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_ � ..1 blti:'i ..� . ' .Y�� t�plpilR� 1c^-. ..� . . —.. ; �..1(i'I:,��1"?r�lr_t�(u�r. <br /> -i -,:�_.�-.. !•'r:vtT!T. <br /> . . . , .... �� �"�� _i-; <br /> � . .� wjMS� . �J' . . <br /> .. _.. "_ �/i_�- ' <br /> - , ... " ' _—__ 8. "_'c_'�1[ .' <br /> _— . �-_..—.._,-r_"__. ., <br /> �f w <br /> ''�-.iS^.:` .'.; _ A . �� , �'5�:.�u.i���. <br /> � y. .� - - <br />...---- - 4=:ti '�' 7 ��� y � �... —--._._. <br /> ..�c r,�ir - � =--- <br /> P. '' i,";•� � notlfloatlon to TrwiN�nd 8�flol� th��wnt�pblloy Mnund�►1�not neew�d on or pebre Ilfte�n(16)doye prfur tu �.,-�-- ------ <br /> �'���'° •`� IU�xplrNlon d�te,TrwfN a 8�ndlal�ry m�y proour��uoh in�uranas In�acord�nc�wlth th�provldon�of Parapr�ph 7. ___ <br /> �' �" � � T�usta�q� Q1Jj �r t B�n�Nal�ry th� orlpind pollalss of Imuranas�nd nn�wals t��rwf or copi��of suoh pollcles and -°"�` <br /> ' .''��•,�r.� � •, an�wal��l�f.��n to furnl�h �uch In�uranc� by Trustor,or r�nswNa as requlnd h�reund�r,shdl, at ths optlon ol r��r*: <br /> r, -_- <br /> - � � • ' 8�n�tiutk�y,a�n�tttuia�defua{i.AR unrsamad promtuma aro hereby aeslpned to Tr•ufN n�ddltlan�l facurity,and a sale And �.,,�,,r�,-uh�:y f_ __ <br /> �`�t. � � conwy�na�of ths Propeny by the TnutN sh�ll ops►at�to conwy to th�purohopr th�Trostor's Int�r�st In and fo all pollol�� �' -�-°� �- � -`"-" <br />-- .-- - - oP Ineurance upon the Truat Properry. �� -�'"'""'�' <br /> �,. ,,..�,.:{wtr-.:�. <br /> ' � • S.Tax�s�nd As��m�M�.Trostor sball p��all tax�s and speclal aeessemsnts levled a eaeese�d apdnet,or due upon,the ����� <br /> - Property b�fo��d�llnqumcy and will d�llvsr to B�nNlol�ry coplss of rocNpts showlnp paym�nt of such taxes and sp�olal �_•:__ �'��'-`� --- <br /> � - " asuasmeme. ��"�.�' <br /> ( .��.,. . . .`y ". T�.:;���.�.... <br /> '-.�;�� • �.ABdtwlo�l�I�.Trustor aAa�F inakeafl p�ymenta of int�nst�nd prfnclpal,and P�Y�1eQf an�r othar cf►ar�es,fevs,and .=�"`�"•-_ <br /> � �xpenses coMr�ct�d to b�pAkd ta�ny�xts�iny!qn PROtdwe or prtor beneflciarlos unde�ui�P►b�Qaed ot Teuet,llAortQaQa or � , <br /> °�', MhW►sYCUrlt�apnNrNnt. b�fors the dwh thi% ar�dN�nej�,tqn!�c!Co paF A�Y ottwr cladn►wAtch�YaRardFxas th�dwc�r.ty , ' � <br /> ���-5 <br />_;�/, �'.( �r�u�t�1�ot�tr�. . ''��;f;S�,c�:�/��`�,:':t`+'"�`�.��:,. <br /> �.���,;.t;t ;;(•��`;�f T_Protwatlo�W GtMNCtpry•o Secw�ty.Shou1Q jrustcN tatt 4Q rt�ake an��r Ra�mmrn�.faN to cto a�r act as Pwreln provided o�If '�;.:f��,,;•?;;,,:?.,`,:,;;;�,;;i:, <br /> ,�r • ,�t;,;,;�} � ,.�,.<,�.,:,.�� poy acilOn or proceeding is cammenc�d which maHedally a99ec9s Bene4iciavy's+hter�at I� the PropeRy,includi�g,but not ti .�J� ;:. . <br /> , �, (:�jt�;,���1�'}��`( �+ � Nmited to.eminent domal�,Inaolvency,arranpemeMa or procee�ing�lrnolvi�g a bank�upl; ar decedeM,then Baneflciary a �'�'�.y,�r ��1�j ! z� }�j,�r. <br /> .- ��:i ��. :Pi�i' Y 5 } � t- 1 <br /> :�:.f�i,� .., ,; �:� Truatee,but►vitAoui abligatlon 1v do so,and without notice to or dema�d upo�Truator,and wNhout releasinp Trusta�i�om any �,,` ,�r�r,r�7,�,: <br /> ���'�t�' �'!'