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, . _ <br /> 'i��,`u �«�m+�r�w ' � � <br /> _ :�� ,I�"'��� ;T:I�SI`S�V�4'i..�_— <br /> . . t..f• <br /> ,7 . .. •`'L �_ ,y'%�. .-. . ' � � .'. <br /> � "'.' � 'Y.K�r•. <br /> L. <br /> ��� :7.� '�.• <br /> �. -- - - - <br /> _.— <br /> w� ��O <br /> __ - -- ---- 93• 1 - � <br /> �r colldCmtuli�o110r dI1C�I�kIQR ot Y11y pa1l of{be PIOpCAr•or for canveyaaoe in lieu af cundemnwia�,arc hercby aui�rtcd ond �- <br /> _.' -- - - - xtwll ba paid to t.e�wler. - <br /> .� .�_ In ihc cvcnt of a Idd lakin� of�t�e Propnty.the_�roceeds �Iwll 6e Applied �o �he suma securcd by lltis Sccwby <br /> '- ; instrwnent.wiKther ar t�t Ihrn duc. wi�h any escess paid to Bcxrower. In�hc evcnt of a paniul taking of�he Pronerty in <br /> �;! ° ,�;,.,�',�`,L,, ' whi�h Ihc fair markct v�lue of the Prupeny immodisucly before thc taking i�eyuol�o or grcutcr thun thc artwunt of tha sumR =: <br />_. �����a��� Frrutrd!+y tfiis S�erurity InstNment iernnediately beforr the taking,unless B�xrawcr end l.cndcr dhr.►wi�c pgrce in writing, <br /> _,-.�__ the wms�co�urcd by�his Secu�ity Inswment sh�ll be rcduced by the amoum uf the proceeds muliiplied by ihc following L <br /> - imc�ion: (a!rhe I+Na)nmaunt�f the sums recwed immediatdy befare�he tuking,divided by(b)the fAi�market value ot'�ha <br /> "`4� Propehy immediu�aly Nefi►r�a ihe i�king. Any balsu�ce shall be paid to Bormwer. In thc cvent of u partiul taking of Ihe <br /> _�_, ,•�-,, propeny in whkh tho fair awrket vulue af�he Propen��immedia�cly bcfnre the toi�ing is Icss than the umount of�he xumx —_ <br />_�T= ` ;�,��h.;. , i:ccurcd Immediutaly befa�a the taking,unless Bannwer and Lrnder ahenvise agree in writing or unless upplicable law _. <br />_ :, �}• otherwiKe provides.tlie pra;eade�+hull ba Applied lo the�ums serurcd by�hi:Security InsdMrt�eM wl�ether or nat the�ums air '�r- <br /> �aR� �;►• •: then duc. <br /> -T+�':� �' .: .•:.,1�` . If 1he tt ih ubandoned b Norrower,or if:aiter notice b I.ender to NoaaN�e�that tbe c�ndemnor oii'er��o malcr _�q.,,- <br /> -_;p�'.... ,�_ ... «'�� � �� y•� y Y lK,�.+ <br /> �"' ;t,y , an awa�d c►r senle a claim fardama�es.Borrovver faiLg w re�pond w Lender within;tl da�•�nt1�e�the r�a0e Yiva:rn�ice is given, <br /> !�:�'g •:`�;: ;�,�' , L.ender is au�horixed io collec� ard upply the its optioa.eilher b resloratian�u�nai�a!'the��ty or lo Ihe �.:'�:`° <br /> _' . 'r� f�,�� � e:.:n_. <br /> ,;.�;�h}•' sums recured by this Secunity M�tnn�u,whether or�at�hen dae, �'�'�- <br /> �� ' ��� '��` Unlesc Lender und Bortowerothervuise • ree in writin ,un K.atioo of s to eKi shall not extend or � <br /> aB B Y ���' P� P''+ P� <br /> poWpun�U�r Jur�lule ut th�mumhly puymcnla rtferred to in p;uaFu��I:uid 2 ot change iM:acrcownt of such pnyments. �;z:. <br /> _.,. �. ll. Barrower NW Rekssed: Fo�araoac By l.ende� Nlot A WAI�@i Ex�ension of' the �ime for payment or �-- <br /> ���.