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If more tha�one <br /> .. . persoa signs thia Securiry Insuumene. each Tivstor agrees tl�at this Securlty bsatrument will sccure aU Sii►ture �,� <br /> . advaaces end future obligationa that are givr.a to or iucurred by any one or more Tiustor,or any vne or more Trustor -- <br /> , aud oWera. All future advaaces and other fuwre obligations are secused by this SecurIty Insttuument even thou8h all �-�� <br /> me <br /> or part may not yet be advaaced.AU future advances aad other future obligadons are secured as if made on the date �,;;� <br /> �� �. i„ of thls gecurity Insuument. Nothing in this Securlty Insuumeat�hall consdtute a commlauent to make addidonal or <br /> !.' future loana or advances in any asaount.Any such wmmihnent muat be agreed to Ia a separate wrtting� = <br /> ;'�ri,�: . C.All other obligatione Cirantor owes to Leader,which may later arlse. to the extent not pmhibited by law including, _ <br /> but aot limited to.liabilities for overdrafts reladng to aay deposit eccouat agceement between Cirantor an�Leadet. r <br /> ~��"^�``""`' D.All additional sums advanced and expenses incurrM�Beneficiary for iaswing.preservia�or otberwise protecdng • <br /> � the Property and its value and any otIier sums adv and expenses incurred by BeneScIary uader the terms of this _ <br /> .. Securtry Instrument. `: <br /> � Jn the event that Lender fails to provide t�ay necessary aotice of the right of rescissioa with resgect to atry additioaal <br /> indebtedness s�cured under paragraph B of thia Secdon, l.ender waives any subsequent securtry interest in the Cirantor's <br /> � principal dwelliAg that is crr;ated by tbis Securiry Insuument (buc does not waiva the secui�ty interest for the debts — <br /> � •�±..� refereaced in PatagraPh A ofthls Section). <br />� • • , S. ��A OF TAUST COV}�1A1VTS. Truawr ag� that the covenants ia this section are materlal obligatioas the � <br /> �, ._,;�'� Sccured Debt and this Securiry Instrument. If Tn�swr breaches�y covenant in thia section, HeaeScIary may refaue to <br /> ma?ce addidonal extensIons of credit and reduce the credit limit. By aot exercisin�either re�nedy on Trustor's bnach, _ <br />-., � Beneflciary daxs not waive Beneftciary's right to later consider the event a breach if ii happens agaia. =- <br /> �t ]Payanents,Trustor a�s that all paymente uader the Secured Debt will be paid when due aad in accordence arlth the <br /> ternas of the Secured Debt and this Securlty Insmunent• <br /> , Pc[or Security Intereste.With regard to any other mortgnge,deed of uust,security agreement or other liea document that <br /> _ , � : created a prior socurity interest or encumbrance oa the Property.Tmstor agre�to make all payments when due and w <br /> .. . ' perfoma or camply wlth sU covensats.Trustor also agrees not to allow any iaodificatton or extension oP?nor to �u�s <br /> .� � any fl►nue advances under any note ot agreement aecured by the lien davment wlthout Beneficiary a prior vvriuen <br />_ appmval. <br />�w.;.'. ;��� �iaims Againsi 3"�e.Tn�s�r wW�ay sti ta;.es iincIuding auy tax�ta skio B�d ai Tns:t�, ��� , tieQS, , <br /> � , encumbraaces lease payments.gro uad rents.utllIties.and other charges relating to the Prop�y when due:��neiicfary <br />_;: a � � m a Y m,�u�r e'l t r n s t or to pmvide fo Benefi c l a ry co pies of all notices that such emounts are due"and the rx,ei pta evidc3ncing <br />;��:`.,. Teustor spa�m ent. Truswx will defend title w the Property a g a i n s t any c l a i m s t h a t wo W d i a n p a i r t he l i e n o f t h i s S e c v r i t y <br /> - I n s u u m e n�. T t�s w ragrees w a s s iga w B e n e fi c .t�,s r e q u e s ted b y BeaeSd a r y.�n y t�g h ts,claims or defenses Tn�tor <br /> n <br /> .�. ... . , may have against p a rt i"e s who supp l y labor or s to maintain or improve the Property. <br /> -..' �.. ' ]�perty Conditlon�Alteeattons and Inspestdon.'lY�stor wW keep the Praperty in good coadifloa aad make aU repairs <br />_-�,����};�rt � that are reasonably necessary.Tiustor shall not commit or allow any waste.tmpairmcnt.or deterioratioa of the Prapertg+. <br /> 1Yustor that the nature of the occupfuncy and use wUl not substentially change vilthoui Beneflciary's�prlor written <br />"`':.`�,`- `.. wasent. n�utor vrW not permit any change ia aay llcense. resMetive covenant or easemant without Beneficiary's prFor <br />=.-�'":.�`.r..;, written consent. Tn�stor wiIl nottfy Bene�aiary oi all demands,Froc�ings,claims, aad acdons against Trastor. �d of <br />:,=__,,.:�. <br /> ��,, . azry Ioss or damage to the Pc�operty. <br />—"i.:q:�., .