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<br /> . . �� (i)pII or p�of tho���eriy�or a kESieticial i�stertst in c►nuct owning ell or pait of tho Pc+operty�la eold F....^__:
<br />- :_, ._; or atharvutso tranaferred(other tLaa by davlse or dososnt).a�d .
<br /> ',`�''�'"�,� . (li)Z�� PropertY ia not oocupied by�he purchaaer or gcantee aa dia or her princlpal resideaco�or the
<br /> . � pucchdser or �antes ddes sa ocaupy the Property but hts ar her cndit has nui bsan approved 1n
<br />:-�"�f�.��� axoidaace with the requle�emeuu of the Socretuy.
<br /> (c)No Watver.I!eireun�aunces ocrur that would permit Lender to rcqufra launedlau psymeat la lUlt.but
<br />-'-��-a�� �eader dxs not t�►uire euch p�ymenu,Leader does nat w�ive ita slghts wlth respcct ro subsequeat avente.
<br />,-�.�,.:; .. (�Re�ubttoas ei I�Lf�S�etary• W rn�+c�lrcui,�ac�aaa caguladana iaau�i by�he Sxteta�yr auUl li�nit .-
<br /> �4..., Lcmder'e d�,hts.ln the case ot pa�rment dafiulte.t�a roqWre tmmediate Payment ia tUll and foreclose if aot
<br />` � , pai�.Thta Ssaulty Iasaumant doea not authoiiro aoor,leratton or for�losum if not permltted by regututlons
<br /> �`'��-;� -� of tho Secretaty.
<br />-�';-`Ar,,= (�)Mort�ag
<br /> .._.__1_ e Not I�tswed.Hornower egrsa that If tWa Securiry Insuuraent and the NoLa ere not dete
<br />-- =V'� to be eUgtble far inaurazeca under ths Nadoaal Housiug Act althin 60 daya fmm the date hereof,Lender
<br /> ..::-=*,�;�w�E� �y� �t lta op�ion, requia�e imm�i D� .
<br /> _.;�:��.�,�, nte nt in ttiU of all sums aecutcd bY tb3a SecutIty Inslrumen�A
<br />___-.v.q..=*y��.
<br /> --��:;��y�� arriuen�tatement of eay sushorized agent of the Secnt�y►dated aubsequent to 60 days f'rom¢�e ti�e h�o .
<br /> »,. d�� � �� � g�ty r„ ..�+en and the Nou, shall be deemod conclusive pmaf oP auc3�
<br /> °;:R��,.,
<br /> ;:. � �-::: � Ineligiblltty. l�oswit6st�u�►B the foregoing. th�s opt�on may not be e�cen�sad by Lenda when the
<br /> .,..�.
<br /> �U:y ��.��3 unavailability of insuraa�s is solely due to Lender's failure to remit a�ortgage iasuranoe premium�u tha
<br /> _�—s�`__'���1 �'' innmodiste Paytnsnt in lbll
<br /> 10. Rsims�i�snmt. Boirower has a r�g�ht to be nlastated if Leu�ffi haq reqairod
<br /> ----- h�cauae of Bornowar's failuta w pay an amour��due under the No2s or e�ia Securlty Tnsteamea�TWe rlght applies
<br /> _-=-=� ��n after foreciosure pmaeWinBs pre insdtated. To reinstate the SecudtY Insu�ens� Borrower shall under in a
<br /> _,�, lmup aum all amonnta zcquiced to Ming Boa�wer'a aeoeun3 curne�tt includifl8.to tlie ext�at they an oblig�ttams o:f
<br /> Boiso�rer under tbis Saauiry Instnmaeat,fomr,9¢�sure oosts oad reasonable and cnstomary ettomeya'fazs md expms�
<br /> .—�� . pDDD�iIV a3dOCI8�WI�t 1�1C fOI0CI031IIIE F1GN13EEII�A$. Upon reinatat�ment by Bonower�thia Sa;udty snsu+umeat aad
<br />--- . , tho obliga3ioaa that It sxures sW�II rema:n��w offixt as i��ader hid � sa�od���aft�er t�:e
<br /> `;� However. Leader ls not nqnired to pe�mtt selnstetement if: (� Lendar ha9 ������of:a�urant
<br /> a
<br /> — :;�',�. oommeacemeni of foreclosute pmoad3n88 wlthia tara years immadiatelY P�8
<br /> _ . fonclowra P�oeddin�. (�) � wlfl PreclnQe fonxlosure on diffenat gcoumds ia th� i�hu+d�ur(li1)
<br /> telnstaument�1 a,flvezsely affe�the priorlty of Wa lim ccaated by tbis&ecudty Insuument. �• � . .
<br /> `'��.�. 11.Boeaowar Nat Rd�;Forbarance By Leader Not a t�m'i��r. B�Ion of the tiu�e,oi payment o: .
<br /> modification of rmort�itton of the sumx secorc�by th3s SeCUrIty Ins�ameat S�anted bY Lender to any aucassor.i� ..
<br /> int$nac of Borrowcr aball not opemte to rrlease the 1iab91iry of the original Bomnwer or Bornwer'a suae5soi'eis:'
<br /> - --- � iaierLSt.Gender sha]I not ba ncquired w commeQOe Praoeedings eBaInet aaY�°r in intcresc or refl�ae ro ent�ua��
<br /> time for payment ar otheiwlse moduY amofi�rtton of the aama aer�ued b3►thfs Sa�rlry Inatcumeas�ay reason qt iimy '.,.
<br /> deniand made by tha orlginal Borcower or Rar�nwer's enooessors la iaterest.AuY fo:bearanco by L��er�n eacea�fal�s8 .
<br /> � aq�r right or ir,m�dy d�all aat be a waivtt of ar preclude the acercla�ot aay right or r�e���avd�tia sad agrtema�ts
<br /> _� i�.�oe�snd Asstgoa Boun�t Joint and Severad Lfabriity; Yo t�ador�d Bo�cower,subjcct w ahe
<br /> — of th�a SoaultY tus�ehull bind md bmoRt the a�ora md�st&u
<br /> ---— ptovlsions oY gara,gtiph 9(b?.Borrower's oovenanta md agtcemata sIlsill be joiat and severai.11�sy�:R�r�+owes w�o
<br /> co-algn�tbis Soair�ty Insuun�e�t bm does noi exaute the Note:(a)i�c4�af8ain8 thia Sa�ur�ty I�avly to .
<br /> .._ • :........ s.a..t�na,N+v n+uler the teams oi tbis Ses�[itp Insbr�ID�,(b)
<br /> - — m0I[$�$Ca��f1 WJ11�07 u7m watvww o u...,.�.......�"�r.--„ OII� C Q13Z�E[i�1$n21�1.
<br />- ---- -- Ea not pasonally obli�tx�1 tm Qay the anms ca�aed b3►c�is SewrltS►6�suumens: () �
<br /> other Borrower m�y eg�ca.t��dead.modT$►,fo�ear or matm aay�000ffimodntioas aIt�regard to tbe terms oi t7�Js
<br /> ' �t(t�►�S�U4�D2 t11��QIQ WIt$Otlt tbAt BOTiOWCY�B CQDSCII� .
<br /> -- — .• RINd t460Q.Ot �6 W a ii��
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