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�{' . . . . .� • ^ „ _ '+ <br /> �`'� '�1'%+!� �.',i w�j~ ���_�.s�r• � . .. __/•�ii4�r�;.�- <br /> : �-�' '- . I .... .. - .�-. . <br /> t . . `. .' . i _ . '_ . . . - _ <br /> :"" � • <br /> --�i � ��O <br /> .V _ � . •applicahle 4w mtiY�ify far ninsuuemadl6efae sak af Ihe Prt�P�Y Pun�u�utt to uny�i\Oer of sale ca�x�ined in Ihiw <br /> - 5ecurity Insawocnt:or(b)ent�'of a ludgmeiu rnfateinp�hi�Socut�ty Msuument. 'I1Kxe ca�dillau+we Uwi Bui�owrr. (a) <br /> pays Lender di cums which U�rn wautd bc due under Ihis Secudty In�ln�menl And Ihc Nda ar ii no sccelcation h�d <br /> ocs�ured;(bl cures�ny dctauU of�ny other rnvenant�or�g�ememr:tc)pays aU aapenses i�u:um�d ia enforciog thiR Secudly <br /> � Inawmrnl.including.but no1 limited to.ress�nable aaomeyR'fees: wxf ldl takes cuch uetion as l.ende�mpy reawnahly <br /> " - I requim to�ssure Utu t!m Ikn af thiR Serurity Instrwixm.t.cndc��s dght�in U�e PropeAy and Bcxmuverk obliQalion to puy�he _ <br /> ����________ _ __ sums securod by thia Secu�lty Instnime�t sh�ll cantinue unchonged. Upan reinstukment by B�xmwer. thi6 5ocunty <br /> - I Instrument wW ihe obliBations serurod I�crcby shall Rmain fully cffc�:tivc us if nu uw:alNr�tiun hwl w:cu�+i. However,this <br /> i 4.� d({¢t ta r�inet�ee ih�ll npi aPpIY in ihe c�se of uccalcn�tlon uoder pwa�trnph 17. <br /> 19. S*M d NMei�e��a��'�'�r. 'tUe Nac ar ap�tial inte�st in the Note I�ogether with this SecurNy <br /> - - --�---�-� ; Y�)�r ba�oW qne ar more limes wilhoul p�ior notice io Borrowe�. A sale may result in a chunge i�1he entity <br /> (kn�n�a the•R,pMn Senieer")Ih�t collects monthlY payment�due under Ihe Note und lhis Security lasuument. The�e also <br /> ° �' � may be one�mone clw�ges oi�he l.ow�5ervice�wuelsued to a�le oi the Diae. It�here is A ctwnge�f the I.aa Srrvicer. <br /> _�':. Borrower will be given writteo notice oi 11�e change in srcca�dance wiW paro�-+ph 14 above aml Applicuble aw. The mwice <br /> ;'�'�,�',,'3" �w,. � ,:�''��` - will slate d�e na�ne and�dd�ess oi'U�e aew 4oan Servicer and the addness to which paymeats�lauhl ba m:rde. The�atice will - <br /> .,:;•, p�< i:. ulw conu�in�y dMr informatian reyaired by applicable lavr. <br />-,_.:,;�; F �. 20. Ilu��dvr�s SMbsta�ees f3arower sU�ll not cuu:�r:or pcmei�Ihe pneseixc,uvr,dixpoe�l swrage,rn'nelease ui any _ <br /> Haza►dous S�B�tzuxes aa ar in�he Pi�opeeX. Bomawer a0�a11�ot da.�xx ullaw anyone elar to iio.anything aQecting Ihe <br />-�''� � rr. ' s:s; 1 P�operly that i�in���lwion of'any EnvKOrunental Luw. 7'he preceding two sentcnee��hall mN a�y to the p�esence.u.e.M _ <br /> �=' storage on 1he Hnpeab of sma11 quantities a4'Huzanlou�Substances tlwt iu+e generally��cogniz�r3 ta�br app�opri�te w�wmal = <br />=_� • � �sidenlial uses And to m;a6rtetcnwnce of the 1'i+u�peny. - <br /> �;;�.�. ��'tr � Borrower she►!1�r�+megnlW�ovt i_,ender w-�'i�ten nc�ic�u:any investigation.clAim.�mund,iawsuil ar other:ertinn by any =- <br /> �_ k u:r:�.:f�1;- <br /> -. f•� `°;;r ,j? govemmenlai�or��guiu�ory ugcu�y or pd�.•aw:patty imrtr;;��thc t'resperty and any Huzacdou�. 