't 1 . <br />- �,,,:t_a� Praperty thst ia in violation of any•The Preceding n''o�ntences ahaU no[ap�y��p���•oe� <br />=`_',�:a-_.;: storage on the Property of smaU qusutittes of Hezardons Substances thac are enerally recogulz�d <br />.. .. ;,.v� , rPa��tencial uses and to malnteuance of tbe ProPertY• Y � �ir nr��her act�on bv aaY <br /> ,;;�;��.;,,_ Borrower sheli pmmptly give Lender vimtten nouce oi'an iuvc�ti°ati8t�,c2aim, desnsnd,lsws�--- <br />,;�-_._�.�� govemmentel or regulatory egenay or pdvate puty involviag the Pruperty and any Hazardous Shbstanceor Environmcnta�L�aw <br /> =��;�� of which Bomower has actuallcnowledge. 1f Borrower learas,or is notified by any govemmeatal or regulatory anthorlty•the� <br /> -__-__�x�,� 1s necessary, Boaower shall pmmpdy take <br /> =� .- -, . �� any removal or other remodiadon of aay Hazardous Substance affecting tt►e proPertY <br /> - j.-' ���ti—�= ail necessary remodiat acdnns ln accordeace v�Ith Environmental Law. <br /> .��� <br /> ;,- , : As used in th[s paragraph 20� "Haz�tdous Substances" are those defined ss wxic or ha:aedons substaaces by <br /> ��,�.�: <br /> .��� Envlmn:nental Law ead ttte following substencxs: gesoliae, kerosene, other fla�n�able or toxic petroleum products. to c <br />,---�`:�;� pesticides ead herbtcides.volatile solveata.materlais containing asbestc►s or formaldehyde,and radioactivemsteri�si�As��� <br />__,.=,,a,_Y;� thie paragraph 20, "Env[ronntental Law" means federal laws and laws of the urlsdiction whers the Property <br /> - -�,;y,� relate w health,safetY or eavironn►cntai protecdon. <br /> _,_��;.� NON-UNIFORM COVBNANTS.Borrower and Lender further covenant amd agree as follows: <br /> <,;,�`� 21.Acceleration=Remedies.Lender sbaU Qtve nottce to Borro�er prtor to sccel�tttioa foAovring Bonro� 17 unless - <br /> -.-�--� oi anY �v�t or age+eem�nt ip thts Sesurity Instrument (but not prIor to acceleration under paraSraP <br />_ :�YL�aBx�� aPPllcabte law provtdes otherwlse). 14►o nottce shall sped$': (a)the defanit3 (b)the ection required to cure the detault; <br /> --_=,,_�:r`n� (c)a date.aot le�v tban 30 daye from the date the uoNce ls gtven 4o�4hich the d�sult n►ast be curedi and <br /> (d)that Iailure to cure the defaWt on or before the date specified in the notice may r�1t►n aaderatf°n of the sumg <br /> -- ��--- secured by tWs Securtty Instrumeat aad eale of the Propecty.The uotice shc►11 farther iutorm Sorrower of the right w <br /> refnstate after naeleraUon and the d8bt W brin8 e court acttun to assert the non�ea�istence oS a detautt or aay other <br /> - _-= defense of gorrower to acoelerottnm atsd sule. U the default is aot cured on or before the date epedit���e��o� <br /> - L�der, at its optton,moY re9ulre immcdtate payment in tull of all sums secw�d by this l���w. I.ender s4�all be <br /> -- — further d�d end may invo kc t ho powcr o t s u l e e nd a n y other remedies peronittod by np p <br />_ ___ --- �ttfl�e3 L�cr1I�±'t n1t eYnenses lncu�'ec6 in p�lro"u�LIt�r��dles�►rovided in tlils para��CaPh 21, <br /> Wduding,but no!Wnited <br /> - ._,__- ����ble attoraeys'leee aud co►ts oP Etite e�1:�. <br /> '� It the power of sa►e is tavokcd�Trustee ehall r�cmrd a notice of dr.Ppult ia eacta commty In whicl� any purt oi the <br /> '� property Is lacated and sbell mafl copies of such nottoe in the imanner Prescrii�d by appltcable law to Horrower and to <br /> ,`-�� the other persons prescribe�by oppllcsblo Iaw.Atiter the tt�e�rb ui��bY�p�llcawlthout d�em�u d ua Bor�rov w��shnQ s ll <br /> -�.i� of snle to the persons end in tke msaner prescrlbcd by aPP <br />_--='p'�='_'� We property at publlc uuction to tho hlybest�lddcn�at the tlme aud place and under the terana d�;iBasted in the aotice oi <br /> --�`'�;�� sale in one or more parcels and ln any ordcr 7lfustee determines.'�rus���'Y�p°��e°$� or any parcel oi the <br /> ;-�.`?��- Property by pnblic anuottncement at tho timo aad place of eny previovsly scheduteil eale-La°d� °r�es d�nee may <br /> ,y� ,r�. purcP►ase the Froprrty nt any eale. <br /> ':+=Y:��"�. <br /> �:.a.: '" <br />_:;�n?�����.`:-���` Porm 30 9/ 0 . <br /> • '.... :,ys;.:. <br /> ..r..;...�,.:... ��nw�: <br /> :r:r}::: ,. , � ��BAtNFJ t9�t�.os v�o e ot o <br /> _ . �. <br /> ;:�., ' <br /> _ '��is� <br /> . .. . 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