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<br /> " I�. 1�c�tslattum. I8�nfrex ttte Qnte heteaf�en,ctiuent ox expfration oi a�pllcable la►wa�zave Uco effect e[ttiee ot c�ndering ,,;;�-�
<br /> . • thz�rovislons��f t�io iVote.the i1Eed oY 7'rust or any tiidor.uaenforoe�T:t.�sour�in3 co thcic tetms.or nli or esny part .y,1,:
<br /> of tt�nums sesured Qerzby ummllectiblo�ns othenvlse provided In th�s De�d of Tn�st or ths Noie�or o�diminisbiaII
<br /> ' the vNue af LendRa's 4reucIey.�rcn Leudar.at Lcader's option,tnay c4eclnee,a11�u��er.umd by the��ec1 uf Ttust to
<br /> �.'�,,�
<br /> ` be fmm�iutaly due cnd paynble. �_=
<br /> r.-�.:_
<br /> ..-��;� ?AD. 1�¢�ense. U�oa gayme�t oY aU sucrs secuted by thia Qced of Truct.this Deed of Ttust shal!�rco�e null at�vaid �t:.__!-
<br /> ��--
<br /> "��'<:�""� . wrd Y�ender ar Ttuatco shu11�Lea.%e tb�a D�+d oY Ttust wititaut chnrge to B�trotivcr. If'�'custee is rrcQwaced to release �4.�;,
<br /> •.. .aa�;
<br /> . . thia Dced oY Tcnut,ali ia�tnunenta evidem:ing satiafaatiQn o�t�e iude�SteduQSS secureQ by tbia�eed of Trust shull be �!'`',: :
<br /> � ,; sunendered w Tnsutee. �or,aw�r sha2l pay atl caste of c�rdntton�i��ay. Leuder,a�I.ender's optlon.�ny uU�w a o;`_:
<br /> � � ��. parti�t nclease oY tha iaragertY an terms accePtnble to Lender nnfl Leadar�any c�hucBe o relea�fee. _-,-
<br /> R'.
<br /> ��� _ _
<br /> � 2fl. �Alntvcr of�amc.���. �mov�cr hereby watves aU dgttta of honustc�d e3cem�tian in tho Fmperty. _-
<br /> � ',:, �2. �lfamrrtovs St�• �ommwcr s�all ncc cause or permit the p�esence�uu��c43�ga�u1,storage�ar r�lea�o�f any _.�
<br /> .; ,: ',i°,, ETa�anioun��bstn�►ces ua or in�ho Pragerty. Borrower shnU nat do. nor altow �ny�n�else to do,anything af�i3ctEnII --
<br /> . � tha Property thnt ia in violution ot any�avlmaaaetual Y.aN. 11c�preced�r►g tv�►a sc�t�all nat opPly to the prese+�c,�� l..�
<br /> A11R
<br /> use. ar siorage on the ProperiY of small qumidtie3 of Hamcdoua S1►bstances thut ara gescerally recogaized to 6e
<br /> ' � aPPn►P�w normal iestdenti�il uses and w muiateaauce of the Progetry.
<br /> F�_°.
<br /> Borcocver sha11 promptly glve I�ender wtitten aatIoe of any iave�tigadon,cla�m�demand�AYBI�It��ausr Su�staace ar --
<br /> ' .� gov�mmcntat or iegulatory agaucY or private party involving the Pe+eperty _
<br /> ' �nvironmental Iaw of ahlch Borcnwer t�as actual imowledge. If Barroiwer learns,or ls aotiRed by any gove m m e n t o l
<br /> or regulatory uuthority.Wat ui►Y re�aoval.or oth�r remediution of uny Haza�dous Subswnce affexda�the PropertY is
<br /> � �ecessaq►. Horc�ower shaU gmmptly t&ke a1l aee�s,'u�'remcdial acxfons in u000rdnnce wItb BnvIc+unm�ntal Luw.
<br /> � .�:�~ As used!n ttds p�Ph 22• �H�rdaiis 5ubstanees'�those substeaces Geflned os wxic or hs►zat+daua substanoes —
<br /> •..�_:: :�:; by Eatrimnmsuta!1.nw and�he fouvwiqg��bn�t�: g�cli�.�"a ..o°°��...s.�*.het�a�_h1e or coatc petroleum Qmdttcie, ,
<br /> . .,�:,,
<br />_.'j;���: '; toxfc pestictdes aad hErbicldes, volntila solvents, matcrlals oontelning aslxstms or fom�aldeLyrle. nad mdioacdvo
<br /> materints. Aa used ta thls pAraBraPb 22� �Bavironmental luw' msan.g tcde�al lavus and lawa of the jurtsdic�ton where
<br />�"�';�:� ,`:• tlie Proptrt!►is loc�ted that c�eluto to hcaItb�safetY.or envirenu�ental pmtecdoa. '
<br />;,.,i��,�,,,,�,:-.
<br /> ":� r>.� �;� aPPp�t u suvicessor
<br />=,;��c,�� :�; 23. Saba3ttt�te Twst�. Lend�r may 4'cam timII to tlate W L�ad�er's dlscret�ton t+emove Tmstee and .�
<br />� �;._�.,� tcuatvc ta nny Taustee uPPelnted heieunder. Without conv�yanoo of tAe PropertY.the suao�sar uustee ahell suo�d ,
<br />�,,:�,,,..,...�.,
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<br /> -->t-..��=�� pn b�half ui.c,frh pariy hereto,Bomnwer requests that a notloe of defauYt md a aopy of aay nottce of sale ker�.vnder
<br />"`�°`..;.T.'� ba mailed to each pecson hettito a3 the ad4t�ess of sucdi persoa set fonh hetetn.aU at the saune 1�imo aad W the eama
<br />�.._ _ _ .
<br />�:'::�"�`�� ms�ner es wauld be�equlred if a sepamte request therefor httd boea �103 by ea�of sucb parsons.
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