� , .
<br /> , • „ -
<br /> „ . �
<br /> ,� .. `� „ �. ., . .. .. .. _. .- . , - -----
<br /> , �. .. ._ ., .... _ .
<br /> •lleablo Inv�a and ragulationa, Induding,vdihout Ilrtdtulbn, tho Artaricnna with OlaadNtloa Ac►, 42 U.S.C.3octlon 12107 m aaq (nnd all '
<br /> � (a� AI!apP
<br /> rcgulntionn promulgatod thoroundory and all toning and buil�iing�mru and redulntlona rclnting to tho Proporty by virtuo of any fodoral,atato or munlclpal
<br /> nuthodty vQth JuricdfcUon'Q�anc�(inciud np but nol/mlt d 10 zonlnfl vadanwu,apeGtst IQxwpt ns lor nonconlortNng ueos�,ctnd 1 nhni Inopoet on �
<br /> p�rm8a.and corlipcntoa a A Y �
<br /> nppravu�a),vihothor tompnrnry or pom�anont,whlch aro rrntarlel 10 iho uao and ocwpancy of tho Prop�rty,ptasontly aro end ahall bo obinlnod, '
<br /> p►oc�rvod nnd,whoro nawaanry,ronowcd; 8►�
<br /> (d) tirnntth t n4 t ovi»lor o o a1ny ntn uto h ogulA Ion,ordinuneo,M�o of av�6 oan�trsaet ar athm agrcomont�which rr�ay bo b nding on firantor ntany Unm:a �
<br /> canfllct wl P
<br /> (o) No actlon or pr000adinp in or nhnN bo pending or lhroatonod which mlght matorlally aticct tho Proporry:end yuAnt to thla Dood ot �
<br /> ihoao�govor Ing Heserd�are Matorials)whlchemlght trotorlally�11oc111 tho Pro��porty orulonder a��righl�or�Intorost�fnghneP�pony pu�ng��not Ilmltad to. �
<br /> Trusl. ot tho Proporty oxoopt as sot fonh . `
<br /> 3. PRIOR D6HD8 OF TRUBT. arentor roprosema and v�artanis that tharo aro no prlor deods ot trust a8octing eny pan or doods o1 truat then �.
<br /> � on Schodulo B attech gd t�s�0�od�of a d^��a���a����lona raqulrod,undePresuch dc�odato�ruat and he indobtodnoss syoc�ured thornby and fuhher
<br /> °� pmrrtor a(�roos 10 pay
<br /> egroas ihet a dofauN undor eny prior doed of trust nhall bo a dofault undor Ihis Oeed ot Trust and shell untitlo Londor to all righis and ramedloa contained
<br /> horoin or in tha Obllgatlona to whieh Londer would bo ontltlnd in tho ovont of enY other dofeult.
<br /> � 4. TRAN8FER8 CF 4HE PROPERTY OR BENEFICIAL INTEREST3�N GR dAt�iTO��On S�cF�ie�Io AEor eny int°rost iho oin or�of all or eny�noflc�at �
<br /> contract br daed or iransforto�y porson of alt or any pert of ihe raet propeAy� rtnerehl trust,or
<br /> i ihor Iogai ontiry).�Lend rIImay.telts optlon doclaro ho oul 1 d ngprindaal balanao t thu OWigatlons plus�aouuodli1aWl Q��^n�imradiately due end "1.
<br /> ,; payaWo. At LandeFs roquod,Cirantor or 8orrower,es ihu caso maY be.ehali lumlah a cort�lete statemem setting forth ail ot Its stockhoidoro,mQmbe�s,or
<br /> • partnora,aa app►opriate,andtho oxtent of thek rospoctivo ownorchlpintoreats.
<br /> e. ABSIGNMENT OF HENTB• �n oonsidoretion o11he Obl,gattone,whlch ere socured by this Deed of Truat,arentor absolutely asslgns to Landor all "�>
<br /> Gil8M0�5 491818, dyM,title,Interast, daim end damand now ownod or h.wafter ecq�d�'���eAeefl�and agr e�ments whethor wrorliten or oral�ero
<br /> oxtenslona,ranoweJs and sublc►ases2.etl aSroomonts for uso end oxuPency of tho Pro rty( :
<br /> , oolloct an�i�c+o Note1l of te mnta,�InoomotlreeoTpta revenuea�issu�ea,pofltB�and�atho►�inoorna af any5�na�teuere now or hor eftrt o�et pnelu�n�gtl�ui In9oogn�e ot
<br /> " nny nature eoming du�du�ng eny rademptlon pa�ad)undar tho lsasas or from or adsing out of the Property Inelu�ng rtinlmum rents.additionel ronta.
