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<br /> paymentx may no longer bc requircd,ut thc optian of Lender,it mortBage insur:uice coveragc(in thc iunount und fur the pertod �
<br /> �� thnt Lcndor requires)pmvided by tu► insurcr npproved by L.cnder n�a'n becom�s avnUnble nnd is ebtained. Barrower shail puy
<br /> � the premiums rcquimd to mnintain mortao�e inauruncc in effect,ar to providc u iass reservc,until the requirement For mortaage �
<br /> " insurr�nce ends In accordance with nny wrltten ngreenient between Borrower nnd Lender ar npplicubie law.
<br /> 9. Insp2c41on.Gcnder or its agent mny moke censonable entrica upon nnd tnspccciona of thc Property. L.cndcr sha11 aivc
<br /> Boreowcr notice ut thc tlme of ar�rior to nn inspectiarn specifying re.�nnble cause for the inspection. .
<br /> 10. Condemnatlon.The proceeds of any nward ur claim fur da��iages, dlrect or cansequentiei, in connection with any
<br /> wndemnudon or other takinB of cu►y pnrt of tfle Propeny, or for convcyance in Iicu of condemnntion,nre hcreby assigned and .
<br /> .- shall be paid to Lender.
<br /> • - -°�""' In thc event of a tat�l tnking of thc Pmperty,the proceeda shall bc npplicd to thc suma srcurcd by chis Security Instrumcnt,
<br /> • whether or not then due,wtth any excess paid to Horrower. In�he event of u purtial taking of the Property in whlch the fair
<br /> . market velue of the Property tmmediutely before the takin�!s equal to or greater than the amount of the sums secured by tliis
<br /> Security lastnuneat lmmcdiatcly before the taking,unlesa Bonowcr and I..endes othenvlse agree in writing,the suma secnrcd by
<br /> � this Securiry Instrument shalt be reduced by the amount of the procee�s muldpticd by the following frnction: (a) the total
<br /> amount of the sums secured tmntediately before the takiaII,dlvided by (b)che faie market value of the Property immediately =
<br /> before the taking. Any balance shall be paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial takin�of the Property in which the falr ,
<br /> „ ` t market value of the Property imme8latcly beforc the taking ia less than thc ere►ount of the sums secured immediately before thc :�,
<br /> � tnkin�,nn(ess Borrower and l.ender otherwise agree in writing or wiless applicable law otherwise pravides. the procceds shail _�ti�
<br /> • '� ��PPlied to the sums secured by this Secudty lastrument whether or not the sums are then due. �
<br /> (f the propettv!s abandoned by Borrower,or if, after notice by t ender to Bnrrower that tho condcmnor offers to make nn ''.�;;M,.
<br /> . �, a�vlyd or settle a claim for daznages. Borrower fails to respond ta Lcude� witdin � days .het the dat• the notice Is�iven, �4`L::..,-
<br /> , Lender Is authortzed to collect and apply the prooe�da,at its option. elther to restoration or repair of the Pruperry or t�tha sums
<br /> �. � secured by thia Securlry Inatnuaent,whether or not then due. !�r�� �,"
<br /> Unlesa Lendsr and Bonower otherwise �Rree in writing, any a{splication of proceeds to princlpal shall not extend or •_•° �
<br /> }
<br /> Y: : post�wne the due date of the monthly payments refened to in paragraphs I and 2 or chunge the amount of such paymeats. �",�N:'
<br /> '•+�`c 11.Borsbwex Not Reteasedi Forbearance By I.ender Not a Watver.Extension of the time for payment or modification ���__.
<br /> .. ,t r,-,.
<br /> F • of amortiution of the sua�s se�ured bY this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Horrower ahall .;�°�
<br /> ;,�,;�: , , '+,;����° not operate to release the liaMlity of the origWal Borrower or Borrower's successora In interest. I.ender shall noY be required ro �r�t;�;
<br /> ���-
<br /> .• •• >:• commence proceedipge against any successor in interesc or refuse to extend ttme for payment or otherwise modify amortizatton E,__.--
<br /> ,`.,} �.�.