5t•!••tss�ce nr Fn.inmmental _ <br /> , •,�. ��..���1�,.' Law of whi4h &�orrower has sictusil knowleQge. If Borrower leaccc,.ox is notifled by pny ����;.mmental or negulatory <br /> 1 <br /> =.. �.., ,�r..�, :. <br />=.;�,.,,,y � ,, � � auUwrity.thsu any mmoval or othe�remediation of uny Hazardous Su�wnce affecting�he Property is neressury, Borrower _ <br /> =-"�li+( .�.�,�;��r;=`• ; shall promptly take all necesaury remedial actions in uccorclance wi�h Farvironmen�ul Law. <br /> � .,f..�..l,. As used in this paragc.� 20."Hazardous Substurn:es'are those substances det'ueed as taxic or hazs+rdous su6stances by <br /> - —�%�>+c Envfronmental Law and t�e si,llnwing substances: �AUhim.kerosene,other tlam�na�+1e or toxic petroleum produets, taxic <br /> �� •��;� �,r .�. ; pesticides w�d herbicides, volatik solvcnls, muterialy containing asbestcn or formuldehyde.+ind rudioactive mu�eriuls. As <br /> � �b� �,� used in thia p:�agsaph 20,"Environmental Law"means federol luws aad iaws oi the jurisdiction where the Pmperty is located <br /> ��•, `� ` � that rel�te tm E�:,��Inf�,safety or environmc�t�l praection. <br /> . �� b�.��,�','7A' <br />- ��:' I NON-Lr,VO�ORM COVENANTS. I�u�rower und l.enckr Purther covenant nnd agree as follv��vs: <br /> -� ' �� " '° �'��� 2l. Acce�erAUan; Reaaedies. I.eoder ekall gi�e aiwiice to�ower prior to arcelerpt3�un fmlMwiog 6orrower's _ <br /> ,`_R,;_��: '' ''�'� ' breach of Anv covenaat ar agreement iq A�als Secwrilv Ae�sirument Ibut not pri�r to accele�ttri�under par�ph 17 - <br /> -:;_ ���� y i� uaiess nppii.ti6k t�w provldeA otlsPr��;. '37ir sx�3xr�!l s�secll�: !s!tlse dela�9�t:!h!th��rW�na requiret]wo cure We _ <br /> �j,•,�u:,;,�'�<�i;;:=r defaull;(cl�dArte.�ot k�thAn 311�lAg:7'r•om 1Ae date the notice ic given to Bor�o� wqalch the defaa�lt must be <br />���{''� '' ' "��r ' " •r.' ' cured•nnd(�A1 rl�M faUure to cure the defautl on or 6efore tbe date gpecitied in!he noNce may result in accelrrallon�f <br /> '°';°��;�i ':'�r'-''KfY���y�v� � the sums se�aa•e�by Ihis Security laglwment and sa0e of the Property. The tN�t�cP shall further inform�oa�ruwer u�P _ <br />;r���,��., �• '��•i:(>�:3 ' r'�' � the right to rel�sdate rOt�er ar�celers�lion and Ihe right Qu brin�;a court aMion tv a.aert lhe nan-existence af w�dl�iault or = <br /> ��r�� '-�?��-��""��' anv other detease of�oa�ro�ver to accelerAtion s�nd sale. It the dePault i�not cu+r�d on or 6etore the dote s�►c�cified in <br />`'�:;;��",.� - ...�:�y,�::....�.,.,t:.'�` � <br /> _;;�,,,,�,�,, ,,,;k�,�,�iy�;,s,,,,:•, j;• � the nottce.l�ea�Jer at ils optbn may require immediate payme�t in full uf'all sums xecured by this Sctiurlty instcument <br /> di�,; .+�' ,;;�.yt;;� �f�;� � wlthout PurulKr demand and may lovoke Ihe power oi sale And any uther remedies permiued by applic�ble taw _ <br /> , ;ia�,�,�E� 1�,;,;� Le�der sheOJ be entilled lo coMect all expeases incurred tn pursuing the remedies provided in this paragraph 21. <br />__ �,,,,.;,��,+,,, � ` ` i�cl�ding,but not limlted to,re�.sunable ottorneyc'feeti und cnsls of titk evidence. _ <br /> ,' f �,�i �� <br />-,..' j ' �'f�,r�� •c.,;��, �• If the power of sale is invoked,'I�ustee shull record n notice i�f default in each cuunty in whlch uay part of the _ <br /> - �•'� ��,e�°�''����`�^:'".