� " .
<br /> . � „
<br /> . °,,...,,.,„„
<br /> . „ . ' �9� �►���--���
<br /> " pnymanta mny no longer be required.nt the option of Leader. if martAuge insurance coveruge(in the nmount�nd for the gcdod
<br /> thut L.ender rc:quires)provided by un lasurer approved by Lender Aguin becomes�vullobte und ia obtaincd. Borrower ahall pay
<br /> � the premiums requiced to mnintain mortgnge insurnnce la affect,or to provtde u loss reserve,untll the requfrement for mortgage
<br /> insarnnce ends in uccardancc with nny wrltten agrcement between Bonower and Lender or applicable law.
<br /> � 9.Ie�Rectlon. Lender or its ugent may make ressonnble entdea upoa and ipapectiona of the Property.Lender shnll give
<br /> Eorrorier notice at ehe�ime of or prior to an inspectlon apecifying reasonAble cuuse for the inspection. �
<br /> 10. Condemnntlon. Tbe proceeds of any awfud or clnim for damages. dltect or consequentiat. fa coanection with auy
<br /> u
<br /> � condemnutlon or other taking af any part of the Propeccy,or for conveyaace!n lieu of condemnation, ure hereby essigned and
<br /> :�,,;;; ' shall bc paid to Lender.
<br /> ` �� In the event of a total taking of the Property,the proceeds shall be applied to tho sun�x secured by thla Securiry Instrument.
<br /> � whethor or not then due,with aay eacess paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial talcjnQ of the Property 1n which the fair
<br /> market value of the Property immYdintely befora the takiag is equal to or greater than the amount of the swns secured by thia
<br /> S�curity Instrument immediuteIy before the taking,unless Borrower end I.ender otherwise agree ln wricing, the sums secured by �.'�.
<br /> � tt►is Security Insuument shall be reduced by the amount of the pmceede multiplied by the following fracdon: (a) the total ;.;1
<br /> amount of the sums secu�d immediately beiare the taking, divided by (b) the fair market value of thc Property immediutely ��'��
<br /> Yeforc the taking. Any balance ahaii be paid to Borrower. In che event of a partial takin8 of the Property in wbich the fair ,;�,_
<br /> aiarket value of tde Property immedlately before the tekin�is less thatt the amount of the sums secured imnaediately before the ' �.y
<br /> ; takiag, uulesa Borrwwer and Leader otherwiso agcee ln wriNng or unless epplIeable law otherwtse provides,tde pmceeda shNl _'�'
<br /> � „ '_ i�e appiicxl to�be sums securcd by thia Securiry Instrument whether ar nat the aums s+re then due. '
<br /> � � If the Properry is abandoneci by Borcower,or if,after natice by I.csndez to Borrower thnt the eondemzior offera to malce an -'�
<br /> ' • ` award ar settle a claim far damrges,Barrower fails to respond to Lender wlthh►30 days after the date the nodce ia given, ��;;'
<br /> . � J.ender is authorized to collect and apply the pmceeda,at its optIan,ei�her to restoradon or repair of the Propecty or to the sums
<br /> + secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due. _�
<br /> � � . Unless I.ander and Bonower otherwise �ree in writin�. anY appllFatlon of proceeda to principal shatt not extend or -•
<br /> postpone the due dute of the monthly paymento referred to in pareSraphs 1 and 2 or chauge the aznount of s�ach payments. =_
<br /> � 11.Barrower Not IteleasQd=�orhesirunee By Lender No!a Waiver.B�ctension of the dme for gayaneat or caadificatACan �.l.;._=
<br /> �: ..
<br /> of atnvrtization af the sums secwed by this Secur�ty Instrumx�t Aranted by Lender to any successor in interest of�arravier shall ��;�a
<br /> � not operate to releose the liability of the or�gtnal Borrower mr Bonower's successors ia interest. Lender ahall not bc rEquired to ;-:�?�w
<br /> ' � wmmettce pmceedin8s aIIains�anY suocessor in interest or refuse to extead time for payzaent or othervvise �nodify a�ortizutlon _
<br /> �' � af ihs � �ec�! 2�; t�i� S°'-"��!Y �nsm�mrsu by reesoa of any demnnd mude by the odglael Borrower or Borrower's _ -
<br /> - :: � , � � successors in intereat. My forbearance by Lender �a ex�rci�ing aay dght or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preciude tde ,r
<br /> ` �...',�..�(• • ' exerclse of any dgdt or temedy. `.-��
<br /> ;�,3�;"..,�, >.
