,:i:`,�;y��rti . .:,;., :' , ;���`�=s:;s;�;;��{�,. ..i:�r,,; .
<br /> <.'', .,''�' I �f,`„f, fsf, I'..�:��ii�j �
<br /> r�� " Il��� ;�•
<br /> .. , ./ 1•. �� , f:'�, . . � . ..
<br /> , , , , . , �,.��'' , .,.�,,,,
<br /> , � ..
<br /> .- :: � ..
<br /> ,
<br /> . ... . � . .
<br /> , .
<br /> .
<br /> .w.w.!:li�cri(+����' .. ..'�� � �e. . . ....n. _. ...... `.'1_. _.�_'__.._—"_.,_.
<br /> . ��.,
<br /> � ., , . . .._..�.._._"-""'""_ ..."'"'_. _ . ���� .
<br /> ��:.��_.. � . __
<br /> � . � 17. trenetee of tP�e Preperty er e �eneQi�tal Intereat in aorrower. �r aa or �r �ac�t or tno:-ro�ny or
<br /> nny Intnro3t In it b notd or tranoforrocl(or N n bonuibtul interest in Bor►ower is sold or transbtted and Borrower is not e natural
<br /> �• pereon)wtthaut Lendeto prlor wrttten oonaent,Lender may,at its opttoe,requlre immedlate payment M full of eo sums necurad by �
<br /> , ^ • th►s Securiry InaWmsnt. Howevar, thi�option shnll not ba oxarol�ad by Londcr It oxeroi�o Is prohtbttcd by tcd��a�uw ao of tho
<br /> date ot this 3ooudty�naUumont.
<br /> If Land3r oxorotsos this optlon,Lcndor ahnli glvo 9orrov�or not�e of acealeratlon. Tho not�o ahali pravlao u Dariod ot not �
<br /> tess than 30 days 4rom the date ihe notbe Is delkered or maited wiihin whbh Borrower must pay etl suma ascurod by thts � ti,�_�
<br /> • Sacurfty Inatrumcnt. It Borrovicr fplls to pay thoso aumn pRor to!ho oxphntton ot this perlod,Lendar mny Nvoko eny mmodlas � '
<br /> �• permitted by thls&eauriry tnstrumont wRhout turther notice or damand on 8orrower.
<br /> ^ . 18. Bonower'a RI M tu Reinatnte. If Bortower meeta certah oonditlonB, Bonower shall hYVe the ripht to hnva � �'��
<br /> 9 � t
<br /> • entorosment ot this Seourtty Instrument dlsaonthued ut any tkrte pttor to the ear0er oY. (a)6 days (or sucn olher par to d as `
<br /> , _ app�bable law may speoHy for relnstatement)betore sata of the Properiy purauant to any power ot sab aontelned h thb Ssou►[ty L_T
<br /> . � -- ° inotrumoflh or(b�entry ot a�uQpment entoroing this 8ecurity Instrumont Thosc�oondiilons are that Borrorver:(a) pays Lender atl � �;--
<br /> ~ '" suma wlfbh then woutd be duo under this Saeurity Instrument end thc►Note as It no accelereNon had occurted; (b) eures anY ��'
<br /> deTauit o!any other covenent a egreements; (a)paYs al►expenses Incurrad in enforoing thts Seaurity tnstnmer�t,hcNding,but ���=
<br /> not Iknited to,reflsonabb attomeys'feas; end(d)takes suoh aotton as l.endar may reasonaby require to aewre Ihai t�e Uen of �_
<br /> thls Seaurity InsWmont, Lenders rtghts tn the Property c�nd Borrowe�s obllgatlon to pay the sums secured br thb Securttyr �a
<br /> ,� ; Inatrument ehatl aontlnue unohanged. Upon roinstetsment by Borrower, thla Seaurity Instrument and the obligetlona cecured _°
<br /> � hereby shell remetn tulh sf[eatMe ee B no BCCebratton had ocourted. However,thts right to rehetate sh8t1 not ttppy tn th0 cose ��
<br /> � of accelaradon under paragreph 17. ��.
