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<br /> S. I�Inzard or Pragerty in.�umnce.Borrower shall ke�p the improvementa now existing on c�rcafter crccted on thc .
<br /> i�roperty insured a�ainst loss by fire, haznrds included wlQiin the cerm "cxtended wveroge' nnd any othcr huzurds. includina
<br /> flooda or floodinB, for which A.ender requlres inaurnnce.'This iasurance ahWl be ar�aintAined in the nmounts and far the peeioda ,
<br /> � that Lender requires. The insurance cfurler pravtding the�nsurance shall�e chosen by Honower subject co l.ender's upprovnl
<br /> " wdich e�all not be unreusonttbly w�tdbeld,If Borrotiver f�ils to maintain coveraEe descdbEd abave, I.ender may, at L.ender's
<br /> � . option,obtein coveraQe to protect Lender's riphts in the Property in accordnnce with paragrttph 7.
<br /> All Ic►surance polic[es anJ renewels ahall be acceptabl8 to Lender and shaU include u stAadard mortgage cinuse. Leader ,,
<br /> � ahall have the ri�ht to hnld the palicies and renewal�.!f Lender requires,Borrowe�sdall ptomptly Bive to I.ender all receipts oi .
<br /> . paid premlums and renewal notices. In the event of loss,Borrower shall give pro�npe notice to the insurnnce canier nnd Lender.
<br /> � ' ��� Lender may make proof of loss if aot made promptly by Bonower.
<br /> • UNess Lender and Borrower othenviae agree in writinB,insurance proaeeds shdl be applied to restoration or mpair of the
<br /> Progerry demaged.if the restoradon or repdr ia economically feasible and l.ender's secudry is not lessened. If the restoration or �•
<br /> repair is not e�onomically feasible or Lender's securlty would be lessened,the insurence proceeds shall be applted to the sums '_, ,, .
<br /> secured by t6is Securlty Instn�ment, whether or not then due. with any excess pald to Borrower. If Borrower abandons the , '_
<br /> Properry. or does not answer within 30 days a notice from Leader thnt the insur�wce carrier has offered to settle a claim, thea ''
<br /> L,eader may collect the insurance pmceeds. L.ender raay use the pmceeds to repair or restore the Property or to pay sums .
<br /> , secured by this Se�udty Instrument,whether or aot then due.The 30-day period will begin when the notice is given. ' ,
<br /> Ualess Lender aad Borrower otherwise agrea in wdtfng. any applicadon of pr+oceeds to prfncipul shall not eatead or • •�•
<br /> -• pastpaaa th2 duc date af the monthly�.:.yments referred to !n garagraphs 1 and 2 or change the am��mt af the paymenta. ii .
<br /> uader purage�p7n 21 the Property is acqunr�by Lender, Borrower's►i�ht to any insurance policies�n�praceeds resultiag from
<br /> " daznage to tba Property prior to the acquis3don ehall pavs to L.ender to the ext�nt af the sums secun�si�y thls&ecurity Inamuaent .
<br /> 'i inzmedIately prior to the acquisidon.
<br /> .,,�s...; 6.Occa���cy,Preeservatlon�Maintenunco aad Prntedton of ihe Property: Borrower's I.oan AppUca4�7ant Leaseho��. . ,
<br /> '�:-;,.` Horrower sh�lD accupy.eatablish,and use the Ptoperty as Borrower's principal resideace within si�cty days after the executien oY
<br /> �' °'"` this Securlry Q�suument end shaU aontinue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for ut least oue year after �
<br /> ','f��:,
<br /> the data of occupaacy.ualess I.eader othecwisc agrees ta writing, which conseat shall not be unreasonably witdheld.or uaYess "" �
<br /> , :':%,;�;r�.:,-.
