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<br />_�`;�.'�__�,'.� payments mny no longer be�quited.nt the optton of Lender.if mortgage insurunce covernge(in the;iunounc and far the p�rlad =
<br /> -�• . * thut Lender reyuires)provided by nn insurcr approved by Lender ogaln becomes uvailnb(e und i�obtnine�. Borrawer Kknll pay
<br /> :;�.;.�1 the premiums ceguired to maintuln mvrtgage insurance in eFfect,or to provide a loss reserve.until the requirement for mortgaQe �
<br />, :,�r� insurnnce ends in accordence�vtth any vnitten u$reement bet�vePn Boerower und Lender or�pplicable law. �
<br />-���'-''�' g. I�specUon.Lender or ita u�ent mny tnake reasonuble entries ugon and inspectIons of the Property. Lender shaU give
<br /> :�:�- Borrower nottco at the time of or prtor to un inspection specifying reasonabte cause for the inspectton.
<br />.•,,,�,�,�� 10. Co�rdaaut�ttoe�. The praceeds �f Any uwnrd or cltiim for damages. direct ur conseyuentiul. in rnnnection wtth any `—
<br />,_ —� condemnation or ather tukin�of any part of the Property,or for conveya�tce in lieu of coadeau►ation,are liereby ussigned nnd �
<br />:_%y�� shn11 be paid to l.ender.
<br /> --- In thc event of a total tnking of the Propetty.thc proceeds shall be applied to the suma secured by this Serin hlct�the fair �
<br /> � whether or not then due, with any excess paid to Borcower. In the event of a partial teking of the Property
<br /> ----- mnrket d�lue of the Property immediutely befo�e the taidng is equsl to or greater than che amount of the sums secured by this
<br /> __� Stcurity Iastrument immediutely hefore the takin�. unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in wddng.che sums secured by =
<br /> --— thIs Security Insmiment shall be reducosi by the amount of tbe proceeds multiplied by the foilawing fraction: (a) the wtal
<br />-- amount of the suma secure�Immediately beforc tha taking, divide8 by(b)t he f a ir m a r ket value of the Pco p e W�imm��fs�if
<br /> ----= before the taking. Any balanr,e ahall be paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial takln8 of the Property
<br /> .-.�.,�,r market value of the Property tmmedlately before the tekin�is lcss thon the za�our►t of the sums secured immed�ately before the
<br /> taking, unless Borrower and Lender othenvise agree in writing or udess ag�lirable law otherwise provides. the procceds shall
<br /> — = be applied to the swns secured by thie Securlcy Insuument whet.'��r or not the snms are tt►e.m due.
<br /> ----° If the Pcoperty Is abandoned by Borruwer,or if.after norice by Lender to Horrowar e�at the cundemnor offers to make azt
<br />--- award or settle a claim for damriges,Borrawer fails to respond to Lender wlthin 30 days after the d�te the no=ce i�8 e�n.
<br /> Lender is authorized w collect and apply the prooeeds,at Its option,either to restotatfon or repalr of the�roperty
<br /> secu�ed by thts Security Instnimeat.whether or not then due. ���on of rocceds to principal shaU not extend or
<br /> iJ�less Lender and Borrower otheiwlse agree ia wcit�ng, enY aPP p
<br /> --� postporr the due date of the rnonthly payments referned to in p�a$raphs 1 tutd 2 or change the amount of such payments.
<br /> 11.Borrower Not Released;Forbearaz►ce BY I.ende�'N°t a Wai��.tcxtension of the time for payment or modificatIon
<br /> of amort37ation of the sums sacured by thle Securicy Instmment granted by 1.ender u�any successor in interest of Borrower shaU
<br /> -- not operate to release the liabiliry of the odginal•Borrower ar Bumower's successors In interest•L.ender shall not be requirad to
<br /> ' commence pmc�dinSs against any successor in interest or refuse to extend tlme for payment or athetwlse�nodifY amorti�atlon
<br />-,.�;�,� of the sums secured bY tbis Sect�dry Inst�vment by reasoa� of any demand made by the orlginal Borrower or Borrower's -
<br />� - sucs�sv;s ia in�t. 1lss�farbearancA hy T rnder in exefcisln�at►Y right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or prec(ude the
<br /> exetcIse of any rlght or remedy.
