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<br /> ��?. TO(3t3TH8R WI�'H all the lraprovements aaw ur herenft¢r erected on tho propeny,and Nl casementa,nppurtenances.nnd
<br /> - iixtuees now or t�tereaftee A part of the property. Ail replacemcats and udditions ah�il also be covered by thl� Securiry `'°
<br /> � ° . Instrument.All of tho foreguiag la referred to!n this S�curity lAStn�ment as the"Property.' -._.
<br /> ' BARROV�lEt3 CI�VBRiAN�'S that BQrrower ia lAwfl�jly seised of thc estnte kercby conveyed nnd hns thc rlght to grant and ��
<br />_- - '�� convey the Property tutd thnt the Property is unencumbered,exce�t for encumbrnnces of record. Borrower w�rrants and will
<br /> . defend�etternily the title ro the Progerty agninst�Il clAims nnd demnnda,subject to�ny encumbr�nces of r�cord. ��
<br /> � ,, � THIS SECUltITY INSTRUMENT wmbines uniform covennnts for nuclonal use nnd rton-uniform covenants wtth liraited
<br /> ' y. , varlationa by jurisdictfon to consdtute a uaiform securiry inauumeat covering re�l property. _
<br /> UNIFQRM COVBNAN'�S.Boprower nnd L$nd�r covennnt end ugree as follows: -
<br />"'�'� � 1. Fuyment o� A�inclpal amd Interestt Ptepayment und I.nte Charges. Barrower shall pmmptly pay when due the -
<br /> priucipal of and interest on the debt evtdenc�ed by the Note and nny pmpayment nad lato charges due under the Note. _.
<br /> _ Z.Funds fow Taxes�nd Iasuraace.SubJect to appllcable luw or to a wrltten ws�ver by Lender, 8orrowar shsill pay to �
<br />°-�.,w ,,. ��,, Leader on the day monthly payments are due under tke Nate,untU the Note is paid in t'ull,a sucn("Funds')for:(a)yearly uuces
<br /> aad assessments wF�lch.m�y attain priorlty ovcr this Security Instnunent as a lien on We Property;(b)yearly leasehold payments '
<br />- „'` ., or grow►d reats on the Pra��rty.if eny:(c)Yeariy haztud or propercy insurance premiuras:(d)Yearly flood insurance premiums.
<br /> ,. .rr.� , if ayy:<e)Yeazly mortg�,ae insuraztce premiums. if any:and(fl any sums payable by Borrower to Lender. in accorduace with �
<br /> �`„�:�;;�;,� the provisians of purt�taph 8,in Ifeu of the payment of raortgago inaurauce premiums.These items are ctilled"Escrow Items."
<br /> ,=: �n�� Lender m�y. at auy tirae, ooliect and hold FY�ads in aa a�aount aot to exceed the masimum amount a lender for a tederally
<br /> ��'=�==� rclatod mortgage laan may reqaire for 6oma�:rer's eserow�count urtder the federal Real Esu�te Sctdcmcat Pnsccdures Act of
<br />.Y:;•r,t�:��,,--
<br />_-_=-=�-s.���� 1974 as amended from.dm�to ti�ae. 12 U.S.C.Secdon 2601 etse q.("RESPA"),unless another law that a p plies to the Funda
<br /> =,j TM:� • sets a lesser eauount, If so. l.ender may. at any time� colle�t and hold Fuads fn an amount aot to exceed the lesser amonnt. _
<br /> -;;.;,,.;;'�: Leader uta�y estLn�te the amount af.Funds due on the basis of a�rrent data and reasanable estimates of exgenditures of futurc "
<br /> :.�,;-,�-;<. Fscrow Items or othenuise in acxordan¢e with applicable law.
<br /> ����' ' �=�`'�� The Fun�s shPll.be held ia an institution whose deposits are insured by a federal agency. ins�entsiity. or entiry
<br /> _.,..,_.,...,
<br /> �;:� (including l.ender. If.U.ender is such an insdtution)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank.Lender shall appiy the Funds to prry the
<br /> —°--„ Escrow Items. Lendex m�y not charge Eozrower for hotding aad upplyIng the Funds,annually analyzing the escrow account.or
<br /> �;.:"��';, verit�ing the�scrc�w Itcros,uNess Lender pays Bornower interest on the Fuads aztd applicable la�v permits I.ender to make snch
<br /> •^� a chargo.Mowevzr.I.eader may require Bomoa►er to pay a oae-ti�e charge for an iadependent real estate tax reporting servtce
<br /> used by. Len�let•in�oounection wlth this loan, unless appltcable law provldes oiherwIse. Udess an agreement is made or
<br /> P�?'��� �}rahtg 1
<br /> p��► g�y_�t,��g Fn4ernt t�fie pa�d,i endet�ltall no!be t�uited ta pay 1Rnrmwer any intr�+gt�r eami�a�t�P F��c,
<br /> ��•z�+� Borroaer and I.e�tdez�xn�y agree in writing,however.that iaterest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender shall give to Borrower.