<br /> R„-
<br /> ;. � 19. Sale ot Note; Change of Loan Servicer. rna r�a� or �a paraat nceresc �n a+e Nare(co�azner w�er��s �
<br /> SeaurRy Inetrumant)may be sold one or more times wkhout privr notice Ro Borrower.A sate may resuit In a ch�npa in the entky
<br /> •�;'� (known as the'Loan Servi�er")that oollacts monthry payments due ander the Note and this Seourity instrument. TAere atao may __
<br /> 'S� , ba one or more ohar►ges ot the Loen Servicer unretated to a sale ot the Note. If thero ls a ehanga of the Losn Servicer,
<br /> 8orrov�er w1li be gFven wriKer► notioe of the ohenge in accordence with paragraE�h 14 ebove and applioable law. TAe notice wip E--__.
<br /> state the neme end address oi the new loen 38rvicer and the address to whi�h paymerits shouid be made. The notice wili also "-
<br /> �, contain eny othar tnfortnaUon required by appilcabie law. �„:.-
<br /> 20. Nezerdoue SubManCes. eoaower sha�►not aeuse or permct the presence,use, dispasal. storaga or rek�ase ot =:
<br /> �•�, any He�ardous Substencea on or In the Property. Bo►romer shatl not do, nor ailow anyone else to do.anythMg af(eottr�g the .,,
<br /> � ' Property that Ia h vtotntlon of sny Envlronmantal Law. The precedbg two sentertces shail not eppy to the presence, use, or
<br /> , storage on the PropeRy ot smnit quendtles of Hererdous Substences that ere generalty reoognlzed to be apprcpAate to normai
<br /> . residenttat uses and to maintenance of the Proparty.
<br /> �� �� . a,� Borrower ehaQ prompty qke Lendet vreltten not�e oi any hvestigatlon, aiaim, demend, lawsua or othev aatlon by any
<br /> . -.�r- ,,, govemmantat or regutatory egeney or prNate pnAV tnvolvh9 the Property and anY Hexerdous SUbstence or EnvKonmental I.aw af
<br /> - _ _ ,
<br /> whbh Bortovrer has aoluat knowiedge. if Bortower �eems, or is notHled by eny govemmantat or reguiatory auUartty,tP►at any
<br /> r removal or other remediatbn of eny Herardous Substance atteoting PropoRy is necessnry, Borrower she� prom�tN t��ce aU
<br />� necessary remsdlai aodone in accotdance wfth Emironmentat Law.
<br /> As used In this paragrepb 20,"Harerdous Substences'are those substances defined as toxb or heiardous substences by —
<br /> j Emrironmentnl law end the fot►owing substanoes: gasoifne, kerosene, other iV.�mmabie or to�do petro4;um produots, to�do
<br />''w "� p09tbtd63 811d herblCidB8�v0lfltUe e0M6i116,matertats aonta§�Ing esbestos or formaidehyde,and radioactive mat�. A3 U8Bd ki
<br /> y;_ � pw�agraph 20, 'Envtonmental Law"meana tedsral laws and laws ot the Jurisdiatton where the Prope�ty fs boated t�et relate to
<br />'"';� heafth, safaty or env(ronmenffiI proteotton.
<br />: � � NONdJNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender turther covenant end agres as folbws:
<br /> `�"'° ' '`` 21. Acceleretton; Remediea Lender ahail give not�ce t� Borrower prlor to ecceleretton
<br />� � ., ':I..t<+;�.• .
<br /> . .. ��,:;�. .- � foltowing eorrower a breach of any covenant or egreement in thla �ecurity inatrur�nertt (but not
<br />,,...,,,��,;:_,�;.
<br />�.�`�4.:���.;�.:;;,� prTor to acceteration undu paFagreph 17 uni�as appilaabte lavr provides otharwise)_ Tl9e notice
<br />'y.�:=.��k-�-._ ahaD speeity: (a) the de t ault; (b) the ae4ton �equtreel to cure the detnult; (c)a �Lete, not less then
<br />- �_;=��,;�, 90 dasya trom the date the notice [a given to Bonower, by which the dofault muet Ibe carred;and
<br /> ��3�=��•-��� � (d) that tnilure to cure the defauit on or betore the date s�eaifled In t�e notice rney reauit in
<br />_>;�,;1�-.`-::4� .
