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.:(l_�K r Y�. s.. .. . t t � .w�....� 1"�..�^�—^_ - . _.. , _ .. _ .. . . . .. <br /> Z� � rfc. .��' , > "�°-- <br /> . . .� �.� �� • �T F,;.._— <br /> � � � ' . . �I���L�...:.� �� ' ••1�'�:�'n�_ <br /> . �.��11�/����{., � _ _ . _. ..� e�r-,1,',�� <br /> . _ ....�� '_ _._"._` __.--. __ - ryy._� <br /> . - .f."l;�a - .� —�'__ <br /> . � � -=�r,. 9�- �.OA7'44 -- <br /> ,�,-t .� - -- _ <br /> 1- -- - , <br /> —. • ,�. ^ �»,:; of patpon�m�nl�h�ll b�91wn by publlo d�ol�ntlon ihnsof by nuoh p�non at m�tim��nd pl�eu fW�i a��wfntu�7 ior t1w ==- - <br /> . ; wlr,Provid�d,lf tM al�I�po�lpomd Iw lonp�r th�n on�(1)d�y bsyond th�d�y da�lpn�ted In ths no11a�ol ul�,nolic� _ _ <br /> ,�� � � th�raof shNl b��Iwn In tM�arn�mmnK��ths orlpin�l notic�of��I�.Tru�tN shdl�x�outs and dallw�to Ih�puroh�a�r = <br /> ' ,. .;'" Its QMd aonveylnp ih�PropHty�o told,but without�ny eown�nt a warranty,sxpres�or Imp1Ud.The reoltale In ths dNd _-�- <br /> -- -- - .. �,., Of Atly iT�itt�ta 8i aCtII Ofi�tl b0 COROIv01ve proOf 411M t►utAfulnNe IhNlOf,A11y ps►�n�Inoludlnp B�rNfkl�ry.nNy Dur• _�_ _--- — <br /> �.:;. ' ch�s�d ths uil�. <br /> __. <br /> ,. . <br /> -°'� � •+ - ° � (B) When Truetee selle purou�nt to the powero heraln,lhe Truatoe ahaU apply the proceeds of the sale to paymenl o t e ���-` <br /> ' •. • aoste��d sxpenee�of sx�roielnp ths powsr of s�ls�nd o�the eals,Innludlnp th�paymsM of 1h�Truatw's fMS�ctu�lly — <br /> � �.•� . Incurrsd,whlaA T�ustN'�bss sh�ll not In ths app��p�t�exc�sd th�folbwl�pnwunQ b�aed�pon t4�au�ewunt s�cund �-� <br /> .� '�"��""'� h�r�b�r autd,r�tntn�unQald;8 p�ra�Mum on tM tir�t�1,000 t�wr�of,1 pKCantaun on th�b�tancre nhs�qat a�x!tMn to ttw -��- <br /> _• ' `��,:i� � .: tt�r►s fR aubpu�a�ra�pA(Cp in th�ord�r tMn statadl. _— <br /> �' � <br /> '� T Q � .., � :, ����� (C� After paylnp 1he iteme speo�ftod fn subp�raqraph (k� 1f the sple Is by Trua4ee,o►the proper aourt and other cosla of = <br /> �ir ," �...�.,f€;,,,�,, �,s��� ;s�d; (o r e c l o a u t e a n d a e l e N 1 h e t p l o h p u r s 4 a o t t o�u d l c l a l f o r e c l o a u r e,t h e p r a c e e d a o l e a l e S h a l l b e a p p t i e d I n t h e o r d e r a t a t e d ,-.. _, _ _� <br /> ' � .. �;', $d�'i����,Sy to 11w paymen9 01: �� <br /> 5' ' — <br /> '1-j 5s ��•14 r`pf4t°�l.�v� �4- }� � <br /> s + c�� � �,« <�,, (!) C o a t o f a n y e v l d e n c e o t t i t l e p t o c u r e d I n c o o n e c R l o n w i t h a u c h a e l e a o d o f ao y�ev e n ue eta m ps; ��._ <br /> �'.; i`Y�,�, ,�t n�r ,t"'�{4 <br /> fi�••' '� �.��J i 1-�;t� „'t •� qij All aums ihe aecured hereby; r �`==T <br /> . �,,.����' +��( �1,�t�} +�I <br /> , ��� ,1�� �� ' �" ;`.•; (Iiq The remeinder. If�ny,to ths peraon lepally enNtled fhereto. 4'r�.z,_— <br /> ' �� , . ., y 13.Dutl���nd ObI1pNlans o1 TruN�u.