<br /> °y_�'' wtthout chasge,ae�amce��ht accountiag of the Fuads>showing credits and debits w the Funds and the pu:pose for whlch each
<br /> ---- debit W the Fuad�was made.The Funds are pledged as addido�nal sep�rlty for all sums secuzed 6y this SecurIty Insuument.
<br /> �� If the Fun�s heId by Lender exceed the amouata permiaed to be held by applicable law,L.end�r ahall account to Borrower
<br />_ --•_�?� for the excess Fun�s hrn axordence with the requir�nts of appUcable law. If the amowu of the Funds held by I.ender nt any �
<br /> -- time is not sufficient tv�pay the&crow Items whe�due,Lender may so notify�rrower in writing, and,in such case Borrower
<br /> .. �— . shall pay to I.ender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency. Barrowei�shall make up the deficienay in no mont than
<br /> .=.��'•'�'�: � twelve manttily puyments.at L,endESr's sole discretlon.
<br />-��-'+�`''`� � Upon payment in fiill of all sums setured by this 5ecudry Ynstcument. I.eader st�tl pramptly e+efund to Boreower aay
<br /> --"'�` , Fuuds held by Lsader. If,under paragaph 21,Lend$r shall acquire or ssll the Property.I,ender,prior to the acquisition or sale
<br /> �rt — :, of the�P�operty,shalt 2�pply any b5�ads held by I.endez at the ttme of acquisition or sale as a credit agaiast the sum.c secured by
<br /> ;.thts Security Instrume�d.• �
<br /> ---;__..r.= 3.ARplicatlmp br Peymeuts.Unless appltcable Ixw pmvi�des othe�rvIse,all payments received by Leader uader gsaragr�hs --
<br /> a,.;;_�;;�; 1 and 2 ai��tl tse a�►plial:fust.to any prepayment charges due under t6e Noie;second,to amounts payable uader paragraph 2;
<br /> • third.ti►.iidtarest due;8ourth,to principal due:and 1ast,to any late cbar�es due under the Note. .
<br /> —_ • 4.+Cta�esp �.ie�s.Surrower shall pay ati[axes.assessments,c,�arges> fines and impositions attrlbetutbie to the Pmpertyr
<br /> ` ' '� �a+�may attain prioxity over thia SecurIty Iastea�ncnt, and leasehold pay�ents or ground rents. if any. Borrower shall pay
<br /> these o1►ligat#ons in the maaner pmvided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that manner,Borrower shaU pay them on time dim.ctly .
<br /> to ihe�er�d�l owed payaaent.Borrower shall pmmptly fnr�ish to Leader aU notioes of amoimt�to be paid uader dils paragraph.
<br /> _-'---_--- If Boirow�er�naices tQese.Pa3+ments directly�Bormwer shall promptiy Curnish to I�encter receipta eviae�g�he payments. .
<br /> - ; Botrower shalI pawmptly discharge any 3ien�vhich has priorIty over this Security Insttuatent unlEss Hor.rower:(a)agrecs in. .
<br /> �.:`, writing to the paymeat af the obliga�ton secured by the lien in a uianner aocept�b2e to I.end�r;(b)oontasYS ia good faith ttte llen
<br /> ..:t;�' by, or defeads against enforcement of the lien 9n. legat pmariedings whIch !n the Lender's apin4on opsrate to prevent the
<br /> -•�'"� ; enfo�a�nt of tt�e lien;or(c)securns fmm the holder af the Lian an ag�anent satisfaatory 4o Lende�subozdinating the lien to
<br /> -- - �. this Serur�ty Insue�ment.if Leader determlaes that auy:part of tbe Property is subject to a lien which may attain prlorlty over
<br /> — •, � . this Security r �m t,Lender may give Borr�tiver a flotice idendfyiqr,tt�e lien.Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take oae or
<br /> T �=�� , • more of the actions set forth above v�ithin 10 days of the giving of nodce. --
<br /> --— _-- Form 3028 9/90
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