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<br /> � FY�andap Hgepotts and Addttionnl�ocuments.Trusmr wlll provide to HeneRctary upon request any flnancial statemeat ,
<br /> • or iaformation BeneSclary ma deera reasonably aecessaey.Trustoragrees to aiga, deliver. end tile euy addidoaal _ —
<br /> documents or certifications that�eneflclary may consider n to perfect.continue.and preserve Trustor's obligations �y
<br /> under t6ia Securlry Iastruraent and Beneficiary's licu status o�� th�p�y ��'��
<br /> 6. WAItldANTY OF TiTLE. Tcustor wan�ata thac Tnrator ia or will be lawfiilly seized of the estate conveyed by this �j4 r,.
<br /> Securlry Insuumeat and bas the right to irrevocably grant,coavey,ead sell thc Property to Tmstee,in trust.wCth power of ��:_:_
<br /> , �f�;•�� sale.Tcustor also warranta that the Property is unencumbered,except for encumbraaces of record. -`_��-
<br /> �''� 7. DUE ON 3AL�. l.ender may. at ics option, declare the entire balance of the Secured Debt to be immediatel due aad �::;Y
<br /> 'ti °'""'°�.' payable upon the cceation of,or wntract for the creation of, etransfer or sale of the Property.This right is sub�ect w the __
<br /> ',-� `'"�""'�'"^'* resuicdona imposed by federal law(12 C.F.R. 591).as apPlaGble. �
<br /> �. _
<br /> � 8. DEFAULT.Trustor will be in default if aay of the foUowiag occur: a�-
<br /> 5 ` �Yn�nd.pny Consumer Borrower eagages in frand or matenal tta�arcpresentation ia connection with the Secured Debt that �'_°
<br /> , is an o�xn end home equity plan. ---
<br /> .: i paym�nSs. pny Consuaaer Borrower on a»y Secured Debt t�ec is an open end homB equity plan fails to make a payment _
<br /> . '' �, �vhen due. �_-
<br /> ` �� property Any uction or inacdon b the Borrower or Cirantoroccura that adversely affects the Property or Lender's ri8hts
<br /> in tfte pco�perty.This lncludes,but�s not limited w, the foltowing:(a)Ciranwr faAa to maintain requirecl inaurance on the
<br /> � • Pro erty;Zb C�rantor transfers the Property (c)(irantor comnits waste or other�vvise desuuctively uses aa feils to maiatain =_.--
<br /> � �e�p�y ���h�t the actlon or inac�fon adversely affeas Leadet's securlty• (d)Cirantor fails to pay taxes oa the
<br /> Property or otherwiea fails to act and thereby causes a lien to be 81ed agaiast the�rOperty�tt is senior to the Ilea of Wis
<br /> S�: ��yr �nsu�u�ent• (e) a sole (3ra�t tiake�n t�mugh e�mireneat dom�a�in:(h�a ju����1ed agai�t�r aa�subj�eets
<br /> ' adversely affected•�g)the ProPerty
<br /> , � � Pmperty a�nd a�s a resul�t�nd e s int r�est�aa�e�y y�c�`��8 interest;or(i) a prlor lienholder foreclos� on tLte
<br /> �`���, ' , Lead�er or no�ther lea�in�anaggrega e amou�nt grea�ter�than the amount p�tt�ed u�nder�e�i�al�la�aers abadregula�onbs�to �
<br />- -. �i. i'c�'i'iiES t',Ii B�Ai3t.�'. Iss addidaa ta sa� atdser t+��!y�vaitable under the terntic of tWs S��tity Iasuument�
<br /> � Beaeficia�+may accelerate the Secured Debt and t�oreclose t�ila Se�udry Insuume�in a mamuer provided by taa if Truscor
<br /> , " is ia default.In some instances� federat aad state law will reyuire Beaeflciary to pxevlde Tn�awr with antla of the�ight to
<br />-< . �� ' cure.or other notices and may establiah tirae schedules for faeclosure actiona.Bach 1Yustor ests acopy of any aodcx
<br />-�,�.�. of default and any aotice of sale t hereua der b e m a i le d t o eac b T i v a w r a t t h e a d d r e s s p r ovided�on 1 abov�.
