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<br /> At the opdon of�enetidnry, till or�u►y part of the agroed f�s and charQes, ucccued interest aatd princip�t aholl bccoiae �°_��.
<br /> . F immediutely due and payable.t►Rer giving notice if required by law.upan the orcnrrence of a deff�ult or anytitnz them�ft�r• �'_°�`
<br /> � In addition,Beaeftciary shell be endded tu a11 the remedies pmvtded by la�v.the Bvidenr,e of Debt,other evidenoea of debt,
<br /> ihis I3eed of Trusi and auy Y�tuted dcctuments inciuAing wiRhout Iimitntion,the pa�ver to aell tde Praperty. �__��
<br /> ��
<br /> }� If there is a defr�lt,Txuatee shaU,In eddidon to nay other pecmitted remedy.�t tha reqvia�t of the Beneflclary,advertise and
<br /> � seU the Pmgerty as a whole or in separate pnrcels ut public nucdoa to the highest bidder for cash and coavey absolute dde �°.
<br /> ���i frec and clear of alI right,tide aud Interest of Tniator at such time and pince as Trustee desigaates.Trustee shall give uodce
<br /> of sale inoluding the titno, terms and place of sate and u descdpdon of tl�e pmperty ta be sold as re�nired by ttee applicable ._..
<br /> =n R^^'�"�''. law In effect at the time af the progosed sele. �_ _
<br /> n� � � �-
<br /> '' � Upon sale of the property and to the extent aot prohibited by low,Truste�shell mrke and deliver a doed w the Pro�tty sald �
<br /> ` which conveys absolute dtle to the purct�user�and aRer first paying aU fces.charges aad oosts, �hcA pay to BeneRciarY eU r.,:__
<br /> .`.� raoneys advaaced for repairs. texes� Insurance. liens� assessments aad prior eac�mbranoes ana!laterest thereon. aud the =,u
<br /> ran ��e the Pro
<br /> - principal and�nterest on the Secured ID2bt. PaY�B�@�us.if any.w T'n�star.Beaeflciary ansiY p P�Y•
<br /> 'Ihe recitals in any daed of wnveyance shall be prlma fade evidenoe of the facts s�forth themin.
<br /> . � ' �• All re�aedEes ac�e diednex. cuntuladve ssad stnt exclusive. Rnd the Eeneficiary is entidud to aU��ea pruvlded at law or
<br /> ` ,. " e�ity. wh�er exPsesslY set forth or aot.'Ilie acxeptanoe by Beaeaciary of aay sum in payment or y�ardal puyment on the
<br /> � Secuied Debt after the balanoe is due or ls socelera,ted ar after fore.closure prooeedinge are Sled s�all not oonstltute a waiver
<br /> of Bene�ciary's rlght w require iiill aad complete ceue of eny edsHng default. Hy aot exercisia8 any rem�tY on Tcustor's =_
<br /> _.:,'b�;:'� default,BeaeficimY dces aot waive Beneficiary's right to latar oonsider the event a deftwlt if it condnues or haggeas egain• —
<br /> ,�: :;::�.� 18.ERPENSFaS:�lDVANCES ON COVENANTSi ATTORNEYS'Y°'IS�COL�.EClTON CQS'�'S.Except whGa Pmhibited -
<br /> , �,:,.-,` by law,'Iltuswr agroes w pay all of BeneScIary's expenses if Trustor breaches any covenaut in Hhis Dead of Tmst.Tcust�r --
<br /> ''°�,.i�,�,._.,; . wpl also pay on demaud all of BeneBciary's expenses in�umd in aaf�a�in��ine'usin8•P��°T�°��or��
<br /> :,�e: or ia any invenwries.audits.inspecHons or other examinsuion by Beaeficiary in t+�spect oo the �nopeatY.
<br />''���;`;�;� . iucurred by BeneSciary in eafon�ing or pmtecdttg�ie�a�eaary s rlghta end remedies under this
<br />;;�'.�t';,g.w�_ pay all oosts aud eapenses
<br /> �-�•�?�>-�.�,: Deed of Tmet.including,but not limited to.attomeys'f�s�c�wtt oosts�and ocl�r l�gal e��Once�tlte��stss
<br />=``�.�'``'' futty a�sd�lf�d.�?*Y?,arees to crlease tLia Deed of T.rust aad Trastor agt+ees to F�aiJ. Y
<br />-�.�y�`.,y4 - ��. All such amounts are due on demand and will bear interest fmm the t�nae of the advance at the iug�eat raie u.�'�ct,fra�
<br />� :_J�.:�. z:
<br /> '� time�o t�e.es provMed in the Evide�ae of Debt aasl as ktem�itte�6y flt►w.
<br />::�:�.�'�"�' � ,
<br />- - �-�� a�e�twato�Tar.LAw���+z�ov�s��raxcES. ��a���on, ci> •En�►uo��.a.aw� —
<br /> --_;=:�:�r,,�.';,� nse, Compe�saflon and LiabiYity Act(�CLA.�12 •: :
<br /> `M"�;:.�- ahteans. aitltout limitation,the Compreheasive��awttal Res� ��og}nib�8� .��i;
<br />_...... ._��,i"� . t
<br /> - - U.S.C.98iD1.et seq.),all other federal,s*_�e and la�l la�ve�negat�Etmans.oniinanc�s,court ordeas�auomeY B .,,,.
<br /> a, 1 � ���
<br /> --���� . or �uerpretive leueis concemin8 the p�bllc health� safetY, we�fums, environ�e� or a h�rdova substancewhich ba� .
<br /> u
<br />� �,��5f;�.r-:�_t.� NHar�u+dous Stibstance' aQrans any toxic, radioactive or hazardovs material. �vaste. Polluteat oc �ontamins►nt
<br />'^'=;:�w�,�� cl�ata�e�istica which rea��r the substance dangemns or pot,eatially dangerous 4o the public health, safety� welfare ar
<br /> " _ envi:onment.The term includes,wlt�out Iinnitation,eay substearRS de8ned as "ha�ons mateclal,' "wxic�,"
<br /> _=
<br />