<br /> ��, percontage ronts, paddng a oorm�on�e unde��r en �Ilcy of It�iw�renao coverin8 Ios�as o romsrosullinB�ham�umo antabfli�ry cauaed b�destnwt an o9
<br /> dotault in any Leasci.cill prooeeds paY Y Po .,;s:,,
<br /> damagv to ihe Property,a�prooeed3 PaYebio as a rosult of a Iassao's oxerel go8t a�ne�ption�to�g�oehasey�gMs a�nd Gaa1ms of��a�nyd�dnd whl�drma tor r�
<br /> ' tortnlnatlon or rejcjction of eny Leasu�n a bankruPt�Y or other Insoivency pro
<br /> may hnvo e�aInst any Ipsaeo undar the Loasos or anY oeeuPame a�h° ropeny(all of the abovo are hereaftor oolladhrety referred to as the'Roma'). This ';: ;sv-
<br /> Qss1gnrtbm Ts subjact to the rlghL power and authodly givon to tho Lender to colioct and appty the Reme. This assipnmcam is r000rded in acoordan�e with `
<br /> .�• applf�bto atato lcahlo st�n o 1 w c�m ndod fromntlmvn�taflttmen Ae toog aa tphoro�laPno del�ault undo ihe Obllgailons�thts�O«,a of°r�,�i�aa��grento ';-.i -
<br /> ��' p�ovldod by eDP�
<br /> ; � Orantor a rovoeablo Ila3nso to aolloet eM Rems hom the leases whon due and to use su�h prooeeds In Qramor's buslness op�rations. However,Len r .Y.
<br /> - �t or Inhv 1 rbrertnanco of,anY of the�llgatlons,1lentdor may at he oplbnt�ak�Posaeaslon of 1honPro�perhr end havo,hold,rt nego.�aso�and opo a�io tho Y .,. vif
<br /> �� p° ��a�Q�y�r�o�hat Landor doort�a proDer. lAndet may procoed to coNoct and reoeNo aN Renta trom the proporry.and Londc�r � ,{�„1❑.
<br /> ° I+roperty on ianip ;.s�dat ts��i +t.�m pte�!. I andsr rt�y eppty till Ronta In • :
<br /> shall havo tuN powor to mako alte►atlons f0t10V8110118,�G�ilfB C�►adaOB(11BM8 t0 thD�fOperiy&5 _
<br /> ilre
<br /> LonebPs 6ole dlscrotlon to paymenl of t�e Ubtfgatlons or to the paYma�l�h���8°h�nt�and op�oralton ot tho Proporry. LMondc�r may aap ho ��: .
<br /> exponsos Inddont to taldng and r�tetnIn�poar�sstcn ot tho Properry po Y �° �h y � �e,t thor v�lth �'''�"lI
<br /> ' PropoAl'ProPQ�Y Inaured and may dlscfiargu eny texo�,ohargos,datms.asaeasments and ot or Ilona�of�th�Obilgattons. 'rnThesu arm �d�of theso r�,._._
<br /> � aetfons may bc►�aid from Ihe Ronts roasNed.r,nd eny unpald emourds shall iw addod to!hu prindpa� -.
<br /> ., othor ooats.shali beume Part of tho Obllgatlona s�cured by thls Ooed of Truat. � �d oonditlon. �
<br /> 0. U8E IWD MAINTENANCE O�PROPERTY. a►entor shalt take rill acllons and mako e�Y ropal�or�sh�a�l us�e t�Propo�s�y i���►��wnn ° ,
<br /> Qrantor sh�ll not aorrmlt ar PoR►dt ar�r wasto to bo comNttod wl►h respect to 1hu PropQrty ara
<br /> � �,
<br /> , ' aQpticabto IAw cir►d Insuraroo Polldos. Cirantor shell not malw onyt�ve�moms madu to the YfOPQfl�l BF1A�I bB SUb t�f3LM 101h0 bfiR dsl Urieerost belonging ;�.
<br /> ' aonsant. Wlthout Il�ting tho forogoIng,all ollerettons.additlona ond _ _
<br /> � •� � to Lendor,shall not bo romoved wtthoul Lor�rs pdot wrltton oonsont,and shall bu madn at C3►sntore aote ezpenco. -.,.��,.
<br /> ' 7. LOSB OR DAMAdE.Qrantor shaU boa►the emfro dsk of any bas,lhoH.dostructlon or darrcige(aimilativol Loss ar Otunago')to tho Propsny a any �.��v
<br /> �,. paAlon tharoof hom enY causa►vhatcoover. to 1Lenderthe�ea�ae n tho(el�r�maila�t ve�uo oi the aHoctod�P cpeAyndor,ropalr the aifodod Proporty to Ita �.��.
