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<br /> S. Hmzaed ar ��erty Insu�rance. 8onoa�r sh�1t keep the imprc►vcments now eaisting or hereafter erected on the ____
<br /> , � Property tasure.d Ug�nse loas by fire. hnzarda Iacluded wlthln lhe term'eatended coverage"and any other ba�ards. inciudiag —
<br /> ' � ilaads or tloodinB,for whicb Lender requires insurnnce.This insurnncc shall�Se maintained in the amouats and for the pedoda N, _
<br /> .. . =�� that Lender nequites. The lnsuts�tce cturler pmviding the Wsurauoe ehall be chosen by Borrower subject to l.eader's approval
<br /> ' whtch shnll not be wueasonatily withhcid. If Barrower fails to maintain coverage described above, L.ender may. at Lender's �z�
<br /> ' - �. option.obtain coverage to pmu:et lxnder's rlghta in the Progerty in accordance with paeagraph 7. �--
<br />. ° �'' � All insurance policies and renewuls shell be acceptable to Lender and sheU include a standnrd mortga�e clause. Lesider
<br /> ' shall bava the rlght to h�ld the policies and ceaewals.If Lender requires.Borrower shall promptly�ive to l.ender till receipta of _
<br /> v�"u'�` paid premlums aad cenewal noticea.in the event of loss.Borrower shall give pmmpt aotice to the iasurance carrier aad Lender. -
<br /> ;�:��' Lender may make proof of loss if not mede promptly by Borrower. _
<br /> ��=--� -: � Unless Lender und Borrower othenvise agree in wrttin8+insuraace Proce�ds shall be ePPlied to restoration or repair of the
<br /> � pnsperty damaged.if the tEStoration ar repair is econornically feasible and Lcnder's securtty is not lessencd.if the restomtioa or �--
<br /> repatr is not economicaUy feasible or Lender's securtry would be lessened,the lasurance praceeds shaU be applied to the sums _
<br /> '. sec�ued by this SQCUriry Insttument, whether or not then due. wittt any excess patd to Bornower. If Borcower abaudoAS the
<br /> . . Propeny,or does aot answer vv�thin 30 days a notice frora Lender Wat the iaswaace carrier has offered to settle a claim.then _
<br /> _._'�'.•,�-.: L.ender may oollect the insuraace proceeds. Lender may ase the proceeds to repair or restore the Property or to pay sums
<br /> _�.s. r>� secnred by thta Secuclty Inauwnent,whether or aot thea due.The 30-day period will begIn when the nodce is given.
<br />..-��_'�� Unless Lende�and Borrower otherwise agree tn writing. anY aPPlication of proceeds to principat shall not extend or
<br /> '�`��'`: postpone We due date of the monthly payments cefemed to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments. if
<br /> ^kc�.�:ti ..' .
<br />-�v,�,i1:. uader paragraph 21 the Property is acquired by Lender.Bonrower s dght to any insurancc policies and proceeds�sulting from
<br />. � , • danoage to the Properiy prlor to the acquisidon shaU pass to Lender to ttte extent of the sums secured by this Security Instrument
<br /> =--='=^� ��Y P�or ta the acquisition.
<br /> ���-��i. 6. OocupaacY� Preservetloa. Maintennnce and Protedion o� the Propeityi Bon+otiver's I.oam Applicution;
<br /> �"''���`-'�" Laa�holds.Borrower shall occupy.estsblleh,and use the Ptnpeny as Borrower's prinaipal residence within sixty d�{ys after the
<br />-'�`�'�,.�� execuaon of this Security Insuument and shall continuo to acrupy the Propeccy+as Banower's pr3ncipal residence for at least one
<br />_�_��:�_� yeat after the date of occupaacy,unless I.ead�e4'o�e�a����8,which conse�t shall noi be unreasonsbly wlthheld,
<br /> _�� or unless exteauming circumstaaces e�dst which arc beyond Borrower's control.Bomnwer shall aot destmy,demage or impair
<br /> -�-���� tlte Property.ct�dow'the Progerty w deteriorate,or commit waste on the P�roperty. Bomouver shaU be in default if any forfeiture
<br />- " actIon or proceedutg,whether:civil or cdminal,is begwi ihat in Lender's good faith judgment could rPSUIt in forFeimre of the
<br /> � :�;,.-rs� property or otheiwlse naaterIall�impa9c the lien created by this Security lnauument or i.eader's secvriiy intc�,i.�ii�i►wei inay =
<br /> ---
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