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" '� I) :: <br /> � .: : 99� ����� ° <br /> 17.TrsiaBPer of the �roperty or u Beneficlal Ynterest in Bor�rower.If aq ar any pnrt af thc Prapeny or any intcrest in it <br /> „ is sold or trnnsfened(or if a beneficlal interest in Borrawer fs soid or trAnsferred and Borrower is not u naturll person) wlthouc .. <br /> L.ender's prior wdtten consent, Lender muy, at tcs optfon, requtre Immediate payment in full of ull sums sec.ured by this <br /> Securiry Instrument.However,thls option shall not be exerc(sed by I.ender If eaercise ia prohibited by fedcral law As uf thc datc <br /> of this Security Instrument. � <br /> If Lender exerciees thls option,l.ender shall give�onower noticc of acceterntian.The notice shall provtd�a psriod of not • <br /> less then 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Honower must pay all sums securcd by this <br /> Securtry lnstnunent. If Borrower fails to pay these sums prlor to the expirntion of this period, i..ender muy invokc w►y rcmedirs „ <br /> permltted by this Securiry Instrument witbout further nottce or demand on Borrower. <br /> - 18. i3orrower's Rlp,ht to Re[�state. If Borrower meeta cetldn conditlons, Borrower shall have the right to havc <br /> �° enforccment of this Security Instrument discontinued at any time prlor to the earller of: (a) S days (or such ather period as <br /> �^ applicable law may specify for relnstatetnent) before sale of the Property purauant to any power of sale contpined in this , <br /> � " • Securiry lnstrument;or(b)entry of a jndgment enforc3ng this Security Instrument.Those conditions are that Bonower: (a)pays „ , <br /> I.ender aU sums which then would be due under this Securiry Inetrument and the Note as if no accelerndan liad occurred; (b) ,< <, . <br /> cures eny default of any other covenanta ar agreemenu; (c) pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security instrument, . <br /> " iucluding,but not Iimited to. reasanable attorneys' fees; and (d)takes such action as Lender may reasonably rcquire to assure <br /> tdat the lien of this Security Instrument,Lender's ri�hts in the Propeny and Borrower's obligation to pay the sums secured by „ <br /> this Secwity Instrument ahail continue unchanged. Upon rcinstatement by Borrower, this Security Instrument and the <br /> �• ;;;;�, obligationa secured hereby shall remain fully effective as if no acceleration had occurred.However,thls dght to reinstatc shall ,. <br /> • •���' not apply in the case of acceleradon under paragraph 17. <br /> 19. Sale of 1Vote= Chenge of Loan Servicer. The Note or a partial interest 1n the Note (together wlth this Security . _ <br /> • lnstrumeAt)tnay be sold one or more times without prior notice to Borrowcr. A sale may result in A change in the entity(known • <br /> � " as the'Loan Servicer')that coUects monthly payments due under the Note and this Security Inatniment.There also may be one ":•� . . <br /> .;.i;•, . <br /> or tnore changes of the Loan Servtcer unrelatai to a sale of the Note.If there ls a change of the Loan Servicer,Bonower will be ;,�;:;., • <br /> ° ;:�°t• given written notice of the change in accordance wlth paragraph 14 above and appltcable law. The notice will state the name and , .. <br /> ' addresa of the aew Losrn ServIcer and the addresa to which paymenu should be made. The notice will also contain any other �•.. ' <br /> � infarmatlon requlred by applicnble law. ,�j;,' <br /> 3Q. Hazardous Su6stances. Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal, storage, or release of aay .,,, ; .-_ <br /> • � � HazaMous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do. nor allaw anyone else to do, anything �ffecting the "}: ' <br /> • � .,: Property that is in violattaa of eny Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence.usc, or <br /> atorage an the Property of amall quentldes of Hpxardous Substances that are Qenerally recognized to be approprIate to normal <br /> •"ti� residential uses and to maintenance of the Property. ., <br /> Bonower ahall promptly give Lender wdtten notice of any investigation, claim, demand,lawsuit or other actian by any <br /> .