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<br /> , L�A�INO. 1588218388 r�
<br /> � Ali Insur�nao pollciss and renewats shall be acceptable to Lertder and shall Irtclude a amsdard mos�gage cisusa,
<br /> ' Lsnder ahaEl have the right to��ld tfle poltcles and rer�swals.It Lender r�quU�s,Barrower shatl prompUy giv0 ta Lender _
<br /> c�li�ec0lpte at pald pramluma ertd rarttmral notic�s.In ths ovar�cf toss,Boeeawor shall h+e prompt notic�to tho
<br /> Greurance carttsr eir�d Lender.Lsnder may make proof of Icsa It noi made promp�y by�crrower. _
<br /> l��tl�9 l�rtder��t�l�iev�wor�the�rlse�ag�ee In vuritinQ,Inst�r��c�groceeds shafl b��pplla�to restoratlon or repatr �
<br /> ' o!the Propotty damaged,[f the restorattan ar repatr ts ecorromlcally feasl�le and Lander'�secu�ty ts Rai te�sened.If the -
<br /> ;:•� resicratlon or repalr la nat ecortomlcally f2asibte or lande�s securtty woutd be Iesssned.the tnsurartae proceeds ahail =
<br /> � be applled to the suma secu�sd by this Sscurtty Instrume�witeYhar or rtot tltan due,with any excesa patd to 6orrawer.
<br /> � �� It Bo�wer ebandons the Property�or does not answer wfthln 30 days a noUce from Lertder that tha Insurance caerier -
<br /> �� ;�-=�' h�s affeted to settle a ctatm,then Lender may coltect the tnsurance proceeds.lender rnay use the proceeds to rapair __
<br /> ;:,,"��.,,,,,� or re.rMcre the Pro�erty or to pay suma�ecured by thta Security Instrumer�whether or reot then duo.The 30-dQy ped�l __-
<br /> t��ll!iwgIn�y?t@n the nattce ts gJven.
<br /> Unless Lender artd Borrower otherwlse agree In uurtttr�g,am►appltcatton of proceeds to principal shali not extond or �;W
<br /> � posipon�the due dete of the mcnthlypaymer►ts�e?���to tn parag�aphs 1 and 2 of change tha arr�ourit of the s�=�
<br /> - paymer�ts. It under paragraph 21 the P�operty ts acqui¢�by I.�snde��Borrow�r's�ig ht to any Ineurance polfcles and
<br /> proceeds resui�ng from damage to the Property p�or 4o th�acv}wlsitlon shap pass to Lerr�er to ths exteM of tfie sums ��`
<br /> ;.. securad by th[s 3ect[rtty Instraimer�t Immedfately pflor to the acgwtatiton. �="-.
<br /> �� 8.Occupancy.Proaerva�on.Mur�tenartce muN9 Protectton ot the 1�o�arly:eorrower'e�Loan Appllcatton; ----
<br /> � Lea�ei�oid�. Sa�r6wer eitafl 000upy��atebtish�and�e tha Pro�rty as Bonawer's prt���al resldence vMithin�lxty days �-_
<br /> - after the exsoutton of thts 3ecur�ty inetr�ment and shalt contlnue to occupy the Property��Borrower's principal �-
<br /> . �:. resddence for at lsast one year efter th9 date of occupanay�unfesa Lertder ctherwlse agcpa�In w�ting,whiah cons��c =-_
<br /> shail no2 be unreasanabty wJthheld,or unless extenuetinp ct�cu�stances exlst which aro f�eyond Borrower's coe�Ynoi.
<br /> 8orrcwer ehalt not destroy,damage or tm��air th�Property�aqow the Property w deterioe�ate,or cvmmtt waste on the �.��'
<br /> Properiy.�orrower shall be in detauit ff any fort�li�are acUon or proceedtrtg,wl�ether cNq or cdminat,ts begun that tn �
<br /> Lender's goocl iai(fi jusigrrtei►t couDd resuit In fo�eiture ot tha Property or othetuutse materially Impalr the Ifen created by �'
<br /> thla Se�r� instntmarn or l,ender'S security IMeresL Borr�iver may cure�ch a defa�it and relnstate,as provided tn =_
<br /> � paragr�p1��e�by cattsing the actlon or proceedtng to be dtam)ssed wlth a rultng that,in lender's good faith �
<br /> ' detenn[n�tton�precludea forfefturo of the Borrowe�'s tnterest in the Property or otF�er mate�ai Impairmen4 of the Iten
<br /> created by this Secur[tyy inatrumeM or Lende�s securfty intereat 8orrower shall aiso be tn default ff Bortower�durin0 the
<br /> loan appitc�tton proress,gave materlalry false or inaccurate tMom�a�tton or statemerus to Lender(or faqed to provide �:
<br /> Londer with am►mater�al tMom�attanj In conaec�on with the loan ewdoncer�by the Note.tnduding�btd nat itmtted to, �,��.