�!'�''�. �roperty Is located and shull mrll copies of wch notice in the munner prescribed by applEcAbte Ipw to Burr++xe�and tu <br /> . R•y.i :i/�.1 �('"9'� ' .J�1�r <br /> � ,4� � � •�•�'[r`-.�,�; the other prrsons prescribed by applicable aw. After the ttme required by applicuble law.'llruxtee shaW��',��e public - <br /> ��� :, ' •�,Y,ij;•, •,,!.•: <br /> „r:�,.t� ':.••�, ,;; : notke of sale to the persons and in the manaer prescribed by applkaMe Inw. 7lruslee.without demand or+�arrower, <br />_:;F;.�;,�, :f�y,�,R;i ' shall sell the Propeny at public auctfon lo the Nlghest bidder nt uhc Jime uad plece and under�t�e terms desiAnAted ie� _ <br /> ,�yr���,, .,,�n' ' tbe notke ot'salc in oae ar more purcels and In ar+y order 7lruqlec�1Ptmrmines. 7lruslee mav pas��oat sale af afl or any <br /> ;� ' �•'{d;�-;�G. parcel of Ihe Propert�InN publ(c announcement�t Ihe tlme s�a�d p0nt�ni anv W'e•'ious�Y se1�3uled sale. l.eaakr or its <br /> �, '� '•�r;'��;.`" , �:'w d�6��Y Purchase tC�e f'roperty at any sale. <br /> ..: :�: ���'�•` ' a. <br /> •.r� ,R, ;�;_;.:•i�. Upon receipt ot payment of the prlre bid.Truslee stx�il de�a�•er to tbe purchaser Truatee's deed c�u�eving the _. <br /> `: �`,,, �'',�,� ��`�;,;..�,;_"*:, p rt The recitnls in Ihe 7�uster's dced shall�er prima fs�ck c��ldence uP the truth uf the 5latements made therein. - <br />` `?i ��` 't:�'�i�• "��a�� 'l1��shaY apply the proceeds oi the�nOr ia l�he fallowing urder. 1a1 to all cosls and expenss:s o!exereWn8lhe power - <br />��f,����4� �Y�• <br /> r:�'�Y� �;'..�;.`'.•���., i . <br />'Jt : 3���S{:: ,. . <br />- �. "''''' �•.��r;� <br /> ,�.i..��,�.�',;j,•��1 <br /> .� � � .. ,i <br /> N��, � <br /> .�; :� tip ua;;�� <br /> r ` <br /> - 'A - <br /> , � . �(i F:rw1Y:% 9.411 ��vers,qbl�.i;:,� - <br />__ w � �l��.r <br /> '=�.1, �,�*:� , '.4;;��': <br /> [ <br /> ,, ' �:, :..�.,, ; <br />.. �r .:o• ,`�i <br /> a^ ;:��,.�,�;''f�i,��.`�� . <br /> ` �t�st:7 ��?��:A..,;�.. .�;;��1'���.,fl��t1'�W�wu.... -;{�;•' "JYjA'�al�'i0R1��/1'(tQ7 :.:innxUrrnt�—�....� �T.,`... ,....e <br /> �r •r"t9w'�,,'Y1.r`.l.��'�*i'�►`T�` `;41i1c::. <br /> 'iy�' ` Z y;•.�'�$�'�:F•` �• " Jt ;ti.. �,�,.� <: , ��' . .�. ,.�,.., .. ' ., <br /> , ;: <br /> 64�.1i. ''a*S'�- - � ,.YL� . . . � . � . ' . .. . , <br /> � y7:jr- \ -:rry:t'.-' ., .. -- ..�.,;��_: . ', _ . ,'.-. ' . : <br /> �4" ;�'�1L12s V�T 1'F. • 1 .. .. . : . , . <br /> " 'y, d.G�Vj �A `l�+�j�' '� .i' .�'1�` ... . <br /> 11} �.t. �' t I�{ wF•` .2p?;'')}� <br /> � ry' ' ;�• ' J�,.�'�. . . .• ,l.'. . _ .r.:��_ . , / . <br /> '�� I�.If1��i�.���.� � .'I��tS <br /> ' � 'y,�7�.�:: \j. .� ��ti..'� . . .. _ . . _ <br /> _ ,, ad �� � '.r�yi' ,. >� ' � .. , ' . . . <br /> � . . - . .. . . . <br /> ," �.. � . , . .. <br /> 1°" , ` • .. • <br /> • . . �� <br />�'�• . J ��:;..� . �� ' . . ' - . . • <br /> i� • .°.; `-+�•`:,�; � ,� • . <br />.�+•' I + ►� �; , ,. <br />:.`T� } � ... °":yl j � . .� ... <br /> � . ' . � _. . _ ._� -- �- --- <br />