<br /> i.:•, �aI
<br />- Aimmediapel ndu��andenefl���a�fteir ffiving aodx�if��by�law�, upon th�e�ooa 7�of a�default�or anytinne
<br /> :, : . „ g�
<br /> ,:;.';,�' :r�: ` thereafter.y P8Y
<br /> f�`'���' If there is a defautt. Trustee shall. at the requeat of the BeneScisiy, advertise aud sell the PmpertY as a ahole or ia
<br />"'`' r _ separate parcels at public suc.tion to the highest biuder for cash and convey absolute dtle&ee and clear of all�t.titte �+:;:
<br /> . .; ;:� a a d i n t e r e s t o f T Y u s t o r a t s u c h t i m e a n d p l a c e as Trustee de�i g a a t e.s.Trustee ahall give aodce of sale iacl� e time _
<br />�>;=_, � .. r terms and place of sale and a descrIption of the pmperty to Ue sold as required by t he app l lca b l e l a w i n a f f e c c a t i h e d m o o� �
<br />- �, ..,.�,.=�, ,.�. th�pmposed sale.
<br />�_.t.�-�r,u..��;f
<br />�r�:-�. . Upon sale of the,propBrty and to the extent not prol�ibited by law TtusteE shall make and deliver�addeed w�Pr a��tt�y
<br />:::;,. __ -^: sold wbich conveys absolute tide m the purchaser. and after�irst payiag all fces. cherges p
<br />_�c Y'�-:� - BeneSciary all moneys advanced for repairs, taxes, insuraa�e, llens� assessnnents and prlor encumbrances and interest
<br />�-"��;�_� ." thereon, aad the prludpal aad Intemst on the Secured Deb� �a y i n8 the s u r plus. if anY. w 'ftustor. Beaeficiary maY
<br /> =-..�"�'�`-� :� purchase t he p c operty,'I he reci t a ls i n a n y d e e d o i c o n v e y a a a s h a u b e p r i m a f g c�e e v i d e n ce of t he facts set forth therein.
<br /> s:;�.,.,4...�.::,;,,� �.;
<br />=`• �^r.:;.,,�' t oa the Secured Debt after the balaace is due or is
<br /> :;�,..;� ..�, . The aoceptance by Saaeflciary of any sum ia payment or patdal p�ymen --
<br />_:,.::�,,.y�,�;,� axelerated or after foreclosure pmceedin8s are�led shaU aot conatitute a wuiver of Beaefi�y's rlght to ret�uire complete
<br />_�,..., default.By aot oaercis any reraedy au T�swr's default.Beaeflciary does aot waive Beneficiary's
<br />_:;:s;�:,.�.. cure of any exis�ag �
<br /> r i�ht to lat?*�x+ns i der t he eve n t a d e f a u l t i f i t D e n s a S a i a• ,__
<br /> ��::� .
