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<br /> � . I QfURL86 B. 88YtIIlODOStP �` . -
<br /> I �Jife and Huaband
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<br /> • � r TRUSTCHS �.8. 6�NR NATION7W A880CIA'PIDN •.�<i
<br /> PA&00.HD 5810� �----
<br /> �"�'� �rortv�atfon o a or e an any uro a erioas or ura ga�Tona.asaoflno`dF-inroT-w -
<br /> � . � In aonW ranon t�e ra;��� 01 H-=
<br /> may heroinaftor bo edvanecd w Inwrtad and tho vust horelnafterrt�nti�n�ed ar�mingnsf9o�o�d 9�ma°�rneys�a�r�id�ae ,s gna o T steo,hls suaos o�es end B��
<br /> �' ere horeby adc�ow�edSed,Ciramor horeby IrrovocaWy werranta bar9 �*-
<br /> :��r%;�„s assigna,IN TRUST WITH POWER OF SALE for tho banoflt and aoairitY�f c.o. au�x_____NA���rea0°u`---'�?�N°- --_---� --
<br /> � ,,,.�,`, ("Landor").�ho
<br /> 'r';;,,;:� ssosaton'a�l oTdrantors presont
<br /> '.`'"4. . �� ary u r��oT�uat,un r on au Ject to t e tertre an �� n ana ors n set foA-Ti,w o omry�Po
<br /> �� �d}��ro estata,dght,tlUo c�nd imero�t In and to tho roat propettY dese►Ib�d�n Sehedulo A whlch la atlach�od„1��dudind without Ilmitatio�lgmachinery.
<br /> �� n
<br /> „ ,� by this roforanae. topothor wMh ell prosom and futuru Irtprovom�nls end flxtures;all tengiblo Personal P� P° Y �
<br /> oquipmont,buHding malerials,and goals of every naturo (exeludrtg oonsumer g�ood�«m,^�ud ng ell devolo�prt�nt�Ighls�aesoclal wlflh ho P�Opary. _
<br />� • `' propoAy,vrhmher a not affixad to the tend;privl�o9ea,horoditomenis,end appu or now a heroaftcr auaoeptlb►o of transter trom thia Proporty to aher -_
<br /> ' �''�' whothor provbusty a aubsequcMb uans�°rred to the Proporty t�am othor reat propeny
<br /> „ a. ro�propAriy;lear,os,Iloonses ertd othnr egruomeMo;roms.icouae nnd proflta:wate�.welt,dteh,reservolr and minorai rigMs and atocka pert�lning to 1ha reat
<br /> "'�`" propoAy(eumulntiroy"Proporty');to hava end to hotd tho Proporty end 1ho ABMs horoby gramed for the uae and bsnotit of Lnnder,hia suaossors end —
<br /> - � aesslens,urrtil paym�nt in Nil a�all Obltgetiona socurod horoby. �
<br /> Moraovor,ln tuNror considoration,Grentor doos,for Qramor end 3rer�tor's holre,roprosontativas end assigns,horoby oxpressty werrenl.eovanant,end _
<br /> �.... � �• agroo with Londor and 7rustc+o and thoir suaooseoro and nssignoas�fo��w����ot all prosam and future Indsbtodnoas,l{sbl�l�°s�ob��9°t�°"c and =--
<br /> �• �� 1. OBU�A710N8.This Gcod of Truat shali cuwro tho paymo ,,-__
<br /> :'.i�;�.. covonams of Borraror ar Qraritor(cumulativety'Obllgattona')to londor putsuant ta L�
<br /> yF}� {e)thio Ocad olTniatandiho following promisaory notos nrtdothoregroomanls: r
<br /> PIOYPl WA'fUR1TY �.-.-
<br /> GAIttOlp�i.Alit_QtiNY! AQRSEHI�NT DAT� DAIIi NI�J BFA
<br /> iCfI�ER)Tl�6sIT �t�"'-•
<br /> � �' Sa,330.00 03/1a/99 03/15/19 66200104466�50001 Y�;�•�_
<br />_,L, ,�Y I I � :�
<br /> . �. , I f:`r::
<br /> '� (b)eil othor�eso or u ure, on ogrcorre s w n ro or e y o s u o rus er exeau ar e aame or dNterad
<br /> �;::�
<br /> T' i, • - � -,}:°°:
<br /> putpose�tteanthororegolt�gl: �
<br /> !; ' �Q�eny guaraNy ot o6tJg�1lana ot othor partioa gtvan to Londa�ow or hereaflat axocutnd tl�t►t raTars to this Deod ot Tniot;
<br /> �`'�'�,. � (d)(uturo advanooa,v�hather obllgatory or optlonel,to tho�oxlont as It rtndo contempotanuously with tho oxeeution of thto Doed of Trust,mado or '�`.�-
<br /> !:: :.,.._ e_-,
<br /> • �xlendod o ntbeha1 I ot NI dobt duo undor thv�llno notwit�hstanding tho taet ihat from t mo to terro(but bofo�roltemi atonnol h��In)no sbalnnco rrrdp bo
<br /> umil paymo
<br /> oulstendu�g. �� „� ��
<br /> N rto t[rvn during tha torm oflondo�tod otca tha eow�tY ot his Dcod of T o111ox000d t�ho to owing�m:g3 �p��� tuwro
<br /> � a d y n n o o s.not hclumrtg aurn3 advtu�ocd bY P�
<br /> TMo pravisEon shs�ll not oonatltutc►en o b l ipa t lo n u p o n o r o o ���or n u ebstftuti o n o any of he��°�91�s to Car+mtor;and
<br /> , (o)ffiI amondtrants,oxtanstons,remm�+uts.rtwdlioatbns.ropla
<br /> Aa usod M this PmageAh t.tho tomro Qramo►end Bortoyror shall lnduds end niso rt�an eny arantor or Bortmver if moro thaui o�o.