� . �'��{��;' .� o,� maditicwion af am�xti�ali�x�of'1he�ums.ecured by this Security Instrumea��r,uuted by Le�der to any successor m interest —y� <br />-.�,���'�1'{is`��:,t! � PQ Y �. T;�:_: <br /> of Borrowcr slull not a ratc�o rclea.0 the liabilit of the ai mal BomoH•rr«s 8amwer�succe�sors in iMerrst. l.ender �`i��.. <br /> -. ,..-�;^•e•• ai�uU �M,t b�: re uirc3 ta�ommesue m r e e d la . a airtst an curc«�ar ia intrrest or refase to extrnd time for �rsent or i`°`�=` <br /> ��-- �- t.- .,i>.,:;.,.<,, y P 8' 8 3• P�Y `�'•,-_. <br />���•' � aherwi�e madif umonizution oi'iM swn.secured b this Securi I�strument b neawn of an demand made b the ori mal <br />- �;,,, . k���� r r �� y r r s� �'a��; <br />';'°`�t:'�; F;� 8ortower or Borrower+xuccecxon in in�erest. 4ny fbrbeurwice by Lender in eaer+cising any r'r�lu or remedy shall not be u <br /> �•: <br />-°' . �};�, ���,.1 '' waiver of or preclude the exercise oi':uiy�ight or rcmedy. d::�_ <br /> `��"�',� � , 12. Successors and As9lgns Bounds Jotnt and Several Liability;Co-signers. The cuvenams,u�agrc�nents of tpis «.�'<'; <br />_:•� 's`v.:`?�; � 'f:�3 . Seeurity Inctn�men�.hnll hind +md hcnefit �hc�.aecr�a►n u�d ac�iBn�oi f xmler and Rnrrower.cubjec�to tB�e provision�of �:�'t"' <br /> .ux._- <br />;;.`;�', ���(3.�j� :.. groph 17. Bartowerk covenuntx nnd s�gieement�+hull 6e joiM and severul.Any Borru�►er who co-sign�this Security F.�-_ <br /> � r' j;� �., <br /> ?;f!� �;�t'��y�'.!�%:;f�t/;�3��,,'�� nstniment bu�does not execute the N�►te: (u► is co-signing�his Saurity Insuument only�o murt�age,grant sind convey that <br />��'•+7 � -���If.f�,{.�L'�4 Bomowerk iotener:t in the Pro •rt under tbe�em�s of�his Securi� Instrumenr, (b1 is nat nonall�abli uted to a ihc sums <br /> ::;.�._ �. :�� . � P� Y Y Pe � ) B P Y <br />:�•�• � :;;..•i��', ':,'� � secu�d by thir Security Inslrumem;nnd Ic)agrees that Lender und uny o�her Borrower may agree to extend.madify,fortx�r �'''`� <br /> {,. ,,._, ,.�t -.,_ <br /> - N' :...,:.; . ..,4;, or make any uccommcxlations wNh negurJ to tlrc terms af�hia Securily In�hument or the Note without �hat BorrowerE =:=_- <br /> C0116CIIL F _ <br /> -_�=�t�F.1���r� � � �i:i�. <br /> — ,.r�, r 'j+.�s' 13. Loan Ch��es. ii ti�e ioan xcured by ihi. Scrumy imtrumcni ia �ui,jcY:t to u iaw wi�i�h aet, �ild3iiiiiUi71 �.�a�+ �,_. <br /> rF4y-.i'r� r � '�%�"�"" ehsuges,and that law i�finally intrrpneted so�hat ihr interest or-c+theT loan charges collected rr to be collected in conne�eicM r�`� <br /> •t ,,� •�,�'!" ",`S �l;�^;,-, with the k�an exceed�he pe�mitted lic i[..thrn: (A1 uny such Io:u:c ch�rge chall he reduced by the amount necessary to reu!