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04/14/2023 14:18 6033329531 <br />Attorney in Fact - INSTRUCTIONS <br />Rosie Carruth <br />PAGE 04/05 <br />202302499 <br />In the event that you assume the duties and obligations of an Attorney in Fact you should <br />clearly understand the following: <br />1. Consult your attorney initially regarding real and personal property. The handling <br />of fiduciary property is subject to various rules of law which can be complicated. <br />2. In managing the property you have several duties: You may not profit from your <br />position as Attorney in Fact. You must manage the assets with the care of a prudent person dealing <br />with the property of another. You must be cautious and you may not speculate. <br />3. You must keep the money and property separate from your own and must never co - <br />mingle it with your own or other property. When you open a bank account for the funds, it must be <br />in Rosie Carruth's name, by its fiduciary (yourself). Securities, if any, must also be held in this <br />manner. You may not change the way property is held, especially to joint tenancy with yourself or <br />others. <br />4. The law requires you to take every reasonable precaution to safeguard the assets from <br />loss. The best available banking facility should be used. Adequate insurance against fire, theft or <br />other hazards should be carried when necessary in order to protect real and personal property. <br />5. You must comprise an inventory. This inventory specifically lists all the assets at <br />the time your duties as Attorney in Fact are begun. <br />6. You must compile an accounting annually which shows all the receipts during the <br />year and all disbursements during the year. You must describe in detail what is left after payment <br />of expenses (balance on hand). Your attorney may assist you in preparing these accountings. Keep <br />track of all receipts and disbursements AS THEY OCCUR. Do not wait until it is time to make the <br />accounting, as mistakes may result. Keep extra copies of all accountings for yourself as well as for <br />your surety company, if any. <br />7. In order to sell, lease, mortgage or invest the property of the estate, additional actions <br />or papers may be necessary. Laws vary on this subject, so please contact your attorney for guidance. <br />You have been supplied with these instructions for your protection as fiduciary and for the <br />protection of the assets entrusted to you. As Attorney in Fact you have absolute duties and <br />responsibilities. Please consult your attomey for guidance. Thank you. <br />