<br /> ..,ti;.. 10. EJ�EI�T3FSi ADVANCES ON CUVA:NAI�'i`Sp AiTBI'c�1E'�S' Fr,r.S, �O;..Y.EL"TYaN��T3. If Taw�tor bm,achss
<br />_.. :�„s��;�--� a n c o v e n a a t i n t h t s S e c u d t y I n s m u n e n t, T i v a ro r a g r e e s w p a y all exp�s� BeneSciary incurs in performin8 such
<br />---:-°----�'�� co eaauta or pmtcaing its securlty ittterest in the ProporiY. S�ch expensea ��n c l u de.but aee not t i m i t e d t o.f ce s i n c u r r e dab e
<br /> � z�r'�""""-.::�� inspecting.Prese�.or othecwfse pm gthe Pmperty aad BeaeSciaeY a security interest.These expenses �x
<br />�;'�"-��� on demaad aad wlll�ear iaterest from th�e clate of payment u�til paid in fuli at the highest rate of iaurest ia e as _
<br />-''"--°�~---� ' p��ded in the terms of the Seauc�ed Debt. T:uswr agr�eas w pay a!1 costs and expenses incuaed ,bl,�Beaeflciary in
<br /> � �, enfo ng or pmtectiag Beneflciary's rights aad remed�es under thia Securtty lnshvment. amount ma�►
<br /> -. ^ `� � . � include.but ia no�t limited to,Trustet's fees,oourt costa�and other ye�al expenses.'To the extent permitoed by the _UDeb --
<br />�1..:. �:�:. States ganlnuptcy Co�de•Trustor agrces to pay the mesonable attome�,���y incurs to oollect the Se�unod
<br />�;:;>�' . � as awaMed�y any oourt excrclsing jutisdiaion�ader the SanlnvptcY ecurlty Tnsmtmem shall remaia ia effect
<br />_ , �� until released'lYvstor agre�a to psy for aay r�oo:dation costa of such release.
<br /> ,,�";` 11. E�TV�ONA��NTAL LAWS AN�HAZA1tA0U3 S[JBSfANCES. As used in tl�s secdon, i) Snvlmnma�tel Law ti�.
<br /> ( ��'`.
<br /> ' ��'`''`' m e a n s,w i t h o u t l i m i t a t i on the Co m prehensive Environmennl R�cponse.Com�pensadon and Liabiliry Act(CBRCLA. 42 _.
<br /> ,��;;�` U.S.C.9601 et seq. . anc�all other federal. state and local laws. regulations. ordinances.courc orders.att o may g e n e r e l �,_
<br /> '., o�pmions or interp�ve leuers cwnceming the public health,sefety.welfare.environment or a hazardous substance•and(2) ��;
<br /> H a�a r dous Su bs t a nce m e a a s a n y t o x i c, r a d i o a a i v e o r h a m r d o u s m a t ertal, waste. pollutant or contaminant�+�ich 1�as F%:..
<br />� ------- ___��_� ..�.e�.r..��rs� .�,ksch .,rnder che substance dangerous or potentiaUy dangemns to t t t i e e public health, safetY� we l f a r e o� �::_:
<br /> -_�_� . ...,..:....d.etn.w.n
<br /> __ CAV�[OII111CIIL.Tlie teiYn includes. V1�1110U���'�OD�8IIy SIIDSLIIIC�S QCAIICQ 8S na�art:OtW utnuttass w..... . _
<br />- .. � ^hazaz+dous waste"or"ha�ardovs substance°under au}r Envirornmentat I.aw. _
<br />_ ' Trustor representa.warrants and agrees that: -
<br /> A.�ccept as pTevlously disclosed and acknowledged im wn'dn�to BeneSciary. no Hazardous Substaaoe is or will be
<br /> ior�t�, stored or rele�sed on or ia the Pmperty.'I31a restttcdon dees notapply to smaU quandtfes of Hazaz+dous •
<br /> - Substances that are geaeralty cecogniz�w b�appmp�ate for the normai use and maiatenance of t�e Froperty
<br /> �� B.Ex t as previously disclosed and acknowledged in writlng to Beneficiary,Trnstor aad every tvroant have beea�a��
<br /> � � and�l remaiu in fi�ll compliance arlth az►y applicabk Environmental Law.
<br /> � ' • C.Truator shall imm�iately notify Beasfic�ary if a r�leaze or chre�a�release of a Hazardous Substaace���
<br /> _ . �V " e nt Trus aot rtsh�all t�ake�aU u reoessary�re�edial�on�coo�ce wit�anyaBnv�im�nme�atal Law��.
<br /> fpaps 9 0141
<br /> - —-- --
<br /> `�` —----
<br />— 0199�BWRn SY��.�•Bt.qwd.MN Form OCP�REDT�NE tOfd08
<br /> ., DQI'N&1.itm 7AC
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<br /> �.
<br />