<br /> ;;..' exteauating ctrcumstances exist which are beyond Bflrrower's control. Sorrower s�all aot destsoy. damage or impair the �:����,'.-
<br /> q ii�;7n ;
<br /> Property, allow the Property to detedomto, or coma:it weste on the Propesty. Bocrower sha11 be in default if any forfeiture
<br /> ',:;�s action or praceeding.whether clvil or crtminal,is begun that In Lender's good faith judgment could resutt in forfettuns of the �•,;;��Wu
<br /> °�'=M
<br /> _ =��'��a, p�p��*��+p�w��!'IAtP�}at]y i��T the lien created by this 5ecurity Instrwneat or Lender's security interest. Bor,rower mnY ,_�.;�:_��:
<br /> ��� cure such a default and reinstate,as provjded in paragraph 18.by causing the acdon or prxeeding to be dismiased wtth a rW ing
<br /> that, in Lender's good faith deteraaWation, precludes forfeiture of the Borsower's interest in the Property ar other asaterfal � �_`
<br /> •�• impairment of the lien creuted by thia Se�riry Ynstrumeat or Leader's securiry intereat. Borrower shaU also 4De in default if
<br /> '' � ,:;r, Borrower,du�Ing the loan applicatloa pmoess,gave matcrlatty false or inaxauate intormation or statements to Lendor(or fniled d��__
<br /> •��t°�E� to pmvide E�nder with any material infoamstion) in connection wtt1�the loaa evidence�i by the Note.including,but not limited i;-y�.
<br /> I�:�:,�. . % � to,representationa conceMng Borrower's occupancy of the Property as a principal rzsideace.If tluts Security Iastnuaent Is oa u -�..�_�
<br /> '"��'' ' ' leusehold. Eorrov+er shall com 1 with a11 tLe mvisions of the lease. If Bor.r�aerr uires fea tit16 to the Pro Y€�L
<br /> � . P Y P �1 PBrtY. the �,�-.
<br /> '' leasehold and the fce t�tle shNl not merge unless Lzndar agreas to the merger in wa�ting. ��'� ����
<br /> r1�`",.�,',"J,;
<br /> ti,.,
<br /> �* 7.Ab t.�e c t lon o!I.en dea's I i��h t a i n t 6�P r m g t ri y.I f B o n+o w e r f a i t s t o p e r f o r m t h e c o v e u a n x t s a a d a g r e e m e n t e c o n t e i n e d i n ,�-�:..:.��
<br /> . , ~� thia Securiry lnsuument.or there is a le�at praceedin�that may si�niflcaatly effea Lender's riB6ts in the Property<such as a --
<br /> „ � praceeding in bankn�ptcy,probute. for comiemnation or forfeitute or to enforce laws or regutatIons).Wen I.ender may do nnd �°-
<br /> .'�� pay for whatever is necessary ro pivtect the value of the Property aad Lender's rights in the Property. Lender's uctions may =-_
<br /> '"" incIude Raying nny sums secured by a lien which t�ns prloriry over this Securlry Iastrwxent. appeadnB in oourt, PaY�B �-=_ --
<br /> ' �" reasonable attomeys'fees and eatering on�he Property to make repairs.Although Lender tnay take act[on under thia paragraph �t4����
<br /> � 7�Lender do�s not have ta do so. '�._-
<br /> Any amouats dIsburaed by I.ender under thia paragraph 9 shall beoame additional debi of Aorrower secured by tbis
<br /> �=-
<br /> .,, . �� Secudty Instrurnent. Untrss Borrower aad Lender agrcc to other terms of payraznt,tlie�e amounts shall bear interest from the �.�r,,��:;�
<br /> ; � date of disbursement nt the Note rute:u�d shell be payable.with iaterest. upon natice from L.ender to Borrower requesting "'
<br /> �z>:�;.:;:�.
<br /> puyment. �
<br /> _ ::�is:ti 8.Mart�age Insuasaee.It Leader requiced mortgage insurance as u eondidon of matcing the loan aecured by this Securiry �
<br /> �, '�' Instnuuent. Borrower shall pay the premluins requtred to maintain the mortgage iasuraace iw effect. If� for any reasoa. the �<� _
<br /> mongage inswrutce coverage requiPed by Lender lapses or ceases�to ba in effect. ,Borrower shall pay tlie premiwns required to �=-z=
<br /> ' ' . obtatn coveruge substandally equivalent to thc mortgage insurance previouslgr fn eftxt,at a cost aubstandally equivalent to the �`
<br /> •� cost to �rrower of the wortgege insurance previously in effixt, from an altemau mortgAge inaurer appmved by Lender. If �-`�'''`
<br /> substaatiatiy e��ivalent mort�oge insuranoe coverage[s not available,Borrower sball pay to Lender each moiuh a sum eq�al to �_,f``�'�
<br /> • �� one•twelfcb of�e yearly mortgage insu�nce premium betag paid by Borrower wRien tbe insurance ooveruge lapsed or oeased to
<br /> bc ia effect.I.ender will acxept,use and retain these payments os a loss reseivc d� Ileu of mortIIage Insurance. Loss ceserve �t.,::��'',
<br /> Fonn aoao arso '•��'_°�
<br /> ;J;:
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