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<br /> � �.��a�, ���y p�S�����.�a�•��•f�t ehnl� keep thc impmvementR na�v axiattn8 ar hercnfter crected on tho �
<br /> Property ingarcd aBnin�loss by lire,hcuards included within the tetm "extcnded coveec�IIe" ar�d uny athcr hnurcds,including
<br /> flauds or 1laoding.for w{�ich Ixnder rcqulre:+insumnce.Ti�ia insupance shn11 be mnintuincd in thc nmountR and Por the per�isda
<br /> thnt L.ender requires.7`he insumnce carrler pro�tdinB tt�e insumnce shuil�e chosen by Bnrrowcr �ubject to l.ender'd appec�vul
<br /> whtch shull ec►t he unreasonably withhefd.If Borrower fails to maintuin cuveruge descrtbed above, Lender mUy. at I.cndcr'� �
<br /> optinn.obtufn caveru�o to protect Lender's eiBhts ir�thc Prap�rty in nccordnncc wlth paragmph?. �
<br /> All insueance poltcies and rene�vuls shail bo ncreptaS�le to L�;udcr and shalt lsulude u sta�t�ar�1 mort�nge clause. [,endeP e� _
<br /> sh�il huve the dght to hold the pollcia nnd renewnts. If 1Rnder oec�uires.Borrower shnll promptly give ta L•ender nll reoeip4s of �
<br /> p�id premiums and renewul nattces. In tha avent of loss.Borrov�er shatl give prompt nutice to the insurance r,urrler und I.ender.
<br /> Lender mny mnke proof of loss if noi msde promptty by BorTOwer. �
<br /> Unless LendE�and Borrower othenxise agree in writing.insurunce pmceeds shull be npplted to restomtton or repnlr of the
<br /> p�perty damnged.if the restoradon a rep�ir ia economicully feusible an�9 Lender's securIry is not lessened.If the cestoratlon or � _
<br /> repair is not eoonomically fensible ar Lender's security would bs[csscnad,the insurance proceeds shait be applied w the sums ._-
<br /> secured by this Securiry Insm►men3,whether or aot then due. with any exaess Paid to BorroWer. lf Bomower abandons the
<br /> Property. or does rtot aaswer witbin 30 days a notiue from Lender that the insurattce c�rler has offered to settle a claim, then
<br /> Lender may collect the iasurance prooeeds- I.ender mny use ehe proceeds to repair or tes¢are thE Property or to pay sums
<br /> secu�ed by this Security Ins�trument, ahether or noi tt�en due.The 30�day p2rtod wi11 begIa a+hen th2 auuce is glven.
<br /> Unless Lender and�orrower othenvise egree 1n wrltU►8+ anY appllcation of proceeds to rrincipal shail rcot extend or
<br /> postpona the due date of tke mant�ly payments refemad to in paregmphs 1 and 2 or change the emount oY the paymnts.If • _
<br /> under paragtaph 21 the Pmperty is ac�ulrecl by I.ender.Horrower's right to any insumnce pollcFes aad praca.ds r.,sul2ing fram
<br /> damage to the Property prior to th� 8cqulsition shell pass to Lender to Wa extent of the sums securod by Wis Secudty Insmutient
<br /> iminedIately prior to the uoquisidoa.
<br /> �.Oocupancy,Preservation,1N41nten�noe and Pmieeiian af the I'roperty:Borrower's Lman Applicat�on;Leaseholds.
