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<br /> • nay�ttcnte mny no lonB�r be requl�ed.ut the optton of Lender.if mortgoIIe insurance coveraBe(in tho omount and for the p�dod `
<br /> thut L.�nd�r requlres)provtded by an inserer appmved by Lender agr�ia ber,omes ueniloble cuid is abtu3nai.Horrower shell pny
<br /> the paeml�nms required to maincnirt moRsnge insursutzo ln effect.or to provlde a loss reserve.until the rr:quiremeni for r+►ort$age
<br /> insuranx en�.s in accot�artce wtth nny wrltten s�grcement between Borroaer attd Le�►der or applicable law.
<br /> 9.Iaspectlon. Lendcr nr Its agern cnny mt�ce miisoruible entrles upon and ir�specdons af the Property. Lender shWl gtve �
<br /> Bomower noitre flt the lime of or pelor to an inspection spectfyin�ravsonable�usa for the inspectlon.
<br /> �0. Q:o;z�:c.dr::.2Sua.The prar,c;,ds of arry ar�ard or claim for dumuges, dIrect or cansequentiul. ia connestioa r�lth any p� �-
<br /> condemnatIon or other taking of any part of the Property.or for oonveyance In lIeu of wndemnation.uc�hereby assigned artd �
<br /> shall �e paid to Ixnder. �
<br /> In the eve�t of a total taldng of the Property.the proceeds shall be applted ta the sums secured by thIs Security Insmiment,
<br /> tvher.�ter or not Wen due.with any excess paid to Borrower. In the event of a partI�l taking of the Property in whfch tha fair �
<br /> market valua of the Property immedintely before the takin�Is equal W or greatar than the amount of the sums secw+ec!by this �
<br /> SetuYity Inmument Imraediately befoce the takfng,ualess Bomovier aBd Lender othenudse a�ree in wrItiug.th�s�ams secure�by �
<br /> this Securiry Instwnent shall be neduced by the amount of the pmoeeds multigUed by the following frectioa: (a) thE total
<br /> t�mount of the sums secured immediately before the talring,dIvidad by(b)the fair maxicet value of the Pro�serty immedi�TSely
<br /> befone the takin$. Any balance shall be paid to Borrower. In che event of a p�rtisl eaking of We Propetty in whict. the fair
<br /> market value of the Praperty immediately bafore the t�king is less than the amauTrt of the sums secured iramadlately befone the
<br /> taking�unless Borrovrer t�nsZ,Leader oiherwlse agea iq wrIting or unless applict�bl8 Iaw otherwisa provides.the pra�eds sheli
<br /> be appliect to the sums secured hy t�.�his�2curlty Inst�ument wheiher or rtot tha summ�are then due. °
<br /> If tke Ptoperty ls abandoned�y�:rsawer.or if.after notfce by Y.ender to BoTrower thst the condemnor offers to mat.-e un `
<br /> awand or settle a cialm for da�nag�s,�c�r,rower feils to respond to �ader within 30 days after the�te the notIce is given,
<br /> Leuder is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds,at its oprion,either W rest�ration or repair of We Pmperty or to the suws
<br /> secured by this Secudty Icrstrumem,whether or rtoi uien dus.
<br /> Ualess Lender and Borrower otherwtse agc+� in wrIting. any appllcat�on of pmceeds to principai shall not extead or
<br /> postpone tt�e due date of the moat6ly gayments nzferred to iu par�enpt�s 1 and 2 ur change the nmount of such payments. � •
<br /> Il.Botrower Not Reteased;Fo�bearance By Lender Not A��atver.ExtensIan of the time for payment or modificz�ttl�p
<br /> of amortization of the suzna secumd Dy ttus SecurIty Iasmurcent granti�d by Lendes co eny suocessor In interest of Borrow�r slwil
<br /> aot ogerate w release tne liability of the original Bomnwer or Bormwer's sacoessu�s in iaterest. Lender shall not be requirEd t�n
<br /> commenoe pmceadings against any successor in intemst or refi�se tp extend•ti�e for payment or orhenvlse niodtfy amorbzatioa
<br /> � of rht swns ser.uted by this Securiry Insm�ment by reason of�s demaad�made by the orlgirial Borrower or Bonnwer's
<br /> suca.ssUts in i�ricncsf. Auy iui'ncuaa�t'vy Zrettdcr iu cxcn.-uwig zt�r iij�i v� iaviaiy s3�nld uui�iv&zvFli+ei�f G�y�"wSH�'v£�'� °
<br /> exenciss of auy right or remedy.