�t '� ���,+`t, olblpatlo�he�eunde�,may make o�do the same.and may pay,purahase.conteat or compromise any encumbrahce,cha�ge or <br /> ,' Y�'; � `� 't'',fl,� i If1�yA,,�S;• <br /> �, � ,� , , ths8enefklaryorTrustee , s_�_�~���, ,.- <br /> Iien,whlC�h In thP J��mant of ellhar eppeers to elfect sald P►Op6ny;In exeralain�any suah powera, <br /> ,��' �� % r.,���i'� �'`�;� may Inaur a Uabllity and expend whatever arnouMa„inoludlnp olabursemeMe of reasonAble attorney'a feea,which In theh aa �` F � <br />:.?",-•;,;� j�!t`�"�� �;��<<��!�a,:u;?;; �olute dlsorelion may be �aae�eary. In the event thtl T�uetor ahpll lall to pracure Inaurance, tall to pay taxes and apecslel . _-� � <br />��'��'' �' j'� � �'��':'°�-���. aeseasmenla or tall to meke any p�ymente to exleltnp or prlor Ilen holdere or bensfla�Arlee,the Beneflelary may proaure euoh ���?�R� <br /> �' � �+ Insurl�nce and make euoh peymente.All eume Inaur►ed orexpended by Benefiol�ry or Trustee In eacordanee wlth the provl� � E��'" ` .� <br />` � �� ' �bna of the Daed of Truet�re e�aured hereby md,wlthout dem�nd,eh�ll b�Imm�dlately due md p�yabls by Truetor and ah�ll f . ' : x�,_ <br /> b�ar Intsre�t at the r�te provlded for advances undei ths Loan Ap�e�m�nt; provlded,however, thd at the optlon o1 the ; �..�3 <br /> B�n�flclary o�Tru�te�,euch eums m�y b�ddW to the prlealpN bN�nce ol�ny Indabtednsse s�aursd lanby and�h�ll b�� <br /> ., th���m�Int�mt��woh Indebtedn��s md�h�ll b�p�y�bl�rd�bly ov�r th�nmalninp term th�reot. ,..,.���- <br /> • ' . � . 8.Asd�nn�►t M R�nl�.B�nNlc I�ry sh�ll h�v�tM rlpht,pow�r�nd authorlty du►fnp t h�continu�noe of this DNd ol Trutt lo - <br /> '� ooll�at th�nnt�, I��u���nd proflis of ths Property �nd of�ny pnwn�t p�op�Ay loatsd thereon with or wlthout t�kinp � <br /> . „ po�s�s�lo�of lh�PropMy�if�otsd her�by.�nd Trustor h�reby abwluNly and unaonditlonwlly aeelpns�11�uah nnts,lesu�� `� •����:� <br />_ �nd �rolhe to Bendlal�ry. 9�n�flol�ry. how�vsr,hereby cons�Ms to th�Truator's oolleatlon and rotentlon of euoh�ents, �rr�x�::.�=„� <br /> ''' laue�md prolit�ae they aoarue and beaome p�yabls so tonp�e Trustor Is not,at sueh tlm�,in dsf�ult wlth r�a ���� --- <br /> ; . psat to pay " � <br /> msM of any IndebtedMSS �eoured hereby or In the performanae of �ny a9reemeni he►eundor. Upon eny auoh def�ult, 4��,;q� <br /> 8sneflclvry mpy�t any tlme,elthsr In pereon,by apsnt or by a reoelver fo be appolnt�d by a court,wlthout notice and wlthout • � �: <br /> rep�rd to!he adequ�oy of any aeaurlty for the Indebtedneae hereby aeaured:(a)enter upon and take poaeeasion of the P�oper• w <br /> ty or any pert thoroof and In Ite own name eue for or otharvvlae oolleot euah ronte,tasuea�nd proflte,fnaludinfl th4ae past due �s <br /> �n d unpa l d,an d app ly t he narne, less ao a t s an d e z p e n s e s o f o p e r a t i p n e n d c o l l e a t l o n,l n c l u d i n p r e a s o n a b l e e t t o r n e y f e e s, ' _� <br /> ,,,. � upon a�y Indebtednsae eeoured hereby and In suoh order ae Beneflciary moy determine;(b)perform suah aats of repalr or pra � .