<br /> Bormwer shall uocupy,establlsh,and u.se ttce Property as�antower's principal resldeaae wit63n sixty days after the Gcdcudon of
<br /> this Socudry Insuument end shaU continue to oocupy the H'napertY as Borrower's principal residence for at least ene year after
<br /> the date of occupancy,unless Lender otherarire ag�ees in.�vritin�. which consent shaU not be unt+easonably withhe!d, or unle�s
<br /> extenueting citcun�stey�tces euist wbkh are beyond Borrower's cantrol..Boirower shall not destmy, dama8e or impair the
<br /> Psnperty. aliow the Pcoperty w dc:udorete.or commic waste on the Pro�rty. Barrower st�all be ia defeiilt if t�ny forfeiture
<br /> action or proceedin8,whether civ[l or cfi�nfnal.is begun that ia E.eader's good faith judgaaeat could result In forfaiture of tho
<br /> Pmperty or otherviise mater(ally impair the tiea created by this Security Iasuument or Lender s savdty interest.Bomowes may
<br /> cure snch a default und reinstate�as pt�vided in paragtt►ph I8.bY c�USinB t�a�i�u ar�i.-sg ta!� '� « ��a n�tinu
<br /> thut, in I.cnd�'s�OOd faith detenui°�tiora,p;ecludes forfeidue af the Borcower's interest in the Propercy or other material
<br /> imp,aimieni teP��im:�ien cs+eatod by this Secur.ity Inshument or Lender's sec�uity inte�+est. BorroKEr sball also be in default if
<br /> Bon�+ower.dur�1►8 the laan application pmo�ss:gave materlaUy false or 9naaauate inforiwationar s►t�temems W Lender(or fsilet� .::�.::�:` :•
<br /> to pt�ovlde Lender with acdy material infortnadon)in oonaection with the loan evldBnoed by the NotOi�including,but aot Gmited. •
<br /> tbr�p�tations ooncxrnin8 Borrower's occupancy Af�9Uao 3Property as a principal residence.If thta Security Insiruntint is on a
<br /> Icasehold. Borrower shal! comply witha�l�thd�provtstops of the lease. If Bomuwer ac�qui�es fee dtte w the p'ropercy. the
<br /> leasehoid and the fce tiue shell not merge onless 1.snder a8�'ees to the merger in wrlting. .
<br /> 7.PentECNon oi&ender's R�ts in the Properiy-If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agcremenss oontained in
<br /> tt►is Secudty Instn�nenb or ihere is a legal proceedi�that may significantly effecx Leader's dghta in thr Prapeaty (suc3n as a
<br /> pt�ocding ir,bankiupccY.Probat�+fOi COIIdC1�aflOA OY'�02feldlnC 0i[O CrifOiCC laW3 Oi[iC$11letIOn3). them L+eadct may do and
<br /> PaY for whate�rer is�satY to I�mte�tlie value of the.�t�a'operty and I.ender's dg}it�in the Propetty.Gender's acdons usaY
<br /> i� sunos secu�ed bY a Yiea w6ich has�prioricy over tlus Securjty Instrum�.at;,upPearinB in aouit, P�Y�.":.
<br /> include payln8 Y to ma{ce sits.Althou Iznder� t�ikc uction u�er this
<br /> rr,asonable attdtrttys'fas and entering on tl{x,Pmpe�ty reP 8b 9 Pa*8B�R�' �:
<br /> , . ,'��
<br /> �r,�ender does not have W do so. � .�
<br /> . •..., e.........� A:churcaA hv tp�r ander this�Dh 7 shall beoome e�4aon�1 debt of Bomower s�by this
<br /> ...y .r....�.-.» — � �-__..a.:.
<br /> �'•�r.�c�rityr Instnunent. Unless Borrower end T�rider agoee to other tem�s of payment,lthese amounts siiaii�eaz iQia�►i u�.�v
<br /> �'��`' dzte of disbtusemenu at the Noie rate ea�:shall be payabie. a�th imerest.upon�ec�tice from 1�enfl�r W Borrower requ�sty�...
<br /> PaS/°�t• �,i�„_�.-.. _. ,.-� � �+a�e insurAnce Ps a eansfluon of makfng the toan sacuted b this ' '�.
<br />- e. irii a,L,...�:..tf?..�.:.�.�,� en�±rt� s Y ��';.'
<br /> Instniment, Borrower shaii paY u�e Premiu���4uir-�d to m�iatsin the rs�rt�;P�,�?,mnoe in effect. Lf, for a� rason,tue
<br /> mortgage i�.s�rance ooverage reqa�ircd by Leuder lapses or ceases to be in effect.Baxaower shall pay the premiu�s ta►uir�to
<br /> obtain eoverng'a:ubstantielly a�ivalent to the mortgage ins�rance,pr�nlously in effe�t,at a oast.spbstanticdly equivaleat to��
<br /> oost w BoFx�wt+t of the mortgage insw�aace p�viously in effect,Fs��n altemate mortgage ias�a'�r approved by I;�ncie�.�:I�'
<br /> subsmnil�lly�equivalent mortgage iasucauca ooverage is n9t avaitable,Bormwer shall paY to I.eader each manth a sum equat ta
<br /> un�lwelftA of slxe yeatly mortgage insurance premium�rP?xtg F�d by Bomower when the insurance ooverage l�psed or aeased to
<br /> _ ' . �in effect.Lender will axept,use and c+em(n these p��nts as a loss reserve in lieu of moKgage insurano�. �oss reserve
<br /> Foan 3028 s�90
<br />__- . . - � pepa3d8 -
<br />