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_..::m. .. .. .. : ... .�.,..::�:�:n�o r:v�� v <br /> ; , , ' -::,�:c . , . e��„r ){ <br /> ,'t 'p -'�l � . ,, .r. ..� ....1 <br /> . �: .�� .. . .. � . � . . <br /> "i�� � . � . . ...-.�., - <br /> � � tN NItM'1��..., ' at n -- .. ,..�•�...r. .. � � .� .....�..c. �-..._�_.___-.-. <br /> ., _ <br /> . . <br /> .�.. . .. .. . „ . � , �-� <br />. ,, - .•° ,�'.,� . -- . ... . ._. .._ - _ ' -rsn�-- — <br /> . .��� <br /> � +NRO!� . . . �.�'w_,:... •-�'—� . .__•___.�....,.._�...._.. ° -,...__.r....�_...------�'--�— 's.ra�-- � _'. <br /> " ' ta��:1i3::S�'Za..iRCGY�'-"OE�__ . . .... _ . . .�. . .. <br /> _ .:L' <br /> _ � . � � ���� � <br /> ' applicnble law may specifp for reinatntement)before sole of the Property pur�uunt to any power of anle cont�inzd in this <br /> Securiry Inswment;or(b)entry of a judpment enforcing thts Securiry Instrumcnt. Thoso condit�onr nre thut Bormwer. (a) <br /> ��, paye Lender all Rums which then would be due under thia Secudty instrumer.t und the Naie as if no accclerudon hud — <br /> • occurred;(b)cures nny dofuult of nny athcr wvenunts or aIIreemenu►:(c)pays ull expenses incurred in enforcing this Security <br /> Insttum�nt,fncludiUg, but nalli�nitcd to, �casonabie attomcys'fees:nnd (d)mk�such action es Lender mny muconnbly ,__ <br />` .h: .,=. cequire to usaure that the lien of this Security Instrum�n4 I.ender's rights in tte I'roperty and Borrower s ob�i�tion to pay the <br /> � sums secumd by this SecurIty instc�ment shall cc�ndnue unchanged Upon reluatatement by Borrower. th�s SecurIty <br /> ' Instcument and the obligutions secured hereby shall remain fully effecdve as if no ucceleration had oscurred. However.thts <br /> �"=�� dght to reinstnte shall not apply in the case of ucceleration under paragraph 17. <br /> 19. 3ale mi Note;Cha�g¢of I.oan Servlcer Th$Note or n purdal interest in the Note(together wlth this Security <br /> ,,,,�,,.,,4� Instruinent)may be sold oae or more dmes wtthout pdor not�ce w Horrower. A sale may result ia a chan�e in the entity <br /> ��- - (known as the"Loan Serviccr")that collects montlily payments due uader ttce Note and this Securlty Instrument. There also .�_ <br /> _,,..>,�� may be oae or more changes of the Loan Serv[cer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there is a change of the Loaa Servicer, <br /> ::K:,r�,a� Borrower wUl be given wrltten notice of the change in accordance wlth paragraph 14 above and applIcablc law. The notice <br /> �:Y•-.�= wiU state the name end address of the aew Y.oan�:rvicer and the address W which payments should be m¢de. The norice wiA <br /> ��"4`" also contain any other jnformatton nequired by appltcable law. _ <br /> '�""'�` 2(►, HaTUrdous�ubstanoea. Borrower shall aot cause or permit the presence,uss.disposal,storegc,or release of any <br />--'-�LL'.����� <br />:-:�;1:�,��, Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Bortower shall not da,nor allow aayone else to do.azrything affecdng the <br /> '`—`'!�"� Pcoperty that is in vIolation of any knvtrommental Law. The precedIng two sentences shall not apply to the presence,use,or <br />-.�-`-`•°� swrage on the Prnperty of smnll quantides af Haz.�tdous Substances that are generally tecognized co be appropriate to aot,iia{ <br /> :_:.�,:�,"� _ <br /> ---�r��� restdential nses an3 to maintenance of the Property. <br />'^�'�_�",�'�•��<`'� Bor[ower shall promptly give Lender written notice oF any investi$ation,claim,demand,lawsuit or other acdon by any <br />-�k��"� goveramentel or c+egulatory agency or pdva�pany involvin$the Proper4y and any Ha�ardous Substance or Environmental <br /> _- Law of which Bosower has actual kaowkd$e. [f Bomower leams. or is notified by any govemmental or regulatory <br /> ° _. authority.tbat aay removal or other remedledon of any Yiazazdous Substance affecdng the Property is aecessary.Bomnwer <br /> shaU pmmpily take all necessary remediai a�doas in accai+dance wlth Envi�onmeutal L�-sw. <br />_�`?