`?��,, � � <br /> •1 '�' teation I�s mey be neaeaeary or proper to coneerve the value of the Property;(o)leaee the eeme or any part hereof tor such ren• �*�••.••� :. � ` 4 <br /> V r.:�`:: <br /> ' ' tal term and upon suoh conditions as Its Jud�ment mey dlatete.Unlesa Truetor and Beneflcl&ry aqree otherwlee In writinp,any • • ;� <br /> �'�• ; �� �`�"•`� epplloatlon of rents,lesues or proflts to any Indebtedneas aecured hereby ehall not extend or postpone the due date ot the In• �• '' <br /> + � atallment peymente es provided In the Loe�Apreement.and the applicatlon the►eof as afo►eedid ahall not walve or aure any •�""`�'��-�� <br /> . '�. ' :.::f,,;c,,,'.�' <br /> " �.�'�'5.�� default o►notice of default hereunder or invalldate any aot done purauant to such nodce.Truator also aselpns to Beneflalary, } ' ��� <br /> r.,�.r.. •,. . . , <br /> ,Y' �''' " '''�� � ae funhe�aecurlty for the performance ol the obllpatlons secured hereby,all prepald rents and all moniea whioh may have �..•,..�':�'��,`; •'`" <br /> .:.�..t.,. � .,::::•. ;;r. .: .......::...�... <br /> ' ', � •;��l�ty�•' been or rnay hereafter be depoalted with sald T�uetor by eny leasee oi the Property,to aecure the payment of any rent,and . ,,:,�,�___ <br /> �".�`��i' � � upon default In the perloramnce of any of the proviafo�s hereoi,T�ustOr agreea to deliver euch rents 8nd deposlts to the ' ;..� ,��__ <br /> ;�.,y. • <br /> .,� �t Beneticlary. Delivery of wNtten notice o1 Benelficary's exerclse of the riphts gr��ted hereln to any tenant oaaupylnp sald ��;; .�;;;.�+;;,,i::=_-._ <br /> ;���,, ,�;;;;, . � premises ahalt be sufticleM to requlre sald tenant to pay sald reM to t�e Beneflclary until 1uRher notice. •�: ti'�;�---- <br /> ,?'.,� , .r::::1:,:. '�'�'-`- -- <br /> ::�.:..��, � ��:,_,. ,, 9.CoRdemnNlon.If tHle to any part of tAe PropeAy shall be taken In condemnatlon procebdings,by N�ht of eminent domaln �1 . '�.. �j��� <br /> ',;{;�� , ' ";;�;; ,.�� :,�.�;� or slmllar acHon,or shall be sold under threat of condemnatlon,all awa►ds,damagea and proceeds are hereby aselgned and ___ _ _ <br /> ._ ,.,: <br /> �� '�"� shAll be pald to Be�ef 101ary who shell apply euch award,damapea and proceeda to the eurne secured by the Deed ot Truat, .-.---. <br /> �-,e .?;; �• 'r�-.j• �'� . n. . _. <br /> , � A,� ,,•��� wlfh the excesa,If eny,peid to the Truetor. . <br /> ' ��i;,�� <br /> ';•r ; ° -�' ; � 10.RWuro Advano��.The Loa� ApreemeM provldea for advances from tlme to tlme ro Truetor by Beneticlary as provlded • • ���� " • <br /> " � � �" ��t�. �• thereln.In addlNo�,upon requeat of Truetor,Beneficlary,et BeneNciary's optlon,prlor to reconveyance of the Property to the ' � <br /> ,=�j�'� ..,. ^ , �•' ,•�• �• Trustor,rnay make uddldonal futu re advances to the Tiustor.Such luture edvances,with Intereat thereon,shell be aeaued by <br /> �' � �' ' � ~ thie Deed ot 7rust when evldenced by promisaory notea atetlnp that sald notea are sacured hereby;provlded that at no time � <br /> '',:'^s�'',:.,i ., <br /> , �,.;....,_ <br /> �,:�•. : , , � shalt the aecured prinalpal