<br /> re p r e s e r�t a t i o n s c o n c e m i ng e s o r r¢w e�`s a c c upan C y O i f i 1 8��v p e i 4�a s d���i�1�3 d S i e 3 3 3�t r'i�.i�t�°s c u�t y ls�ss:r�t� _
<br /> on a I�asehotd,Born-►wer shall cvr.npiy wtth att the pravistons af the tease. N Borra4ver a�quires fee tftlo to the Pro�rty� -
<br /> the teasehdd and the fee title strala nat mer�e uniess Lender��tess to tho Merger tn wrttie�g. _
<br /> _: �' � 7.Protactlon of Lend�r's RigMs!e the Poo�rty. It Borrovuer tafis to pedorm the covena�s and agresmeMa ,.
<br /> - � cor�tetned tn this SeeurRy InstrumeM,or there Is�legai proceeding that may signlflcanily ffifect Lende�a d�hts in the
<br />= • . � �Proparty(such as a proc�edtng in bantaupicy.probate.for condemr�ation or forteft�re or to er�force laws or �'
<br />_�'����"`��. • tag ula�tone),then Lender ma do and pay for whatever ts necessary to protectthe vatue afthe Property and Lenqter's
<br />������"�"N�` ` r1flMg!n the Properry.Lende�s actlans may tnctude paying any sums securad by a Ilen whtch has pdortty overthts
<br />- �:°���".�.:';� ., Sec�eity Instrument,appeartng tn court.paytng reasonabte euomeys'fees and ertedn�onthe Properly to make _
<br />-'"��"°°�' repatre.Atthough Londer may t�ke acUon under ihls paragraph 7�Lender does noi have to do so. _
<br />__� ,.r
<br /> v":%::��:'rx ', l4n y amouMS disbursed by Lertder underthla paragraph 7 ehall become addi31ona1 debi of Barrawer secured by
<br /> �_.�.��.�."-• this 8ectdtfty Inatrumern.Untesa Bonow�r and Lender agree to other tertns of paymeM.these amourrte shali b e ar
<br /> '�'."'�;�>'• ; tr►terest�rom the date ot diaburaenneM at the Note r�ate end ahali be payaWe.wttt�►Ir�teress,upon rtottce trom isnde�to
<br />_—....:._�`7:� .
<br />�-. �.:..'_1�f�Vf,
<br /> rr,yr�� BO�fdW@l�C6QU88�IIg�3ASl7il9T1t.
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<br /> -�.��: 8.M�ty�g�Insunnc�. If Lender required martgape Insurance as e condfUon d making tha lcaan secured by this
<br />�-_��:y�; Sacurfty Instrume�Bomawer shati pay the premiums�equlred to malr�n the moKgage instcnance in eftec�t.If.for eny
<br /> __--�=-� : reason,the mottggQe Insurance coverage�equtred by Lender lapsss or ceaseato be in sffect,Horrower sh�il pay the
<br /> � mf�,. •---.r_�.:....�.r.....t. t....fA..+a�wnn�
<br />�!�:��i�1���' P[@JIHUt118 C8f jU11'AO�O ObLflU1 CQY@:7'AD@ SUl7SISr1[1811�1 BQYIVBi@!ii i0 tttv t�tOti�esy"v attuneu�va Q...no.�»......w.,...«....,._ -
<br /> substantislty equhraferit ta the cost to 8orccarer af Uto mo�a9e Insurartce prevtouedy t�o�eci.irom an altemate
<br />�"`-'� . enortgaye inaiuer appraved by Ler�der.!f substantiailly equtvatent mortga�e tnsarance coverege Is noE avatisble�
<br /> —���"�� Bo�awer shall pay to L ertder emch month a sum equal to anedwelfth of tNe.yearty mortgage tnsurance premlum being
<br /> :�-yT,..r,�� :
<br />-..�,.,znF;;��; i�Gy BcKrsi�rbr rrrm--r�tu�s S:�s.�a�,,,.�:��la�..°�ct���i�b2 In eT#sct.±pn-�e-t�19��nt,�s�?+re�nthss� �_
<br /> �.. �_�; paymer�ts es a iass rarter�e i�tteu c?rioei�a�e insurart�.Lass reserve paynrtst;t�snsy sr�lon �s�11r�.+.�th2 _
<br /> .., t t es
<br /> opUon of L�nder,It moKgsge Insurence caverage(tn the amount�r�d for the pedoda that ls er requlros)provkted by
<br />���x. �' ar�tnsurer appmved by Lender agatn becomes ava(Iabie arxl is obtatned. Bortrn,yer sf�alJ.pay the premtums requtred to
<br /> s + matr►ffiin mortgaga tnsurance tn effect.or to provid�a loss resenfe,urtU the requtremerit ior moRgage t�surance ends
<br />�:���;^�:-- In aa�r�dance wfth arry vrrR4on agreemer�t beia�een�Borrower and�ender or appttcabte iaw _
<br />�"�'�`'���--. � ; �. ln�p�tl on. Lendet or It�ageM tnay make reasonabte er�irtes u n and Inspeciica�s of the 4'roperty. Lender --
<br />- � straf!�1v��omawer aotics at ths tlme of or prtor to an Inapecdon spocity�rtg reasonabie caaso to�the inspec�on. ---
<br /> r_:.:
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