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L! ..�.._'__"..... � . <br /> .� <br /> , n ��. . . ��. ����.I "� � t T <br /> ..___'_., . • • �� d� -- i��. 19gy ° �,� � � �. -..� <br /> • is ce luced�.vith oiher persounl property at leust equul in vulue to th� ���.x=:=- <br /> or obsolete. provided thut such p�o�P�Pe�' p nt or other encumbrnac�:. Suct► ��; <br /> :: repincea� pers�nal prope�ty. free from aay ti e retention device� sec�uity a8t'�e <br />,• Y., .-� replacement of personsl pra�erty <br /> wiU bc�de�tued su6ject tn the securlty inu:mst created by thia Ueed of Trust.Tt118tOY E�fiII �_��._-_ <br /> ;, not p.�utitlon or �ubdividc thc PmpastY���out BeneRciary's prtor wricten co�at.Beneaciary°r Heneflciary'e age�ts � - _- <br /> o. may�at EeAeftciar�'s apt�on� catez the Pcag€rty at etry reu�oaable tirae for the purpase of inspect�nB the Pr° �y <br /> .. inspoction af ttts PiropertY oht�1 b���ly for Beneflciary's beneflt nnd TrusKOr wUt Ia no way rcly oa A�ciu�Y'a �.._;-::� <br /> �- <br /> inoptxtion. `r.- <br />,����_ i`.:- <br /> 13.AUTH(9EtITH TO FERF�RM.If 1Yusw t�othe el�i�en d�ocu�nt that has priority over this Dced Ttusi�BeneflciarY � <br /> ,� martgage,deed of uust.sec�uitp a8reeme iformed.Tmstor apgotnts Eeaeflciary as attomey in fect w _- <br /> - -;,�- may,without aotice.Perfora�the�d�t o���f��rm nce.If nny oonsuuction on the P�opertY is discon�inued or -�- <br />_ ` . aign Trustor's neme or pay�►Y do whatever is aecessa�Y to P�tect Bene�ciary's scaudcy interest =_ <br /> not carrled on in a�m�y i�colud����he�n�suttcdon. <br /> . in the Peaperty►. aud B�eflciarY's failure to perform <br /> ;:•`'�""'•.�.:. Beneficlary's rlght w perform for Truswr shall aot create an obliffiation to perfumn, <br /> `-•,���."�:,: wW not preclude Beneficiary from eacen3sing EnY of Beneflciary's other righta��i�°��Beneficiary'�ecuritY <br /> - =' amounts paid by BeaeSciary for iasuriag� Pr�erv�8 or otheivvise prntecting t until paid in full at tIle intecest iate in <br />�..'':P.. <br />-�;��±;=:'�` 'nteresi wIll be due on d.mand and wiU bear inte�est from tiae daLe of tlne paymen <br />-_.�,;�� effeci fr+orn titne w tinae axordinS to the temms oP ehe Bvidcace of Deb� � <br /> -- - REN�d'S.Truswr irrevoa�bJY greflts�conveys aad sells as sd�iflonal seauity all the <br /> ' �'�,�� ld.AS5IGMVIENT OF�.EASLrS AN� for ttte usc amd <br /> `�'- ;�Y dghb tide and�t in and w any and all: ���nd any othe?.vdtten or verbal a�n� <br /> --�"�=^�.�.�- Y A. Exlsdng or fuwre leases�subleases.l�anses. ��ions, r�aevvals. modiflcations or substiwdons of <br />•';`�,,'�`�. oocupane,y of any portion of the Property� including �Y <br />-'_� � such ege�eeements(aIt refen`e�to as I.eases )• . including 6ut not Wnited to s�curlty deposits.miniamm reat� <br /> 'y���u'„��� 8. Rents.�issues ettd pmfits(all refetred W as R�ts). ¢�� teai estate taxes. othet <br />_,c;e.�,;��.:,,��. e � addiflonal rent+ oomm°n area maiateaaace cJia�g�' P�� �8 - <br /> ��1i insurance Pr�um contaibutions.U dated damaSes folloa+ing default,cancellatton premiums. <br /> • �e��� q bom�ses.and�11 rlghts and claims which'I'mstor maY hare <br /> -'�-� "Ioss of reats°insurance.reve�es,rayni¢i�s+P�s� of tha Pmpe:ty. <br /> __ _':=�� t h a t i n a a Y`�v a y P e��O or is on aocovnt of the use or oocuPan�Y of the whole or auY P� <br /> �-=`�� Tnss'tor wtlt pmmiptly prnvide t3snefielazY with uue and cona.Y�,Ni�uf �1'e, ^°'n'�! ��. �r� , <br /> — colloct,ceceive,enjoy aad use thE Rents s�lo�n�go tains Bene nS�ciarIIY�s wrltt�u cansea� UPon defaul�'Cnuswr wlllyreaive <br /> _- due in thtnre lease perlods►unlese Trnsta e the Re�te wUh anp orher funds.Any amounta carie�xcd _ <br /> --- any Rents in uust for BeneficlatY and Trustor wIIl not������Q As:thereia oosts of managin8 ths - <br /> ---_ �ili be applied at BEneSciary's discsedon to P�� '�"-- <br /> _ prop�ty, iacluding, biu not li��l w, ali tsaes,assessments. ins�raace P��i�ms. cepa�rs�and oommisslons to rratal � ,��:,�: <br /> ----�:::!