<br />--;H w;�:r�3 aaceteratton o4 the sums ae�urad by thia Securtty Inatrument and sale ot the Praperty.Ttie rtotis�e
<br /> -'�t�' "`j-�°� shai� turther Intorm Borrower of the rlgM tm reinsfeto after aacetdretlon artd the rtgM t� b�trtg e
<br />- ,;�+�,�; � ,_ caurt aetion to ns�ert the non-extstence �4 a detauit a�r eny other detense o! Boraower to --
<br /> ----'=--�� ��4a.e�rnn ��+! ��P. �N}P d2ts��It !a net ca�rM on �r before tR�e dete sgecitied /n ti9e notice.
<br /> —_.�.r::w.;�� —_
<br /> �:*•�:,-�„�,.:,: IRI1Gi�i' �f it6 S�i9I8ft titl�t F��1tIPE �aflfiti�i{Ca� �i �.8+it!R liil) C!8!! �!!!!� �CU�Cd Dy ihl�$deurity _
<br /> =� '���'R�`�� ' Inatrument wiihou3 turther demanc! and may invoke the power of aale and nny o�er rcmedDes
<br /> ��^i�°'G;:;. _
<br /> -.,.�.;4�•� permttted by spplica�7e faw. Lender shell be ontitled to coilect all �acpenses tn�urred tn pur�uinp
<br /> `„?�''�,;,°.: ; the remadies provide� in this paregre+ph 21, including, but rtot ICrc�ited to, reasonnbie etlorne�i�
<br /> -= • A - � fees�n� cos3s of tfdte evidence. -
<br /> � �-��_r � If the pawer ot aale ts invoked. Trustee shalt record e noUce of detautt tn each counry in
<br /> - ; � , � __'� w4�ich eny part of ti�e Rropert3l is located and shetl mail copiea of auah nottee in the menner
<br /> presaribed by appOeeble lew to BQrrower am� to the othe� persona preseribed by appitcab�e law.
<br /> �� After the time requlred by applicable law� 4ca�stee shall giva publia rto�ce of sate�o th�pereons _
<br /> � �-�� nnd tn 4dee manner preacribed by appltcable Iew. Tru�tee, without demnnd on Borrovrer, ahali seil
<br /> the Prnperty at publlc euctton to the highest bidder at the time end piace end undu ihe terma -
<br /> �� , _ � I�� deaigne4ed in the notice ot sate In one or more pereets end On am► order Truaee determines. _:
<br />— , � Truatee may poalp�r�e sale of atl or arry �amrcei ot the PropeK�/ by pubtte anu�eQUmcemeM at the E:
<br />= . � � time end pldce of er�y previausry scheduled sal�. Lender or i4� tlealgr�ee mey pur�hase the E
<br /> Rrop�rt�a4 amy sale. �.
<br /> _�_ �.�_�
<br /> :.- � Up041 t@C@I�t Oi pQj►1ROQt OT LIIO FiRC@ Ola� truaiee snaii deiivaF i"v ino pdi�u�s� �..00.�o �
<br /> deed conveying the ProRorty. The recitate In �e?r�etee'a deed ahait be prima ta�ie evtdenae of
<br /> - � ° the truth of the �tetements made thereln. Trustee shati eppry the proceeds at tha aale in the
<br /> toltowing order: (�� 4a atl coaee and ex�ea�se� ot exercistng iae pow�r of $eie. an�i the sale.
<br /> inotuding tho paymont of the Truatee'a teea net�alty incur�ed, rtot M exceed thPee
<br /> � ° %ot ffie prtncfpnl amauM ot tho
<br /> eote at the Uene ot the dealeratlon ot default,end �eaaanabto attoaney'a teea as permitt�i by taw; k
<br /> E
<br /> �> (b)to all aume eeaured by thia Security Instrument; and (c)erry excesa to the pars+on or per�ns �
<br /> n •- le�niiy ea4iU�d 4o t4. _``
<br /> � �
<br /> ' F,me.uYto�,roo> Pao.s or a �� �
<br /> �y
<br /> �
<br /> �f B904II
<br /> � . - -- -- --- -- --- -- -.
<br />