�:c: "�,.z <br />..:.::;, x..,��.;�,. •� •t, ��.. <br /> s�,� thc charge ta the pertnitted limit;suxi yb��ny�unz�a�xeady coN�r�cA 1'ram Brdnou•er which excee�led permitted liani�s wial l� ��� <br />-- '..� ,�S �� �. ��_ ;.� .,.«-� <br /> .�,�k,. ;.;,;;.i��>x�-,�:, :, �'s refunded to Bomc►we�. I.ender may ch�,e to m:�e¢his refund ry rcducing�sce��rincipal owed under ihe f�wtc�ar t+y m:ifcing a �•.���;;; <br /> - ��';i'`. �::::����t dircct puyment t�Borrower. If u rcfund reduce+{�+�:+�aa. ahr redurtinn will M treatetl ac n�nniul prepayrtxnt withcwt any a�:'.° <br />__nn:,;; t'�':::�� t.:-__` <br />___ . �, �,►,'� prepayment chorge undcr the Note. �_�••- <br />_-- A i`::� ¢-. <br /> ,;���f..,,,•;,,�:���.:k ' 14. Notices. Any notwc to Borrower provided for in thi,5rcurily Instrument shall br�iven by delivering it or by <br /> �� ��.�' r{�� ., mailing i�by 6rst clu,s mail unle�s applic:►ble la�.•r�i�u�res use of nnother method.The nwice�hull be directed�o the Propeny �;�;:�` <br /> ���'�� Address or uny other addrrss Bnrto�ver designa�es b�: nolire to Lender. An} ncNice ta Lender shall be given by fint class � ��;_ <br />_,'...�� a,.5�:a�, ��.>, - ,.: <br /> �:'` ;•;,',,.�,;��`¢'�":.... ��::•' mail to Lender:s uddre�s�iated hercin or uny uthrr ail:�res�Lender Jesignutes hy notice to Borrower. Any notice provideci for <br /> � �u " `�' ''��«''� in thix Secudty Ins�rument .hall t+e deemed to I1:1�'2 heen given to Borrower or Lender when given as p�ovided in this �T. <br /> r;.: ��;:.;;':��"` {r3'`.�.5 z,�,�.' arn ra h. c <br /> _.:tc ,r,� fjr•}:,•t,.. P 8 P -- <br />`,��c r; �c��;%`���:;��, I 5. (iovern i nR L o w: S e�•e ra�o l 0 i t��. 'I t�is S a c u r i i} I n,v u rn e n t s h o l l b e g u v e m e d h� f e d:r a l l u w u n d I l t e l a w u t't h c <br />:�iw �;1: ' •,.. w�#�,"�t' juri+Jiction in which►he Prupeny i.I��r,r,�d. 1n tt�e event�hat am�pro�i�ion ur clautie af thi�Se.uriry Instrument or the 1o�e . <br /> •° •� �1 conflicts with applics�ble law.�uch cun(lict shull not uflcct other pro��i�ions of this Seeurity lnstrument or�he Note whicl�can t�� <br />��� ` +;' ��ti'� be iven effect wi�huut�hn: contlictin�. �;��hix end the roaision. u£this Securit lnstrument und the Note are �''��'Js� <br /> �`:` >•�': •�;rs'':1� " F RPm P Y ,i..:,,� <br />'q-,,. declored lo be sevcruble. ,:•,i;^ <br />-�.��' �'..,'�,�?';'�- �;��' ' 16. Borrower's Cupy. Burnn�er�hull be given une cnnfor:^:�3 copy of the Note und nf this Securiry Inswmem. ��"•� <br /> .�; „ t, ,,:;•:�• - <br /> _ . ::�;r;;:��,;'�� ; 17. '11�nsfer of the Property or a BeneticiAl Interest in Borrower. If all or uny�un of the Property or uny intere�t in <br /> •• ' °�'�� � i�is xold or trsmsfemed Inr if u heneticial int�res�in Borrow•cr i�+old or «ansfened and Bormw•er is not a natuml penon� �;'�='� <br /> ' -"""'-y►�- ?•�:`����°�•� without Lender.prior written rcmcent,LenJer muy,at it.nption,require imm�diate paymem in full of all sums securcd by ` x°. <br /> `�1.