(o)The dutles and obllpolons of Trustse ehall be determined eolely by ths express �� . . <br /> - � provlelons o1 thle Dead of Truet,and Trustee shNl nW be liabls except br the psAorm�nae of such dutles�nd obllp�tlons a� �, 1,+�� <br /> � � 1� " � � � �re epeolHoAlly aet forlh herein,and no impNsd oovmwnie or u b i fp�t io�c s i��i i t�s Impao B d iiiiOR Tfii�tQO;(b)Mo pro v l e l o n e�� -- ---__- <br /> ' . thla Oesd of T�uet sh�ll rsqulre Tru�t�e to�xp�nd or rl�k Its own lund�,or oth�rwls�Inaur any fimnal�l obllpdbn le ths pu• a <br /> ,� � fo►m�nc�of my of Ih dutl��Mnund�r,o►In th��x�rol��of any of U�rlpht�or pow�r,lf It Mdl h�w p�ound�for bdlwlnp ��. <br /> � ��. •- ' th�t th�npay►n�nt ol�uob fund�or�d�qu�t�Ind�mnlly �p�lmt �ueh�I�k or Ilablllty 1� nol n�sonably aaund to It;(c1 �_ <br /> • ''",� TrutlM m�y comuH wlth aounal ol II�own ahooNnp�nd th�advla�ol woh counsd�h�ll b�lull�nd canpl�t��uthal:tllon �~���- - <br /> " � �� �• �nd proNotlon In Ih�n�p�ot o t�ny�ct lon t�k�n a�u l l�►�d by I t M nun d�r I n p o o d f a l t h a n d nll�n a�th�non;(d)T�u�tN '"� �_ <br /> ^ �hNl not b�Il�bl�lor my�ollon tak�n by If In pood hlfh�nd tN�onably bNlw�d br I!to b��uthorlt�d or wllhln Ih�dltontlon �-::r r <br /> ' ,a[•�r.::,: <br /> ' , � a rlpM��nd pow�n oonfK►�d upon It by thls ONd of Trwt. r.• ,.t....- <br /> • ' � . � 11.AddNla�l�owlfy I�ntrum� Ib�Kp�n��,wlll�x�out�md dsllw�to the Tru�t�s.promptly upon d�m�nd, �1,� -_ <br /> �� euch s�aurlty In�trurtNnts�s m�y bs rsqulrsd by T�u�tN,In lorm�nd subthna�s�Nsfactory to Tru�tee, aoverMp my of ths ' '�_ _ <br />. ' , PropeMy eonvsysd by thl�Desd of Trust,whleh eeaurlty In�tromenta eh�ll bs addltlon�l eeeu�lty fo�T�ustor's hithful perfor � •►�_= <br /> �� m�nae of all of the term0,aovenmte end conditlons of thls Oesd of T�ust,ths Lo�n Apresmsnf,any p�omiseory notee secured � E <br />'�%�`;` hs►eby an0 any mASr�saurity insaumenta exeauied in cv�nociitx��Iti�ihia Uana�oilon.Suoh Insirur�'iants Bhall ba racatded ��.�,- _ <br /> . � or fllod,and re-reaorded and reflled,at Tru�ror'�expene�. � `� <br /> 16.Ml�a�ll�n�ou�. ! '�''�`� <br /> (A) In the event any one or more of the provlslons contelned In the Deed of Truet,or the Loao Ayreement or any promiseory '���Sf''� <br /> note or an other securN Instrument qiven In connectlon with this t�ansactlon,shall for unr resaon to be held fo ha In• • ' � <br /> � Y Y � <br /> . �•;� valld, Illepel or unenforceable In any reapect, such Invalldify. Illepality or unenfaceabi0ily ahell. at the optlon of � �� <br /> � . • ' ,;r`•:4 Beneflalary,not atfeot eny other provlebn of this Deed of Trust,thot thls Deed of Trust shaY1 be canstruod os If euch in• �,. . : - '•�'- <br /> r�;�'1'.: • `��`����'�'•. valld,Illepal or unentorceable provislon had never been contadneot'�ereln or the�eln. (` ' '4r-��. <br /> ;�t�,i{i:. :• ',•{ .:c� _ . �;��(;��';`i . <br /> ,,��.;;�.•,:,:.; ..,,•.ti�,��r�f� (B) This Deed ot Truat ahall be conetrued accading to Ihe laws a?the Snace Q�w�e�r�ska. � <br /> .�Sd;°-.. ;,:;��..":::,.. ,;;. . '' J <br /> �•t,;•��;.