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... r. nr;•.>�hG .r.;� •..k.�� . '�i'• .. .�,� <br /> � ..S'�';�'.:�7<1" . � . . . � . . <br /> � .� . ••r� �iYfr�t L �.�5, , � . <br /> � t . . :,!�' . <br /> { 1 <br /> 4 r. ..M!.�� . .. . . , f' .. <br /> .�. �.. •. � . 41 . <br /> , . ...rpn_ � ' . �. � . ° . ' . :.f��,M7�}1q�``q�'1�'�``�-�� <br /> .' ;. l,�.:. .. .�:�f"- _ _ . . _. ...51..�...�."l. .__..._'-_._._____..._.J.�.:_Y� <br /> i , <br /> .r .n31:?:i1... - ._f2__...L_�:.. "_"__"'__'...... . . . .... <br /> - �..��........._��_JU�.. .. .. . .. , .....� s �._.� . <br /> .__...__._.......... <br />— ___•— _ ,�.�__- i . <br /> ^ ' ' BoROwer may ouro auoh o d3inutt nnd rolnatnto, na provided In paregraph 18, by caus�p the sotlan or proeecsdhp to be �� <br /> dlsni3e�d e�ith a rul�tp that,In Lende�a pood inith d�termMetloa.preoNdes toQelture ot tho Bonowera intereal h tAe PropeRy or , <br /> other mntedat Impalrrv�ent o}the Ilen oronted by thW 8ecurlty InsWmsnt or Lende�s Beourlty InMrest. 8ottower shnu ntso ba In .. <br /> � defautt It Bonorret,dttrh�tha toan applbutlon pmCSSa,guvo m�tcr4�i,y tnt�o or inacoumto Intormntion or amtemento to Lcndar(or� <br /> " fai63d to pro:ide Lender rdth any mstarlai Intormation) In oonn�tton �rlth the lonn evtdArtaod by!ho Note, inetuding, but not� � <br /> " Ilmited to, roprosnntnttons eoncemNg Bonowofs oeoupnnaY of tho Proparty ao n pr(nctpa� rostdsnce. It this Seour{ry � <br /> " ' in6trument ts on e I�to?�oid, BoROw� ahaii oompy wGh 6q!he provbton8 of tfie Ieaee. If Oorrower eoQuims teo dtle to the � _ <br /> Propariy,tha tCase�otd and the tae tRb ehell not merge uniese t-ender agre9s to the morgor In w�t�g. - <br /> �. : 7. P�to4o�4�0�pQ Lo��fo�•o R1�14oto le�th� �roperty. tt eorrouer raue to podom►tAo oovananw and ugr�mcnto ����ggg <br /> contatn6d h this 8eaudty Inetrument, or there Ia a lepal proceedinp that may alpnNbantty affeot Lender's�Iphts In the Proper4y � _ <br /> (auoh ao a prooecdinq M bankruptay,probate,Por oondemnatlon or foRelWre or to entorce aws or rctQutatlona),then Lender mny <br /> � do and pay for whntever is neoessary to proteot t0e vsNO ot tho Properq+end Lendefo rlghts in tho PropttRy. Londer's aattono <br /> P <br />- may fnolude paying anY eums eeourod by e Ibn vuhbh haa prbrky over thts 8eeurky InsWment, sppearin9 h oourt, peyhp � <br /> "�:•�'J•^�"' roasonable attomeys' teas end enterfnp on the Propmty to mnke repako.Akhough Lendor may take aatton undm thts pareOreAh - <br /> ' � --� =�^'� 7,Lendor does nat h<+Ye to do so. : <br /> - My amounta disburaed by Lsndar unds� paraBrapA 7 ahau beoome addlttonei debt of Borrower seourad by this 8eou�ity <br /> '" � Ingtrumen4 Untesa Bortower and londer agree to othor 4erms ot payment,these emounto ehall boar ht�est from the date of "s: _ <br /> dlsbursement 8t the Ntote mto nnd shsR be payabi�,wkh Interest,upon notbe hom Lcndo�to BoROwer roquesthp paymnnt. � <br /> �. 8. M01'�ga99 insuronce. Ii Lunder required martga�e insurance aa a oondiNon of inekhg the losn secured by thts � <br /> • � SecurNy instrumenR Borrower shall pay the premtums requked to maintain the mortgage Insurence„eifeot.If.for eny reason,tho �•- <br /> • � ' moRpage 6nsurenoe oov�age required by lsnder�¢pses or ceases to ba in eiteot,Borrowor shali pay the premiums requYed to �- <br /> � obtah aoverepe EubsmntiaUy equlvatent to the mortaaye InBUrance preWousN ��• at a cost subatentiaty equMaient to the <br /> ' ° ` post to Borrower of th0 mortgaBe Insurance previousry in etteot,from an ehemate mortgape Maurer approved by Lender. It -- <br /> � � � '" '� subsmrtttairy equlvatent moAgape haurence oove►aga�s not avatt�bie.Borrower ahatl pay W Lender 6aoD mantb n sum eauel to �--- <br /> �r one4wetkh of the yeaAy martQape Insurenca premium being pald by 8orrower when Me