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�: � -;s,:;i ;;_;;, <br /> ti• <br /> s � <br /> s , ,. , <br /> .:.r.,.,t . <br /> F.,:., , <br /> , ' , n.�;:��:., . � � �•.�►�y. <br /> ,.. <br /> . . :.,.� .. .. . ., <br /> �9� 1���5 � .•.; <br /> LOAPINO. is9saiosas �''"" <br /> THI3��CIJRITY IN6TRUNI�hfT aombinos�ar►tbrm covenarria 4or naUonat use and non•un(form csvonAn4o with �.� <br /> IImILod veriatlona by Jurisdiatton to conatitute a u�ttorm seaurity ln�trument cavedng real propsrty. �,�'y� <br /> UNiFORM COV�tdAN'P s.6orrower aRd LeRder covenartt artd agreo as foUowo: _, __ <br /> { �1,Pay�to�t�f Reirtcl�aA mar�Int�n•��yrRSnt eces!Late Ch*_r�e�a.3�orrot aend ta�t0 chronrg a duo u dor tho =l� <br /> 4i�o rl�ert�,:!a!nrsat 1MC�c���ih�dabt avf dcnc_d by ths td�te ar�i enY p ��y�s ���• <br /> � Noia �.-'r <br /> � ` 3.�un�s tor Ti�s and intunnce. 3ublect to appllcabie taw or to a vv�itten wahrer by Lender,8orrower ahail ay ,__ <br /> ., � to�enderon the day moMhly payments are due ueder tha IVote,uMtl the Note la patd In f�l.a aum("Fund�`j tow(a� <br /> yea�t taxes arKi asseasmerns whlch may attatn prlority over thls 8ecuc[ty Instrumant aa e ifan on the Property;(b)yeady <br /> '��:�-•��•�`�' i I8QS8�R�d payineMs ar ground re�ts on the Properiy,[f any:(o)yearly hazard or property Insurance premtums;(d) __ <br /> - �.,•»•�� o a�i y ft a o d I n a u r a n c e p r e m t u m a.N a n�y,�(e)y e a�y m o r t g a g e l n s u r a rt c e p r a m l u m s,[?a n y;an d(f�an y suma p a y eblo by _ <br /> ,• ; �ortawer to Lender�in accordence w I t h t he p r o v f stetis o?paidgfaph 8,In Ilau of the pa rn�nt m mortgsge Insurance -_ <br /> ptemluma.These tiems are called'Eecrow items.'Lender any Ume,coliect�hold Funda In an amount not to <br /> excesd tho ma�cimum amourrt a iender br a fedoralty relateai mortgage loan cnay require tor Barrowe�'s esc ow accouni <br /> under the federai Real�stste Ssttieneem Procedures A�t of 1974 as emended irom tlma to ttme,l2 U.S.C. �2801 st � .. <br /> -� _ - seq�("RESPA ,untess artother lawthat applles to the Furtds sete a tesser amour�.if so, lsnder may,at any tirr�e,cofleat <br /> - and hold Fu�s i�an emour�t noi ro excead the lesser amour�.lsnder may�stlmate the arnourtt of Funds due on the �,_- <br /> �` b a s l s o f c u r r e r R d a d e a n d r e a s o n a b l a e s U m a t e s o f a x p e n d i t u r e s af fuWre Eecr�v(tems or otherwlse in accordartce with _ <br /> u - 2��11CA1�3181AW. � - <br /> IrtstrumetnBiity 1Y �� <br /> ' � 7he Funda sha11 be held in an Institutlon�vhos�depostis are tnsured by a federel agency. ,cr entl �;� <br /> ; �. Qn�fudtng Lender,It Lender ta such an tnsdtatlon)ar in arry Federat Hor�e Loan Benk.Lender shafl apply the Funds to - <br /> i pay th�Escrow itema Lender not charge Borrovrertor holdtng and applyirtg the Funds.annuaify analyzing the <br />_ � t�scrow aceouM,or veriytng the�scrow items�unless Lerr.ier pays�orrower Interest on the Funds and apgltcabla taw �:`"�� <br /> . permtts Lender W make such a aharge.However.Lender rnay+requlre Borrowor to pay a one�time charge for an ! <br /> tndependeM reat estate ta�c repoeting senrlce used by Lender tn connection with thta toan,untesa eppltcabte law _,_ <br /> pn�vldes oiherwlse.UNess�agreement ta made or appite�bte!aw requires tntereat to be paki�LBnder aha��oat be =__ <br />;;:,'';, � .��. requlred to pay Borrower r�IMerest or eamtngs on tt�e Funda Bomower artd Lendor may agree in wrfttng,hcws�er, - <br />-•.ti�,:.