��, � 1,-�,,� (C) The Deed o1 Truet ahall Insure to and bind the 4re.ra, lepatees, tlev+86es. ad�Ini90oA4ar&, executoQa,sor�ceaso�ar�d '•.��'� :R_ <br /> :t�) ,�;.��;�;-.,:. � t��';' . ' � - <br /> '..:.� . .'s;±�yf11i<<< .t .;";,:' <br /> �ti;' ��•�;;: , aselgne oi ihe partles hereto. • .. <br /> };�:.;'.. � ,h�i, �. ..::soY�;{ �. , . <br /> �. -"��jr��1�+,��y��,,;/� (0) Truetor shall pay all texes levled upon this�ee�o14ru�t or t'hE debt secured heceCy_ togethqr w8� any o1Q�er Aaxea�or .�.. <br /> �;�::�'� ' " ' �� '�� •���"��•����� a&aes9ments whloh may be levled againsS the Tavstee or Ben�ilclary or the lepel hola7er of the Loa�n A�Jee�aien4 on Qa• � <br /> • ��'••,;:5.+�,..,.;.,,.•`�:•;�:•� P � '`��.'' <br /> �f �J•• ,ti count o(the Indebtedness evidencec!ihereby. •. <br /> i.�.. ) � , �,«,,,� <br /> ; �,i�•{'���,.:.i,_1�.1�`r . . ... <br /> ;;.•,i�!h..� , ,��.'... (E) W h e n e v e r u s e d h ereln,the sln�ular numCea at�all include the plurel,the plural,the sinyular,the use o! any ger,Ller shall be ,ti.. <br /> ��"����i'' : �:..�Cr�F�';, appllcable to all pendera,end the term"Bene4ic�aP}r"shall Include any payee of the lndebiedneae heteby aecured or Any ��'_-- <br /> " � �'��''��•~ tranafer thereof,whether by operatlon of law or oQ�herwise. r :�:x°�. <br /> •.i;:;:.::'.:. <br /> �!"� ;� '��^"�'"� ���;�`''���'�% 18,Suoc�fwrTru�fN.BeneNciary may from Nme to time eubsUtue a succeeaor or aucce•sors to any Ttuatee name�hseeln �� �"�`� <br /> . N�`��'�•'���}��=4'�E"�' or ectlnp hereunder to execute thls�►u�t Deed.Upon euch appoiMmBM and wNhout convanyanCe td�he BuCaeasor 7��st�e, ' <br /> � �'��i't��`',i'.;�'•'�':,��ti:`t;'t� the latte►sholl be veated wltA all titl�,powera and dutles confened upon any Trus4ee hereln named or acQ la�g�t�er��onder.EaCh y�:�`�" <br /> ' '���'%'��' � �r;�S;;'�Zi� such appolMment and aubetitutlon sPwll be made by wrltten inatrumem by Bene�ic�ary.containiny re4erence to vh3s iDeed ot ���- <br /> .:1;�., . � .�ff!"' '�1i;•'':!t , • .. . <br /> •';�•••�� � ��••i-•'' ;,�;:;;_.,,� Trust and Ns place of reoad,whfch v`hee►recorded In tAe oHice ot Che ReQlster o9 Cieeds o.t"�e couMy or countles ln w�cch <br /> ��'� ` � -�t► eflld property Is situated,ahall be comsl�oslYe proof oT proper appai�tment o4 t'�e suacea9o�Tr�9tee.The loreqoi�g power of � <br /> •dd_,� . , . . .. <br /> • ,•�ti��'-.; I <br /> �••'• � " .•:�:i�•..•, aubeNtutlon and the procedure the►efor a�atl rtot Crsexct�shre ccl tAe power and procedure provided tor by law for the substitu• <br /> � � ; . i tlon of a Truatee or Truatees In the plece ot the Tru9tee or Trustees named he►ein. <br /> , � :�,i;,. <br /> '�' `� 17.Forbaoranco by Boee!!clary or Ttuatee Mot e W*owr.A inrh�arnnr.w hy Beneflciary or Trustee In exercisinp any ripht or <br /> �. � � �'���" remedy hereunder, or otherwiee afforded by applicable law ahalt not be a welver of or preclude the exerclse ot any ripht or <br /> �� ' �'�•' remedy hereunder.Likewlee,the welver by 8eneflclery or Trustee of any defeult of Trustor under thle Deed ol Truet shall not be ; <br /> deemed to be a walver of any other or slmller defaulta subaequently occurring. � <br /> . 