<br /> � �-����,;,'�-� � 12. Suoce.ssora end Ass3gnfl Bound; �Joiut and Several Liability;Co-slgnere. The covenente aad agreomenta of thia
<br /> :t � ��ihr Inaqum�nt shall biud t�� beneRt the succeasors and assigns of L.eader aad Bor[ower,subject to the provisiona ot —
<br /> paragraph 17. �onrotvEr's covenants and A�reements shall be joint aad saveral. Aay Bocrower�vho efl-sigas this Securicy
<br /> ' Iustmment but does nat esecute tne Note: tAD �a�aj��AB �g��tY�g�ent only to mottgage,grant aad convey that _
<br /> � * Borrower's interest in the Property under the termis of this Sxcurity Instnuaent;(b)is not pecsonalty ob116atod to puy the sums _
<br /> y� secured by this SECUrity Iustrument:and(c)a8rees that L.en�er and any other Borrower may ngree to eatend.madify�forbear or
<br /> ,,; �e�y�ccomraodutiena with re�ard to the tern�s ot thia Securiry Inatrument or the Note wlthout thnt Borrower's consent.
<br /> ' � 13.Loan Ch�ges. If the loan secuced by this Securlty Insuument ia subject to a law which sets ma�c{mum loaa eharges.
<br /> and t6at law is finally iatezpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collecte�l in wnaecdon with tYce
<br /> �������� � • loan exceed the permitted limita�then: (a)any such Ioan charge sha11 be ceduced by the amount necessacy co reduoe the chnrge
<br /> .�; .
<br /> ,'`'�'''.,�, to the germitted limit:az►d(b)anY sums atready collected from Borrower which exccecled petmitted limits wUl be reftutde�to
<br /> �-•„;, `�:;3;::;;���. .
<br /> Borrower. Lender may choose to malce tWa refund by reducing the prtncipal owed under the Note or by mek�8 a dlnect
<br /> ` � payment to Bon;awer. I� a refund reduces prlacipal. the reductton wilI be treated as a partW prepayment without any _
<br /> , �� prepayment charge uader the Note.
<br /> - � ►� 14.Nottces.Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument sha11 be given by deltvering it or by mniling
<br />. ��''��`^,�, it by tirst class mait ualess applicable IRw requires use of another method.The nottce ahall be directed to tlie Property Address �-
<br /> or an y other address Borcower designates by notice to Lender. My notice to Lender shaU be givea by first class anail to
<br /> +� Leader�y addres.g stated herein or any other address Lender designutes by nodce to B urruwer. A ny no dce prov i d c d f o r i s►t h.i s �-_ _�
<br />_ ` •� "„�"� Secu�3ry lnstrwnent ahail be deemed to have bec'n�iven to Borrower or Lender when givcn as provided in�his paraScaph• �.-
<br /> ..;;,;;�,.- .,,, Il4.Governing Luw; ScverabUity. This Securt3y Insuument ahell be governed by federai law nud the law of the —_
<br /> � , jur[sdiction in which the Property is located. In the event ehat any provis{on or clausa of tAiis Security Insmunent or tt�e IVote _-
<br /> 0
<br /> � � co n fl icts w i t h app l ica b l e]a w.s u c h c o n f l i c t a b a l l a o t a f f i:c t o t h e r p ro v isions of Wis Sosuri t y lnstrumeat or the Note which cnu be _--
<br /> . � given effect without the conflicting provision. To thia end the pmvtsiona of thia Securlty Instr:nment and the Note are dceit�red
<br /> - � to be severable.
<br />' •� . .;:;•.., � � 16.Borrower's Copy.Borrower sHnll be given one conYormed wpy of tho Wote and of this Securiry Instniment. �-j'`
<br /> �;��•�j: Fom,soao aioo
<br /> i;..
<br /> ' ,' , � ��BVINLI te2+ai.o� vaao a ot s w�wts�
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