� . t h a t I n t e r e s t a h a l l b e p a t d o�4�e�u n d a L e n d e[s h a i l gI v e t o B o r r o w e r�w i t h o u t c h a r g e,a n a nnuai eacaurt(rtg af the <br />- Funds�showirtg credits artd debfte to the Funds and t he pttrpose for vahtch each debit to the Furtds vuas m a de.The <br />_{� �. r Funds are p toolged as addiUonal se�u►ity for ait eums secured by tht�Security instrumer�. <br />_� . ,•. if the Funds held by Lender exceed ti�e amaur�ts pertnitted to be h a id b y a p p i l c a b ie law.L e n d e r s h a i l a c c o v n t t n <br /> - � <br /> �',,: ,,` B�aou►erior the excesa Funda ln eccordance wtth�e requtremerRS of appt tix►�fa taw.i:ths a�assnt a t t��u n�s = <br />- � by�vnder at arry t�me is not satflcieM topay the Esarovu itema when due�Lender may so notify�orrowe�in v�fting, <br />`r'•.`.;,:•�, ' �nt),In such case BoRawer eha�1 p�l to Lender the ams�nt necessary to make u�a the deflclency.8orrower ah�ti make <br /> . ; �� _ up the defl�tenay tn no more thaa�tweNe mm�ly payn�aMs,at Lender's sole dtscretion. <br /> �"�'� �� ' � Upan pay�nert tn iWi of ell suma secur�d by this 8ecurity Instnamar�Lemler shall promptiy fafund to 8orrower eny <br /> :��+,::, , `_ <br /> F/��n.�d1a hetd by Lender.If�under parag�aph 21�Lender shall r�cqulre or Sell the Property,Lender�P r lor to t he ecq uts�l on <br />_,!:�y).�NNtT' y��OI�of thePropeny�shal!applyarry Funds held by lsnder at the Nme of acqulsdilon ar sate aa s credlt against the � <br />-ti:.�:�r' aurnssecuredbyMts$ecur�ylnsWmern. <br /> ";�?"` . �'f� 8.ilppl[ce2tan of Pa etits.Unteas appltcable law provfdes oYhetvdse.atl payments recelved by Lender tender -- <br /> ':,-�Y.,.��. •, <br /> par8yraphs 1 and 2 sha{l ar►y PrePaYme�t charp��due ur�der the Note;second,to amounts payabl�. - <br />=�i��,;�;:�:;�` under Rareg�eph 2;third,to lr�ersst aiue;fourth,to prtnclpaf due;and last,to any late charges dtte under the NAta <br /> ,.�-'``�''.�: a Chuq�s;Lt�ns. Bor�awer shai!pay ati t�ces.a�marne�cher8es�ftnes and tmpos�lons atd9butabte to the <br />;�;;�:��=-::�: �th►which may attsln priorltyover thts Secudty Insaument�and leasehold paymeMS ar ground rerKe�fE any. <br /> M;�.:,��.�.�,-> :. 8ottower shell pay thase obligatians In th�mannar pr�ovlded in pare�taph 2�or If not patd tn thai manner,Bomower shall <br /> _—_-_:;:c::.,::�;�., pay them on time directly to tiie person owed payment Borrower shall promRiiy fum(sh to L�ender ail noricos of <br /> --..�:.� amounta to be patd under thta Pare9raph.If 8orrower makes these paymerne diractly.�orrower shall promptiy furnlsh to <br /> �a=���;�, Leruler recelpte e�vWertCing tlte{aaynner�ts. <br /> Y .... �-- -.a_..s.�..�.�i.t..e......iw.�ww- ---.u.l..e QnwrwfA�fe1 <br /> r�.'Tr: ( BQ�W@1811St1 F1TQ�y O�SCff8I�0 tl@fl t11ItiL'1�Iltii! Mttr Vw+nno vw��ey OIi��Y��tY10 Y�MVYY�IV��M��M��� _- <br /> . �..f. <br />���;;,Y�����' egree.s tn writln8 to ths pay�aM of tho ob! on ascur�ed�the Iten In a manner accepmbie tt�Lender.(b conteste!n -- <br /> �=-_�_ -�; pood tafth the tlsn by,or defends a�a[nst e�r�orcemer�t ot the 1len In,l prxeedirtgs whfch ln the Lende�s opinion �` <br /> ---==-,�: a �oider of the Ilen an agreemerR sattstact�to <br /> _ _ _. operate to pr�vant t6e entar�cert�rd of the ttent or(o)secures tram the <br /> __ �: .._= 4.-� �„� s <br /> =__;�,�<:n: .=: b:�o.c�:....��ir�tir�!�tc�u,��s�y lt�tr�t!rE�t!!l�a�€�r d�t�rmin�t!t?�Any�mmrt M the ProAeRy ts sub�ct to � <br /> - --- —= a i'n�w���.;�r�y�'-��,�a,:ty a�rs t��rFlyy l�sre�nrr�,t$r�sler sr�y�lve Bor�c►we�r e n�tt�We�y tng the tien <br />,;;�;:= <br />