hsurence aov�aQe lapsad or ceased to = <br />- b0 In e(feo� Lendsf wfq axept,use snd retain Mese payments as a loss reuenre in Ileu of mortgage Insurance. Loss resenre <br /> • , payments may no b�ger be requMed�at the optlon o!Lender, M mortgage Insurence covera9e(in the amount and for the pertod �'= <br /> . � that Lender requkes)provided by an Insurer approved by Lendsr a9ah�beoomes availebte and is obmt�ed. 8arrower shau P8Y � <br /> •� •?' the premiums required to mahtaM mortgage Insuranoo In etfeot.or to provtde a Ioss resenre.untp ttte requtroment for mortgage �; <br /> '..,_��... <br /> fnaurartce ends M aaoordenee wRh eny wdKen a0reement between Bonower and Lend�r or applbebie Iaw. � <br /> � ;,:;,�; 9. (t1e�lCCt101t.Lendar or Its apent may malca reasonable entries upon and tnspeodona of the Property. Lender shali ylve � <br /> '' Bo�rower notice at the Nme ot or prbr to en 6�speoUon specHytnp►easonable causo t�r the hspeotton. <br /> 10. Condere�netlon. Tho proceeds of any awerd or olaM tor damages.dUeot or conseQuentiat,in aonnaot�n with any <br /> � := eondemnatton or other takinq ot eny part of fhe Property,or for oonveyanee h�Iieu of eondemnadon,ere hereby assfprted and <br />- shaq be pald to terader. <br />- � tn Me evant of a total tekinp of the Property, the proceeds shali bo eppilad to the sums seoured by this 8ecurthr <br /> ��,- ; - :�y- <br /> � InsWment,whether ar not then due,wftA any mccess pald to Borcower• In ths event of a partlal mki�8 ofi the Proper'ry i�wnah ' <br /> '_2-.. . ., the tair market vehe of tha Properly Ynmadtatery before the taking b eQual to or greater than the amount of the sums secured <br /> by thts Seaudt�r IesUument trnrt�adtatay betore the tekhg,unless Borrower and Lsnder otherwis9 agree b wrRMy�the euma <br />=�p:;. :. ��.• ��bY N���� Instrument sha��be reduced by the amount of the P�ds muldplied 0y 4h�foibwhp haotion: (a)the <br /> `�,- ,, total emount of the sums ee�wrod hxnediatey betore the tektr�9�dNldod bY(b)the teir mstke!v9Are ot the ProA�1Y imm6d'Yt�+:y <br /> YA:,i�'��.,:�.•._. before the takMp.My bstlence shali Ee patd to Horrowor.In the event ot a paR�il Qs►::6►g of the Property in whi�h ttaa fatr mv�cet �_. <br />=:�•r.��;, � vatue of Me Property Mrsmedffitery bsiore the teking ts Iess fhen the amount o4 cha sums secure0 Immedfateb ba7ora tRo tnkhq, �,; <br />'�"'::'r"�`�°,',.�' untess Bortower end Lendet othe�wise agree b wddn9 or uniess eAPtbable inw othsrwise P�Ides� tho proceads shaA be �:��-- <br />-_ . ,_ .. ;�,.,�,� <br /> .,.;..• applied to the suma secured by thts Seourity lnstrument whether or not the sums are then du�. <br />����f -��• +"�°�"` t}the prope�qr �i aDandonod by Borrow�r,or ff,aRer notfce by lsnder to �orrowor that the cortdemnor offers ta make an <br /> ��rYy,��'•�+,� bs aweni or settle a elelm Por demapes, eortower falis to respond to lender withb 80 days after the date the nottee Is qMen, <br />�'��'`� � " "'"' Lender Is fluthorimd to coileat and eppy the procesds, at fts opUon,etther to resioradon or repatr of the PropoM1y or to tRe <br />_.�.,_�-.,�,�• . <br /> aA, Bums secured by thts Security Instrument,whether or no4 then due. <br />—�`"��'� Iicatton ot pra�eds to prhoaal sAatl no4 e�dentl or <br /> ---�a.:_-:� Uniess Lender end Borrower otherwise agrea in wridng. enY ePP <br />�;s�:�'�`•'.'°,� postpone tho dae date of the monthy payments referted to h pareg�rraphs 1 and 2 or ohange the amount of auoh payrnente. <br /> --_- �—�� 11. �orrow�r N�t Reteaaed; Forbearance By Leuodl�r Not e Walver.�xeenswn or e�e cr�e tor Aaynwre or <br />=.�.