<br /> � prevlous oondtton or pay u eauso to bo pald °E —.----
<br /> �, 6. INSURANCE. The Propony wlll bo kapt Insurod for fts tull tnsurublo vatue(►epIsoerronl cost)�galnet all hazards Induding Mss or dnmago causod by �z---
<br /> �� Ilood,earthq�akn,tomado end flro,thofl or other casually to ttre exlenl roqulred by tandor. tirantor may obtaln Insuranco on tho PropertY trom euch �,,,,a�,.
<br /> . .;cr �'.�`�ci"r.�
<br /> ' �i;,;., compan a as ar�aaopcable to londor tn es sote dlsaetlon. Tho Insuranca pollclos sheN roqulro tho Incurar►co oompgnY 10 provldo Lender wltf�at loast
<br /> „ y��, �p days'wririen notloo botoro euch Rolldea aro altoral or canculled In any mannor. Tho Insurenoo Pe�ldos shell narro londor as a toss
<br /> p� R. !.��
<br /> -.� p yeoa art�piovTcio thaf no act or;�ho�eveM Oranta tall�s�o s�equro malma n�In�e+uanooAr Landor(a8urproW�dinghnotlou ra�a may�e�Ontrod by�u��rtray �"�._ ,��..
<br /> �, tass or damaf)o ot tho Proporiy. 3to Inauranco oovc+ upon iho Propo�ty and the Insuranoc►acat shel�bo an ed�'anc°Payabls end bearing lmeroat uo x-ry
<br /> (n its dlcaotlon pracuroepp�oP� and capirod horoby. Qrantor chall tumtah Lendor vdth
<br /> � " dasalbod In tha'RE�MBURSEMBNT OF AM�UN1'�EXPENDED BY LENOHR'p� �,•M�--;=:
<br /> �`. ovldonoo of Insuranoo Inmeating the roqulrod oovorago. tunsfor may e�t es altomoy�ln•act tor C�rantar In maldng and sonling datrtn undor Insurenoe v ;
<br /> ildes.canoolling any pd�aY or ondor�ing Q►entor's nemo on any dreR or nogotlablo Inatrumam drawn by any Incuror. All such Insuranoo polldos ahell bo ,1
<br /> _ ����=.• r�m�dlatoh►aflatgnod.pladgad and d�livorod to lendor as Nrthor sociaity tor tAn Obllgatto�s�d�rechted m�lw�Yrtn►da dleroctly�toTl.�enedoryingstoad ofdto --
<br /> f,`.,;, y
<br /> -� r�.. w�itton not(oo and Londer lo uutho�tiad to rr�lw P��s ralo aptlon to s�appty such�mon�Vos toward thu�Ilgat ans or totfnrd the cost ot mhutldlrb nnd -- --
<br /> � �� ' * Lcndor and t�rantor. ts+�er shali lavo the dght, -- '." -
<br /> _• . routodng tho Proporty. MY amoums may at IArtdoPs optlon bo appliad In tho tnw►se orctor ot tho duo dates thoreo�•�ona or prlveto oovonarrts allodlng tho � ='':
<br /> '` 9. ZONING AND PRIVATE COVENANTS. 3n3ntor ahell not Ir�late a aoneom to any chenge In 1�8 o�n�n npro�I��ug���r�y zoningprovlcfon, '�;��%
<br /> " .. . uso of tho PropoRy wfthout LondoPs pdor writtan eonsont. It(�runta's uso of tho Proporty beoo ";'�^
<br /> ' � Girantor nhall rtat eauso a portrit oueh uso t�a t�tho�zoadl 9provlsons�wlth�outot�prlo�►ts�o��°o Proporry.��. ��or wlll Irtrmdlato yt provldo ..i.. .
<br /> Lor�dorwNhurrt1Qannotl000fanyproP��od 80 :
<br /> 0
<br /> . tp, COND�lI![NATiON. are�tor shalt Immodlatory provldu Londnr wkh wrltton noAco of any aqual or throatenecl oondortnatlon or omtnom dom3ln :,
<br /> e0ng p@rtslnlnfl to�ho Pmpc�Ay. M monles pa abto to Qrentor h�m such aondortnatlon w���n ea nyactlon wfthttho w�ndormet oe�obream(rt�rnA '.�
<br /> rst to tho paYmont ot Londors attomoyo'bvs,t�oxponsos snd othor oosts tlnduding sppre► .
<br /> domaln proeoedingo and thon,at tho optlon of Lon ^r,to tho paymem of tho Obll{�aatlona or tho restorallon or ropalr of Iho Proporey. �
<br /> '� �
<br /> •�
<br /> NEDOTII iia.1297 Ptyo4d6 i
<br /> ] ,�
<br /> j
<br />