��: t <br /> �� � : govemmentel or regulatory agency or private party involving the Praperty and any Hazardous Substance or Environmental Law ��.T�,.L,�,: <br /> " ' of���h4ch Eurro�er hes �n�e!knowiPdge. Tf eonower lenms,or is notified by any Rovemmantal or regulatory authority, that ,��rµ;,�. <br /> ' '•'" � any removal or other remediation of any Haxardous Substar+ce affecdng the Property is necessary, Bonower ahall promptiy t�ice Yt� -_ <br /> '`Y all necessary remedlal actioas in accordance with Envlronmental ''`J <br /> .,�� '. ��`� <br /> " As use�in this paragraph 20, "Hazardous Substances' are those substances defined as toxic or huzardous substaaces by ;r,��,�ti� <br /> ' • • Environmental and the following substancea: gasoHne. kerosene, o�.her flummable or tozic petroleum producta, toxk , ,_•_�.._ <br /> pesticides aad herbicides.volatile solvepts,matedats wntatning asl9estos or formaldehyde,and radioactive materials.As used ia <br /> this paragraph 20, 'Eavironmental" mes�ns federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Propeny ia located that �: <br /> �s--- <br /> „ ' relate to heatth.sefcry or environmental protection. ° �-� <br /> -� • NON-UNIFORM COVENANI'S.Borrower aad Leadcr funher covenant end a�ree as follows: L ��`` <br /> - ZI.Acxeleration; Remedtes.I.ende�shall give notice to Borrowcr pdor to acceleratiun following Borro�ver's bresich [,_��„? <br /> T of any covenant or e�reement ia 4Ws Securlty Instrument(but not prtor to acceleration under purasce►ph 17 unless C�"":� ° <br /> r. appticnble Inw provides oWenvise). The nottce shall spcett`y: (�?the defautt;(b)the action req�ired to cure the default; e'��1� - <br /> •e (c)a da4e,uot less thou 30 daya trom the dute the notice is�lvcn to Borrower, by which the defnult must be cured; snd ;�=�" <br /> " ��. (d) tliat fallure to cure We detnult oa or betore the date specffled tn the nottce may result tn uocelerntton oP the sum� Yw�,_.. <br /> aecured by thts 8ecudty Instrument nnd sale of tt�e 1Properiy. The nottce shall further inform Borrower ot the c[�ht to <br /> ; � "••�. re6mxtute niYer noceteratlon end We d�Q�t to briag n court actfon �o ctssert the noa-eui�lenae of a defaWt or uay ol7�a «�=��' <br /> , �' de8'emse of Borrower to acceleretion nnd sale. IP the default is not cured on or before the date specifted in t6e notice, �r_=----�- <br /> . � I.ender, at its optlan, may requine immediute puryment ia�full ot all sums aecaretl by thY►3�urtty Instrument wilhout �:=v-=-_�• <br /> . � � [urther demand ttud naay tavoke the power of sala end any otlaer remedies pEivnitted by appltcubl�Inw.Lender ehAli 6e � <br /> entltled to collect ull expenses tucurred in pursulag the cemedles pn�vided in this paragrap9�tl,inetudtng,but not limited � <br /> -� � to,�sonssble attorneys'Pees end costs of tttle evldence. _ <br /> ' It the power ot sale is invoked,Tn�stee shall record u no8ca of defnWt ia each coun3y In �vhtch n»y part of t6e �n p �- <br /> ' „ '� propeity ts lomted twd shall mail coples of sach ieol�co in tbe munner prescrihed by epplicable law to Horrower and to ��4�._::_-- <br /> • the other persons prescribed by uppficnbte luw.A44er the time required by mpplf�ble law,Tru�tee shall gtve publte natice G --— <br /> : . � ' of stile to the persoar and M the munner prescribed by applicable Low.`I'nistee.without demaud on liornower, shuii scU T <br /> � �� the Property st public nudton to thc highevt bidder st the ttme and ptace and under the¢ea�s deslgnuted fn We notice at �_�`-•--- <br /> •� •� ° � sule tn one or more parcels end tn nny order Tirustee determines,'Itustee muy postpo��sn9r oP all or nny pnrcel of the ��;;TMs�:�:; <br /> '. "' Fe+opGty by publ[c anaovnrerr►ent et tQ�e t[me and place ot ang prevtously ssheduled sale. I.endcr or i�s deslgnec moy `Y:�;'_��:= <br /> purcitns�the 1Pcopetty at tmy sute. �'r::'::-�t-�� <br /> �-="=�=�_ <br /> ��i.:-y�_.i�:.�. <br /> :�;y Form 3020 9/90 � -'�'�;', <br /> . �; , <br />: �•'�;;y' . �-6RfNE1�os�x�.oe Pape6of 6 wnn!a: � ..-�-... <br /> .� o . .. <br /> _ , � <br /> ��,,• � <br /> - ... �__,______�._� . —-- -�.---n----------•--'— ._t- . . --- ,� .. - . <br /> . „ ti . ' . ., . <br /> -. ,. . , � <br /> � ` ,. ' , , ' ' • „ *.... <br /> �:..�1_ _ _ _ h <br />