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<br /> l3.A1�?!cc�.I#�+y ttotica to t�otrav�cr p�viHed for in tUle gcc�siry Instruracnt¢hu11 h�givcn by dclivertng it or ;;.
<br /> �:;,� ._ ,; � by mililn�it by flnt claut mafl unle�s�pylle�bt�l�w requl��uso of anot�er metha�. i�he ut�tico shall 6e dlrecte�i to
<br /> ,,,;� �� tha Properry Addresa 6r�y e�hor�ddre�tiarrawer deslgnates by n.otlos co Laader. Aay na�ce to'Lender ehal be --
<br /> � g[ven by first cleaa m�fi to l.eader'�adGnsa staied henln or any addccsa 1.ander desigautea by aodce to�ortower. _
<br />_;-.���-� My uotice pr�vidod for ia tl�le Secur[ty tasuuu�ent shell be d�med to havo been gtvru to�orrowar oi Leader whon _
<br /> givenas pmvldcd in thio p�rngcapb. �_
<br />-�"�� 14.Q09S3tlIA�I�1W=.S�Yl1�lDIIL1�.1Lis S�cutitY Iaam�an�nt$hdl b°8overtted by Feder�l luw and tho law of
<br />_ °'� the jurL^.dic�tlan ia which thz Pmp�zty is located. In the avent that aay pravision or clause of t1�is S�cueity I�tsuu�ont �
<br /> ..:�,....�. �.
<br /> a or the Note conflicts wlth applicable law�sssc�eonflfct eh.aU aot affeat other pmvisions of t6ie Secudry tastrument or
<br /> the Note which can be gtv�n effcct vv�thout tha oonftic,tjng pmv3sion. To thfs end the prmvislons of thts Secudry
<br />�`'•'�''`" Insuumsat and the Nou are dxlared to be severable.
<br />:_��-��':�,� . of tt�e Note and of t6is Securlry
<br />-;-�.�•� •-� IS. Bora+nRer's Copy. Bomower shalt bo g�vea ono ooaformed coPY
<br />-�:�-�;� Ias4iument.
<br /> -.:a��„� p6. �mrd�&��. Bormwer ah�ll not�wse oz pemnit the presense�uue�disposal•storaSe.or celease
<br /> _ -����.�� of a�r Ha�rdovs Substances on er ia tha Pmpeny. Borr�wer sLall aot do,aor aliow eayo�else ta do. enyt�ing
<br /> ,r��:F� affixdng the Property that is�a vlolation of eny Bavlronmental Law. 'ihe pr�in8 two sentences ehall not apply to
<br /> . •. the nsasoe. use. or �toraig�on ttte Property of amal! qnantifles of Hamrdous S�bstanoes that are geaerally
<br /> ���:"-�:�� p
<br /> rcoognizat to be appraprl�te w aormal raidc�tial uses aad to main�aanoe of the Property.
<br />-`:':'�'�'�r Y Botrower shall P��PUY 8�ve Lendsr wziitea nailce of�ay investigsdon.cla3m,d�n+and.la�vsuit o:o3her acdoa --
<br />`w;;� bY anY govettameNal or rtgulatory sgmaY or Paivrxe gat4y involvtng the Pmperty end anY Ha�dons Sixbs3anae or
<br /> __�-_�__;;� Bnvtm�eatal Larv of whtch Barrcwer ha5 actusl lmuwledge. If Bormwer leara9.or ie aati8ed by aay govemmental
<br /> -- cr ngulatory autha�ty.thai enY rem�vnl or other remediation of aay Ramrdoas Stitltstanoes nfFzt�ng the PropertY is
<br /> - — nax�ssary.Bormaer ahall paomptly t�e all ax,essazy nmedisl actions in aocordnnx with Bnvlroameatal L�w.
<br /> L�.� Aa naed in this pnr�gcaph 16. 'Hazazdous S�bstaaas' are those substaaees deBaed as toxlc or bazardous
<br /> _ --- �s� �y �vLmnmenfgt I.sa aad the followhtB substances: gasoline. lcdmsene. otlur flammable or to�dr
<br /> -"� , peL+olaua producta,Loxie paaflcida aad herbicides.vola4ile aolventa.m�terWe containin8 a�bescos or io�ld�, °
<br /> m an�zad{oacdve ma��iale. As used fa thfs paragaph 16, 'Bavlm�l Law• means fcdernt�]awa aad lawa of the ." ,
<br /> _ —___ ; juriadiqion where the Property ls lacatcd thst ra:late to health.eafctY or envimnnxatal pmt�iion: ;:
<br /> --_ . . ''NON-UIVII�ORM C�VENANTS.Bormwer and Lender tiuther covenant aud agree as follows:
<br /> , .—_ : . M.Asst�mmt oi R�b.Bomnwer�noondttto�liy assigns and transfers w Lender si11 the renfs.�td z�venues
<br /> _ ot the Pmperty.Bern�wer smthortzss Leacier or I,�adr,r•a ageats w collea the nnts and reveanes and ha�olby diiocm
<br /> - - — each tepaat of the Propeny ta p�y Q�ceats to Leader or Lrender°s agente. However, prdor to Leader's nosiee to
<br /> --�° Bouower of Ho:rower's breach of atr,p>venaat or agreement in the Sec�ultY Iasuumen��orrowtr smalt collect aad
<br /> -� raxIvs sU reats and tevraues of the�peny as trasua for the btaeSt of Lenddr and BorroRer. T6is assigatt►ent oY
<br /> _� renm aonstiwta nn abs'olut�assignmeat snd aot an s�.,*s�gpn�tt for adctitional saurtry on1Y• . `.
<br /> � If t�adet glva no�oe of bnac�a¢o Bonoe�rort {e}aU renffi received by Bormwer shat�ba.held b�j��rov�er as
<br /> :;:�, uossee fios.benefit af L�ende:onty.ta'L+a eppliedl ta�s��ums sanissd by ahe SecarltY '°'"""'--:�tb)��s1�11 be ..
<br /> �>�.�
<br /> ------_"� � eatitled to collxt aa4 atoeive ali of i3�e n�oY,ti�e�3�d�;anal La)p�ch unant of tt�e Fxt�ptrrf,y sh�i!'paQ!all reats
<br /> :r� due u�uopatd to La�dEra►�r LmdePa agent on I;enBsz'�wiitt�foi�damaad to thc teaan� '
<br /> ;:.�:W� Ro�mvrer�mt.�ec�ued�asior asstSanapht of the tents aad has not and w�Ii ast pt�'o:m eaY�Ct�'�ac wouid
<br /> _"�� pr�vant Ian�+tr from�xei�qg i49 d�hta under thfia ga�egaph 19. . . ;
<br /> L+eadcr aball aot ba r�equhes�'ta sater upon.taice oo�col of or maintain d�e RcopertY bafom or aRcr giving aodea
<br /> of bnach to Bonower.HI�dr:1�r or a judicisllY+�ppointed reoeiver may do so at ariy time there ia a b�h.
<br />..;� p�r�t�-�€��t�nta�11 r�!c►+_re�+r e�a�eny esi�ul�r iaval�dsue a�►y other rlght olnsnu�is�ai ina�1�
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