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<br /> If tha nius�w keld by l�nd�r for Escrow Items exoeed the ainobanta peraiitted to ba hsld by ttBSPA, Lender R'�
<br /> ° ehall sxount tn 8�sroweY for ttee BAcess flutds as req�by RB.SPA. If tk�amcunta of funda held by Lenxtter ut ony �!F
<br /> . � � tlptO llt8 ADt BUff�b'�CA4 t0 j1Ay t�18 F.SSfOW It�AL9 tVI1BA�I4,L�ndor muy nodty the��ower nnd mquire Bo:rower to
<br /> r,�ice.up the ahoitage rs peraanitted by i�SPt�. ' �-.
<br /> * � 'lhe Esscraw kUnda ae�e pledaed ua¢slditianal saxulty for all ewns secured by tbis Securlty Instnus�nt. IP �
<br /> .. Borrowar tendera to Lextder We tWl pnymz�i of ttll sueh sums�BO![0'W�I'8 L�OCOUAt Shtlll aE CT�It2d Ydth the bulance k°:;.
<br /> '��;.� � nmalning for al!instellffisnt items <a). (b). r�ad(o)tnrd nny mortgage insurr�ce premium inswllmeat that Leader bus =
<br /> � not Deootne oblfgated to pay to the Sseceetury. and Le�eder shall pmmpdy ref�nd a�y excess fuads to Borro�ver. _
<br /> - ImmediAtely prtor to a forrxlosu�eal�of the Ptoperty or its acquteition by Lender. Borru�=�er's cxount ahr�ll he --.-.
<br /> , �� credited wltb aqy batattue nmaining for�ll instnllnienta for Items<a)�(b).azed(c)• �
<br /> � 3.Appli�tton of P�ymente. AI!g�}nasnts unfler FaragraPhs 1 and 2 shull b�applied by Lender as followa:
<br /> � g�i g�to the mortga�ge lnsurance pnmium to 1re paid by Leader co the Secretacy o:to ttae mont63y charge by the
<br /> :' S�retary instead of the ntontWy mortIIage inaurnaoe piemium; --
<br /> . , . s�� �p�},to any tsu�es�specInl ���ments.leasehold paymenta or gmuud rents.s�ud 8re�tlaod und other hazard __
<br /> -� insuraace pt�miums�as ro4�ic�:
<br /> ��,to interest due under tha Noto;
<br /> gc�j,to amortiantion of the prlaalpW of tha Note;aad
<br /> �� g�$b.W late�os due vnder the Noto.
<br /> 4.k�a+�klaod aud 08�eez Hs�z3r�Iusvreaae.Borrower shall insure all improvements on the Property.�r�h�ether
<br />- ' naw in e�dcieaoo or subsa�ucntly er�,a8ainst aaY hn�rds.crsunldes.aad oontingeucIes,faclading 5re.for which
<br /> ! I,ender rzquittia lnsuranoe. TWa inauranoe shell be maintaiaed ia the amovats asd for the pertods that Leader
<br /> � ° requins. Bonower shall also insure sU ina�pmvements on the Prope�ty.whether now in e�istenoa or subseqnently -
<br /> _ et�ectod.against losg by�oodu�sr the��teat req�ired by ihe Sxtetary. All insuranoe sht�lll be carrled wIth companies
<br /> � ' . "h appmvGd by Lender.'Ihe in�urauce polides and any ieaewals shall be held by Lettder aad shnll iaclnde Iess gayable
<br /> . '' clanses ia fsvor of.aud in a form aooeg�ble w.lrender.
<br />:`.�+�;;' °µ � In the eveat of losa.Bo�rower ahniill give Lender immediate aodx by mail.Leader may make proof of loss it not
<br /> ' ::�•,•_.;,f, �P��Y hy Bomnwer.Hach inESU�a�a wmpany cancemed ia he:eby suthorized aad dirxtai to maYs payment -
<br /> `-„�-, ,`;� fo=s�loss dlrecttY w Leader, snstead oi w�asa:ver end io L�da joiui2y. Aii��ouy�art af sl��a
<br />- . pt�oce�da may be applied by Lender,tu its option,e#t��r(a)w the reducdon of the iadebtedness uader the N�te aad
<br /> ,`r:..� ,,�� tttis SecarEty Insuument.8�st w anY deE�.�uent amow�ts appllcd ia the oider in paragcaph 3.s�d then W PnPaYment -
<br /> _. ,� ...,.� er
<br />...<.�Y.•�,�`k.. •y
<br />"_°-,.�_.....,: �{ll�i
<br />__'s,.,,��..,+} of psin�qrad,or(b)to the �swratIan or r�pair of the damaged Property. AnY ePPlic�ioa of the pnxxeds
<br />-::;y,:�N'+�� prIndpal s'ha11 aot mrtead or postpone the due date of the mantLlY Day�nents wht�ere�w ia par�raph 2.or
<br />�_;;�;;';_5�:;';;, chauge the aaco�mt of such payments.Any eaass ins�uaase pmoeeds over aa amount required w pay ail outst�adin8
<br />�;Yt;;.�;;;S;s.��• indebtcda�s uader the Note aud this Securlty Insuument shaU ise paid to the e�tiry legalty entitled thereto.
<br />;:;:;rr�'..•:Y:�i In tht eve�of foreclosure of this Sacurlty Iasuument or ot�ier a�snsfer of title to the Progerty that extim�eeishes
<br />`_"�..�►? the indebtedaoss. a11 rlgbs. t[tle and �stet�t oY Bomorrer in axt�to insuiauce polIctes in force st�al� pass to the
<br /> - -_-- - - puachs+ser.
<br /> -____—._�� S.OocuPs�nc9.Fa+�rv�oa,Ms�inteaance an�Pmt�c.tton of the Aroperty:BorQ+mwer's L�an Agpitsatlon;
<br />--r•� Leasebulds. Bormwer shrili oxupy,establish.atr�use tha Property as Bonower's prlaeipal reaideaoe with�sixty
<br /> ="� darys aftor the execution of this Securfiby InsWmeat(ma withia sixty daye of s lt�er sa18 or ir�nsfer of the riroperty)
<br /> �--_°'"`�`��� aad s6��nsi�tue w oxupy the �r���ny as Borrawer's princ�al cesideaoe for at least one year after the date of .-
<br /> --=T""�� ' wlll caus��d�ae hardship for Borrewer.or unlesa exteauati�g
<br /> _<;;;7r--- ��Y,miltas Leader determia�s t�rc�quinement
<br /> ��• clraimstanaes axist c�r�ir� are �eyattfl Bomoaer's control. Boriower sbnll notify Leader of aay exteauatln8
<br /> -.""`• c3�staaces.Bormu�r a�atl not comwit wasoe or desanoy,damaSe or substan�a�Uly►c�an8e the Pcoperty or��a the
<br /> =`;�:LL '
<br /> _ --:,� Property to deuriorau.t+eas�nable w�s anc4 tear eaccepted.Lendet may inspe�t 4h�1Progerty if the Progcrty ie'vt�e2nt -
<br />-�_.�.;�:.�;e�� or abandoned or the loan is in d�efea�¢.Leader may take reaso�a6le acdon to prou�t aact pa�esr,rve such vacant or
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