<br /> � � . 2 REPRE8ENTAT10t3s,WARRANTIEB AND�►ro Pro�AV and ahali m31�n ho�Pro�troo of e�i Ilonae socurity Irrtc�roste,onwmbronoos and dahrn
<br /> �:=,�-�_:`--_-� �a�citsmor i�a�isn,oi��rarrc.tlt^_t..�'^t!!M ,,, _ hc+.o�n roterenoo.wNcl�
<br /> __' ------- - oxcont ta thia Dcod ot Vuat artd tho:o dosalbcd In Schod�o 8.whtoh io art¢chc3o to this�iocd oi'in,at��3lrsxrF"^�!. �'N
<br /> -- � GtBlltot�TCOS10 pay�nt!poriom�in a ini�aij��m�•••:
<br /> -�---..�.M,.... � .,
<br /> • Sb)Qrnntot tsN eortplianeo in all rosPocts wRh all nppitt�blo tademi.otato end�ocel lawu andreguIaUons,inaumng.wiiiwui m�:�a��n��•�•�••.�-,ar-�-y
<br />- HazL3fd0U6 Mfl10f�8I8;aa dottnad hetcin,nnd othcr ornf►onrtroMni m3ttors(tho'���ro��ro��ov mmoMo,h�dtdmal or admin�Vrativa ametionswlth
<br /> �, othor govomm�r►ta�cr 4uasi 9ovammantat ontlry haa tfiad a Ilon on tho Proparry. �torod,or dit �od ot ony Hatarduus Mmcdab aa dofinod
<br /> . ro��o Qn�ronrtnrrinl rt�florc�ponding,at t h 4 uo d�gf Cncrniodt►ct�o co�d.�sotia�rgcd�n��Whtoh Irnobo iho ropnrry. Nohhor Cimntor nor.ro iho
<br /> T
<br /> °° bost ot arc►ntofn IaroLViadgo,any othar paAy rantot shall rtot oomnil ot pomit auch sdbna
<br /> hcrcin.In coru�cclfo�uvilh tho Proporly or transportod ar�y Hou3rdoua Matorl�ia to or from iho Proporiy. �t� �
<br /> to bo takan M tho tuturo. fia tartn'Hoiardoua Matod��m(U�t�o or rtanM bto uchuat 3�(liV polychtor�naod bipho�:(i)thos�o cub�t�oiroo� .
<br /> �vQmm�nuil nuthodty inctu6nr,but not Urtitod to.tl)pot
<br /> m;torlalo or vrnatoa dosl8nt►ta no o'haz°rd°ua uubstenw'�u►wiaN to S�citon 37 7 ot tho C!oan ator Qet or Aatod purcueM to 3aetion 307 d tho
<br /> Goan Wotar Get or uny urvandmomn or roy�aonmcrita to Urc�so otatutoa;(vllhosfl au5stanona,rtntada�a ot wnstoa dolincd as c�"hnzardou3 �vnsto'
<br /> honsivo Ernlronmentd Ro:,yoeco, �
<br /> purcunnt to 6oalion t00a oi tho Rocauroo Conr,a^ra�Jon and Raaovory Act ar any omun�ms or ropi¢oomontn to that atatuto:nnd(`a�a
<br /> 1
<br /> „ cubatc�nooa.�o��a or wQatoa doflrtod no a'tuazzardous aubstanoo' P�reuar�t to Sad►on 101 ot tho Corrpn
<br /> , . Componantton csnd U3bltlty Act.or anY a►ran�n°me°r ropis�oom°n�titro cuNoa,o otTt o�P�oporry to e tonant ortcublon�nt�v�hot,o�oPQ�n�'�y
<br /> «ros�utt in�oontiamtnatlon of tho Proporty��vith H�azcudou Ma mista a ot xio subatanooa:
<br /> ' Pip�t a10
<br /> rtECOT Ra.1297
<br />