� r�lased expeases in�luding Beneficia�7►'s attom�ys'f�s,p�8�fees sud oourt cosY�. �-_ <br /> --- agEnts�and to any athe�n�� <br /> t is �rfected upon the recordiq� of this Dee�of Tmst and that Be�eflcia�ry►is <br /> --- -° T�ustor aclmov+led8�ib�t�s��� p of reats dae or to become due to Beneftcfary. Ilowever, :: <br /> ---- endd�d to notiP9 t�nY'of Tcustor a teaant�to make PaY� Tnutor amd.Tcustor's tenants fmd mslse demand thei all IE�" <br /> ge�e�jciiuy agraes'that only oa default wjll BeneficiaiY notifY <br /> �R�its be pafd diredlY w Benefidary. On receivin�the notice of defautt. Tc�i.gtor wIll eadorse and deliver w <br /> Bea�e�it►eY anY P��of Rent in Ttustor's possession. ; <br /> � . 'lYustor covena�ts that no defaul�to��ply��the Leases aad ah,j n?Plicable law.Tivstos wIll PromptlY� � :: :��_ <br /> _ ; ta m�dntain. and w�4�We ce.1f Trustar neg�ects or refuses to enfon�momPliaace aith the tenn9 of the I.eases�dt�n .n;:. <br /> gene&ciary of eny noncomplien Tcustor wlU obtein Berceflciary's wrltLen author�Zation ' '_= <br /> at Heueficiar9�s ogtion, enforce compliance• <br /> B�efic3atY �+Y, � �,3.�ay�..�°_n�rpr che Ixas�s.w a�ceAt the surnender of the PcapenS► � <br /> -::r� befoie'�Yustor consents tn suoiec,modi�i', mmi�se os enc�tmber the t�eases or�my fai�ae - <br /> ___..._w � �verrd 1�Y ssuc2►�+eases(im1ess tLe LeaSes sfl requlr�).or w��for aay and all liability,loss or damage th�t �-. <br /> - Reats.Tiustor w�7h hold Benelici�Y harmless and indenmifY���iona'" y <br /> � gmegda�ry may i�.rur as a wnseque�ce of the assignn�ent , - <br />- -----�� ,�,c, r�rr lyF.wi�1APMENPS. If the PropertY includes a unit ia s c�us3o�,at a <br /> - - 15.CONUC��!�fdli3�: �'.•�'• rm aU of Tiuscor's dudes uader the covenants.bY 1awa.oi,�g�t��,a�� � <br /> - plannod unit developmeat.11n�stor wUl pe�fO <br /> aondominium or plaa�d unit developmeat. . <br /> - --° ' 1�.DEY�AiJLT.lYustor will be in default if aay of the followzn8 ooa�r ahen due: � <br />- -.-- �°-.- A. Any party oblig�ted aa the Seeured DeM fails to make PeYment ��r mortgage ot any oonstcu�ton loan aSc�oe�ment, <br />---_ - �' ���t or anY o�►�d0�evidencing,s��8��.s��°i othe�vvise relati�►g w ti�e 5� - <br /> -=-'°"-"`�'°'-' C. The �ma'�n8 m'fiu�s�8°f�v�al or wriueu represeata2ion,s�or�*_���n B�eficiary ttea3 ia false . <br /> __ - or inoorrect in eny��P�bY T��x or any peison oz mIDiRy obllgat�d on the 3tcuired D�bt; <br /> ==.�f� D. The death.dissolution,ePl�o�t of a teo�iver Por, or apgli�'iva�of any debtor m]ief law to.'IYustflr or saS► <br /> peeson or entity obligated oa the Secured Deht; 1�,,•T,,�,,� ������to any person or entity <br /> r�a.`.r aw $t�y�Y711��1�� • <br /> *�b�v� B. A good faith belief bS►B�e�dary of anY PaY�nt is impa�ar the Propet4j+is impaired: <br />::_�:'.FF�� obligated on the Secured De�or tbat the pmspect �t,aad�c�al cand'ntions.whieh - <br /> - fl • --- -'��.�rbanQa in'Ptusccr'S business inCluding oa+n�eshiPY�n''�g -•.s��.,c��ne�nr <br />- 'J:.. �: •. BenefieiaiY itt its opinion believes impuits Ute vatae oi ucc rcvpa.�.a••7-,..--.------- <br /> ''a;Yr.:-::�`` G. p�y Ioaa pmoeeds ate used for a puc�OSe�hat will conEn'bute w exo�sive esnsion of highly erodible land or w the ._ <br /> �j';� . comersion of w�lands to produoe an agriculmra!wmmndity,as f�uther explained in 7 C.P.R.P�et 1940.S�bgart <br />� ...f,�. ,,� (3�Bxhibit M. _ <br /> •--- �' .�'` .�i tn nmvidE'1'�USfOi w�dl <br /> E�°t3.�; �- <br /> -�;��. '..�:.� 17.��ON DEFAUL'�.Ia o��o°�r cther aat[ce.a��►�lish�time srheduias for foreciosuna sedons. - <br /> . "'� notta of the rlgbi to cure. m�� ma eccxlerate the Seeured Deht end foreclose t6is Deod of Tcusi in a <br /> _ : .1j. m�abn}n�er pmvidod b law if t'Lia T�ivstor�is ia d�efault.Y <br /> ,�,. .,.,�• <br /> :_r�E�:=;�=fi'"" <br />"-:r ;�. ` . . OaDa3of8 <br /> 01899 Oanten bl�ste�a.�..�.n�•R1N It�I0033]dE61) Oatm Atilt��T�10 i013Qlb� <br /> I _ _ <br />