<br /> 12. Suacessors and As�tgaa Bovnd;Joint mnd 5everel LWbiUty;�s3gaets. The oovenants and�agji�emeats of this
<br /> '� Security Insdument shall bind aad bone�t the suoc�assors and assig»s�4 i�ttdpr.aad Borrower, subject ta i the pmvisiotts of .
<br /> paragruph ty. Borrower's oovenan��tind agreemeats shall be joint�� seee�I. Any Botrower who co-signs thiQ S�crit�ry.
<br /> Instxumeni but does noi execute tbe Note:(a)is ao-signing Wis S�r,�iity Insuument only to iuortgage,grant and convty�•tli�t
<br />, Bairowei.'.s interest in!he Progerty under the terms of this SecurIty Instcument;(b)is not personally oblig�t�cl w pay We swns
<br /> stcua�d b�j this SeeudCy,R¢�suumant;aud(c)agees that Lender and any oWer BanarveY may ag�e w extenc�,�tlo�iil�j,forbear ar '�'
<br /> � ':,ipalr�ui►y s�ccommodaiians with reg�+d co the terms of Wis Security Iastrument ar the Nata without that Boriower's consent. '
<br /> 13.��nan Charge9.If the lac�r secy�d by diis Seeurlty Insuument is subjoet w a lew whieh sets rnaximum�loaa chaig�es,
<br /> at�3 that law is 5nally inurp�+eted sa that the interest or other loaa charges oollected ar to be oollected in connccdon with the
<br /> : loan exoeed the permitted limits,then:�(a)aay such loau chazge shall be�duaed by ths amourt nxessary io.todua the charge
<br /> � ':;g the pernritted limit;a;n�{b)any sums already collected from Borrower wfuch exceeded permit¢ed 1im�ta iv�11 ba refunded to
<br /> �� ` �omow�r. Lcnder muy choose to make dus refund by reducing the pnTncIpal owed under tho Note pi;tiy,making a diroct
<br /> �'�`,
<br /> payment to Borrower. If a refumd'roduoe�s principal, the �ducttop wIU be treatc:� as a partial Prcpaytneat wIihaut nny
<br /> pnpaymer�itcharge under the Note. � . • ' �
<br /> x4.1VoII�es.Any notiCe to Bu�rowcr pmvided for in this�rety insfiunent shalt be givea by deliverIng it or by�g
<br /> it by fi�st c�ass maii asa&ess applrcab�e law reqnir�s use of aaather method.'14ie notice shall b.,direcied to thc.Propeity Add�ss
<br /> or aey other addmss Bormwer designa�es by natice to Lender. Any notice w Ixnder shall be given by.�rst clsss m�it to
<br /> l�endeT's address stargi herein or any other address Leader des?�tes by notice to•Hormwer.Any'nottce pfovidod f�or ia this
<br /> Se�u*iry�?�n,urrrnt chalf6e decmed to have been glven to Bormwer or Lendc�when�iven as pmvtdod In tLis paragraph. -
<br /> 1S. �G�`OVCrn{eg Iatw; SeveralbS93ty. Thia Security Instcnment si�aall be goveiued by ��to5ral law and the [aw oPthe
<br /> jurisdicxion in.wluch t�,Progerty is loca2ed. In the event that any piiovLsion or clm�se of this Stx�rity iTa�2�iUment or the Note
<br />_ • conflicxs cvith applira►3��At�vv,such contlict shall noi affect other pmVisions of ihis Sxuriry Insuvment or tbo Note which can be
<br /> � given eiFect iyiYhout th��conflictiag�pmvisian.To ti�is'end the p�visions of this 5eoarity Insi4u�em and the Note are dxi8ted
<br />- to be sev�ahfo. _
<br />- 16.�4om�vr�r's Cp�3�.Borrower sltall be given one oonfomad9 copy of the Note and of t�iis Security Insuument.
<br /> ��
<br /> . • � . . Fcvm st►28 sJBO _-
<br /> . v�,eams ._
<br />