<br /> 12.Sua�es.wrs tmd AsslBns Bound; aa�iq4 and Seve►�1 Liabillty;Casi�ters. The covenan4s �.nd agreements of this ..,
<br /> �y Instiument shall biad and benefit the suxe.ssors and asslSns of Lender und�nTrower. subject w the pmvlsions of
<br /> par�g��Qh 17. Borrower's covenants and agreements �shall ba joiat and severnl. Any i3ormwer who �-��a gnvey tha�t
<br /> Instqit��at but does not execute the Note: (a)Is ao-signing this Se�urttY Insnvmem°n1Y t°mortgage, grau
<br /> Borroi�ier's interest in the Property under the terms of this 5ecurity instrt�u►ent:(b)ie not personallY abligated to PaY�Q s� '.. . _
<br /> securefi by this Security Insuument:and(c)agr�s that Lertder and any oskitr Borrower may agree to extend.modify.forbear or
<br /> _s� ���y a��nodations with re�ard to the terms of this Security Insmiment or the Note without that Borrower's consent.
<br /> `'';��� St�,I.qan C1�ar�ea•If the loan secured by tlils 3ec�rity Iasuument is subject w a law wtuch sets maximum loan c4�arBes,
<br /> `��%� and th�t law is fiaaUy interpreted so thac the Interest or other loan charges callected or to be collected in connecflan wtth the
<br /> ' loan eaaoed the p�rmitte�i lunits,thea: (a)any such loan c�targe shall be ceduoed by the amount necessaiy to reduve the cbnrga
<br /> � ta the permitted limit;aad(b)anY sums alreadY wllected from Barrower which exceeded peimitted liraits wiU be rtflindad to
<br />,�7J� . Bort'�xwer. Lender may choose to make this refiwd by naducing the principal uw'ed nnder the Note or by making a dicect
<br /> — P�Jm?��t to Horrower. If a refund reduces pdncipal. the reduction will be meated as a partiul prePaYment vv�thout any
<br /> pi�p�yment charge under the Note.
<br /> 14.NoHce�.Aay notice to Horrower pmvided for in t1�Is Securtty In�tnuneat shall be glven by,delivertag it or by m�tiling .
<br /> it Ey fsrst class mail utiless applicable laa requi�s use af another met4�qd.�`he notice shall be direct¢�to the Property Addc+ess"�•'
<br /> - or'any other address Born►wer des�gnates bY notice to 1(.�ender. Acry nnuce to Len�der shatl be g`iven by first class maii to
<br /> — Leaidea's address stated herein or any othar address Y.end�r:�le5ignates by aotice to Bnrrower.Any notice pmvided for In this
<br /> —_-- Secnrity Inshument shall be deemed to have bee�given to�oriower or Leudcr when givcn as provided in this paragraph.
<br /> 15.Gavernim8 Law. Severa611f1y. Ttas Security Insttument shati i�e govecaed by frciciel !aw as�! tha l�w cf ths
<br /> jutisdicdon in which the Property is located•In the event that any provision or clause of this 5ecurity Instiument or the Note
<br />,,_�� , oonflicu w�th applicable law.such contlict sl�all not affect other pn�visions of thfs Securlty InstNment or the Note which raa be
<br /> = g'yvet�effect without the conflicHng provision.To this end the.pro�tisio�of this S�urity Instmment and the I�ote are declared
<br /> — to be severabie. � of the Note aad of this Security Inshvment.
<br /> 16.Bommv�¢c's Copy.Borrower shall be given one oohformed oopy
<br /> Form 8028 9/80
<br /> Poye a ot e
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