<br /> �t'1a�:: of the sums secured by this Security [nsuument by reason of any demend raade by the origWal Bonawer or Borrower's �s-
<br /> �'' i � successors in interest. Any forbearance by �.ender in e�crcising+�y rt�ht ar rc�� s�alZ aQ'•b°��'a}ver of or nreclude the �: - _
<br /> ,..�:.��.. � W,�:.-.
<br /> ,.�.�, ,.d�`� exerclse of atty d�t or remedy. �'�:�'_-
<br /> �� " 12. 3�rceessflra undl Assigna Houad; Joint urtd Severc�l Liubllity�Caslgners. The covenants end ugmements of this d,,�.,,:
<br /> • c .;
<br /> Security fnatrument shall biad and benefit thc successors and assigns �f l.ender and Borrower, subject to the provisioas of �^
<br /> ' •` paragcaph 17. Borrower's coveneacs end a�reements shail be joinc�nd several. Any Borrower ��ho co-signs this Securlty
<br /> �i�'� � Instnunent but does eeot execute the Note: (a) is co•signing this Sccurity Instnunent only to mortgage, gcant and canvey that
<br /> ' � 4r Borrower's interest la the Properry under the teima nf thia Secudty Instniment;(b)is not personally obligated to pay the suaas
<br /> � n secured by this Security Instrament; and(c)agrees that I.ender and aay other Boxrower may agrce to eatend,modify.forbear or o�,;=
<br /> �' �.'R"'"4`:' make any accommodations with regard to the terms of this Securtry Inscrument or the Note wlWout Wat Borco�ver's consent. �
<br /> ,. •� q�ii: ;; 13.Loiu�Char�es.lf the loan secured by this Secudty Iastrument Is subJect to a law which sets muximum loan charges. ,-_-_
<br /> '� � and that law is finatly interpreted so that the interest or other loan cbarges collected or to be cflllected in conaectlon with the
<br /> � loan exceed thc permitted]imits,then:(a)any such loaa charge shall be reduced by the sunouat necessary to reduce the charge
<br /> . ,� to the pemnitted liwit;aud(b) uny sums already callected from Borrower which excceded permitted limits will be refnaded to ----
<br />_� • :*';'.fi, Borrowtr. Lender may choose to make chis refund by reducin� t�e principal owed under the Note or by ma;ing a direct
<br /> " ' �' payment to Bonower. If a refund reduces princtpal. thc reductlon wlll be treated as a partial prepayment without any
<br /> �� f' prep�yment chax$e under the Note.
<br /> � 14.Neticcv.Any notire to Bormwer provided for in this Secwity Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by mulling _
<br /> �� it by fitst cless mail tu�less appiicable law requSres ase of another method.'�'he nocice shaU be directed to the Property Address —__ -
<br /> '"�.'��; or atty other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by first class mail to `__.
<br /> . �,�`;ti�;j Lender's address stated herein or any other address Lender designates by nottce to Borrower. Any notice provided for in this �_.
<br /> � r ",�:�Y��re il Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been p,ivcn to Borrower or Lender when bivdn as pr4vided in tbis paragraph. �-__.
<br /> � • 4 15.Governin� 1Law; SEVernbility. This Secudty Instrument shdl be �overned by federal law and the law of the °__
<br /> . K jurlsdiction in which the Properry is located. In the event that any provision or cluuse of this Securiry Instrument or the Note
<br /> • ; conflicta with applicable taw,such coafllct shult not affect other provisirnu of this Securiry Instrument or the Note which caa be �:_"
<br /> �. ,.�' given effect without the conflicting pmviston.To thia end the provisiona of this Securiry InatrumEnt and the Note ace declared �,:;�_
<br /> � �•`��` to be severable. `"
<br /> �.;i',5 h,tZ'.
<br /> - ' . • � 16.Borrower's Copy.Borrower shall be�iven one conforazed copy o�the Note and of this Security Instrument. ,.�,:
<br /> ��`�- Form 3028 9/90 ►;.�`=
<br /> �. ' � .;�r
<br /> ' ' , � '��BRilY�1��212i.oa VOW 4 of 8 wua�e:
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