and lut ure advances,not Includlnp sume advanced to protect the security,exaeed one hundred per• <br /> ; ���- • • cant(tOD%)of ihe original prii�clpel emounts secured hereby. <br /> 11. R�m�dl��Cumulativ�.All remediea provided In thls Deed of Truet are dlstlnct and cumulative to any other rlght or <br /> ' `` • , remedy under this Deed of Truat o�atforded by law or equity,and may be exercised concurrently,Independently or successlve� <br /> . ` , '� �y, • <br /> � , 12.Aoc�t�rallon:R�rtwdNs:S�N.A deloult shall exlst In the event of: <br /> • • (A) Any fraud a mlarepresentatlon by the Trustor In connectlon wlth the Ilne of credit which this Deed of Trust secures: <br /> ,. # , (B) Any fallure on tha part of the Truator to meet the repayment terma in respect to the Loan Apreement and any other ad• <br /> `�� ' .� � vancea under thle Deed of Trust hereby eecured;and, <br /> : (C) Any satlon by the Trustor prohlbited by the terms of the Loen Aqreement or this Deed of Trust or any fallure of the Trustor <br /> •• � to aCt es requlred by the Loan Agreement or thls Deed of Trust,each of whfch Truator hereby agrees heve an adverse el• � <br /> � � �� fect on ihe Beneflclary's aecurlly for the Ilne oi credit established and the rlpMe of the BeneHCiary �n such secunry, ; <br /> � ; end upon the heppening of any such event of default,Beneffcfary may declare all sums secured hereby Immedfately due and <br /> '�.••,, ' -� . • peyable by dellvery ta 7rustee of wrltten decleratlon of detault.7�he Tr�stee shal�Aave the Rower ol sale of the Proper�y,and if <br /> : ' b;,.�,,;,,��t!r.������,:;�,� 6enefic�ary dealres the Property to be sold.H shall deposit w�th 7rustee th+s Oeed of Nvst and a11 promissory notes and <br />_ "�:'!;��• • ' � '��'�•''�• doCUmenis eviqenCing exa�nditu�es SeCUr�d hereby antl shati deNveT ta 7rustee a writlert not�ce of defaul�g*:n elec��on to <br /> �'�� •` � ������. +.:••. . ��;�:.,�'� cau9e th�PrnFeMy to be sold, end Me Truet�e in lurn shaN prepare a notice In tne form requ�retl Dy law.wh�ch ahau be tluly fll• ; <br /> . • � ` ";s!�i?�:� ` ' . :�'' 1 ed for record by 7rustee. <br /> � . �':. .; . ;�,: <br /> ' �l ' �,' �A) ANer tne lapse of such tlrne as may be required by law f�llowing the recordatlon of said not�ce o1 defauit, and notice o� <br /> ���i`` ?� r•��: '�,'y defauN and notice ol sale having been glven as requlred by Iaw,Trustee,without tlemantl on Trustbr,sh811 sell the Proper• � , , <br /> �� ,{t;�!:�,, .,.s��r,:}°���;�; , <br /> ; -�,;�, • !r '�,�,,� .�i,.rr•,•�:;� � ty o n t h e d a t e an d a l the time and place desi gnated in sald notice of se�e,at pubilc auct ion to the t�ighest bidder,the pur• � <br /> "� � '�� ::� �,'•'.•�i�������<'.tj'�,}� ch8se p�Ice payable In law1ul money of the United States at the Ume of sa1e The Derson conducting the sale may.for any <br /> ��`���-�",��,"4�;..� cauae hb deema expedlenl.postpone the safe from t+me to tlme u++111 It shali be cornAieted and,in eve�y sucn!^ce i <br /> , � ; : •,, <br /> � .1 no�n,;..�yc, - � <br /> e '� � <br /> . <br />