�� ps used in this psuagra�h 20."Haznndous Substanoes"are thoss substances defmac9 as wxic or hazardoas substances by <br /> �� Environmental Law end the followmg substeaces: gasoliue.keros$ne,ottier flaaunable or toxic peuolecun products,wuc <br /> pesticides and hefiicldes.voladle solvents,maierials conteining asbestos or formaldehyde.aad radioacdve materIals. As <br /> ___— used in this paxagraph 20,"EnvIronmental Law"mea�s federal laws ancl laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located <br /> �� tAat relate to healtb,safety or enviroaffientalprotedion <br /> ----- M4N-UNLF�?RM c'AVfiNANTS.Bouower and Lender fuiiher covenant end ag�ee as foUows: <br /> =-.-= 21. Aoaelerntton;Re�on�ies. I.ender shall give natice to Borrower prior to accelerafion fottowing itorrowtr's <br /> '��� (bneach of eny covens�nt or agreement in this Secnrlty Iastrumeat(but not p�s to acceleratton under par�graph 17 <br /> �lnless appllcaWe law pmvtdes osherwL�b'�ee notioe shall speclty f�)the default:N)the action�+eqnirefl to reire the <br /> - - --• defanlh(c)a dste,not less t68n 3fl days 9»m th�date the nottce Is glven to Borcower,by c9hlsh the dstautt mtst 6e -- <br /> cured;and(d)tiiat faUure to cnre t�e det4Wt on or betore the date spedited in the noHce unay res�ilt in aooelerAttois of <br /> ---- �fie sams sectu+ed by thls Seca�rity Instra�ment and saie of the Property. The�ri�e sball fi�rther i�orm Boa+ower oY <br /> � - �h¢rigfit to reinstate af4er aocelerat�on�nd t6e rfght to bring a court actlon to assaR the non-eaistenae at a defiWt or <br /> gny other d�ense of Borrower ta ucceteretton and salc. If the detaolt is not cared on or before the dsth specifled in <br /> __- the nolIce.Lender at its opHon may reqnire immediut$payment in S�Il of ell sums�ecnred by thLs SeCUrItY Iastrument <br /> withont thrt6er detna�and maY invote the power of sate and�r oti�er remedfes permit¢ed by appitcsble law. <br /> I�ender sbail be entl�l¢d to oolled a0 m�penses tncarred in pu�the remedies pmvided in this para�rapb Zl, <br /> fnduding,bat not Wnited to,nasonable ettorneys'tees undl oosts of tttle evidenoe. <br /> If the power of sale is invoked,7k�u�shall reeor�a noUlce of defaalt in each cannty in wtdch any part oi 4he <br /> properly fs loca.ted aad shaU mail oopfes ot such notloe in th$maanPr 6ed by applkabk law to Romowcr and to <br /> the other persons presuibed by appllcable!aw A[t�r the time�e�ied by applfcaWe taw,'ltustee shall glva publk <br /> --- --. nottce oi sale to the persons and W t6e manner grescri6ed by app�le law 'lYustee.witLout dsmand on Bonowe� <br /> • shaII sell tlie Property at publlc suctIoa W the hlghest 6ldder at tire e9mne and pfaoe an�under the terms d�a4�ed in <br /> .��; . Ebe,notIae of sale In one or more parals and in�ay oas�er•1hrsDee a�giermines. 1Yvstee may postpone sale of aII or any <br /> . �'�is�c�sr1 of the P[operty bl PuLll�ammuncement at W��taee an�plsce of any prevtously sc�eduled s�te. Le�Eer or its <br /> _- —_ ��i:,�;��.���?rls•.�as�Z?�ty et�y�te. _ <br /> — ' iT��ar�i�::"cc-.'i�Sar.�£Lz s."sec�xi �� .s�.^�••'•��:!��•�9»"*�n,+1�s��amh�r 7�nst�x`s�CCd CouveYi�g i�C <br /> J� p`11D]lOY�f. �]8 TC�18�S�It fttB�BtCC'8 Q�QBd B�t9ll bE[!1'�ID�9 r8f�C EBiJI��ilCC Of 1$C tlU111 Ot u1C Std�lE�DlaQ@ f�iC!l�11. <br />,-��; •�14htstee sbnQ u�S�1Y the pmceeds otthe salc in the foltowing order. (a)to all c�osts and e:peasss of eser�ing the poWer <br /> ----:1. • • <br /> . � <br /> �4 <br /> �i <br /> ���-��� . • . <br />.:��� . . <br /> ---_-=i , <br /> --_---= .�. ' <br /> ----� • <br /> ----___� . <br /> -�:.�' � .. <br /> — - -- . r. � . • <br /> �,.�..,� <br /> ---------- <br /> _.-..-,._.. <br /> --:-.�..,..�,.-:..�a <br /> —T,��'--.. <br /> __:._ : <br /> . i <br /> . . <br /> —`°' i. <br /> _ . <br /> _ _ �� �-::�:. `�'� ----_ — .. . ._ .__.. . <br />. ..-..-�.,..� -�e__�.,.r.nn::---� - -. . .•.'°�� -- �... . . ._ �. <br /> z�.� �. <br /> --:..-_ �- . ..� ;_..r_.; . . .. ' • ' �_�r.....J�i. .LL . .�. <br /> - t . <br /> .�.ar..taaaa~f .. . . . , _ . .. ' ' " • Tn., = _' _ _._ r ^-�-- _ _ __ <br /> f��'lJb��� . . . .. ., . . . .. �. . � '_��`��w�w��r .t.r,�e e - --�— --- <br /> '�7��,a.� ' .S F:'..�inarn:�-- <br /> r'�+¢��1g��;D • , ., x+i4.� '.. '���,��s.���`'� — --- <br /> .-:��"�`� � . . .. .; . � ; ;- " � -.�5,'-+.-�'i.�ir1'r3la'i•.vwisiccor'F.3�+?-•�e-."-Svr_T+Cx n.L - — ---- <br /> .-:- vr3+t.$�i: . 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