�.�. v�t� .-y�•i....' <br /> - ; :,.:,:;;r�t� �*;�„ this 5ecurity Inztrument. Howcvcr,this option�hall not be ezen�iseci by Ler.;:er if exerrise is prahibited by federal luw ux of �� <br /> _ :;;;�,r ��••� the date of thi,Seruri�y In�trument. _____ <br /> +i F�`�{�"�� • If Lendcr exereixrti ihiy uptiun.Lerder shal I give Burcow�r,^.�nsca of ucceleration. Thc ra!ire shall provide a periocl of =--__ <br /> ' j1 ��`:• •�s not les.ihun�0 duy.from�hc date th��x�t�rc i,delivereJ cx m:�ii�d v�ithin whidi B��rroa•cr re.e:a pay vll sums.ix:ured by Ihi, �::,. <br /> -�= �:;..�•::t:�:�,: <br /> `;x:-'• �x" � '•'����' . . <br /> -- � � �',� _t T*�{�ii"'� Securi�y Inti�rument. If Bortowrr fail.t�► pav�he,r ,um, prn+r ir thc cxpiraii��n of thix period. Lender moy invoke uny ' t, <br />'�?;1�.'; s;'y•.�;�;,,,, . ,.��;;;,.,•. remcJics�xtmiltcd by thi+S��urity In+�rumeni weth+.=ut iunher n��aicr or Jemand on Hi�RUwer. <br />-;-wc. �' ,�''"� " �1� 18. Borrower'c RiRht tu Reinstate. If H�•rs;��.�zr meea� c�rtain ronJuiun., gorcowrr+hull h�vc thc right to hare .'�; <br /> ;1�1,�1{,f.±Ky�;•.•_.,tl�f r.t�: <br /> ;`;. ;�,�� ,��r• eufwc�uwut ul'�I�i.S�curit�In.trument di�r��ntinurd at any tim:priett►�> the rarlirr nf� la►�da���(or�uch other pxriotl a-. �LL'�: <br /> '(i^ �� �,',. -,`,�,r • ' .:W- <br /> j;'7 �t 1{�'S`};, ;;`�,i i:� ti�mt1►F•rnelg..Funnk 1f�MFreddk Nrc C\YF'�)R\11\�iTRI'�4:\7'..l ndiKtn Cnvenams 9/9p �pu¢ea u(n�xl¢rr� a. <br /> 'J_.f��` �-�,�ld i ... -_��� t4 .: . <br /> -` i';�4j1 l; . . '( �_ <br />_� 'r,.''s �:�,�.'���; . . • �1,'� <br /> - Y 5 ,I }} � 1 :�.•i� ,I.�F <br /> ��•S i�';'��� �/��,,q �!; ��t <br /> ��� 1w 1. {+ -��.� - ��M:'tet[a.. ��',:;E3..SY�f!n��7i\'*.�+,. . a��.• � " ... . . � ��;f;'+��f�i�i��al�11V1jjf/� ��'r���•4 4,?►�,til.Ly�{µ,':�},l�,m'��1h�!Gxt�l��`*r[� '. <br /> � i , ��(�i;.�'��� � �i ' . . . i � . " � , � y •( <br /> �,,a��_ ; ,"�'°��1� ��: _ . ��, r. � �,, . , . ,'. ' :.�. . <br /> -":�t `� �.M.�l. .�, ,�� 7`- � _— - ...._ - . , , . . . _ . . !�`,i.,,:, . �I.t,; . <br /> y• � �� ,,� 1�� • �. � •,, � ,�.y 1 <br /> .� �, "4�.s. '.� ,�+�.., . , � ..,, ,y,; tiT , . <br /> � ; .R�'.�ftf ,�, , . . j; , '�l�i� . <br /> .. , .�� :.�., • �+���:�1��:,:' . .f'�.�� , , ,!' ''' y.,. , <br /> • ' ,r't�;.�`L'.•�n..'. "1�_ ''•ti, , <br /> . '�; ' !',, ,�'.�ti'��1�?�'t.r>-�'. �:.,. . •,. . � � � `� 't�' : <br /> ,!'-• <br /> �_ � .� � _ . a ,"' <br /> ��� `�'� ,� ."�7��`� ..,(�li�� � � . . ' . <br /> r i <br /> �,4� � �' 1r.4..,,:lt�i �^r. ..a.' .. • . . , <br /> ��'f:�`:Vj. <br /> �S ' � �t�.'�1��.' _ . . . � <br /> ; •:/����1�'�'• �t . . .• ' _ <br /> ' ' '�,.�.ii��,�• � � _ ' . . � , <br />. r � �.�. .,.�'�'�Lryy�_i� . .', . . . . <br /> '� }t1.��t.,r{�?,t;�r • ' 1 � <br /> �'.�. <br /> ,��, <br /> ' •� . <br /> � ;, _� - - - -�-- <br />