�,: : <br /> r:-S'.y�`a°'rn'� s r <br />�--�,:g�,. BeneRc or Ben�ficiary saSents Beaefi�y s opuon,enter the Property at aay reasonable time for the ucp�se <br />___ �,_,�T� of i��g the Property. Heneflciary shaU give Tn�swr nottce at tbe time of ar before an on a <br />�Y���-��_:�� reasonable��purpose for the ins�o��gy��dnn of the Proptrty shaU be endrely for Ben�ary's ne t aad <br /> -�::����-.Yl� Trustor wili ia no way rely on seaefi <br /> _°�_�='-�-.�� �uthodty to Yerform.If TtusWr fails w perform any duty or any of the covenants oontained in this Security inatr�_ment <br />�-'.=� Beueflciary raa�r witliout nofloe.Porform or c�use them to be performcd. Tn�storappoints Heaefi�y as at�omey �a� <br /> ""L"`" to sign'fiuswr s aame or psy any amounc for ormanee.Benefidary's r��ht to�rm for TYustor ataall aot <br />�_�. a <br /> `- rr�=�� create an obligation w perform,and Benefia�ailure�to perform wiU not preclude Beue from e�cenisiag aaY of <br />__,,.,,�--�� - <br /> Beneficiary's other rights under the law or thia ecurity Iasuument. <br /> -.°`_ ��=z�_-�� t.�c�nida:Cnndeminhuna:Planned 3Jnit Develot�ments.TrnsWr agrees to comply.wlth the provisions ofaay lease if _ <br /> �"r �i tDis 5ecurIty Iastntment is on a leaseh.old.If the Propeny mctudes a umt m a candomuuum or a planueu uui►�•clo -u�u <br /> Tn�ator w1A perform all of Tzustor's dutiea under tfie covenaats,by-laws.or regutauons of the condominiwn oe�,��.� - <br />����+`�� unit developmeat. <br /> -,;�-'_"''"."""� Condemnatton. Trustor will give Beneficlary pmmpt natice of any pendiag or threateaed action� �prlvate or�ublic _ <br /> --. �'',:- , :. emides to purckage or take any or all of the Property throu�►condemnation,emiaent domain�ora�►o er mrans.zYUStor <br />_ --���-•',,-� author�s�eneftciary w intervene ia Trustor's name in aay of the abova descrlbed actlons or c]aiaas.Ttustor essagns¢o <br /> - -"--� geneficiary the proceeda of aay award or claim for damagea connected with a condemnaflon or othar taking of all er aqy <br /> part of thBp�arty Such proceeds shall be consIdered �ayments and wlll be applied as pmvided in this Sxcarlty _. <br /> .. ; �• '� Insuunnent.This asslgntnent of proceals Is subjea to the terms of any prior mostgage.deetl of agrceaient or <br /> �.:_. � ,. � other lien daauneat. <br /> � � Tnsarauce. Tn�stor shall keep Property insured agaiast loss by fire,flood theft and other hazerds and rlsks nasonably ._ <br />- ' ��`, assoc)ated with the Property due w its type and lecution.'1Lis�nsivauoe s�a118a maiatained i3n the amoun�and far the <br /> peeriods that Beneflciary requlres. The �nsurance carrier pto�+idi� the insurance shall be chosen by Trustos eubject to <br /> � , BeneRciary's approval. wl�ch shall not be unreasonnbly withhel . If Tn�stor faiis to maintain the coverage descdbed -_ <br /> - t above, BeneRciary Beneficlary's option,obtain coverage to protect BeneBciary's rights in the Property axording =- <br /> to the terms of ttus Sec�rlty Insm�ment. ' <br /> r <br /> _ --_- - + All insurance policies and renewals shall bea�table to Beaeficiary and shall iaclude a staadarG"mortgage clause`aad, . <br /> ° .� ' where applicable. "loss payee clause.'Trustor shall immediauly ao�y Benefi�y of caacellasioa or terminatioa of the � <br /> - insuraaoe. Beneficiary shaU have the rlght to hold the policles and renewals. If Bene�daiy requires, Truscos shall �' <br />- � ' - �� irrannediately g�ve to BeneBciary ai1 receipts of paid premiums and renewal notices. Upoa loss, Trustor shall givo � <br /> immediate no t�ce to the i n s uranco c a r r ier aa d Bene fic i a ry.B e ue fl c i a r y m a y m a k e p m o f o f l o s s i f a o t m a d e i m m e d[i a t el y b y � <br /> Tcvstor. - <br /> � `� Unleas othe�vise agreed in aritiag.aU insurance proceeds shall be appl�ed to the reswradon or repair of the Property or to = <br /> o the Secured Debt. whether or not then due, at BeneftcIary's option. Any applicadon of proceeds w principal slaall aot : <br /> extead or postgone the due date of the schedtded payment nor change the amount of any payment.Aay excess will 1x pald � <br /> , to the Tn�smr. if the Property is by Benefl .Tmswr's rI t to any insuranoe olicies and roceeds e+�sniting � <br /> �y p �s <br /> fcom damage to the Propertybefore�ther�acquisidon ahaiTpass to Beno ciary to fhe extent o�the SocuredDebt imme�iately = <br /> _J. before the acquisition. W,�a _ <br /> _ ------ <br /> . 01894 Bm+kero 6yeteme•1nc..St.Clwd.MN Fam OCP�REDT�NE 10/7l80 -. <br /> DOI'NBt.@m tN8 =� <br />