19.Trusta Not R�N�s�d. Exteneion of the tlme for payment or modiflcetlon or emortlzatlon of the sums aecured by the � <br /> �� ` Deed of Truat pranted by Beneflclery to any succeaeor In Intereat ot Trustor�hell not operate to releaeo,In eny menner,the <br /> •� � '�•. Ileblllty of the oripinol Truetor and Trustor'e auccesaor In Interest.Beneficlery ahall not be requfred to commence proceedinpa <br /> � � . ayalnat euch eucceeeor or refuee to extend tlme for pryment or o4he►wlse modlfy amortlzatlon o} tho sums secured by th� . <br /> ' � Oeed of Truet by reaaon of any demand made by the orlpinal Trustor end Truetor's aucceeeora In Intereat, <br /> � <br /> � 19.Optlon to Fonalos�.Upon the ocCUrrence of any defeult hereunder,Benellclary ahall have the optlon to}oreClose th18 <br /> ,;•..._ . !._.... .. . noorf nf Tr��M In fha mannar nrnvlrlarf hv IOW}�I!h9}OfAQIOSll�6 O} MO►f080e8 Ofl f981 DfODef1V. <br />- . �_ . .,.. . . ---- - --• .....-- -...._ � _ --- -• - - . . . <br /> , '. � 20.Trustor'o Rbhtt,Abunt DN�ult.Untll anydefeult In the payment of Indebtednesa hereby secured,oruntll the breach of <br /> ' ! any covenant here�n conlalned,the Trustor,Its euccesaors and assipns,shall posseas and en�oy lhe property and recelve the <br /> • � �i;` ;`; rente end protlfs fherefrom. Upon paymenl of all sume seaured by thle Deed of Trust.Benellclary shall request Trustee to <br /> , � ,; • �''•:�. : reconvey the property and shall aurrender thla Deed of Trust and all notea and Loan ApreemeMS evldencing Indebtednees <br /> . F������:?�;,�.. secured by the Deed of Truat to Trustee.Trustee shali reconvey the p►operty wlthout werranty and wiihout charge to the per• <br /> �j�;;; ;!�',� ,; •: :; sona lepally eMltled thereto.The Grentee In sny reconveyance may be deacribed ae"the person or peraons entltled thereto", <br /> ' •' j } r�:��,•.�;;:•;�;;;,�, .• :� end the recNals thereln of any mattere or tacts ehall be conclusive proal ot the truthfulneas thereof.Suc h peraon or peraona <br /> .�.. ,.,.. <br /> „ t �,;:•�.�� -'� •' shell pey all costs ol recording, It any. <br /> `�„:;;�.; <br /> , � �-'''�`��'�'• •� 21.Tnnsfer o)th�Prop�My;Afsumptlon.I}all or any part of the Property or an Interest thereln Is sold or transf�rred without <br /> � � • �,..,.•�;r1.�.,�:; <br /> ,.�;�,:,�. Beneficiary's prior written coneent,except ae atherwfse provlded by lew,Beneticiary mey,at BeneHclary's optlon,declare all <br /> � ''��`r, .:,, the euma secured by th18 Deed of Trust to be Immediately due and payable,Beneflclary ahall have waived such option to ac• <br /> � � . :�;; celerate If, prlor to the sele or tranefer,Beneflalary and the peraon to whom the Properly ie to be aold or transterred reach <br /> � , ' ' Hi�015�17N01 <br /> � �/ <br />