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<br /> � g9� �.����� �-
<br /> oi sa�e,aad Etae�ale,ir�cludin�the pAy�nent oY the 1lnisiee's fees ac4u�llY[�cureed,not to eaceeal 5.4 ",o of -
<br /> by lBw;(bj o aEl sums sccured bY thia Security La$tr�entt a d(1�u►Y e�iscess to tbe pers�n or peiconv tegal yeeA�
<br /> �►�t!. —
<br /> 22. Resonveyanoe. llpon payment of all sums secured by tdis Security Instrusiten�Lender shull rcyucu 7h�.stec ta �
<br /> teconvey the Property and shall surnnder shis Se�uriry Instrumez�t und all notes evidenclqg debt secure�l by this Secudty
<br /> Inswment to 7kustge. Tivstee shall teconvey the Property without warranty eud without chargo to the person or p�rsons
<br /> legaily endded to it Suc�person or persons shall pay any ce�ordatian costs.
<br /> 23 Substitute'ltustee. Lender,at its opticw.may from dme to time remove'ilustee and appoint a successor tcuustee ta
<br /> any'ltustee sippointed hereunder by an instrume�t�xorded in the couary !n wlrich thia Security instrument is recorded.
<br />. fMthout conveyance of the Property,the successor ttustee shall succeed to a11 the dde.po�ver and dutiea confened upon
<br /> 'Ikustee herein and by appllcable law.
<br /> 24, Itequc�st for Nodces. Borrower requests that copies of tha nolices of default and sale ba sent w Borrower��ddress
<br /> whish is the Property Addresa.
<br /> �g�gpders�o tlils Sea�rity InsbrwnenL If one or mo�e ridere are executed by Borrower and recorded together vntb
<br /> ts
<br /> PP ement We co�venant,s and a Vgreements of th�i�s eSecurity Insuumeat as ifethe d r(s)weere a part of tbis Securiry Instrumein�
<br /> [Check applicable bax(es)1
<br /> �Adjustable Rate Rider �Condomiaium Rtder �1-4 Family Rider . .
<br /> �Graduated Payment Rider �Plar�ed Uait Development Rider �Biweekly Payment P.nder
<br /> Q�alloon Rider �dtate improvement Rider �Second tlome Rflder
<br /> QOther(s)[specifyj
<br /> � and in aYny n'der(s)execuB ted b�y Bo�iro er and reeo�8 witb it�e temas aud covenants contained in ttil�Secwdcy Insteu�ent
<br /> Witness:
<br /> ::9�°: _
<br /> . � � ,/. �� i�> � {S�,
<br /> . ���.�a
<br /> H. Iac'�7� Ce Ha21SOri � aK . .
<br /> , � ;.r
<br /> ($C2�) �SP�)
<br /> M31"�aret .�.fQanson/i��°• . a •eomower -Ba�awu
<br /> STAiT�OF RASKA, Hall County ss:
<br /> On this 2.6 day of March 1999 ,before me,the undersigned,a l�otary Publlc .
<br /> �ly commissio�ed and qualified for said wunty,,peisonaIlY�e . Lawrence Hanson a/k/a tiilfosd L. Hanson a/Ici
<br /> . .L t���- ������ . � n�a H. Larry 8anson and to me lmown t�o 6a the '..
<br /> �
<br /> the fon oing inmumem and aclsnowle�lged the execi�ion th�rcaf.to
<br /> be , their :volunmry act and deed.� '".: in said rn�nty..the
<br />_� � '9Viter"ss mv hand ami n�tani:i4�enl at Grand Ysla�d �. � .
<br /> � `��r s.�u�s ` _.
<br /> y� C�',� .,� ��<�:=
<br /> M '. •��� Noimy Nu61k � .
<br /> polpblt 11.20Q1 '
<br /> � TO TRUSTEE:
<br /> � � '(be unde:si�ed is the holder of the a�:�or no2es secured tiy t6is ID��of'�tust Said note or ncsus.together with
<br /> ather indebtedrtess sxur�cl by thas�eed of Tmst,liave been paid in full. �f'ou are hemby dircxted to c�el said note err naus
<br /> - and this Deed of'�nst,which uc�a deliveied hereby,and to c�convey.with�ut wananty,a11 the estate aow held by y�ou under
<br /> this Deed af'IIvst to th�person ar p��sons legally entifled t�e�eto.
<br /> Date: -
<br /> ° €Qem� 9i90(�tbof6pagts)
<br /> - __.l'ff+i�A�'�A^�:'4'fi. ?`�R1"J�._'J'i'::S��;isawr�--�. .��-�-....�.�. - -- _.
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