�=�-., modiNcation of amoeNmtion ot the eums secured by this Secur�y lnstrument granted by tender to any suecessor in hteros!04 <br /> '��� Barower shali not openate to reiease the ItsbtlRy of the orighe!Borrower or Borrowera succea�ora h hterest L,ender ehall not <br />_�-�u''�.,;y_,_ be required to oommer►ae proceedhgs agahst any succossor h hterest or reluse to �Qend tYae tor payment or othera+iso �'%` <br /> -�-�`���� modHy amorNmtion of the sums secured by tt�is Security tnsWmen3 by reason of any demand made by the ori9hs 8orrower et �= <br /> --- __ _�.._�� Botrowera auccessas in htereat. My forbearance by Lender tn �natsin9 enY dAM or remedy sAall �ot be a waker of or _ <br /> -_�� QreobdA 4he ezareise ot pny elght tu.remedY. - <br /> __-°���==. -- 1�. tQueaessora end Asai�nm Bound; Joint and �evernt Li�bility; Co�aigns% rne oovenaMe and <br /> ' a p r e e rt�e nts ct th�s Seou r fl�r Instrument shsil bind and beneflt the eacoessors and assi�ns of Lender snd 8ormwar,ss�bJeet to the <br /> �!°"!""'"�'� p►avis(oes af paragraph 17. Borrowers covenants end agreerr�ents shaU be�oint and ssvereL Any Borrower wha co-s�na thb <br /> =��=.���� Securriy instrument but does not eocecute the Note: (a) ts co-smnhp thts Seour&�r Inswment onry to mortgaga,prar►t and oomey <br /> ""-"�"'"""�`�j that Borcowets hterest h the ProPertY under the terms ot thb Securih► tnstrum�x (b)is not personaUy obtlpeted to pay the <br /> _�� sums seoured by this SecurNy lnstrumon� and(o)aQrees that lendar and any ot0►er Bo�rower may agreo to a:dond, modHy, <br /> -� torbear or meke any acoommodations with regard to the terma of Nis 3ecurily InsWment or tAe Note wRhout that Borrowera <br /> oonsent ,�... <br /> � ,r . iS. Loare CQ�a�:�es. u c�,e ioan sc�curea by cnc� seour�y msaum�r� �3 subl�to 8 I�w whioh SoYS maxl'r�um toan <br /> ,;,� ohargea.and that fnw �thaly hterpreted so that the hterest or other loan cha�es colfeoted or to be colieoted h coaneotlon <br /> --``T��� wRh I�eA taan�oeeed 9�a permitted Imks,then: (a)any suah ban charpe sP�e1�be reduced by fia s�mouM necessery to reduce <br /> _ `,,�+;:i�%yi�� the oh�rpo!a the paranRted IhttiC, cu��(b)eny sums ateady cofl�cte0 trom Borrower wh�h mcc�oded ptxmfuad "anhs wUi be _ <br />_ �s <br />- _ _ ,;,- refunded¢0 8orrowcr. 4_ender may ohoose to mnko thi�refund by raducMg the prina�at owod undar the Note or by makhg a <br /> �.: dteot payment to 8mrower. If a retund reducos m�n�ipal, ttre reduoUon wm bo treated as a partlai Pr�ym.snt wfthout any - <br />_� � . � prepayment oharee undor the Note. �, <br /> '04. NOtICES.My noUce to Bortower provlded for tn this 3ecutUyy�nstrument ehail b0 glven by detivertr�p h cr by msi6ng B <br />-- �S� sv�ruu class msli uniass et�aUeabie law mquires use of another method. The notice shail be dYeoted to the Prop�ly RddnuRS 6 <br />- -----�`•.: �•.. or any other addresa 8orrower designates b�r noUce to lender. My notice to Len6er snan oe giwen cy frsi aess �io � <br /> m" • Lenders address stated hereh or any other address Lender designates by notice to BoROUrer My�otice Prwided tor in ti�ta h <br /> -- �� ' Seaurity Instrument shati be deemed to have been gken to Bortower or Lender whon given as provtded h Nb paragraph. <br /> 16. QovorntttA Law; S�V�t6bllilSl. This Securttf► InsWment shell be govemed by fed�al law end the I8w ot tho � <br /> - °�� juftsdiatlon b whia�the Property Is toeated. In the event that any provisbn or etause ot thts Seourity lestrument or the Note E <br /> �� conti�ts wfth eppllcabie taw.such oonfliot shail not aNeot other provisbns of this Sew�rtly Instrument or the Note whbh cen bo _ <br /> , gtnen eNeot wRhou4 the eonflbthg provisbn.To thts snd the provistona of thts Socurky Instrument and the Note are decinred to _ <br /> ° be severeble. = <br /> 16. �orrower's Copy. Bortower shail be gNen one contormed eopy ot the Note end of thls Securlyy InstnimeM. - <br />— „ .. ; Pap�3 ot 6 �� �� <br /> — . F731&LM6(1ryB) _ <br /> i <br /> — •> <br /> i <br /> N <br /> _� � 08042 � <br /> -- <br /> . <br />