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<br /> of�orrov�,rer's covsnants and a�Ceomeats uader this Security Insaunaent and the Note. For this p�sase. Sonnwer '
<br /> �t
<br /> � . :,, lrrevccabty grants smd wr►veys w the T�ustee�ln teust�whh pawer of eale,the foAowing described propeny located �•.�
<br /> . � in HALL County.Nebraska:
<br /> ., : N,a � _,._
<br /> :� � �__—
<br /> .. . :.T� � _:
<br /> . �-��
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<br /> a.� �
<br /> �.:
<br /> . , �,..
<br /> • �� whichhes dta address of#160 VEIVUS,ALDA [sn�u,ctcy�, �
<br /> , ... Nebraska 6H810 t�rcoael f"��YAa�d�s•): �,.
<br /> ' � TOOBTHBR WiTti[ all the improvemeats anrJ or he�fter e�+ectal an the PropertY, and all e.�amenta,
<br /> ' appurtenaaces aad fucWres aow or hereafter a pari pf the pm�rdy. All replaoements and eddidons sh�1 atso be
<br />' , .. •' coverod by th�s Scca�rity Inst�umeat.Atl of the foregoiag ia referre�!to ia tWs Securiry Iasuum$�as the•Pr�operty.•
<br />_t BORROWBft COVBNAIe11'S tbat Bon+ower is lawh�lly seized..`f the estate hereby coaveyed and has¢4a2 r�ffiht to
<br /> :+: ., gcaat acd aanvey the Pmperty and that the Pmp�arey is unencnmbered.except for eacumbrances of recoid. ffiarrower
<br /> ; . ., wntrams and alll defead generally the tifle to 2ae Pmperty against all cleims aad dewettds� subje�t to any
<br />-�.�. . ancu�rrsuxs of rasord.
<br /> _� ,, ..
<br /> }_ � 7gQS SBCURiTY INSTRUMENT combines unifarm oovenants for national use aad aoa-nniforni covenants
<br /> '. _ : ''� :t�t��SiiiLd•SSti�b",�uTl..�l�Li�II ies rnnxHhite 9 unifotm Securlty insC[Umeffit COYCt$Ig t1m1 pt'ODCriY• -_ -
<br />-";„:.;;�.��;����.y-, �
<br /> �•� �,� �.� Borrnwer and Leadea wvenant end agree as�alIowa:
<br /> ;:�•�r;•�„ �
<br />�:�:,;�;;� UN�+pRM COVBNANTS.
<br /> T�•"�=��,.. 1.Paymert of Ainctpai, Lr�erest aad Lste Charge. Bomower s5a11 pay when due the prlaclpal of, and
<br />"�-����° ".'`^P��'"'. insenst on.the debt avIdenood by the Note and lau¢��uges due uader tha Noie.
<br />_-�?';c�;'.rt�;. Z. Mo�IY AtyQt
<br />-:�,��..� rnt ot T�xes► Iagmr�c$a� Other Charges. Borrower sl�sll include ia c�2a moatbly
<br /> T,-�._._q,•-•r�-.
<br />_F:r:,•NrK�: Fayment,wgethsr with the prjncipal and iaterest as set forth in the Note and smy late chatges.a Aum ar(a taxes
<br /> ,:,.:.-
<br /> —_".:� special assassmsata Ievled or w be lavted against the Pcaperty, (b)leasehold payments or ground rznts an e
<br />��..=R-.�sa Property, and(c)Premiums for tnaurance mquired uader paragraph 4. Ln any year in which the Leuder must pay a .
<br /> -:��-L.�'�,� mortgage iasurancx�en�ium to the SocraatY of I�dousing and Urban Devdopmeac("�tary'),or i�a any year in =
<br /> -�:�.,�� —
<br />-------_°M.,� ahich sueh pnmium c�ronld have bzea nquised if Linder still held tha Scaidty Insuument.r�monthlY FaY� —
<br /> �ew�►���,r� shaU also inciude either: (�a su�gor the annual mortgege insurenx prean�ma to be paid by Leader to the Secretary.
<br />"'� or(ii)a mo�hty charga instea�of n�oatgage insurance pr�mium if tLla Securlry I,ustcu�tent is held by the Secretery.
<br /> -- ��.-�`# in t► reasonable amount to be dtter�pinnd bY the Socr�euuY. H�ccept for the moathly catarga bY the Secruary. these
<br />�°•„';�R.� itema ate called'Esc�;w 3tems"and fhe sums paic�to Leader are called'Esaow Funds." �
<br />=�'r u;�4z ' I�eader may.a4 at+Y�3me.oollect and hodd u�muuta for Escrew Iums ia aa sggregate aa�unt aot to��aed the =_
<br />—�'�: �� �� -, �maximum amouat that may tie requir�d for Borrower's escrow aocount uader the Real Bstate St.ttlenteat Prasedures -
<br /> -"'',.�kr�� Act oi 1974. 12 U.S.C. Sxtion 2601 u seq. and implement�ng t+egulatioas.?A CFR Pact 3500�as they may be
<br /> ="�Tr��l,
<br /> ---r-_--�=x�•�. amended from tinte to ttme('RBSPA").e�ceePt that the wshfon or reserve pamiaal by RESPA for unantielpatcd ,
<br /> s.,q�.:: 01S�CIIt8 Or WsoWSCluwsitl iici0� il2is�vti�zr�f�b Yajuie"uYo dav dYo�'a�ii��B S}'i°v w"'�CtiS:BL°y 12C`�.. `�° ecurl e�w _
<br /> 2=�'" ? amouats due for the mortgage insurance premium. .
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